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Assessment Workbook

CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package

Learner name: _______________________________

This Workbook incorporates the following units:

CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work

CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work
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Units of competency .............................................................................................................. 5
Overview/Competency demonstration ..................................................................................... 5
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work ..................................................................................... 5
Determine and plan basic work task activities. ...................................................................... 5
Organise performance of basic work task. ............................................................................ 5
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations ........................................................... 6
Obtain measurements. ....................................................................................................... 6
Perform basic calculations. ................................................................................................. 6
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work ................................................................... 7
Gather information. ............................................................................................................ 7
Estimate materials, labour and time..................................................................................... 7
Calculate costs................................................................................................................... 7
Document and verify details. .............................................................................................. 8
Assessment Workbook ........................................................................................................... 9
Assessment Overview ............................................................................................................ 9
Readiness for Assessment (Trainer to Complete) ................................................................... 10
Unit of competency ............................................................................................................. 10
Assessment Task 1 – Written/Verbal Questions...................................................................... 11
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 11
Assessment Task 2 – Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks .................................................... 11
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 11
Assessment Task 3 – Projects .............................................................................................. 11
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 11
Assessment Overview Agreement ......................................................................................... 12
Agreement by the Learner ................................................................................................... 13
Agreement by the Assessor .................................................................................................. 14
Assessment Task 1 – Written/Verbal Questions...................................................................... 15
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 15
Written/Verbal Questions Assessment Record ........................................................................ 42
Units of competency ............................................................................................................ 42
Instructions for the Learner .............................................................................................. 42
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 42
Assessment Task 2 – Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks .................................................... 43
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 43
Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Checklist and Assessment Record .................................. 44
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 44
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 – Plan and organise work .......................................... 45
Part 1: Farm shed sketch ..................................................................................................... 46
Part 1: Project requirements ................................................................................................ 47
Part 1: Project schedule ....................................................................................................... 49
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 – Carry out measurements and calculations ................ 50
Part 1: Concrete calculations ................................................................................................ 51
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 – Job estimate 1 ...................................................... 52
Part 1: Materials list and estimate ......................................................................................... 54
Part 2: Project schedule ....................................................................................................... 55
Part 3: Quotation ................................................................................................................ 56
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 – Job estimate 2 ...................................................... 57
Part 1: Materials list and estimate ......................................................................................... 59
Part 2: Project schedule ....................................................................................................... 60
Part 3: Quotation ................................................................................................................ 61
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 – Job estimate 3 ...................................................... 62
Part 1: Materials list and estimate ......................................................................................... 64
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Part 2: Project schedule ....................................................................................................... 65
Part 3: Quotation ................................................................................................................ 66
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation – Plan and organise work ....................... 67
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 Observation – Carry out measurements and calculations
......................................................................................................................................... 70
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1 .................................... 73
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2 .................................... 77
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3 .................................... 81
Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Assessment Record....................................................... 85
Units of competency ............................................................................................................ 85
Instructions for the Learner .............................................................................................. 85
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 85
Assessment Task 3 – Projects .............................................................................................. 87
Assessment instructions ................................................................................................... 87
Project 3.1 – Plan and organise work .................................................................................... 88
Part 1: Work plan 1 ............................................................................................................. 89
Part 1: Work plan 2 ............................................................................................................. 94
Project 3.2 – Perform measurements and calculations ............................................................ 99
Part 1: Flooring material .................................................................................................... 100
Project 3.3 – Calculate costs of construction work ................................................................ 102
Part 1: Calculations Table .................................................................................................. 103
Projects Assessment Record ............................................................................................... 104
Units of competency .......................................................................................................... 104
Instructions for the Learner ............................................................................................ 104
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................. 104
Final Assessment Outcome Record ..................................................................................... 105
Units of competency .......................................................................................................... 105
Agreement that competency has been achieved .................................................................. 106

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Units of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Overview/Competency demonstration
This Workbook covers the following units of competency:

CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work

This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to plan and organise basic work
tasks on a construction site.

The unit is suitable for those with basic skills and knowledge undertaking routine work tasks under
the direction of more experienced workers.

Completion of the general construction induction training program specified by the model Code of
Practice for Construction Work is required for any person who is to carry out construction work.
Achievement of unit CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:

Determine and plan basic work task activities.

✓ Determine work task outcomes and other requirements.

✓ Break the work task into its component tasks.
✓ Assess the component tasks to determine what needs to be done and how it is to be done.
✓ Estimate the time and the number of personnel required to complete each component task.
✓ Identify the tools and equipment required, including personal protective equipment (PPE) for
each stage of the task
✓ Plan the sequence of the component tasks in a logical order and to maximise efficient use of
✓ Prepare a written work plan and a list of resources required to complete the overall work task.

Organise performance of basic work task.

✓ Work with team members to review the work plan, schedule the work, allocate roles and
responsibilities, and review work health and safety requirements.
✓ Confirm availability of required tools and equipment, including PPE.

Prerequisite units: Nil

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CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to undertake basic
measurements and calculations to determine task and material requirements in a construction work

A person working at this level would be expected to complete tasks assigned to them, under

Completion of the general construction induction training program specified by the model Code of
Practice for Construction Work is required for any person who is to carry out construction work.
Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:

Obtain measurements.

✓ Select most appropriate equipment and method for obtaining the measurement.
✓ Use a ruler or tape to obtain linear measurements accurate to 1 mm.

Perform basic calculations.

✓ Take basic measurements and calculate quantities of materials in a construction environment,

using basic formulae for each of: weight, area, volume, perimeter, circumference, ratio and
✓ Convert measurements in metres to millimetres and measurements in millimetres to metres.
✓ Check calculations for accuracy and record calculation workings and results.

Prerequisite units: Nil

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CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to estimate materials, overheads, labour
and time requirements and establish costs for the provision of products and services for
construction work.

The unit supports tradespersons and those in independent construction job roles to cost a
construction project or part of a construction project. It applies to construction work on residential
and commercial sites.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory, or certification requirements apply to this unit of competency at

the time of endorsement.

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:

Gather information.

✓ Job requirements are determined through discussion with customer or from information
✓ Plans and specifications are accessed and site is inspected to confirm requirements.
✓ Details of products and services to be provided are developed and checked for availability and
fitness for purpose.
✓ Delivery point and methods of transportation are determined where necessary.
✓ Details of job tasks are accurately recorded and checked according to workplace procedures.
✓ Information about material, labour and overhead costs is obtained and checked to be current
and accurate.

Estimate materials, labour and time.

✓ Work, including preparatory tasks, is planned and sequenced to cover all necessary activity.
✓ Types and quantities of materials required for work are estimated based on availability, fitness
for purpose, and current costs.
✓ Labour requirements to perform work tasks and complete the job are estimated.
✓ Time requirements to perform work tasks are accurately estimated and checked with
appropriate personnel.

Calculate costs.

✓ Totals of individual materials, labour and overhead costs are calculated according to workplace
procedures and statutory requirements.
✓ Other project-specific costs are identified and calculated according to workplace procedures.
✓ Total work cost is calculated, including mark-up percentages set by appropriate personnel.
✓ Final cost for work is calculated by applying profit margin according to workplace procedures,
and is checked for accuracy.

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Document and verify details.

✓ Details of costs and charges are clearly and accurately documented according to workplace
✓ Costs, calculations or other details are verified according to workplace procedures and current
costing data.
✓ Costing estimate and materials take-off are prepared for quote.
✓ Costing documents are accurately completed for future reference according to workplace

Prerequisite units: Nil

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Assessment Workbook

Assessment Overview
To be deemed competent in this unit of competency, the Learner must successfully complete the

Learner Activity Complete the Learning Activities, Self-Assessment Questionnaire, and

Workbook Simulated Learning Activities, in the Learner Activity Workbook, and
submit the Learning Participation Outcome Record Sheet.

Learning Journal Complete and submit the Learning Journal.

Assessment Workbook These are a set of tasks you will be required to complete. You must
achieve a satisfactory result for each task to be deemed competent in
these units of competency.

The tasks include:

Task 1: Written/Verbal Questions
Task 2: Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks
Task 3: Projects

Workplace/Placement These are a set of tasks you will be required to complete during your
Workbook work placement. You must achieve a satisfactory result for each task
to be deemed competent in these units of competency.

The tasks include:

Part 1: Reflective Journal and Logbook
Part 2: Third Party Report
Part 3: Workplace Observation Report/Verbal Interview

This Assessment Workbook is divided into the following tasks:

Task 1 Written/Verbal Questions
Task 2 Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks
Task 3 Projects

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Readiness for Assessment (Trainer to Complete)
Unit of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

I certify that the Learner:

 Has completed the Learning Activities, Simulated Learning Activities, and the Self-Assessment
Questionnaire in the Learner Activity Workbook
 Has submitted the Learning Activities Record sheet from the Learner Activity Workbook
 Has submitted the Simulated Learning Activities Record sheet from the Learner Activity
 Has submitted the Self-Assessment Record sheet from the Learner Activity Workbook
 Has submitted the Final Learning Participation Outcome Record sheet from the Learner Activity
 Has completed and submitted the Learning Journal
 Is ready to be assessed in these units of competency

Trainer Name:

Trainer Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 1 – Written/Verbal Questions
• You are required to sign and date before starting Assessment tasks on the document provided
at the start of each task.
• You must have submitted your Readiness for Assessment signed in conjunction with your
Trainer. You must not move to assessment without completion of the Self-Assessment
• You are required to provide detailed answers, to the questions in the space provided. One-word
responses will not be accepted as a suffice answer.
• Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
• The Trainer and Assessor will conduct reasonable adjustment should this be identified, and
• Your answers to these questions are used to determine an assessment judgement, part thereof
the overall assessment judgment includes this task.
• All questions if necessary will require a verbal interview from the Trainer to verify the responses
• If any supplementary documents are required to be submitted they must be marked with the
Learner Name, date completed, and submitted alongside this Assessment Task.

Assessment Task 2 – Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks

• Mandatory completion of all Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks in conjunction with this
Assessment task must be conducted and deemed satisfactory to achieve competency in this
• All Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks are tasks which will align to the duties performed in
this capacity in the workplace.
• Any machinery or equipment that is used during the process of these assessment tasks must be
safe for use and tagged if appropriate. All safety conditions performed under instruction of the
Trainer must be followed in line with the Learner’s workplace policies and procedures; should
the Trainer feel the conditions of safety are not met for the Learner’s assessment task, it may
be re scheduled to a different site or day until the safety issue is rectified. The Learner’s site
supervisor may be contacted in this event.
• If your Trainer feels the tasks has been not sufficiently covered, they may direct you to a similar
task, in line with a secondary Workplace Practical/Simulation Task which will be clearly advised
at the time of assessment.
• Multiple assessment of the same tasks may be necessary to ensure a satisfactory standard.
• An observation checklist will be conducted during the completion of this task, your Trainer will
notify you on the tasks they will be observing for this assessment.

Assessment Task 3 – Projects

• Any templates needed to complete these Assessment tasks, are attached to the Assessment
Workbook and must be completed in conjunction with the Assessment task.
• You are able to provide supplementary evidence of the tasks performed on previous occasions,
if determined suitable by your Trainer and Assessor. Please ensure that you discuss this with
your Trainer if you are unsure.
• If the conditions of these Assessment tasks cannot be replicated in a real-life work task on the
day of assessment, your Trainer may conduct all or part thereof in a simulated work practical
task, in line with the assessment process for this task.

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Assessment Overview Agreement
In order to be assessed as Competent in the unit that makes up this Workbook you need to provide
evidence which demonstrates you can perform the required competencies to the required standard.
Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills and knowledge to enable you to
complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations.

The content of this final assessment is designed to consolidate your learning to provide evidence
that you are indeed competent. More specifically, summative assessments are designed to
evaluate Learner learning at the end of an instructional unit and compared to a benchmark. The
Assessor will base the final outcome of each unit and deem the assessment competent for every
satisfactory task.

You must complete this assessment individually. If any answers are incorrect, your Trainer/Assessor
will work with you to identify gaps in your knowledge and understanding. You will be instructed to
revise learning activities for specific sections, before arrangements can be made for a reattempt at

You must sign the Agreement on the following page and so must your Trainer and Assessor. This
section is mandatory, you must not proceed without both agreements being competed.

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Agreement by the Learner
Please sign below to demonstrate that you understand what is required of you in relation to this

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this  Yes  No
assessment? If yes, what are they? _____________________________

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an  Yes  No


I understand I have three attempts to complete each task satisfactorily. If  Yes  No

after the third attempt I am deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’, I will be
required to do further training before reattempting these units.
I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my  Yes  No
personal study and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and
resources used in the presentation of this assessment whether they are
books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or
personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not
previously been submitted for assessment in any other subject or any
other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part or whole
or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons.

I confirm that I understand that I must complete this assessment on my

own. I confirm that I will not cheat or plagiarise, or copy from another
Learner during the completion of this assessment.

I agree to allow the RTO to discuss the progress / results of my  Yes  No

assignment with my supervisor or a representative from my organisation
should this be required.

I give permission for the RTO to use my assignment for assessment  Yes  No
moderation / validation purposes.

I confirm that I have read and understood my responsibilities and requirements for assessment.

Learner’s Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Agreement by the Assessor
The Assessor is to complete this declaration with the Learner.

I have acknowledged the underpinning knowledge and skills may be  Yes  No

assessed on or off the job.
Context of and specific resources for assessment.  Yes  No

Resources required for assessment include access to:

• Appropriate workplace where assessment can take place
• Relevant workplace policies, protocols, manuals and procedures
• Tools, equipment and machinery normally used in the workplace
• Learner Activity Workbook

If you ticked NO, what arrangement has been made to satisfy the gap?

I confirm that I am a qualified workplace Assessor and will be conducting  Yes  No

the assessment for these units and Learner.

Have all aspects of the Learner Agreement been explained and  Yes  No

Does the Learner understand they have three attempts to complete each  Yes  No
task satisfactorily? If after the third attempt the Learner is deemed ‘Not
Yet Competent’, they will be required to do further training before
reattempting these units.

I confirm that I have explained and confirmed all of the above items with the Learner.

Assessor Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 1 – Written/Verbal Questions
• You are required to sign and date before starting Assessment tasks on the document provided
at the start of each task.
• You must have submitted your Readiness for Assessment signed in conjunction with your
Trainer. You must not move to assessment without completion of the Self-Assessment
• You are required to provide detailed answers, to the questions in the space provided. One-word
responses will not be accepted as a suffice answer.
• Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
• The Trainer and Assessor will conduct reasonable adjustment should this be identified, and
• Your answers to these questions are used to determine an assessment judgement, part thereof
the overall assessment judgment includes this task.
• All questions if necessary will require a verbal interview from the Trainer to verify the responses.
• If any supplementary documents are required to be submitted they must be marked with the
Learner Name, date completed, and submitted alongside this Assessment Task.

Refer to the Learner Activity Workbook to help you answer the questions in this

In this task, there are a total of 54 questions. You must satisfactorily complete all 54 questions.

The questions within this section address the following units:

CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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1.1 In the construction industry it is important that everybody is a good work planner and
organiser. Explain why.
 Verbally interviewed

Organizing and planning help you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly mistakes.
Organizing your work and planning ahead helps you be more efficient and productive. Being
well-organized and developing effective plans also allows you to achieve important goals and

1.2 Before you begin any task, you must know exactly what you are required to do. How do you
determine these requirements?
 Verbally interviewed

Start with a goal. Don't live a busy life.

It's not a 9-to-5 job, it's a daily choice. It's a way of thinking and can not be switched off after work.
Make a plan. Plan a strategy to achieve the goal and implement it.

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1.3 Why is it recommended that you jot down notes when verbally receiving work instructions?
 Verbally interviewed

Effective note-taking is an important transferable skill, a skill that can be applied in all aspects of life, socially,
at work and during study. Note-taking is a powerful aid to communication, a way of summarising and
retaining the key points from what you've heard and understood.

1.4 Explain where you would locate information relating to your specific job plans and
environmental laws and regulations.
 Verbally interviewed

As you can see from the list above, environmental laws play a huge part in protecting humans,
animals, resources, and habitats. Without these laws, there would be no regulations concerning
pollution, contamination, hunting, or even response to disasters. Environmental law works to protect
land, air, water, and soil

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1.5 How are work schedules for construction projects created?
 Verbally interviewed

Get Info and Tools. Construction scheduling involves different types of resources, stakeholders
and participants.
Collect and Prioritize Tasks.
Add Duration.
Allocate and Execute. .
Review, Review, Review. .
Gantt Charts for Plans and Schedules.
Resource and Team Management.

1.6 During this planning process, who should you consult with. List 5 parties.
 Verbally interviewed

Determine your strategic position.

2 Prioritize your objectives.

Develop a strategic plan.

4 Execute and manage your plan.

Review and revise the plan.

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1.7 Why is it important that you work out what tools you will need prior to commencing a work
 Verbally interviewed

A construction phase plan ( PDF ) must be prepared for a project before the construction phase begins. The
plan must outline the health and safety arrangements, site rules and specific measures concerning any work
involving the risks listed in Schedule 3 of the CDM 2015 Regulations.

1.8 List 2 forms or documents that may be used to identify and check faulty tools and equipment.
 Verbally interviewed

Examples of equipment failure include: engine failure or misfire, brake failure or stop
controlling device failure, suspension of operation due to heat or other environmental
conditions, failure due to defect in the electronics or circuits, power failure or fuel supply
2 failure, etc..

1.9 SWMS are mandatory for all high-risk construction work activities. Explain the purpose of a
SWMS and the information it contains.
 Verbally interviewed

A SWMS is a document that sets out the high risk construction work activities to be carried out at a
workplace, the hazards arising from these activities and the measures to be put in place to control the
Necessary information required to be completed in a SWMS is: The details of the work that is
considered high risk. The health and safety hazards relating to the work. The control measures that
need to be implemented to minimise or remove the risks.

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1.10 Provide 3 examples of scenarios that can impact a work schedule.
 Verbally interviewed

Shortage of Employees.
Last-Minute Absences. Employee Turnover. ...
Not Planning for Vacations (and Other Paid Time Off)
Lack of Availability.

1.11 Choose one of the scenarios and explain what you would do to manage the situation.
 Verbally interviewed

In construction, project managers are responsible for managing all aspects of the construction
project and balancing the entire budget, which includes overseeing the construction management

The definition of a scenario is a series of events that is projected to occur. When you run through
all of the possible outcomes of a conversation in your head, this is an example of a situation where
you run through all possible scenarios.

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1.12 Construction processes rarely go according to plan, so why then is a plan necessary?
 Verbally interviewed

Construction planning and scheduling improves work efficiency; having effective materials
management and properly distributing resources reduce costs and saves time. Integrated project
controls enhance the capability of a team to ensure project success within schedule constraints and

1.13 List 5 types of working drawings.

 Verbally interviewed

Architectural Drawings: This is one of the types of construction drawings.

Structural Drawings
Electrical Drawings:

Plumbing and Sanitary Drawings

3 Finishing Drawing

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1.14 What items are shown on a floor plan? List 8.
 Verbally interviewed

2 Interior and exterior elevations.
Building and wall sections.
Interior and exterior details.
Schedules and room finishes.
Framing and utility plans.

A floor plan typically shows structural elements such as walls, doors, windows, and stairs, as well as
mechanical equipment for the plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems. Floor plans use stylized
symbols that often look like the outlines of elements they represent.

1.15 How can you ensure you have the most current up to date version of the plans for the site?
 Verbally interviewed

Contact your local permit agency or records office. Often these agencies store copies of building
plans for decades after the structure has been built. Ask what information you need to supply in
order to obtain copies of existing blueprints. Provide the required forms and information, and pick up
a copy of your plans.

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1.16 How do you confirm the orientation of a plan against the site?
 Verbally interviewed

Site plans should include parking diagrams equipped with dimensions, number of parking spaces, the flow of
traffic, and signage. How traffic flows through and around your site is important to know. It will show the
impact your building will have on traffic around the site.

1.17 What are specifications? Explain their purpose.

 Verbally interviewed

access and egress.

contours and slopes.
drainage lines.
environmental and heritage overlays.
existing dwellings, buildings or other structures.
location and situation.
major geological and topographical features.

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1.18 How can you confirm the required materials and/or quantities for the site plan? When
confirmed how and where are they recorded?
 Verbally interviewed

The chief way to improve the accuracy of a measurement is to control all other variables as much as possible.
Accuracy is a measure of how close your values are to the true value. Precision is a measure of how closely
your successive measurements agree with each other.

1.19 Using the conversion examples shown, convert the measurements in the exercise from
millimetres to metres, and metres to millimetres respectively.
 Verbally interviewed

Conversion examples:

100s of mm in m 10s of mm in m Individual mm in m

900mm = 0.9m 80mm = 0.08m 8mm = 0.008m
800mm = 0.8m 70mm = 0.07m 7mm = 0.007m
700mm = 0.7m 60mm = 0.06m 6mm = 0.006m
600mm = 0.6m 50mm = 0.05m 5mm = 0.005m
500mm = 0.5m 45mm = 0.045m 4mm = 0.004m
400mm = 0.4m 40mm = 0.04m 3mm = 0.003m
300mm = 0.3m 35mm = 0.035m 2mm = 0.002m
200mm = 0.2m 30mm = 0.03m 1mm = 0.001m
100mm = 0.1m 25mm = 0.025m 0.5mm = 0.0005m

745mm = 0.745 6.0m = 6000mm

107250mm = 107.250 m 536.45m = 536,450mm

50248mm = 50.248m 27.01m = 27,010mm
3mm = 0.052m = 52mm
67mm = 0.067m 54.209m = 54,209mm

128mm = 0.128m 0.002m = 2mm

7002mm = 7.002m 11.08m = 11,080mm

22045mm = 2.2045m 457.02m = 457,020 mm

33333mm = 33.333m 3.44m = 3440 mm

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1.20 What measurement is the arrow pointing towards?
 Verbally interviewed

1,10 m

1.21 Name 2 measuring tools most tradespeople carry on-site.

 Verbally interviewed


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1.22 Complete the table below. Write the name of each tool and describe its use.
 Verbally interviewed

Tool Description


tape measure


1.23 Write the formula used to calculate each of the below measurements.
 Verbally interviewed

Measurement Formula

Area length x width

Volume length x width x height

SUM(Grade Cell * Weight Cell), so my first formula is =SUM(B2*C2), the next one
Grade would be =SUM(B3*C3) and so on

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1.24 Calculate the perimeter of the bathroom (not including the width of the wall studs). Show your
working out.
 Verbally interviewed

First the formule of perimeter is the addition of each size of the picture in this case the

Perimeter =2L+2A


P= 2x(1,445+1,265) + 2x(1,950)

P= 5,41+ 3,9 = 9,31 Units

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1.25 Calculate the area of the shower base, using the floor plan from the previous question. Show
your working out.
 Verbally interviewed

Take the measurement of each side of the shower pan from the outer edge. This is the first
measurement that you must take down.
The next one would be the shower pan's depth. ...
Lastly, measure the outer corners of the pan relative to the location of the shower drain.

1.26 What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 2.3 metres? Use a calculator.
 Verbally interviewed

Formule :

C=2 r

C= 2()(2.3)=14.45 m

1.27 A sewer slopes at 22 mm per metre. Calculate the total fall in 6 metres.
 Verbally interviewed

1m - 22mm
6 - x?

(6m*22mm)/ (1m) = 132mm

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1.28 How much concrete mix is needed to fill a round post hole which is 400mm in diameter
and 2400mm deep? The answer will be in cubic metres (m3). Show your working out.
 Verbally interviewed

diamater : 400 mm - 200mm
Deep: 2400mm

Volume = (pi)(0.2m^2)(2.4m)

Volume = (pi)(0.4m2)(2.4m) = 3.01m3

1.29 Calculate the volume of a cube measuring 400mm x 400mm. Show your working out.
 Verbally interviewed

Volume = (pi)(0.2m^2)(2.4m)

Volume = (pi)(0.4m2)(2.4m) = 3.01m3

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1.30 In a back garden, how many panels of fencing 2.4 m x 1.2 m would be required to build a
fence 32.0 m long by 1.2 m high, to keep an area with safety hazards, sectioned off? Show your
working out.
 Verbally interviewed

Measurements Panels :
2.4 m x 1.2 m

Total fence measurementes :

32.0m x 1.2m

32/2.4 = 13.33 panels

1.2/1.2= 1 panels

1.31 Calculate the area of a triangle with a base of 14m and a height of 3m. Show your working
 Verbally interviewed

21 m2

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1.32 The flat surface of a skillion roof is 24.0 m long with a rafter length of 12.0 m. If a 12.0 m
length of corrugated iron roof sheeting covers a width of 762 mm, how many sheets are required to
cover the roof? Show your working out.
 Verbally interviewed

762/1000= 0,762m
24/0,762= 31,50 sheets are required

1.33 A 5m length of pipe is laid at a gradient of 1.65% Calculate the fall.

 Verbally interviewed

Divide the pipe's vertical fall by the length of the pipe, then multiply the result by 100 to find the
percentage. The fall and length need to be in the same units (feet or inches) for this to work. For
example, if the pipe fell by one foot and was 50 feet long, you divide 1 by 50 to get 0.02.

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1.34 An 8m length of pipe is laid at a gradient of 1:60. Calculate the fall.
 Verbally interviewed

A gradient of 1:60 means that there will be 1 unit of fall for every 60 units of patio width. The patio is to be
4.2m wide, so if that distance (the run) is divided by 60, the result is the 1 unit of fall. We'll work in
millimetres rather than metres... So, there needs to be 70mm of fall across the patio.

1.35 Detail the process involved in costing a project.

 Verbally interviewed

Project Resource Planning. Resource planning is the process of identifying the resources required to
execute a project and take it to completion.
Cost Estimation.
Cost Budgeting.
Cost Control.

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1.36 What documentation is required to accurately estimate construction project costs? List 8
 Verbally interviewed

2 Notifications.
Risk Assessments.
CDM construction phase plan and health and safety file.
Thorough examination reports.
Inspection reports.
3 Arrangements for controlling high risk activities.
Accident Book, Injuries and dangerous occurrences.

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1.37 Why might a site visit be necessary in order to prepare an accurate project cost estimate? List
2 reasons.
 Verbally interviewed

The estimate aids developers in determining the feasibility and profitability of a potential project. .

2 Perhaps, most importantly, an accurate estimation keeps all parties focused on delivering a
project on time and under budget. It holds a developer and construction company accountable
for increased costs and overruns.

1.38 How can you find out what legislation/regulations/standards might apply to a project being
 Verbally interviewed

planning law means every Enactment for the time being in force relating to the use development
and occupation of land and buildings and every planning permission statutory consent and
agreement made under any Enactment relating to the Building.

1.39 Explain what a ‘WBS’ is, and how it relates to project costing.
 Verbally interviewed

For projects, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the tool that utilizes this technique and is one of the
most important project management documents. It singlehandedly integrates scope, cost and schedule
baselines ensuring that project plans are in alignment.

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1.40 What role does the resources list play?
 Verbally interviewed

Construction resources might include: Products and materials. Construction plant, tools and equipment.
Human resources. Space and facilities.

1.41 What factors can affect resource costs? Give 5 examples.

 Verbally interviewed

Supply. Energy from nuclear, coal, gas, oil, and renewable sources reacts quickly in response to the
available supply (or lack thereof).
Gas Storage.
2 Weather Forecasts.
Generation Changes.
Global Markets.
Imports and Exports.
Government Regulation.

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1.42 Explain how accurate prices for project components can be sourced.
 Verbally interviewed

Designate a Lead Estimator.

Encourage Bottom-Up Estimating.
Gather Detailed Requirements.
Determine Pessimistic, Best Guess, and Optimistic Estimates.
Encourage Communication Among Project Members.
Include Finance and Legal Staff. .

1.43 How do ‘site overheads’ differ from ‘company overheads’?

 Verbally interviewed

On Site Overheads means work and items required for the construction of the Works, including without
limitation the items listed in Schedule 1, but excluding any items or work the subject of the Management
Fee, Consultants Fee, Off Site Overheads and Profit Fee or Guaranteed Construction Sum.

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1.44 Provide 5 examples of company overheads.
 Verbally interviewed

Rent and mortgage payments.

Property taxes.
2 Business insurance.
Monthly cleaning services.
Web hosting.
Monthly phone plan.
Fixed interest payments

1.45 What are ‘on-costs’? In your answer, provide 3 examples.

 Verbally interviewed

On-costs are labor costs in addition to salaries and wages; that is, payroll tax, workers' compensation and other
liability insurance, the cost of subsidized services to employees, training costs, and so on.

1.46 What is the general range for mark-up percentages?

 Verbally interviewed

While there is no set “ideal” markup percentage, most businesses set a 50 percent markup. Otherwise
known as “keystone”, a 50 percent markup means you are charging a price that's 50% higher than the cost
of the good or service.

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1.47 What percentage is added to the charge on the supply of most goods and services, in the form
of GST?
 Verbally interviewed

Find out how to register and what it means for your business. Goods and services tax (GST) is a tax of 10%
on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. If your business is registered for
GST, you have to collect this extra money (one-eleventh of the sale price) from your customers

1.48 The cost of materials to be purchased is $4,582.50. Add the GST percentage to calculate the
total cost. Use a calculator.
 Verbally interviewed

gst= 10%
total= $5040.75

1.49 What will be the total cost of fence rail material, if 75 x 50 hardwood is $2.85/m, and you
require 43.2m of fence rail?
 Verbally interviewed

Given Rate = $2.85 /m Area = 75x 50 in2 we know that Cost = Rate x Area = 2/85 x 75 x 50 108 2
285 x 75 2 21375 2 = . 10687. 5 So cost = $ 10687.5

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1.50 Complete the costing summary for a simple paving project. Go to to
obtain the current price of each item below.
 Verbally interviewed

Product Quantity Unit cost Total cost

Tuscan Path 600 x 400 x 20mm
Bluestone Paver

Ki-Carma 20kg Coarse Landscape Sand 4

Dy-Mark 350g Spray and Mark Paint 1

Spear & Jackson 50m No8 Pink

Stanley 24oz 680g Rubber Mallet 1 70

Stabila 1200mm Type 80 AS Spirit 40


Hire of Crommelins Large Compactor

1 60
for 4 hours

Total cost

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1.51 Provide 4 examples of costing documents.
 Verbally interviewed

The four major analytical methods or cost estimation techniques used to develop cost estimates for
acquisition programs are Analogy, Parametric (Statistical), Engineering (Bottoms Up), and Actual Costs.

1.52 What information is generally included in a quotation?

 Verbally interviewed

Business details. Providing your ABN and contact information is a legal requirement.
Total cost.
Breakdown of costs.
Schedule for work.
Payment terms and conditions.
Quote expiry date.

1.53 Most organisations use electronic tools and templates to cost projects. Provide 5 reasons why
this is the preferred option.
 Verbally interviewed

Collaboration. The project management software must allow for collaboration on projects so teams can
work together, either on-site or remotely.
Ease of use.
2 Real-Time Reporting.
Professional Interface.

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1.54 Discuss how the contents of a JSA and SWMS can impact on the costing of construction work.
 Verbally interviewed

JSA and SWMS are safety processes and documents which enable workers and companies to better
identify and control hazards, so that people can conduct their work more safely.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a safety tool that can be used to define and control hazards associated
with a certain process, job, or procedure. It is a systematic examination and documentation of every
task within each job to identify health and safety hazards, and the steps to control each task.

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Written/Verbal Questions Assessment Record
Units of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Instructions for the Learner

By signing the below, I hereby certify that the activities are my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I have acknowledged that all materials and resources used have not been
copied in part or whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other person.

Instructions for the Trainer

The Trainer is required to complete this Assessment Task Record Sheet once the Learner has
completed and submitted all requirements for the Written/Verbal Questions for these units of
competency, the Learner's work has been reviewed by the Trainer, and relevant feedback has been

Based on the evidence gathered during the training and assessment process we, the
undersigned, agree the assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.


Assessment Activity Satisfactory Date More evidence Date

Task 1 – Written/Verbal Questions ☐ ☐

Context detail (Assessor to record)

Attempt 1 ____/____/____ Attempt 2 ____/____/____ Attempt 3 ____/____/____

Appeals: If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have
three assessment attempts.
Assessor feedback to learner: The Assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is
constructive and not generic.

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 2 – Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks
• Mandatory completion of all Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks in conjunction with this
Assessment task must be conducted and deemed satisfactory to achieve competency in this
• All Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks are tasks which will align to the duties performed in
this capacity on site in the workplace.
• Any machinery/equipment used during the process of the assessment tasks must be safe for
use and tagged if appropriate. All safety conditions performed under instruction by your Trainer
must be followed in line with your workplace policies and procedures; should the Trainer feel
the conditions of safety are not met for your assessment task, it may be re scheduled to a
different site or day until the safety issue is rectified. Your site supervisor may be contacted in
this event.
• If your Trainer feels the tasks has been not sufficiently covered, they may direct you to a similar
task, in line with a secondary Workplace Practical/Simulation Task which will be clearly advised
at the time of assessment.
• Multiple assessment of the same tasks may be necessary to ensure a satisfactory standard.
• An observation checklist will be conducted during the completion of this task, your Trainer will
notify you on the tasks they will be observing for this assessment.

Refer to the Learner Activity Workbook to help you answer the questions in this

In this task, there are a total of 5 workplace practical/simulation tasks. You must satisfactorily
complete all 5 workplace practical/simulation tasks.

The workplace practical/simulation tasks within this section address the following units:
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Checklist and Assessment Record
Instructions for the Trainer

1 Read the instructions for the Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks to the Learner

Prompt the Learner to respond verbally during observation, should you need further clarity for
the observation. Record the Learner’s verbal response in the comments boxes.

Observe all the task points in the observation tables:

• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 Observation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation

In the comments boxes, list what the Learner was observed conducting and provide an
example (i.e. “Learner correctly disinfected the floor.”)

5 Collect all signatures

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 – Plan and organise work
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to
the task plan and organise individual and group work activities on a construction site.
Resources • Learner Activity Workbook
include • PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
• Workplace/Simulated Workplace
• Project brief
• Project schedule template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation – Plan and organise work

You will be Part 1: Construction plan

required to
Your task Part 1: Construction plan

Your client has contracted you to build a new farm shed.

Sketch a drawing for the construction of the farm shed measuring 6m x 9m, with a
concrete floor, corrugated iron cladding, and a skillion roof (painted in monument

Then document the following requirements:

• Standard specifications to comply with
• Work health and safety requirements
• Environmental requirements
• Tools, equipment and machinery requirements
• Material requirements
• Personnel requirements

Together with your work team (yourself and 3 fellow classmates) and using the
information you have gathered, prepare a work schedule for the project. You must
include a minimum of 10 component tasks within the project.

Review and discuss the schedule amongst your team to determine if any
improvements can be made. Document any changes on the project schedule.

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Farm shed sketch
• Project requirements table
• Project schedule
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation – Plan and organise work

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Farm shed sketch
Draw a rough sketch of the farm shed. Include measurements.

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Part 1: Project requirements

Project overview

Dimensions for project and nominated locations are identified.

Construction types and dimensions for nominated locations are identified.
Environmental controls and locations are identified.
Location, dimensions and tolerances for ancillary works are identified.

Standard specifications
to comply with.
Australian Standards, national safety standards and codes of practice
List 5. Industry specific occupational health and safety (OH&S) standards and
Duty of care
Health and safety representatives, committees and supervisors
Licences, tickets or certificates of competency

Work health and safety Effective management actively analyses the work and the
requirements worksite, to anticipate and prevent harmful occurrences.

List 5. Speak with your supervisor about where you can find this
information in your organisation’s policy and procedures

Not only is it important that all worksites have site safety plans
but it is imperative that they are followed.

Site safety plans should be reviewed every time there is an

incident or if there has been a change to the original plan.

Site safety plans can be located at different places across

Environmental different work sites.

List 5.
In the construction industry it is important that everybody is a
good work planner and organiser, because poor work
organisation can not only waste time and materials—it can also
cause accidents and injuries. You must be able to work
efficiently and safely.

Everyone is responsible for their own safety and health and for
that of others whose activities they may influence or control.

The degree of responsibility and accountability a person has will

depend on their authority and level of influence or control.
Assessment Workbook Cluster V1 CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
The best way to perform tasks to the highest quality and within
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strict safety
produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. boundaries is to conduct yourself on thePage worksite
47 of 108
and during tasks within safety policies and procedures which
Tools, equipment and
machinery Never carry a tool by the cord or hose
requirements Never yank the cord or the hose to disconnect it from the receptacle
Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil, and sharp edges
Disconnect tools when not in use, before servicing, and when changing accessories
List all.
such as
blades, bits and cutters
All observers should be kept at a safe distance away from the work area
Secure work with clamps or a vise, freeing both hands to operate the tool
Avoid accidental starting. The worker should not hold a finger on the switch button
carrying a plugged-in tool.
Tools should be maintained with care. They should be kept sharp and clean for the
performance. Follow instructions in the user's manual for lubricating and changing
Be sure to keep good footing and maintain good balance
The proper apparel should be worn. Loose clothing, ties, or jewellery can become
caught in
moving parts
Material requirements
All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be removed from use and tagged "
Do Not
List all. Use."
Make sure switchboards and power boards have residual current devices (RCDs),
also called
safety switches, wired into them. RCDs protect users of power tools from shock

Calculations for determining material requirements are taken.

Appropriate formulas for calculating quantities are selected. Quantities are estimated
from the calculations taken.
Material quantities for the project are calculated, confirmed and recorded within

Designated safety officers, determined by the enterprise, who have undertaken
How many people will specific safety
response training
be needed to complete
Managers or other senior personnel
the project? Personnel competent and/or licensed in the safe handling of asbestos
How many hours are
required of each

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Part 1: Project schedule

Start date 20 feb 2022 Completion date

Tasks Week/day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

first clean x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x

second clean x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 – Carry out measurements and
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations

Objective of The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your

the task competency in the ability to carry out measurements and perform calculations, to
estimate quantities of materials required for a job.

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
• Workplace/Simulated Workplace
• Project plans and specifications (provided as a supplementary document)
• Measuring tools (Scale rule and calculator)
• Concrete calculations table
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Carry out measurements
and calculations

You will be Part 1: Concrete slab

required to
Your task Part 1: Concrete slab

Calculate how many cubic metres of concrete are required to pour:

• A slab for the garage floor
• A slab for the alfresco area
• A slab for the front porch

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Concrete calculations table
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Carry out measurements
and calculations

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Concrete calculations

What is the area of the garage? Provide

your answer to the nearest mm. Double Garage :

6000mm x 5860mm =35.160x10^3 mm2

How much concrete is required to pour

a slab for the garage floor?

What is the area of the alfresco area? 38.45x10^3 mm2

Provide your answer to the nearest

How much concrete is required to pour

a slab for the alfresco area? 38.45x0,05=1.92x10^3mm3

What is the area of the front porch? 4.88x10^3 mm2

Provide your answer to the nearest

How much concrete is required to pour

the slab for the front porch? 4.88x0,05=0,244x10^3mm3

What is the total volume of concrete

required to pour the garage, alfresco 0,244+1.92+1.75=3.91x1'^3mm3
area and front porch?

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 – Job estimate 1
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to
the task estimate materials, overheads, labour and time requirements and establish costs for
the provision of products and services for construction work.

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides
• Workplace/Simulated Workplace
• Equipment:
− Calculator
− Computer with internet access
− Microsoft Excel
• Specifications:
− Plans and specifications for the work to be undertaken (provided as a
supplementary document)
− Costing information
• Quotation template (provided as a supplementary .xlsx document)
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1

You will be Part 1: Materials list and estimates

required to Part 2: Project schedule
complete Part 3: Quotation

Your task Your client has requested a quote for the supply and installation of the below
cladding, as per the project plans and specifications:
• WeatherGroove Panels Natural 75mm Horizontal
• Aluminium Horizontal Colorbond Shale GreyTM
• Aluminium Vertical Colorbond Deep Ocean®

Part 1: Materials list and estimates

Review the project plans and specifications and verbally confirm the project
requirements with the client (role played by your Assessor).

Measure up each area for which the above cladding is to be installed. Check product
types for availability and suitability of purpose. Calculate the quantity of each
cladding product required.

Use the internet to source a supplier for each cladding product and confirm the unit

Estimate the labour requirements to perform the work activity.

Calculate all associated costs to complete the work activity, including materials,
materials delivery, labour and overhead costs. Add a mark up percentage and
determine final cost.

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produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 52 of 108
Part 1 Complete the following:
• Clearly document details of all costs and charges on the materials list and
estimates template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1

Part 2: Project schedule

Document all works to be completed and the estimated timeframe for each.

Part 2 Complete the following:

• Project schedule template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1

Part 3: Quotation

Use the quotation template provided, to prepare a quote for the scope of works.

Part 3 Complete the following:

• Submit quotation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Materials list and estimate


Materials Size No required Cost Total Cost

Labour Total Hrs Hr Rate Total

Equipment costs Hrs Rate Total



Mark up

Quote amount

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Part 2: Project schedule


Start date Completion date

Tasks Week/day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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Part 3: Quotation
 Attach a quotation to this section of your Assessment Workbook, labelled as Unit Code and
title> Task 2.3 Part 3> Quotation> your name and date.

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 – Job estimate 2
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to
the task estimate materials, overheads, labour and time requirements and establish costs for
the provision of products and services for construction work.

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides
• Workplace/Simulated Workplace
• Equipment:
− Calculator
− Computer with internet access
− Microsoft Excel
• Specifications:
− Plans and specifications for the work to be undertaken (provided as a
supplementary document)
− Costing information
• Quotation template (provided as a supplementary .xlsx document)
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2

You will be Part 1: Materials list and estimates

required to Part 2: Project schedule
complete Part 3: Quotation

Your task Your client has requested a quote to paint the exterior of a house.

Job details:

Exterior surfaces
• Walls – Apply two coats of paint to walls.
• Eaves – Apply two coats of paint to all surfaces.
• Fascias – Apply two coats of paint to all surfaces.
• Doors and frames – Mask glass panes and apply two coats of paint to all
• Window frames – Mask glass panes and apply two coats of paint to all surfaces.
• Colours – Exterior walls in Taubmans Cookie Jar, front door and side door in
Taubmans Phantom Hue, windows in Taubmans Cotton Ball, eaves in Taubmans

Paint for external surfaces: Endure Exterior

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Part 1: Materials list and estimates

Review the project plans and specifications and verbally confirm the project
requirements with the client (role played by your Assessor).

Measure the areas to be painted. Check product types for availability and suitability
of purpose. Calculate the quantity of required products. Confirm prices and product
delivery details.

Estimate the labour requirements to perform the work activity.

Calculate all associated costs to complete the work activity, including materials,
labour and overhead costs. Add a mark up percentage and determine final cost.

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Clearly document details of all costs and charges on the materials list and
estimates template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2

Part 2: Project schedule

Document all works to be completed and the estimated timeframe for each.

Part 2 Complete the following:

• Project schedule template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2

Part 3: Quotation

Use the quotation template provided, to prepare a quote for the scope of works.

Part 3 Complete the following:

• Submit quotation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Materials list and estimate


Materials Size No required Cost Total Cost

Labour Total Hrs Hr Rate Total

Equipment costs Hrs Rate Total



Mark up

Quote amount

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Part 2: Project schedule

Start date Completion date

Tasks Week/day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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Part 3: Quotation
 Attach a quotation to this section of your Assessment Workbook, labelled as Unit Code and
title> Task 2.4 Part 3> Quotation> your name and date.

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 – Job estimate 3
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to
the task estimate materials, overheads, labour and time requirements and establish costs for
the provision of products and services for construction work.

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides
• Workplace/Simulated Workplace
• Equipment:
− Calculator
− Computer with internet access
− Microsoft Excel
• Specifications:
− Plans and specifications for the work to be undertaken (provided as a
supplementary document)
− Costing information
• Quotation template (provided as a supplementary .xlsx document)
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3

You will be Part 1: Materials list and estimates

required to Part 2: Project schedule
complete Part 3: Quotation

Your task Your client has requested a quote for a pergola.

Part 1: Materials list and estimates

Review the project plans and specifications and verbally confirm the project
requirements with the client (role played by your Assessor).

Check product types for availability and suitability of purpose. Calculate the quantity
of required products.

Use the internet to source a supplier for each product and confirm the unit prices.

Estimate the labour requirements to perform the work activity.

Calculate all associated costs to complete the work activity, including materials,
materials delivery, labour and overhead costs. Add a mark up percentage and
determine final cost.

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Clearly document details of all costs and charges on the materials list and
estimates template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3

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Part 2: Project schedule

Document all works to be completed and the estimated timeframe for each.

Part 2 Complete the following:

• Project schedule template
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3

Part 3: Quotation

Use the quotation template provided, to prepare a quote for the scope of works.

Part 3 Complete the following:

• Submit quotation
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Materials list and estimate


Materials Size No required Cost Total Cost

Labour Total Hrs Hr Rate Total

Equipment costs Hrs Rate Total



Mark up

Quote amount

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Part 2: Project schedule

Start date Completion date

Tasks Week/day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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Part 3: Quotation
 Attach a quotation to this section of your Assessment Workbook, labelled as Unit Code and
title> Task 2.5 Part 3> Quotation> your name and date.

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation – Plan and organise work
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work

Site Location:

Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
The Learner was unsure of the specific
• e.g. Clarify or confirm tasks whenever the requirements for setting out formwork. She
Yes 12/07/21
requirement arises referred to the plans and consulted with her
supervisor for further clarification.
Identify task requirements:
 Locate and interpret project plans, specifications and
 Interpret the given task
 Clarify or confirm tasks whenever the requirement



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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Sketch the new shed:
 Include correct measurements



Complete the project requirements table:

 Project overview
 Standard specifications to comply with ____/____/____
 WHS requirements
 Environmental requirements
 Tools, equipment and machinery requirements
 Material requirements
 Personnel requirements ____/____/____


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Complete the work schedule:
 Project name
 Start date
x Completion date
 Tasks ____/____/____
 Week/days



Trainer signature: Learner signature:

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 Observation – Carry out measurements and calculations
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations

Site Location:

Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
The Learner used the correct tool and
• e.g. Calculate measurements according to the task Yes accurately performed measurements for 12/07/21
setting out the reinforcement mesh.
Prepare for the task:
x Locate and interpret project plans, specifications and
 yes
 Plan and prepare required resources before carrying ____/____/____
out the work



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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Calculate measurements according to the task:
 Use correct measurements tools to perform required yes
calculations ____/____/____
 Use required calculation and record or report the



Calculate the area of:

 The garage
x The alfresco area ____/____/____
 The front porch



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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Calculate the volume of:
x The garage concrete slab
 The alfresco area concrete slab
 The front porch concrete slab yes



Trainer signature: Learner signature:

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation – Job estimate 1
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Site Location:

Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
The Learner wore steel cap boots, safety
• e.g. Select PPE appropriate to the work task Yes glasses and a dust mask. 12/07/21
Gather information:
 Job requirements are determined through discussion
with customer or from information supplied.
 Plans and specifications are accessed and site is ____/____/____
inspected to confirm requirements.
x Details of products and services to be provided are
developed and checked for availability and fitness for
 Delivery point and methods of transportation are
determined where necessary.
 Details of job tasks are accurately recorded and ____/____/____
checked according to workplace procedures.
 Information about material, labour and overhead
costs is obtained and checked to be current and


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Oral communication:
x Confirm requirements with customer

 Use listening and questioning to clarify any issues. yes ____/____/____



Estimate materials, labour and time:

 Work, including preparatory tasks, is planned and
yes ____/____/____
sequenced to cover all necessary activity.
x Types and quantities of materials required for work
are estimated based on availability, fitness for
purpose, and current costs.
 Labour requirements to perform work tasks and
complete the job are estimated. ____/____/____
 Time requirements to perform work tasks are
accurately estimated and checked with appropriate


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Calculate costs:
 Totals of individual materials, labour and overhead
costs are calculated according to workplace ____/____/____
procedures and statutory requirements.
 Other project-specific costs are identified and
calculated according to workplace procedures. yes
x Total work cost is calculated, including mark-up
percentages set by appropriate personnel. ____/____/____
 Final cost for work is calculated by applying profit
margin according to workplace procedures, and is
checked for accuracy.


Document and verify details:

x Details of costs and charges are clearly and
 yes
accurately documented according to workplace ____/____/____
 Costs, calculations or other details are verified
according to workplace procedures and current
costing data.
 Costing estimate and materials take-off are prepared ____/____/____
for quote.
 Costing documents are accurately completed for
future reference according to workplace procedures.


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published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 75 of 108
Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Submit the following documents:
x Materials list and estimate yes
 Project schedule
 Quotation



Trainer signature: Learner signature:

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.4 Observation – Job estimate 2
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Site Location:

Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
The Learner wore steel cap boots, safety
• e.g. Select PPE appropriate to the work task Yes glasses and a dust mask. 12/07/21
Gather information:
 Job requirements are determined through discussion
with customer or from information supplied.
 Plans and specifications are accessed and site is ____/____/____
inspected to confirm requirements.
 Details of products and services to be provided are
developed and checked for availability and fitness for
x Delivery point and methods of transportation are

determined where necessary.
 Details of job tasks are accurately recorded and ____/____/____
checked according to workplace procedures.
 Information about material, labour and overhead
costs is obtained and checked to be current and


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Oral communication:
 Confirm requirements with customer
 Use listening and questioning to clarify any issues. ____/____/____



Estimate materials, labour and time:

 Work, including preparatory tasks, is planned and
sequenced to cover all necessary activity. ____/____/____
 Types and quantities of materials required for work
are estimated based on availability, fitness for
purpose, and current costs.
 Labour requirements to perform work tasks and
complete the job are estimated. ____/____/____
 Time requirements to perform work tasks are
accurately estimated and checked with appropriate


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Calculate costs:
 Totals of individual materials, labour and overhead
costs are calculated according to workplace ____/____/____
procedures and statutory requirements.
 Other project-specific costs are identified and
calculated according to workplace procedures.
 Total work cost is calculated, including mark-up
percentages set by appropriate personnel. ____/____/____
 Final cost for work is calculated by applying profit
margin according to workplace procedures, and is
checked for accuracy.


Document and verify details:

 Details of costs and charges are clearly and
accurately documented according to workplace ____/____/____
 Costs, calculations or other details are verified
according to workplace procedures and current
costing data.
 Costing estimate and materials take-off are prepared ____/____/____
for quote.
 Costing documents are accurately completed for
future reference according to workplace procedures.


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Submit the following documents:
 Materials list and estimate
 Project schedule
 Quotation



Trainer signature: Learner signature:

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Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.5 Observation – Job estimate 3
This workplace practical/simulation task addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Site Location:

Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
The Learner wore steel cap boots, safety
• e.g. Select PPE appropriate to the work task Yes glasses and a dust mask. 12/07/21
Gather information:
 Job requirements are determined through discussion
with customer or from information supplied.
 Plans and specifications are accessed and site is ____/____/____
inspected to confirm requirements.
 Details of products and services to be provided are
developed and checked for availability and fitness for
 Delivery point and methods of transportation are
determined where necessary.
 Details of job tasks are accurately recorded and ____/____/____
checked according to workplace procedures.
 Information about material, labour and overhead
costs is obtained and checked to be current and


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Oral communication:
 Confirm requirements with customer
 Use listening and questioning to clarify any issues. ____/____/____



Estimate materials, labour and time:

 Work, including preparatory tasks, is planned and
sequenced to cover all necessary activity. ____/____/____
 Types and quantities of materials required for work
are estimated based on availability, fitness for
purpose, and current costs.
 Labour requirements to perform work tasks and
complete the job are estimated. ____/____/____
 Time requirements to perform work tasks are
accurately estimated and checked with appropriate


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Calculate costs:
 Totals of individual materials, labour and overhead
costs are calculated according to workplace ____/____/____
procedures and statutory requirements.
 Other project-specific costs are identified and
calculated according to workplace procedures.
 Total work cost is calculated, including mark-up
percentages set by appropriate personnel. ____/____/____
 Final cost for work is calculated by applying profit
margin according to workplace procedures, and is
checked for accuracy.


Document and verify details:

 Details of costs and charges are clearly and
accurately documented according to workplace ____/____/____
 Costs, calculations or other details are verified
according to workplace procedures and current
costing data.
 Costing estimate and materials take-off are prepared ____/____/____
for quote.
 Costing documents are accurately completed for
future reference according to workplace procedures.


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Tasks satisfactorily
I have directly observed the Learner demonstrate Date of
observed? Comments to support decision(s)
their ability to: Observation
(Yes/ No)
Submit the following documents:
 Materials list and estimate
 Project schedule
 Quotation



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Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Assessment Record
Units of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Instructions for the Learner

By signing the below, I hereby certify that the activities are my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I have acknowledged that all materials and resources used have not been
copied in part or whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other person.

Instructions for the Trainer

The Trainer is required to complete this Assessment Task Record Sheet once the Learner has
completed and submitted all requirements for the Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks for these
units of competency, the Learner's work has been reviewed by the Trainer, and relevant feedback
has been provided.

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Based on the evidence gathered during the training and assessment process we, the
undersigned, agree the assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.


Assessment Activity Satisfactory Date More evidence Date

Task 2 – Workplace Practical/
☐ ☐
Simulation Task 2.1
Task 2 – Workplace Practical/
☐ ☐
Simulation Task 2.2
Task 2 – Workplace Practical/
☐ ☐
Simulation Task 2.3
Task 2 – Workplace Practical/
☐ ☐
Simulation Task 2.4
Task 2 – Workplace Practical/
☐ ☐
Simulation Task 2.5
Context detail (Assessor to record)

Attempt 1 ____/____/____ Attempt 2 ____/____/____ Attempt 3 ____/____/____

Appeals: If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have
three assessment attempts.
Assessor feedback to learner: The Assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is
constructive and not generic.

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 3 – Projects
In this task, there is a total of 3 projects. You must satisfactorily complete all projects.

Project 3.1 – Plan and organise work

This project addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work

Project 3.2 – Perform measurements and calculations

This project addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations

Project 3.3 – Calculate costs of construction work

This project addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Assessment instructions
• Any templates needed to complete these Assessment tasks, are attached to the Assessment
Workbook and must be completed in conjunction with the Assessment task.
• You are able to provide supplementary evidence of the tasks performed on previous occasions,
if determined suitable by your Trainer and Assessor. Please ensure that you discuss this with
your Trainer if you are unsure.
• If the conditions of these Assessment tasks cannot be replicated in a real-life work task on the
day of assessment, your Trainer may conduct all or part thereof in a simulated work practical
task, in line with the assessment process for this task.

Refer to the Learner Activity Workbook to help you answer the questions in this

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Project 3.1 – Plan and organise work
This project addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this project is to assess your ability to plan and organise individual
the task and group work activities on a construction site.

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
• Work plan 1 template
• Work plan 2 template
You will be Part 1: Project plan
required to
Your task Part 1: Project plan

Consider 2 general projects related to you field of construction work, for example:
• Concreting
• Carpentry
• Waterproofing
• Tiling
• Painting

Think about the following questions:

• What tasks are you required to undertake?
• What tools and equipment do you need?
• What are your deadlines to complete these tasks?

Use this information to develop a work plan for your project. Your work plan must
include a minimum of 10 tasks that are required to be completed.

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Work plan 1
• Work plan 2

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Work plan 1

Work activity

List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 89 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 90 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 91 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 92 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 93 of 108
Part 1: Work plan 2

Work activity

List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 94 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 95 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 96 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 97 of 108
List the tasks required What tools and How long will each Will the assistance of What will happen if the What factors can
to be completed. equipment will be task take to complete? others be required to work task is not impact on completing
required to complete complete this task? completed on time? the work task on time?
each task? What will they do? How will this be

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© ATAR Resources Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced,
published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission. Page 98 of 108
Project 3.2 – Perform measurements and calculations
This project addresses competency for the following units:
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations

Objective of The purpose of this project is to assess your ability to read and interpret plans and
the task specifications and carry out tasks related to measurements and calculations in

Resources • Learner Activity Workbook

include • PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
• Construction project plans (provided as a supplementary document)
• Flooring material table

You will be Part 1: Flooring covers

required to
Your task Part 1: Flooring covers

Use the Floor plan from the set of project plans provided to calculate the quantity of
carpet and floor tiles required for the dwelling.

Note: The tiles are 400x400mm.

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Flooring material table

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Flooring material

What is the area of the master

bedroom? Provide your answer to
the nearest mm.


What is the area of bedroom 2?

Provide your answer to the 2.910mx4.650m=13.53m2
nearest mm.

How many square metres are

required to carpet both

What is the area of the ensuite?

Provide your answer to the 4.260mx2.630m=11.20x10^3mm2
nearest mm.

What is the area of the

bathroom? Provide your answer
to the nearest mm. 4.260x3.590=15.29x10^3mm2

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What is the area of bedroom 3?
Provide your answer to the
nearest mm.

What is the area of the kitchen,

dining and living room? Provide
your answer to the nearest mm.

kitchen+Dining Area (mm2):

7,315x10^3mmx10,62x10^3mm =77,52x10^3mm2


Total Area: 77,52x10^3 + 24,68x10^3 =102,2x10^3 mm2

What is the area of the laundry?
Provide your answer to the
nearest mm.

= 6.45x10^3mm2

What is the area of the entry way

and passage? Provide your
answer to the nearest mm. ENTRY :
1,530x10^3mm x 4,46x10^3mm = 6.82x10^3 mm2

4.71x10^3 mm X 1,530x10 mm= 6.24x10^3mm2

TOTAL= 6.24+6.82 =13.06x10^3mm2

How many tiles are required to

tile the dwelling?

6.45+102,2+15,29+8,60+(13,06m2)+11,20= 156,8 m2

156,8m2/0,16m2=980 tiles

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Project 3.3 – Calculate costs of construction work
This project addresses competency for the following unit:
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Objective of The purpose of this project is to assess your ability to calculate project costs.
the task
Resources • Learner Activity Workbook
include • PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
• Computer / Internet

You will be Part 1: Calculations table

required to
Your task Calculating how much paint you need is important to help avoid having to return to
the hardware or paint store half way through the job because you don’t have
enough paint. Read the scenario below.

Billy James is the CEO of Tie Corporation. He has just purchased a new office which
he is planning to move into within the next week. He wants you to calculate the
amount of paint he will need to repaint the office white.

The office is 4.5 m wide, 3.2 m high and the length is approximately 5.3 m.

The entrance to the office has a plain oak door with 2 single sized windows on each
side. There is a door which leads into the kitchen and another door leading into to
the toilet. The back entrance has no windows but it has a door leading out into the
car park designated to the employees at Tie Corporation.

You will need to calculate the amount of litres and the amount of coats of undercoat,
walls, ceiling, doors, windows and trim paint using the following link which will take
you to the Paint calculator on the Dulux website

In the last column you will need to search the costs of each of the different paint
types required for the job. The client has requested that eco-friendly paint be used

Part 1 Complete the following:

• Calculation table

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Part 1: Calculations Table
Answers will vary dependant on the materials chosen, each section should be filled in and

Product Number of coats Amount in litres Cost


3 2000



Doors, windows
and trim 1 1500

Total cost of
paint 7700

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Projects Assessment Record
Units of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Instructions for the Learner

By signing the below, I hereby certify that the activities are my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I have acknowledged that all materials and resources used have not been
copied in part or whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other person.

Instructions for the Trainer

The Trainer is required to complete this Assessment Task Record Sheet once the Learner has
completed and submitted all requirements for the Projects for these units of competency, the
Learner's work has been reviewed by the Trainer, and relevant feedback has been provided.

Based on the evidence gathered during the training and assessment process we, the
undersigned, agree the assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.


Assessment Activity Satisfactory Date More evidence Date

Task 3 – Project 3.1 ☐ ☐

Task 3 – Project 3.2 ☐ ☐

Task 3 – Project 3.3 ☐ ☐

Context detail (Assessor to record)

Attempt 1 ____/____/____ Attempt 2 ____/____/____ Attempt 3 ____/____/____

Appeals: If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have
three assessment attempts.
Assessor feedback to learner: The Assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is
constructive and not generic.

Learner Name:

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Final Assessment Outcome Record
Units of competency
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

The following form must be used to record the assessment outcome after a Learner has completed
all assessment tasks relating to these units of competency. The outcome of each individual
assessment task is to be reported and the overall assessment decision is to be recorded as either
Competent or Not Yet Competent.

All parties (Trainer and Learner) must sign in the space provided on the next page as
agreement the specified assessment outcome for these units of competency has been

To achieve competency the Learner must have satisfactorily completed the following assessment
tasks related to these units of competency:

Assessment Outcome
S – Satisfactory NS – Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task CPCCOM1013 CPCCOM1015 CPCCCM3005

1. Written/Verbal Questions  S  NS  S  NS  S  NS
2. Workplace Practical/
 S  NS  S  NS  S  NS
Simulation Tasks

3. Projects  S  NS  S  NS  S  NS

4. Reflective Journal and Logbook  S  NS  S  NS  S  NS

5. Third Party Report  S  NS  S  NS  S  NS

6. Workplace Observation
 S  NS  S  NS  S  NS
Report/Verbal Interview
The assessment outcome for this unit of competency is:


Attempt 1 ____/____/____ Attempt 2 ____/____/____ Attempt 3 ____/____/____

Assessor comments:

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Agreement that competency has been achieved
Based on the evidence gathered during the training and assessment process we, the undersigned,
agree the assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.

We confirm competence in the following units:

CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM3005 Calculate costs of construction work

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Signature: Date: ____/____/____

Trainee/Learner Name:

Signature: Date: ____/____/____

Reasonable Adjustment (if applicable) – explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and
the tasks it was applied to.

Assessor Intervention (if applicable) – did you need to assist the Learner in this assessment. If so
please explain.

☐ Oral Assessment ☐ Written Assessment


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