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The present survey has the objective of gathering information about your needs, interests and
practices regarding teaching. Put a check mark in the box that best suits your opinion. After
you finish, return this survey to your mentor so you can reflect on the results.
I am not I can do I can do I can do
CRITERIA sure how to this but not this quite this very
do this very well well well
1. I have collected information about my
student’s interests and expectations regarding
2. I am aware of the different learning styles of
my students and I have considered this
information during the lesson planning.
3. I have designed strategies for a better
learning process based on my student´s
strengths and needs.
4. I use different strategies to teach the same
topic considering the diversity inside the
5. I reflect on the effectiveness of my strategies
and make adjustments if they are necessary.
6. I prepare a safe environment for learning
based on trust and respect between my
7. I use clear and pre-established routines
during the lesson providing each student same
opportunities of participation.
8. I use errors as opportunities to learn,
encouraging support among students.
9. I encourage my students to participate
during my online lessons.
10. I have shown my students different ways of
exposing themselves to English during their free
time, such as watching movies with subtitles or
singing songs reading lyrics, among others.
11. I present real life situations in my lessons
showing the usefulness of English.
12. I have the conviction that all my students
are capable of learning English.
13. I encourage my students to persevere in
their learning process.

I designed this survey based on mentees B situation and his/her expectation to motivate their
students to learn English language and the provided context of his/her school. My survey intends to
gather information regarding characteristics of a safe environment in which the students feel safe to
practice English, knowing that this could be a difficult task because of their age.

Viviana Rojas Reyes.

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