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ITEC 7460

Casey (Baccarny) Enloe

Journal Entry #1: Preparing for First
Coaching Session
• To prepare for the first coaching session I asked the teacher I am coaching, Ms.
Wappas, what day(s) and time(s) would work best for recording one of her lessons. Ms.
Wappas, chose for us to record one of her 6th grade on-level ELA classes. Prior to
recording the lesson I asked Ms. Wappas if there were any instructional technology
goals she thought would be useful in her classroom. Mrs. Wappas thought that her
students needed help learning to use their new devices. To record the lesson, I set up
my laptop in the back of the classroom and used my webcam.
Journal Entry #2: Identify Coaching Session
For this coaching session I had Ms. Wappas watch a video of herself teaching her 6th
grade on-level ELA class. After watching the recording of her lesson, I asked Ms.
Wappas to describe her classroom and the lesson in order to identify the current reality
of the lesson. I asked Ms. Wappas Knight's 10 Identify Questions from page 84 in the
text. Ms. Wappas noted that she felt her students were wasting a significant amount of
time logging into their devices and digital resources which were negatively impacting
her class's instructional time. The goal that Ms. Wappas identified was to have 90% of
her students log on to their online resources within the first 5 minutes of class.
Journal Entry #3: Learn Coaching Session
• For this coaching session I reviewed the previously established goal, 90% of students will
be logged into online resources within the first 5 minutes of class, with Ms. Wappas. After
provided Ms. Wappas with a checklist that covered how to use Microsoft Forms and
Nearpod I then asked Ms. Wappas if there was anything that she would like to change
regarding our coaching goal. Mrs. Wappas decided to move forward with using Nearpod in
her classroom rather than Microsoft Forms. I modeled for Ms. Wappas how to set up a
lesson with links to resources on the Nearpod program. To conclude the learn coaching
session I had Ms. Wappas establish a time to implement the resource into her classroom.
Ms. Wappas chose to send me her Nearpod lesson before using it in class and invited me to
attend one of her classes to provide assistance as needed in a co -teaching format.
Journal Entry #4: Improve Coaching
• To prepare for this coaching session Ms. Wappas emailed a copy of her Nearpod lesson for my review
prior to the implementation of the Nearpod in her ELA classroom. After I ensured that all links and
the code was properly working I came to Ms. Wappas's room to observe her lesson implementing
Nearpod. For this lesson she successfully used Nearpod for the first time. 27/29 (93%) of her students
were successfully able to log on to the Nearpod without teacher assistance. Before beginning the final
coaching session for Mrs. Wappas's lesson, I confirmed the direction of our meeting to ensure we
were covering the topics and goals that were important to her. Next, we reviewed the progress that
she made to achieve her goal so far. Ms. Wappas agreed that she had reached her goal and was happy
with the progress her students made. Our coaching session was concluded by determining a future
goal. The future goal is to use more interactive Nearpod features, such as draw it and write it, in
future lessons. We agree to meet the following week to work on this goal. I felt that this was a
successful coaching session and I worked hard to treat Ms. Wappas as an equal partner as stated in
Jim Knight's Impact Cycle.

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