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Reta Bigbad

Reta likes to torment small, harmless animals and usually has

a pocket full of such creatures in case she gets bored. She
finds it hard not to shout when she speaks, and loves taking
risks in combat to scare her enemies. Sometimes she throws
animals at her sister Stumpbiter while she's sleeping to scare
her, too.
Dogslicer (scimitar), shortbow with 20 arrows in a quiver
decorated with dog ears, leather armor, potion of healing,
potion of climbing, lucky pet toad ("Spotol"), jar of pickled
halfling toes just about ready for eating (equivalent to 1 day's
trail rations), toasting fork, bridal veil, halfling ladies' corset,
20 feet of rope with dead moles sewn into it, small silver
mirror, jar of human perfume (half drunk), meat hook, leather
satchel, flint and tinder, set of false teeth, pocketful of
Reta's Song

Reta chop and Reta bite!

Reta slay and Reta fight!
Reta stab and Reta smite!
Reta kills it all just right!

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Chuffy Lickwound
Sadistic Chuffy is horrible indeed. He loves to sneak up on his
enemies and stab them. If he gets the chance, he also likes to
light fires—lighting fires is Chuffy's idea of great fun, almost as
enjoyable as causing big explosions.
Broken dogslicer (shortsword), knife (dagger), 6 darts, leather
armor, potion of healing, 6 caltrops, grappling hook, 3
tindertwigs, set of thieves' tools, lucky pet toad ("Fat Frog"),
lock of hair from Goodwife Lotty still tied around her dog's
paw (worn on a thong about Chuffy's neck), 3 metal skewers,
stuffed raven, pet spider (called "Stankrush") in a wire cage, 3
spare bug cages, bottle of brine-soaked alligator eyes
(equivalent to 1 day's trail rations), child's doll with the eyes
taken out, curved sewing needle, cowbell (worn)
Chuffy's Song

Chuffy's face might make you sick,

But Chuffy's knife is awful quick.
And if you are his stabby pick—
Then knife goes in you, stick stick stick!

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Poog of Zarongel
Poog is a frightening little cleric of the goblin deity Zarongel,
the sacred god of dog-killing, fire, and most holy mounted
combat. That Poog isn't very good at mounted combat is his
not-so-secret shame, so he funnels most of his energy into
attempts to overachieve at his god's other sacred teachings—
killing dogs (although he hasn't yet killed one, he hopes to do
so some day) and lighting fires (something that Poog is
already pretty good at).
Dogslicer (scimitar), knife (dagger), 2 javelins, chain shirt,
lucky pet toad ("Dogfinder"), squashed dried toad (his
previous lucky pet toad), jar of pickled fish heads (the
equivalent of 1 day's trail rations), 6 torches, flint and tinder,
almost empty salt shaker, pig's tail (snack), wooden flute (too
splintery to play for long without injury)
Poog's Song

Poog say Zarongel is the best,

He help burn things and heal the rest.
Zarongel's favor makes Poog blessed.
And Poog also stab you with knife if you make fun of
how he isn't good at riding animals.

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Mogmurch's Song
Ten-year-old Mogmurch is deranged. Mogmurch lives with his
mate Rempty, who has an irritating habit of licking his face Things go boom when Mogmurch throws,
Much more fun than using bows.
clean in public (especially when he leaves the village). She Sometimes where the boom boom blows
thinks his use of alchemy is very clever, and while she loves Is not my fault—that's how it goes.
the flavor Mogmurch's experiments leave on his face, she
worries that he'll some day blow himself up when she's not
around to watch.
Club, leather armor, alchemist's supplies, alchemist's satchel,
potion of healing (2), lucky pet toad ("Amfibier"), spectacles
(for show), gourd of pickled leeches just about ready to eat
(counts as 1 day's field rations), juicy slug in a small pot
(snack), skull face mask, metal codpiece, jester's hat,
pumpkin-head lantern, black eyepatch (with hole cut in it to
see), hard leather boot (used as belt pouch), formula book
(contains all extract formulae known)

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Dogmunch the Magical
Dogmunch lives alone in a mud hut on the edge of the
Licktoad tribal lands. The stench that surrounds him is often
too terrible for even the smelliest of other goblins to bear. He
eats the rotten remains of animals in the swamps nearby and
often carries plenty of pickings in his teeth for emergencies.
Quarterstaff, potion of healing, vial of acid, flask of alchemist's
fire, make-believe wand of fireballs (infinite charges), lucky pet
toad ("Spike"), sack containing the blackened corpses of his
first four lucky pet toads, spectacles (for show), gourd full of
pickled leeches (counts as 1 day's rations), dog leather hat,
four fake "magical" totems made of feathers and bones (used
to threaten other goblins), juicy slug in old potion vial (snack),
pumpkin-head lantern, soft leather boot (used as belt pouch)
Dogmunch the Magical's Song

Magic Dogmunch casts a spell

Zapping longshanks where they dwell!
Look where Dogmunch's foe has fell—
Crispy meat with tasty smell!

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Jubbol's Song
Jubbol is a short (even for a goblin), muscular individual who
even other goblins consider a bit of a dangerous savage. In Jubbol bash and Jubbol kill,
Jubbol chop and blood will spill,
battle, he enters a frothing frenzy and screams at the top of Jubbol stab you through and through,
his lungs. However, his resemblance to a toad (even his voice All things Jubbol love to do!
is deep for a goblin) and prowess make him a valued member
of the Licktoad tribe.
Horsechopper (halberd), morningstar, knife (dagger), 6
javelins, potion of healing, flask of alchemist's fire, 2 flasks of
oil, lucky pet toad ("Skipping Rock"), necklace of dog teeth,
small backpack, crudely made lizard skin breeches, poorly
tanned dog pelt, battered leather hat, humanoid skull painted
with a happy face, cracked humanoid skull painted with a sad
face, small bait pouch, 2 jars of pickled animal parts
(equivalent of 2 days of trail rations), 2 torches, small

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Leadfinger's Song
Leadfinger has an amazingly long attention span for a goblin.
He is also fairly soft-spoken and repulsively ugly (to a goblin, Leadfinger's mighty swing and bash
Surely beats those good guys' ass.
anyway). He would be derided by his tribe-mates for these When they see his shining steel,
abnormalities if it weren't for his bad habit of following All they can do is simply squeal.
enemies home at night and hurting them, badly. Leadfinger
makes his home in the marsh just outside the village for fear
of retaliation, though he'll insist he simply enjoys the solitude.
Bastard sword, scale mail, shield, potion of healing, flask of oil,
lucky pet toad ("Dart"), small backpack, patched small blanket,
patched and stained dark blue blouse, patched and muddy
brown cloak, fishhook, flint and steel, small belt pouch, empty
flask, jug of charred elf fingers (the equivalent of 1 day's trail
rations), 50 foot ball of string, torch, small waterskin,
collection of enemies' ears (his favorite is the one he took
from leering Mogwag)

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Mevis's Song
Mevis the Magnificent
Mevis is flashy and overbearing; although not particularly
clever or observant, she's nimble and inspiring. She loves to Mevis dance and Mevis sing.
Mevis lash and whip cut stings!
insult and taunt opponents while encouraging her Mevis shriek and laugh with glee.
companions. She feels uncomfortable outside of water and Kill you dead, then Mevis feed!
prefers to be soaking wet at all times.
Twisty vine (whip), 2 knives (dagger), 3 javelins, studded
leather armor, shield, vial of acid, flask of oil (2), lucky pet toad
("Bandana"), hollow reed (for hiding underwater), leather-and-
bone codpiece, hat made from a loincloth with a hole cut in it
for Bandana to peek out, stained and muddy purple robe with
a ripped hem, small belt pouch, stale salted fish (equivalent of
2 days trail rations), extra peg leg, whistle, sack of useless junk
retrieved from Brinestump's bog

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Stumpbiter's Song
Stumpbiter is a bit taller than most goblins, with a wiry build.
She also tends to be quiet, usually breaking into a vicious grin Stumpbiter hide and sneak about,
Licktoad tribe's very best scout.
instead of shrieks of joy. She prefers stalking opponents and Ambush, shoot dead, slice up too.
attacking from ambush. She is the twin sister of Reta Bigbad, Throw in pot and cook for stew!
and often tests her sister's awareness with a quick shot to the
Shortbow with 20 arrows in a quiver made from a dried rat, 2
broken dogslicers (shortsword), leather armor, potion of
healing (2), lucky pet toad ("Latch"), pouch of spider jerky
(equivalent of 1 day's trail rations), Old Lady Fremont's
threadbare silk doily (pretty hat), faded dark green curtain
with several rips and tears (dress), fresh muddy dog foot
(snack), woven anklet made from all of Old Lady Fremont's
hair, rusty iron pot, leather vest with several small pockets
chewed by mice

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Toadwart is a little strange, even for a goblin. He mutters to
himself, as if holding a conversation, at random times and
nearby objects often twitch as if about to move themselves.
When angry, his eyes develop a faint red glow. Oftentimes,
things will spring to fire near the myserious goblin for no
apparent reason. He is routinely found telling great tales of
draconic heroes, of which he is certainly one. His scaled red
dragon costume is his prized possesion.
Sickle, sling with 10 bullets, potion of healing, flask of
alchemist's fire (2), lucky pet toad ("Drubbus the Fifth"), small
butterfly net, pouch of noxious-smelling herbs, flying lizard
tied up with string that is the last of its kind (snack), sewing
needle, 2 jars of stewed beetles and grubs (equivalent of 2
days trail rations), red dragon costume made of sewn together
lizard skins
Toadwart's Song

Toadwart love the swamp, he do!

Frogs and swamp love Toadwart too.
Don't call ugly, Toadwart hates.
Make magic fire, burns real great!

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