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General Data and Maintenance Engine Transmission Suspension, Steering and Brakes Body Body Equipment Electrical System Equipment and Accessories ECL ELE _OBD Important Safety Notice Foreword Index 001. Warningsand Cautions (002. Vehicie Identification and VIN Decoder Engine Genoval Engine Removal and Installation Gyinder Head Removal and Installation Camehatt Timing Chain Lubrication System Igntion System Battery, Starter, Alternator 400 10 113 47 119 120 121 200 210 230 231 Transmission-General Cuter ‘Manual Transmission ‘Sequential Manual Goarbox (SMG) ‘Suspension, Steoring and Brakes-Gereral Front Suspension Front Axle Diferential 310 at 400 410 Body-General Fonders, Engine Hood 510 512 513 Exterior Trim, Bumpers Door Windows Interior Trim 600 att 612 620 Electrical System-General Wipers and Washers Switehos Instruments Soat Bolts Aitbag System (SAS) Electrical Component Locations. Electrical Wiring Diagrams On-Board Diagnostics Fear of manual 003 Sympioms and Field Observations 010 Product Familiarzation 020. Maintenance 130 Fuel Injection (M54 Engine) 4131. Fuel Injection (N52 Engine) 132. Fuel Injection (N54 Engine) 133. Fuel Injection (V8 Engine) 160 Fusl TankandFuel Pump 170. Radiator end Cooling System 480 Exhausi System 240 250 260 270 ‘Automatic Transmission Gearshit Linkage Driveshafts Transfer Case 220 330 331 340 Steering and Wheel Alignment Rear Suspension Rear Avle Differential Brakes a 412 Doors Trunk Lid, Taigate 515, 520, 540 Central Locking and Anti-thett Seats Sunroo! 630 640 650 Lights Heating and Air-conditioning Radio wTwvowJvowvowJvTowJvTovo oD Foreword For the BMYV owner with basic mechanical sks and for independent auto service professionals, his ‘manual includes many of the specifications. and procedures that were available in an authorized BNW doaler sorvice department as this manual went to press. The BMW owner with no intenton of \working ch his oF ner car wil find that owning and refering to this manual will make it possitle to be better informed and to more knowledgoably discuss repairs with a professional automolive tochnician. For those intending to do maintenance and repair on their BMW, it is essential thal safety equipment be used and safety precautions observed when working on the vehicle. A minmum ssalety equipment list includes hand protection, oye protection anda fra extinguisher. A selecton ‘of good quality hand tocls is alse needed, Ths includes a torque wrench to ensure that fasteners are tightened in accordance wih specications. in some cases, the text refers to special tools thet are recommended or required to accomplish adjustments or repairs. Theso tools are often idonttied by their BMW special tool number end ilustrated, Disclaimer We have endeavored to ensure the accuracy ofthe information in this manual. When the vast amay of data presented in the manual is taken into account, however, no claim to infallibity can be made. We therefore cannot be responsibie forthe result of any errors that may have crept into the text. Please also read the WARNING— Important Satety Notice on the copyright page at the beginning of this book. Prior to starting @ repair procedure, read the procedure, 001 Warnings and Cautions and the warrings and cautions that accompany the procedure. Reading {8 procedure before boginning work helps you determine in advance the need for ‘specific skis, identify hazards, prepare for appropriate capture and handing of hazardous materials, and the need for particular tools and replacement parts such as gaskets, Bentley Publishors encourages comments from the readers of this manual with regard to errors, {and suggestions for improvement of our product. These communications have been and will be ccaretully considered in the preparation of hs and other manuals. f you identity inconsistencies in the manual, you may have found an error. Please contact the publisher and we wil endeavor to Post applicable corrections on our website, Posted corrections (errata) should be reviewed before beginning work, Please see the following web adores: http: //wow, [EMW will continue to issue service information and parts retrofits alter the editorial closing of this ‘manual. Some of this updated information may apply to procedures and specifications in this ‘manual. For the latest information, please se the following web address: netp# //wnww. ‘BMW otfers extersive warranties, especialy on components of the fuel delivery and emission control systems. Therefore, betore deciding to repair a BAW that may be covered wholy orn part by any warranties issued by BMW of North America, LLC, consult your authorized BMW dealer. ‘You may tind that the dealer can make the repair either free or at minenum cost. Regardless of its ‘age, or whether it is under warranty, your BMW is both an easy car to service and an easy car to ‘get servicod. So if atany time a repairis needed that you fee! i 100 ciffcult to do yourself, a trained BMW technician is ready to do the job for you Bontloy Publishers: 001-1 001 Warnings and Cautions PLEASE READ THESE WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WORK. WARNINGS— See alsoCAUTIONS Read the important safety notice on the copyright page at the beginning of the book ‘Some repairs may be beyond your capabily. I you lack the skills, tools end equipment or a eultable workplace for any procedure escribed inthis manual, we suggest you leave such reparrs to an authorized BMW dealer service department or other qualtied shop. “Thoroughly read each procedure and the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS i gaa ote corrections at wow Joo/errata/ before begrning work IWany procedure, tightening torque, weay lini, specification or {data presented in this manual does net appear to be appropriate for a specific application, contact the publisher or the vehicle ‘manufacturer for eleriication befera using the information in ‘question, Do not reuse any fastonors that ate worn or deformed. Many tasteners are designed 10 be used only once and become Unreliable and may fal when used a second time. This incudes, but not lenited to, nuts, bots, washers, sel-locking nuts or bolts, ciecips and cotter pins. Replace these fasteners with new parts Do no! work under a ifted car unless iis solidly supported on ‘stands designed for the purpose. Do not support a car on cinder blocks. hollow tles or other props that may crumble under ‘continuous load. Dono! work undora car thalie supported solely bby @ feck. Do not work under the car while the engine is running, Ityou are going to work urer a car on the ground, make sure thatthe ground is level, Block the wheels to keep the car from raling. Disconnect the battery negative (-] terminal to prevent ‘others from starting the ear while you aro under Do no! run the angine unless the work area is well ventiated, Carbon monoxide kils. Flamove rings, oracolets and other jeweiry so tat they cannot ‘cause electrical shorts, get caught in running machinery. or be ‘ruched by heavy paris. Tie long har behind your head. Do nct wear a necktie, a scart, looee elething, ora necklace when you worknear machine tools ‘or running engines. I your hair, clothing, or jewelry were to got ‘caught in the machinery, sovere injury could result (Do not attempt to work cn your cari you do not fee! well You inerease the danger of injury to yourself and others if you are tirad, upsotor havo takon medication or any other subctance that ‘may keep you from being fully alert. luminate your work area adequately but safely: Use @ portable ‘fety igntfor working nsige or under the car. Make sure the bul {senclosed by a wire cage. The hot flament of an accidentaly ‘broken tulb can ignte spilled fue, vapors or oi Catch draining fue, oi or brake hid in suitable containers. De et ues food or beverage containers that might mislead someone inio drinking ftom them. Store tammable uids away tor tire hazards. Wipe up spills at once, tut do not store the cily rags, “which can ignite and bum spontaneously Observe good workshop practices. Wear coggles when you operate machine tools or work with battery acid, Wear gloves or ‘other protective clothing whenever the job requires working with harmful suosiances Greases lubricants and other automotive chemcalscontain toxic substances, meny ct whtch are absorbed directly through the skin Read the manufacturer’ instructions ard warnings ‘carefully. Use hand and oye pretection. Avoid direct skin contact. Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal whenever you work fn the fuel system or the electrical system. Oo not smecke or work near heaters or other fire Fazards. Keep an approved fie extinguisher handy. Friction materials (sucn as brake pads and shoes or clutehaiscs) Contain asbestes fibers or other fricion materials, Do not create dust by grinding, sanding, or by clearing with comproseod ar. ‘Avoid breathing dust. Breathing any fricton material dust can lead to serous diseases and may result in death, Batteries give elf explosive hydrogen gas during charging. Keep ‘Spaiks, ighted matches and open flame away rom the top of the battery I hycrogen gas escaping from the cap vent is ignite. it ‘may ignite gas trapped in the calls and cause the battary 10 cexplove. “Tho air-conditioning system i illed wth chemical rafrigaran, which is hazardous. Make sure the system is serviced enly ty a trained technician sing approved ratngerantrecoveryirecysing ‘equipment, rained in elated salty precautons, anc tamiiar with ‘regulations governing the discharge and disposal o! automotive chemical relagerants Continued on next page 001-2 Warnings and Cautions WARNINGS (continued) + Do no! expose any part ofthe A/C system to high temperatures SUCH 28 open flame. Excessive heat increases system pressure ‘and may cause the system to burst ‘Some aerosol tre intators are highly lammable. Be extremely ‘cautious wien repairing a lire thal may have been inflated using ‘an a0r000l tire inflator. Keep sparks, open fame or cher sources, ‘of jgniton away trom the tre repair area. Inlate and cetate the tie at jest four times before breaking the bead fiom the rim Completely comove the tre from the rim before attempting any repair. Cars covered by this manual are equipped with a supplemental restiaint system (SRS) that eutomaically deploys airbags and pyrotechnic seat belt tersioners in case of a frontal or side Impact. These are explosive devices. Handled impropery oF without adequate safeguards, they can be accident activated id cause Serious injury ‘The igniton system produces high vokages that can be fatal ‘Avoid contact with exposed terminals and use exireme care when working on a ear with the engine running othe ignition ‘switched ON, Pace jack stands orly allocations specified by the manulacturer The vehicle lting jack supplied wih the vehice is intended fortrs changes only. Use a heavy duty tor jack to it vehcte before Intaling jack stands. See 020 Maintenance. ‘Battery acid (elecroiye) can cause severe burns. Flush contact area wih waler. then seek medical attention, ‘Asrosol cleaners and sovents may contain hazardous o' deadly ‘vapors ang are highyy flammabie. LJse only in a well vnilated ‘area. Do not use on hot surfaces (engines, brakes, ete) Dye to rsk of personal injury. be sure the engine is cold betore ‘begining work on the cooling system. CAUTIONS— ‘See also WARNINGS ‘+ Ityou lack he stil, tools and equipment, or a sullable workshop for any procedure described in this manual leave such epairs to ‘an auterized BMW dealer or ethor qualfied shop. BMW is constantly improving its cars and sometimes these ‘changes, both in parts and specifications are made applicable to ‘earler mocels. Any part numbers listed inthis manual are for reference only. Check wth your authorized BMW dealer parts {department forthe latest information Before siting a job, make certain that you have the necessary tools ane paris onhand, Read all the intuetions thoroughly, and do rot aiompt shorteuta, Use tools appropriate tothe work ong se only replacement parts mesing BMW specifications, Use pnoumatic and electric too's erly to loacon threaded parts land fasteners. Do not use these tool fo tighten fasteners, especially on light aloy parts. Use a torque wrench to tighten fasteners tothe tightening torque specification listed ‘Be mindiul of the environment and ecology, Before you crain the Crarkcase, find out the proper way to dispose of the ol. Do rot Pour ol onto the ground, down a drain, or into a sam, pond cr lake, Dispose of waste in accordance with federal, state and tocal iaws. ‘The control module for the antilock brake system (ABS) carrot withstand temperatures fom a paint-ying booth ora heat lamp inexcess of 203°F (95°C). Do not subject to temperatures in ‘excess of 188° F (85°C) for more than two hours, Botore doing ary electrical welding on cars equippod with ABS, disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal (ground slrap) and the ABS control module connecter. Make sure ignition is switched OFF belore disconnecting battery. Label battery cablos before disconnacting. On some modal, battery cabies are not color coded. Disconnecting the battery may erase fault code(s) ctood in control ‘module memory, Using special BMVY diagnostic equipment, check {or faut codes prio: to disconnecting the battery cables. I the ‘maltunction indicatorlight (Mil) siluminaiog, se OBD On-Board Diagnostics at the back of this manual, (This ght may be Identfied as the Cneck Engne light ore Service Ergne Soon light) I any other system faults are detected (indicated by an iluminated warring ight). see an authorized BMW dealer. ‘a normal or rapid charger is used to charge battery cisconnact ‘he battory remove itfrom the vehicle in ordor to avoid damaging the vehice. Do rot quici-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer than one minute, Wait ateast cre minute belore boosting the battery a second time. Connect and disconnect a battery charger only win the battery charger switched OFF. ‘Seated or "maintenance (ree” batteries should be slow-cnarged only. at an amperage rate that is approximately 10% o! the battery's ampare-hour (Ah) rating. Do not alow battery charging voltage fo excead 16.5 vols. fhe battery bogine producing gas or boing violently reduce the charging rate. Boosting a sulfated battery ata high chargng rate can cause an explosion. Do not use stee! fasteners on engine components made of alurrinum-magnesium alloy. Use aluminum fasteners only, Test fasteners for aluminum composition with magnet Replace aluminum bots each time they are loosened. Follow Torque instructions, including angle of rotaton specications, when inialing aluminum fasteners, 002-1 002 Vehicle Identification and VIN Decoder ‘Some of the information inthis manual apples only 1 cars of a particular model year or range of yoars. For exarnplo, 2004 reters to the 2004 model year but does not necessarly match the calendar year in which the car vas ‘manufactured or sold. To be sure o! the mocel year ofa particular car, check the vehicle identification number (VIN) on the car, ‘The VIN isa unique sequence ol 17 characters assigned by BMW to identity each individual car. When decoded, the VIN tels the country and year of manulacture; make, model and serial number; assembly plan! and even some equipment specitcations. “Tho BMW VIN is ona plate mounted on the top af the dashboard, onthe drivers side whore the number can be seen ‘hrough the windshield. The 10%h characte isthe model year code. Example: 4 for 2004, For 2010, A is used. The tabie below exolains some ot he codes in the VIN for 2004 through 2010 BIMWV E00 and E61 5 Series cars covered by hs manual Sample VIN: [WBA [N25 3[5]0/4]B]- - - = =~ [VIN |Description [Decoding information [position [is [Comeyor BMW AG Wurich, Germany manutacture BMW Motorsports GmolH, Munich. Germany 4-7 Vehele code |NASS 5251 2004 - 2005 (2003/00,01 to 2005/0228), £5251 2006 - 2007 (2005/0301 to 2007/02/28) NUES 628) 2008 - 2010 2007/0801 to 2000/1231) NA79 590 2004 - 2005 (2009/01/01 to 2008/0027) |INEv=3 5901 2006 - 2007 (2005/09101 to 2007/02/28) IVIg 585i 2008 - 2010 (2007/0301 10 2000/1231) NB33_—_545) 2004 - 2005 (2003/0901 to 2005/0831) NB53_—_$50; 2006 - 2007 (2005/09101 to 2007/02/28) N53 5501 2008 - 2010 (2007/0301 to 2009/1281) E93 526xi 2006 -2007 (200510401 to 2007102128) NVI3—_§2¥i 2008-2010 (200700401 to 2000112/31) NF73._§80xi 2006 -2607 2006:04/01 to 2007:02/28), |Nvsa s95xi2008 -2010 (2007/0401 fo 2009112781) |ru7a —_s30x1 Spon wegon 2006 - 2007 (208:04101 to 2007/0228) PT73_595x1 Sport Wagon 2008 - 2010 Nas MS: Restrain oye [5 Tali restant system Check dit (0-9 oF X, calculated by NHTSA 0 TModelyear | 2008 - 5 2005 6 2006, 7 2007 8 2008, 9 2009 a 2010 fr (.cmanien, Germany, | 1847 | Sonainomber | [_____ Seana production number for spactic vehicle + 003-1 003 Symptoms and Field Observations GENERAL 003-1 0 GENERAL DATA AND MAINTENANCE. .... 003-2 1 ENGINE 03-5 2 TRANSMISSION. 003-12 3 SUSPENSION, STEERING AND BRAKES. . 003-14 4Bovy... = 003-17 5 Bopy EQUIPMENT. .....0....05..66... 008-48 6 ELECTRICAL SysTEM. 003-19 7 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES. 003-24 GENERAL This repair group includes alist of eymptoms,ticldobsorvations, and ‘suggested fixes tor common problems and issues found on BMW 5 Series (E60. E61) vehicles. The information is organized by sections that correspond to the layout of the repair manual. Additional inforaton (when available) ccan be found in the repair group associated with the specific issue: +0 General Data and Maintenance +1 Engine +2 Transmission +3 Suspension, Steering and Brakes +4 Body +5 Body Equipment +6 Electrical System. #7 Equipment and Accessories “This information was developed from varied sources, ranging from professional BMNV technician feedback to manufacturer-issued tectnical service bulletins (TSBs), The contents intended to ccomploment the repair iniormation found in thie ropair manual cCAUTION— "The information contained inthis section is inherentyy dated ‘material. It was applicable ard relevant atthe time this manual wont to procs. Aluays chook BMW factory repairinformation at | wmw-bmutechiniocom or ihe publishers website at | wn Jcom for information that may supersede any mformation included in his section. 003-2 Symptoms and Field Observations O GENERAL DATA AND MAINTENANCE Topic ting a vehicle that is double- locked trom the outside 2 [| Engine oit, topping up N52, N54 engines: N52 engine N54 engine Ss Special tool for spark plug removal) —_= —_ Notes information (when available) Never lock 3 vehicle rom outside the car with an somaone ineide the Inthe untikely that someone gets double-locked inside the car, the pperscn inside the car can exit the vehicle using the following 2-step procedure: += Press tho contal unlock button to disable “double-lock” * Pull the door handle wice to open door. NoTE— ‘For vehicles with the factory alarm, oporing the door will activate the alarm. il residue may caliect on the cylinder head cover near the ot filer cap a few days after topping up or refiling the ergine oil \Whan oil is added, the filer cap is laid partially upside down. n this position, engine oil seepsinto the area ofthe ollcap thatisnot sealed by the casket. When the cap is renstalled, the of leaks trom the unsealed area onto the cylinder head cover surface, \ investigating an cilleakinthis area, confirm that itis not ollfrom the ae cap, When servicing epark pluge, @ standard socket may fit too tightly into the spark plug bore in the cylinder head. 1! this is the case, remove the heat shield inside plug hole (arrow) belore servicing spark pugs, “The NS# engine uses @ new design spark plug from Bosch that ‘consists of @ 12mm thread (compared to the 14mm esign on tne 'NS2) and a 12-point nex. The plug requires a special tool (BMW ‘spacial tool part no. 83 30 0 405 560). The special socko! ica thin- Wall design to faciitate access in he confined area of the N54. cylinder head. 020 Models from 2006 Va engine O GENERAL DATA AND MAINTENANCE (CONTINUED) Topic Eng ‘change - dynamic check (engine running) 1 oil level, checking after oil VB engine A/C belt removing and Installing. AIC tolt installation tool Battery, replacing Notes Aways pertorm the dynamic oll evel measurement (approx. 5 ‘minutes driving time) after an ol change. The cil evel could be misinterpreted as the ol level lat stored is intially displayed atter an oil change. NoTE— * Thora is n0 oi love initially stored aftor replacing or reprogramming the engine contro! unit "Oil level betow minis displayed). The correct oi! evel is indicated after running the ‘engine for approx. 5 minutos + Start engine, Select on-board computer function - OIL using rocker switch. Press [BC switch in once. Oil loval chock begins. A clock eymbol (arrow) ‘may appear while the level measurement is running, NOTE + The clack symbol appears for up to 50 seconds alter starting the engine when there is ro measured value ortho last stored value is not within the tolerance range of the currenly measured oil level ‘On the VB engines, there is no tensioner on the AIC belt. To installa ‘new belt, @ special tool (BMW part # 90 88 6 641 040) is required to guide ine belt onto tne pute. When installing @ new battery it rust be “tegisiered” to the Vehicle to notify the vehicle power managemert software (engine electronics and intollgont battory sensor that 2 now battery was fitted. This operation requires a BMW scan tool Without new battary registration, various electrical problems as well odd electrical system bohavior can occur ‘Additional Information (When available) 020 020 ra Symptoms and Field Observations 003-3 003-4 Symptoms and Field Observations 0 GENERAL DATA AND MAINTENANCE (CONTINUED) Topic Notes information | No communication with BMW scan | When performing diagnosis ona vehele with the BNW scan tool, the tool on DCAN. message "Connect diagnostic connector and switch ON igniticn [Terminal 15)" is displayed. | + D-CAN failure in vehicle, Belore dagnosing D-CAN in the vehicle, try communicating with another vehicle, If communication cannot ba established on other vehicle, try a diferent scan tool. communication resumes on the other vehicie, use the followng steps to ciagnose DCAN. — Disconnect vehicle power supply / charger (if connected). = Disconnect batiery — Check resistance of D-CAN circuit across OBD socket Pin 6 paisee (D_CAN H) and Pin 14(D_CAN_L). A good D-CAN measures {60 ohms, The D-CAN circuit is fited with two 120 ohm torminal {esistors. One is fitted in wiring neer OBD socket. The second is ‘itled in gateway module of vehicle (KGM or SGM). = thresisiance reading is 0 ohms, the D-CAN wires are shorted together, Gneck arcu for storts as per wing diagram, — resistance reading is Moga ohms, the D-CAN wiring has an ‘open coull. Check circuit for opens as per wring diagram, = throsisiance voading is 120 ohms, one of terminal resistors ie faulty. Check resistance of both resistors lor an open circu and replace as necessary. Intelligent battery sensor (IBS), The in‘eligent Battery Sensor (IBS) is an electroric device service precautions connected directly to the rogativo battory torminal.The IBS is vory ‘sensitive to mechanical stiess and stain. Particular attention should bbe paid to the following points: + Donot make any additional cannections at the negative terminal of the battory. + Do not modty the battery ground cabee. + Do not make any connections between the IBS and the sensor ‘crow. + Donot use force when disconnecting the ground terminal from the = battery. wa | + Novor pul on the ground cable, + Donnot use the IBS es a pivot point to lever off the ground terminal + Do not use the connections of the IBS as a lever. } + Use only a torque wrench as deseribod in tho repair manwal during instalation * Do not release or tighten the sensor screw, NoTE— ‘A replacement IRS includes the ground cable. The ground cable also serves as a heat cissipater for the IBS. Symptoms and Field Observations 003-5 Notes information (when available) Engine knock fault codes indicate thal the ongina is knocking Detonation or knock is an erratc form of combustion that can cause haad gaste! failure as well as other engine damage. Prolonged or | heavy detonation can be very damaging. The hammorike shock | \waves created by detonation subject the head gasket, piston, rings, 120 spark plug and rod bearings fo severe overloading. As afistremedy, tty higher octene high detergent ful or aviteh brands. if the fauts | coces continue 0 retum, cortact your authorized BNW dealer Diagnosing electric cooling fan From 03/2007 production vehicles: & rovised power supply relay for the electric coolant fan power supply was used on these vehicles ‘Coolant fan power supply relay K9137 is located in the back of the rear fuse bax. Connecior (B) provides contro signals for relay ‘activation (KL30g from the rear fuse box/power dictrbution box and | local ground KL31). nea win neperave secre can win simporsatnc | 170,5LE mmfinton ene oven otal cade SEPE Coole dotalo’ sedn neEME) hea he powers ey paaion Check tt bo comes (8 ee fveudedon tenet | Check Kg (6+) and KL (gourd) stra br oet oa iterative bot may cause various dvb compa, fosel power te "Sormce Chg Seo lan tural te aire Water can enter through the grommet for the ground connection X6 Con tho front of the E-box, It watoris prosont, check that al drains and water channels are cleat No erank, no start Engine does not crank. Orly the SRS (Supplemental Restraint ‘System) and red brake lights show in the instrument cluster with igntion on. FC A111 (ELV voltage supply faut) is stored in CAS (Car | Access System) woTe— + As. reauitola change in government requirements, he ELV was oa ‘deleted on most 2007 and later models. Ani-thelt protecion continues to be provided by drive-away protection in EWS, | ‘egative battery terminal, Follow the white/blue and gray wires trom Disconnect the IGS connector (3-pin connector with 2 wires) at the | the IBS to locate the connector, 003-6 Symptoms and Field Observations 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) Topic Notes information Ignition coil fue¥ oll contamination When working on the fuel system, itis important to ensure that the ignition coils are not fouled by fuel or oil (especially ertcal for NS4 ‘enginos). Tho resistance ofthe silicone material is significantly recuced by fuel contact. This can cause spark over at the spark plug and misfires. 120 Betore servicing the fuel system, remove the igntion coils and cover the spark plug hole with a cloth, > Ignition coils heavily fouled by fuel must be replaced, When diagnosing engine noise, do not rule out worn timing chain Components. This is especialy applicable to high mileage engines and engines with exiended oll change intervals. 417 ‘When replacing valve cover gasket, take extra caution when tightening fasteners and sealing at meta’ joining poin's. For example front timing cover to cylinder head. There is a small area where slicone should be applied lo seal where the gasket may not Applies to all engines. a (ior eimemenat, — [Ua RnRas ee Raa Gea ce a ero fe \VANOS actuato’ or solenoid can cause a fault P) 7 VB engine V8 engine VB engine 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) Topic Stlcky VANOS solenoid sets cam position (CMP) sensor codes Coolent pipe loak Coolant pipe “Sse Ateroator bracket Symptoms and Field Observations 003-7 Notes {A sticky / jammed VANOS solenoid can set a camshait position (CMP) sensor faut (tooth error), ‘Models with N62, NS2KP, N54 and VB engines may be dificult to start, run rough and have the Service Engine Soon lamp iluminated with one or more of the folowing stored faults + Gam sensor, inlet signal - signal invalid for synchronization + Grankshaft-nlet camshaft, correlation + VANOS intake -stif, jammed mechanicaly * Gam sensor, exnaust signal - signal invalid for synchronization * Crankshaft - exhaust camshaft. correlation + VANOS exhaust - st, jammed mechanically Remove VANOS solenoid. intake or exhaust, depending on faut odes stored and, using shop air, gorly blow out any visible paricloe and reinstal, i faut returns, ty srappng solenoids between banks toseeit fault folons solenoid. Replace solenod if fault cannot be corrected. Be careful not to overfill cooling system during service or when topping up. V8 engne coolant caps have a tendancy to not reloase when pressure exceeds maximum, An overtiled cooling system can ‘amply this preblem, ‘The coolant pipe located in valley of VB engine can develop leaks at the end O~ing seals. Toreplace the pipe with the OEM pipe, the front Of the engine must be fully disassembled, requrring engne removal under most cireumstances. Attormarket options are availablo (threaded expancing pipe. is ene ‘example) that signlicantly reduce the time and cost required to do the jb. {An ci leak from the alternator area is usually be caused by a faulty alternator bracket profile gasket. To replace the gasket, remove. alternator and bracket ‘Additional ] information (when available) 117 170 121 003-8 Symptoms and Field Observations 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) a Topic Notes information a me ti (when available) ‘Vacuum pump diaphragm falls A uptured vacuum pump diaphragm resulls in oj being sucked into causing oil leak and brake booster the brake booster. Remove brake booster vacuum hose to inspost If failuro ‘lis present in hose, replace vacuum pump. Iflarge amounts of cil ‘are found inspect brake booster, replacement may be needed, 130 VB engine ‘Throttle housing (EDK) fault codes | Fault codes: * 20F8 ~ Throttle valve potentiometer, signal | + 2CF9 - Throttle valve potentiometer 1, signal + 2CFA - Throttle valve potentiometer 2, signal Inmost cases, DSC fault §F77 (DME invalid data) wll also be stored. 138 These feults are sporacic and usually not repreducble. V8 engine The cause is an intermittent interruption of the EOK signal to the DME due to a resistance fluctuation in the EDK hamess connector. Roplace EDK harnoss with updated part #12.51 7 602 973. Intermittent lifter noise ‘An cccasional ticking oF rating noise from hydraulic valve adjusters ‘ (HVA) elomonts may occur during cld engine strisorroquent « hy >\, | short-distance diving Tits condition will ot cause any demege the engine, and usually remectes itself with a longer driving distance i} ‘or operating times at ful operating temperature, Libs ati, eats uriaid So nea We | cargudeSayecua tung meusincen Sattees \ below, The bleed time may take anywhere from two minutes to a ee a Procedure procondstions: + Engine running at operating temperature + Veniole stationary on a level surface in a propery ventilated area + Engine oi level correct — not undarfllad or overflled a 1. Bring engine up to an operating speed (no load) of 2000-3000 rpm | and maintain this speed for three minutes, 2. Let engine ide for 15-30 seconds. Listen for whether the noise is Stl prosont: + Iengine is quiet, procedure is finished, = engine noise stil present, repeat procedur 2 up to @ maximum of 5 times, N52 engine jerform steps 1 and It the noise remains alter performing the bleeding procedure 5 times: proceed by performing the procedure fora final time, also at an engine operating speed o! 2000-3000 cpm, but for a total ime {uration of 15 minutes. I noise returns atter mutiole bleedings, the cylinder head may be faulty and require replacement. Symptoms and Field Observations 003-9 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) Topic information (when available) Faulty valvetroni¢ motor linked to 11 dagnosing a faulty DME, be sure to check thatthe valvetronic DME failure motor was not the root cause of the damage to DME control unt. anew control units installed and the valvetronic motor is bad (excessive current draw), the now DME will be damaged: Cylinger-assigned high pressure On N54 engines, mark the cylinder locations on the (uel injectors injectors when removing them, ‘As part o injector manufacturing, tolerance ranges for injection ‘quenity are determined and specified in a sixcigt number ‘combination. These values are used by the DME to compensate for variations in the individual injectors, NOTE — + When replacing an injector itis essential to carry out an injector acjustment using the BMW scan too. | Servicing high pressure fuel ‘Working on the HPI system must only be carried out after the engine | injection system - safety precaution has cooled down. Do not attempt to open any fuel lines oF connections on the HPI injaction systam until the coolant temperature is below 40° C (approx. 104°F) Ii the engine is not cocl, there is danger of residual fuel pressure i spray in the high-pressure system. > ‘When working on the high-pressure fuel system, take particular care to ensue conditions of absolute cleanliness and fallow the work ‘sequences described in the repair instructions. Even the smallest contaminants andior damage to the threads on the high-pressure lines can cause leaks. Mighpreseure fuel eyetem tate Sori Engine Soon tt uminaln, engine enter fala mode with reduced power. Scan tool data shows faut codes 10787 (P9289, P3284), and/or 10738 (P3003, P3090) ~ "High fuel pressure system, plausibility” stored in M'SOB0 (DME) control module. Thess fault codes all relate to the high pressure fuel system. ‘The possible causes are: incorrect adaptation values of the high ‘pressure pump control valve oF failure cf the high-pressure fuel ‘pump. Begin by resetting adaptations for engine management. It fault codes return immediately after adaptation, the fuel pump may te Faulty. N54 engine 003-10 Symptoms and Field Observations N54 engine N54 engine N54 engine NB4 engine: 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) Topic High pressure fuel injector, replacing replace teflon seal Be High pressure fuel pump oxtondod warranty coverage Ful injector foults ENL light illuminated, limp home ‘mode, no boost pressure control Notes ‘Always replace the teflon O-ring (artow) when fiting and removing the fel injector, This also applies to an injector that has just been fitec and nas to be removed again ater an engine sia. ‘Anew injector with anew tellon O-ring should be fited as quickyy as possible asthe Tetlon sealing ring coule swell up. ‘iso. be sure that the injectors correctly seated when insialling. The injector hold-down must rest on both injector tabs, otherwise the necessary force Is not appied. Do not clean the nozzle-neodle tip of the pieze-injector. ‘On 2007 -2009 modole with N54 engines, BMW emissions warranty ‘f the high pressure fuel pump (HD?) has been extended from 4 ‘years or 50,000 miles to 10 years or 120,000 miles, whichever comes first ‘Vehicles witha fauty fuel pump may have the Service Engine Soon amp iluminated with varous low fuel pressure-related faults stored in the engine control module (OME). Affected vehicles may ‘experience long cranking times or reduced engine performance (engine in faisafe mode) when the HOP matunctions. It the high pressure tuel pump of a MY 2007- 2009 exhibts the ssympioms listed above, it should be replaced with the improved part ‘On cars with faulty fuel irjestors, various fault codes related to fuel injectors may be stored in the OME control module (Service Engine Soon lightis illuminated). The engine may lack power. idle erraticaly, ‘or have poor throttle response. Faults codos such as injector, cylinder 1-6, short cicult or line break, DME internal fault; Injector iver circuit failure bark 1-3: bank 4-6 or Misfring, several eyinders may indicate a bank of 3 fauly injectors, Consult your authorized ‘dealer regarding injector replacement as It applies to BMW Service Buletin SIB 12 02 08 (dated October 2008). Inthe event of a failure, maltunction or an implausible signal rom any of the sensors listed below, activation of the wastegate vaives's shut {down and the valve flaps are (uly opened. Turbocharging ceases at this point ‘High-pressure {uel system ‘Iniet or exhaust VANOS. += Crankshaft postion sensor ‘+ Camshait position sensor Boost pressure sonsor += Knock sensors + Iniake-ar temperature sensor Ifthe ELML lightis illuminated, interrogate fault memory and correct any problems found. 130 130 NS4 engine N52, N54 engines: N52, N54 engines _ | N52, N54 engines| 1 ENGINE (CONTINUED) opie Symptoms and Field Observations 003-11 Notes Rattle noise from turbocharger area A metalic noise irom the exhaust system near the engine or Coolant contact with magnesium ‘components Damaged connector at throttle module Electric coolant pump precautions turbocharger area can occur during deceleration from approx. 3.500 [RPM oF during a high engine speed without a drive gear being engaged. Inthis situation, the wastegate valve does not completely close due tomechanical tolorances ofthe wastegate actuator and resuts nthe wastegate valve railing against its seeting surface. Do not replace the turbocharger or adjust the existing wastegate actuator conirol rod. Instead reprogram the DME. I after programming, the noise ie na longer present, tak no further action, It the no's is stil present, replace both of the turbocharger wastegate actuators. During service procedures which involve coolant, such as cylinder hhoad replacement, the bolt holes must bo blown dry immediately. To prevent corresion, do not alow any ‘races of coolant to remain in holes When connecting throtte module connector, itis possible to wst the Ccomector before plugging it in, causing damage to the harness and the connector. Be sure o install connector caretuly 1 avoid damage, Particular care must be taken to ensure that the coolant pump does rot un dry. When the pumpis removed, t shouldbe siored filed with ‘coolant. Tho pump boaings could saize ifthe pump is not filod with ‘cooiant. A inoperative coolant pump could cause serious engine damage. Ifthe pump should ever run dry the pump impeller should be turned ‘by hand to ensure tho pump is not soized belore connecting the ‘cooiant hoses. The system should then be immediately filed wit cooiant ‘Additional information (when available) 180 113, 170 003-12 Symptoms and Field Observations 2 TRANSMISSION Topic Notes ‘SMG Transmission requires specific An extia deep socket is used to remove the 41mm nut on he SMG ‘socket io remove output flange. ‘output flange. BMW part number 83 30 0 493 421 41 mm desp socket © ATF service recommendation ‘The automatic transmission llud in the both the ZF and GM units should be changed at servica intorvals no greatar than 100,000 miles. 60 to 89k miles should be considered a more acceptable ‘maximum interval ‘When checking the fluid level, iis crtcal that the temperature of the fiuid be maintained at approximately 30°C (86°F). (The factory specification is 90 - 50°C.) Crecking the temperature can be done using an infrared temp gun or amore correctly, witha BMW scan too. Vibration oF noise in drive train ‘Ono oF more ofthe folowing may be heard while driving slowly, 3 \)__ coming to a siop or a highway speeds: + A.clnk can be heard while ring slowly and downshiting from 2n0 to Ist gear coming o a stop. + Load reversal causes a sight clink noise * A cunk noise can be heard while shifting nto forward or reverse (par from park or neutral (Chock for a deterioration or separation ofthe rubber inthe universal joint located between the vansmission and drive shatt assembly. To checkif he noise is caused by a defective universal joint ihe drivestaft must frst be removed. Once removed. check i! any of the ‘metal collars are loose andlor rubber cracking is found. Fleplace the Universal joint if any fault are found. Mechatronic sealing sleeve leaking Trensmission tid can be seen leaking ftom transmission all pan, oF more specifically from the Mechatronic sealing sleeve. ‘This repair requres replacing the sealing sleeve and the: tranemiscion oil pan gasket. Refer to BMW Service Bulletin SIB 24 08.06 (dated February 2009) for parts and repair information, including proper sieeve installation instructions. NoTE— ont ‘Alter instalation of the new sieeve, the correct distance ‘between the transmission harness connector and the housing ‘Suriace sroutd not exceed 3 mm. 230 240 240 Symptoms and Field Observations 003-13 2 TRANSMISSION (CONTINUED) cee | ‘Adtional Topic | Notes information (when aveilabie) Transmissionftransmission control Various compiants associated with inoperative transmission complaints ‘controls. Attimes the vehicle will not start, gear indicator display not present, tansmissicn failsafe light is on, or there is 2 transmission failsafe message in the check contiol. During diagnosis with scan todl, EGS cannot be identiied, ‘The transmission harness connector may have a loose or pushed back pin(s). This condtion can cause var‘ous complaints and many iferent faults to be stored. Disconnect the battery and check he transmission connector X8500 forloose or pushed backpins. may be possible when the connector, is removed forthe pin to move forward, 50 check that al the pins aro tight and locked in place by using 2 Lunt 1001 tke a pick. Look carefully - a pushed in pin may appear as an open Sot 240 NoTE— + Itmay be necessary to remove the exhaust and loner the back (of tne transmission to propery inspect plug. If this step is necessary be careful to no! bend shifter cable bracket ‘otherwise shitter cable operation wil be compromised. Transmission in failsafe mode with ‘This is caused by highly sensitive EGS software. The ‘ault normally stored fault (CF33) sets during a 54 downshift in venicles with a replacement (from 02/2006 to 08/2007 production transmission. or after a reset of the adaptation values. nity ory autootiene Do not replace any parts. Using the factory scan tocl (version 49.0 ‘and higher) to runa short test and perform the following test module: Feset learning functions - available using the following dagnostic path: Service Functons ! Transmission Control / Calibrations / Reset leaning functions Attorwards, turn ignition off /lock vehicle et vehicle enter sleep ‘mode. It should then be possible to clear the fault. “This problem is planned to be corrected with August 2007 and later production vehicles equiped with these ZF transmissions. 003-14 Symptoms and Field Observations 3 SUSPENSION, STEERING AND BRAKES 2 a as ‘Additional Topic Notes information | Rear coil spring repair procedures For repair procedures that require removal ofthe rear coll springs. | the spring seats must be properly cleaned prior to reinstalling the springs. Dirt, pebbles, and debris left on te spring pads can become trapped between the spring pads and the lower coi ofthe sorings This can damage the protective coating ofthe springs and rust may form on the spring. Over time, rust formation on the spring combined ‘with vehicle operating condtions may cause the spring to break } xDrive front pinion seal leak Front pinion seal leaks (arrow) should be addressed promptly. The front differential has a low fluid capacity and ary size leak can pose an immediate probiem. att Brake ped wear sensor, use care when The brake pad weer sensor is easily damage during instalation installing /removing owing tothe 90° design. Be careful no! to break the sensor when during instanton and remeval. 340 Brake squeal from pad wear sensor —_Uncer light / moderate brake applications, brake squeal can be ‘caused by contact between the brake pad wear sensor and the brake rotor (front or roar brakes} ‘Tho goomety of the pad wear conser, combined with individual living habits, can resuttn a wear pattem that causes @ squeaking _andior squealing noise when the brakes are applied with ight to ‘moderate force, Ifthe noise is coming from the brake system, inspect the brake pad ‘wear sensor of the affected aale. I the sensor isin contact withthe | rotorcisc, remove the sensor and drive the vehic'e. If the noise 1S | ‘elminated, replace the brake pads and wear sensor of the affecied ale. If the noise is not eliminated, further diagnosis ie requited to determine the cause of the nois2. Symptoms and Field Observations 003-15 3 SUSPENSION, STEERING AND BRAKES (CONTINUED) ‘Additional | Topic Notes Information (Ovhen available) | Wheel alignment (track), resetting ‘On eais with the optional active steering (option SA 214), the front “(cars with active steering) track has to be reset after work on the steering, The procedure for agjusting track on 2 vehicle with active fort steering (total steering ‘angle senso is not the same as that fore vehicle with a conventional power-assistad steering system, A 220 Proms? ELY (Electric Steering Lock) warning ELV light cn with intermittent no-crank, ro-startstuaton or ELV ‘shown in the Instrument Cluster solenoid in locked position, Thie fault is usualy caused by low voltage during vehicte cranking / starting, “Troubleshooting should be carried out using BMW scan tool nor 320 += Iflemminal KL15 isnot switehod on, scan tool communication wil Deinnbited. in this case, stari dagnosics by seecting he vehicle, ‘manually. Then folow the diagnosties path: Drive /Engine start / Comfort start/ button to get into the scan tool fast plan. Worn whee! bearings can often produce a knocking sound while | diving. Note that special press tools are needed to replace the bearings. ‘Check the front wheel bearings for wear with the vehicle raised. The Dearing wil fee! tight whon spinning the whol i * Put the vehicle on the ground, pull and pusti ontop of wheel tire 10 check ior looseness in whee! bearing, Initaly it may ee! tignt. Rock steering wheol back and forth to stuato tho boaring, Boaring will then feet loose wen pushing / pulling on top o tie. | ‘Active steering, reinitializing after Active steering must be reinitialzed after the battery has been battery disconnect, disconnected. Reinitiaize as folows: + Stari engine the “Active Steering Inactive” Check-Conirol message appea's) ‘Turn steering whoo! as far as it will go counter clockwise and then as far as it wil go clockwise. 003-16 Symptoms and Field Observations 3 SUSPENSION, STEERING AND BRAKES (CONTINUED) Topic Notes Clicking or cracking noise from rear The differential input lange mating surface with te input drive pinon sifferential 's insuficienty greased. This is nota failure ofthe differential assembly. Do not replace the complete differential. Remove the differential drive lange. Apply lubricant PIN 89 23 0 443 864 on the input flange mating surface (A), as described in the ilustration, Before complete reassembly replace the input flange seal and collar Tire pressure monitor, damaged whee! Tho tre proscure monitor (TPM) system used on 2007 andater cars electronics (2007-2010 vehicles) measures the te pressures at each of the four wheels. The system utiizes a warning lamp, mountedin the instrument cluster to alert the ‘river of alow tio prossure condition, The TPM system uses. separate wheel electronics mounted at tne base of each tie valve inside the wheel. Extra care must be taken when changing ties to avoid damaging the wheo! electronics. A damages whoo! electronic | ‘can cause the tre warning indicator to iluminate. |When diagnosing an lluminated TPM waming lamp, the thes ang ‘wheels should be inspected for damage and/or prior replacement woTe— +The last four digits of the tre's DOT number indicate the ‘calendar week, folowed by the year in which ine tire was produced. This information can be used to determine ifone or ‘more tres have boon rocontly replaced. Fiat tio monitoring / tire pressur “The warning lampisilluminatod when tho fire prescuro decreases by monitoring, illuminated warning lamp approximately 25%. Teiperature fluctuations can cause changes in tire pressure, For every 10° F change in ambient temperature, the tire pressure can chango by 1 pei. Therefor, the tire warring incicator may be iluminaied by a laige change in temperature combined with 2 low pressure condition. Ingpect tires regularly or physical damage and check tre pressures hon the tio warning is iluminated. BMWW recommends checking tre inflation pressures every two weeks and betore long inps, CAUTION + Driving cn a signticantly under-infiated tre causes the tre to vetheal and can lead to ire failure | * Under inflation reduces fue! efflency and tre tread tie, and ‘may aifect the vehicle's handling and stopping ably. Additional Information (when available) 020 Symptoms and Field Observations 003-17 4 Bopy ‘Adeltional Topic Notes information (when availabe) Multiple electrical faults caused by Elecical components mounted in spare ie well may become | water leak into trunk damaged by water leaking inte trunk. Inepect trunk rubber seal and | in particular, the large rubber washers at the bumper fasteners (as viewed from inside trunk) | | Waeeoara anaes The fist stepis tomate sure the glass and the blades ae clean end tree of contaminants. Common contaminants that are not removed ty convontonal Gass cloanore can be removed with BON AMI, nousehod cleanser The cleanser should be appied on awet cloth or sponge and me windshield must bo thorouahy and evenly scrubbec. Wie of the ‘otidve with a coan, dry doth before the cleanser dros on the class en ¥ thro i evidence of heavy overepray of waxes or elicenas onthe ass, a wax and silcone remover can be used to remave them, Clean the wiper blades wih a clean cloth soaked in ebbing alconol ‘Once thebiades and glass have been cleaned, check theadjustment of the wiper arms. NOTE— + To properly adjust the wiper arms, special BMW aojusiment ‘gauges and tools are required. See611 Wipers and Washers. 003-18 Symptoms and Field Observations 5 Bopy Equipment Topic ‘Squeaking noise from 8-pillar Sunroof moves in small steps or Interior lights not working, Taligate opens siow at low ambient temperatures (ports Wogen) Notes Asqueakingor grating noise may be heard rom the top of the B-pillar When driving over rough roads at very cold ambient temperatures, ‘This noise typically occurs only below approximaiely 20°F (For ‘noises from this area ai high temperatures, refer to BMW Service Bullatn $1851 02 05). ‘This s caused by @ bad bond between the B-plar trim and the rear door seal, Replace the door seal with an updated par, which uses a softer ‘rubber compound. ‘Siide/tit sunvoot requires intialization. The motor of the side/tit sunroot uses 2 Hall sensors. They are located on the motor shaft and offset by 90 degrees with respect to ‘each othor. When the motor is running, this reaults in two offset Hell signals that are used to register the direction of rotation and for the antitrapping protection function NOTE— ‘The contro! bution must remain proseod during the onto inilaizatio procedure. The intializaton procedure musi be repeated ifthe button is released. ‘if he power supply is interrupted during initalzation the procedure musi be repeated Press and hold sunroof button in the sunroof tit direction. Ater approx. 15 seconds, the intalzation begins by storing the tit- Postion ord stop, then the full open ond stop postion, otc. Initialization takes about 120 seconds. Iniiaizaion is erased under the folowing conditions: + Removal of the voltage suppiy to sunroof contro! module + Hall sensor fault cotected + Suarocf position implausible + Modtied/changed vehicle coding oF cocing data faulty Tailgate opens slowly 0: does not fuly open under #s own power. Inow ambient temperatures, the gas pressure in the taigate struts ‘seduced. The resul is a less powerul strut Conversely, at vary high ambient temperatures, the gas pressure s higher, thus allowing the taigate to open quicker, Thisis a normal condition and the struts ‘are not faulty. However. to ensure that excessive frctionisnot present in the hinges: {duo to lack of lubrication, be sure to lubricate teilgate and gos strut hinges with grease. Symptoms and Field Observations 003-19 5 Bopy EQuipmeNT (CONTINUED) Topic Front and rear doors do not unlock at same time 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Changing / setting date format (mm/dé or dd/mm) in the Personal Profile settings (vehicles without Navigetion) Notes Intermittent, when the vehicles uniocked using ether the remote key or the central lacking button, the rear doors do not unlock at the ‘same time as the front doors. This situation is unaffected by whether ‘or not selective locking is active, For the rear doors to unlock, the uniock procedure must be pperlormed an additional timo. AHigh Rate of Battery Discharge check control message may also be displayed “This condition occurs when an excessive closed-cicut current draw is dotecied. When an excessive craw is detected, the 30gt relay is sswitehed, disconnecting the basic body module (KBM) from the power supply. Notes To change Personal Profile sattngs: + Press rocker switch in direction indicator stalk, up 0: down until “Personal Protie” function (Rey with @ check mark) appears, ac- ‘companied by the word SET in the instrument cluste += Press Board Computer (BC) button on steering column stalk. * Press rocker switch, up or down, untt “Wmm" or “mm” is shown, + Press the BC button. + Use the rockor switch to make tho selection/change. * Press the BC button to contirm and aczept the selection’change. Nore + This wil also change the date format inthe radio display. ‘The following display formats and units of measure can be selecied/changed in the same way. * Fuel consumption (/100km, mpg, kr) * Distance (km, mis) + Time format (1224h) Temperature (°C, °F) + Reset of display formas / units of measure (factoryidefautt setting) | Additional information “(ohen available), ‘Additional (when available) 003-20 Symptoms and Field Observations 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONTINUED) Topic Closed-circuit current (parasitic draw) specification Stabilant 22A electrical contact enhancer, Check Control message: Vehicle Battery! Increased Battery Discharge Increased clesed:-cireut currents may occur permanently or intermittently and cause the battery to dischaige. The increase in ‘losed-crcultcurrent may be caused by a ‘aulty control unit, or by the installation of a non-approved accessory. E60, E51: 40 mA after 60-70 minutes with TCU (telematics control unit) (20 minutes without TCU) In general, closed-crcuil curent consistently over 50 mA must be investigated. Connectors carrying low current are particulaily susceptible to the formation of deposits. Those doposits affect the resistance ol the circuit and, depending on the sensitivity of the particular circut, can ‘cause system malfunctions (very olten intermitten’), and the activation of warning lamps and check contol indicators, In dificult to solve elctrical rosistance stuatione, Stabilant 22A may help to enhance electrical contact. Stabilant 22A evaporates and leaves a thin polymer film which is conductive between the mating ‘surfaces, while staying non-conductive between ad.acont pins. At the ‘same time I prevenis the formation of any further harmful deposts, NOTE — + Read and understand any Stabilant 22A safety precautions provided by the manufacturer + Do not use Stabilant 22A on Oxygen sensor or SRS conneciors. Hf the off4oad currant excoods 80 mA attr 68 minutes of the key being off,the engine management system outputs the CC message “Vehicle Battery! Increased Battery Discharge’ the next time ‘Terminal 18 is ewitchod on. This happons regardlese of the battery state of charge. In the event of ie above stuation, check ine vehicle for non- approved electrical equipment installations Retrofited after-market equipment (09. hands-(ree systems, navigation systems, GPS or entertainment systems) may havo boon Incorrectly connected to Terminal 30, Terminal 30g/ or directly to the battery, NoTe— +The intelligent battory sensor (IBS) monitors the battery's ‘discharge current wile the vehicle is off, The measures values ‘are transmitted to the DME through the bit-serial data (BSD) interface. Therefore, equipment or accessories must only be connected to Terminal 15 or Terminal 309, unless etherwise ‘Specified nthe instalation instructions of the BMVY retrft kt 121 ry Symptoms and Field Observations 003-21 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONTINUED) Topic Notes Windshield washer, low or no volume Windshield washers spray very low volume of fluid, ona fd at ll ‘The strainer (arrow) on the windshield washer fuid pump may become clogged by debris or an algae-ike substance. The algae-ke substance 's typically caused by using non-approved washer fluid or straight water in the washer fluid resarvorr Terese tw aa: «Ran fn stra, nd orp Ht wi oat rete nereeink ant pn aie Beene wat bene anmseaa rere an nel oats a Nieteeere eaia eee eee na ear cigs ange Se ioananrabn Gong warning without visual check A gong warning sounds approximately 10-15 seconds alter the control message ‘engine is startod. Thoro eno check control warning inthe instrumont cluster and no faults are stored Thisccan be caused by acenier door lock button (permanently closed contacts). Test the functonaiity of the center door lock button and replace as necessary, Remote key not working The radio remote conirel function is inoperative: +The vehicle cannot be unlooked or locked with the remote key. ‘The check control message “Replace Remote Control Battery” is displayed + Fault Code 930880 - 1D tranemittor: Battory undervotage is stored. Tost remote key using BMW scan tool Instrument cluster mileage display The instrument chister mileage display switches to kilometers after switches to kilometers when key 1 switching koys. Thie ctuation occurs only up to 16 minutos alter the ‘switched vehicle is swched off (vehicle not yet asleep). Do notreptace ary parts or perform any sotware updates to correct this situation. The problem can be corrected by letting he vehicle go to sleep (longer than 16 minutes alter the key is OFF) Consumption is Set to mpg UK instead Using (Drive menu change setting under Display Settings. ‘of mpg US, es 003-22 Symptoms and Field Observations 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONTINUED) opie Notes “information AIC blows warm after an extended drive The air conditioning stops coding and starts to blow warm air. This Usually happerss when the weather is very humid oF there is a high level of air pollution. Normal operation is restored after the system is turned off for approximately 15 minutes. The air conditioning system temperature regulation is calibrated between 33.4°F (0.8°C) and 34.5°F (1.4°C). Under certain tenvonmental conditions, ice may form on the evaporator, causing loss of air conditioning performance. A soltware update is required to remedy this problem. Program using BMW scan tool. Blower motor stays on with key OFF. Occasionally alter along drve, the blower motor stays on at a reduced speed trom the last setting on the control panel, for up to 16 minutes afte the vehicle was turned off, DME fault cade 2DED Baitery Power Management may also be stored. This complaint will not cause the battery to be discharged. | This is caused by a blower motor LIN-Bus communication error (Wiower in omorgoncy mode). A software update is required to remecy this problem, Program using BMW scan tool ‘AIC compressor does not switch ON IHKA (Integrated Heating and Ar Conditioning) fault SC8A — 7 a -. Compressor Coupling is stored Check fr a loose ground connection at compressor. if the ground cennection is not leose, continue troubleshocting fault using BMW | Scan too! test plan Testing automatic recirculation (AUC) Use the following steps to dagnose AUC-related fault codes. sensor, = Romove AUC sensor from mounting poirt. Electrical connector remains connected = Turn ignition key on, make sure IHKA system is on, = Blow into AUC sensor arr intake, Fresh a fap should slam shut. = If flap doos not close, chesk voltage eupply te sensor. Hf veltago supply is good, replace AUC sensor. Symptoms and Field Observations 003-23 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONTINUED) | Additional Topic Notes information (oven available) “Eyebrow lights inoperative after if eyebrow lights (arrow) fail to work alter vehicle programing, programming reprogram complete vehicle using BMW scan toc! with latest seftware, | xenon tamp bulbs differ in colar after Replacement xenon bubs have a yellow.white appearance when | replacement compared with the bluish-white ofthe original bub | New Xenon bulbs require a burn-in period, which causes a gradual color change from yelow to blue. The greatest color occursin the fist | 5 minutes of uso, and stabilizes aftor approximately 100 hous of uso, | LED flashing on headlight switch, no With tho light swich ewiiched othe automate pesion, the LED on faults stored the headlamp switch is lashing and AHL (Active Headlights) 1s deactivated. related to AHL system, Ifro faults are stored and LED & still ashing, problem may be caused by stuck stepper motor in tie headlamp, [AHL is integrated into BUS network and reiles on communication with offer modules to function. Select: “Cont Unit Funetions/AHLIComponent Activation, ‘Activate each of the AHL functions in turn until the problem is Identitied ang replace faulty components. ‘Automatic headlights, adjusting Headlights switch on too early or to0 late, even in daylight, with Using the BMW scan tool, carry out a short test to identity any faults ‘sonsitivity headlight switch sei to automatic position Tho factory detault for the raivlight sensor is set io “sensitive”. With this setting, the raiight sensor's set for optimum op Thewe are three setting options: + Normal (reduced sensitivity) + Senstive (factory defaul!) + Highly sensitive (most sensitve). | IW the preterence \s to have sensor setting either more or ess sensitive the salting ean be changed using BMW scan tool 003-24 Symptoms and Field Observations 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONTINUED) me nates | Key falls out of, or gets stuck in key | Remote key is rot adequately retained in the key slot and som holder falls out. There are alco situations where the remote key gots stuck inthe key stot and cannot easly be removed. Under thase situations, he Key slot should be replaced with an updated part (improved mechanism for gripping the remote key), Updated part were introduced in 9 / 2005, ‘The date code on the partis in day/yeat format. Improved parts have date code 248/05 o” later. Ilustation shows E90 key holder, E50 is similar, 7 EQuipMENT AND ACCESSORIES Topic Notes ‘ es _+ epee one (when avatiabie) (0C3 (occupancy) mat installation tips. When a new OCS seat mat has been installed use the paved activation problems: + With the now seat mat installed in the vehicle, eliminate any tension Jn he seat mat causes by the installation process by having an ‘adult sit inthe seat. + Romovo all woight from the coat + Using BMW scan tool, enable the seat mat, ing tps NoTE- + 0C3 mat warranty has been extended 10 10 years / unlimited ‘mileage on vehicles produced to 11/2005. Both rear belt tensioners deploy in _ nthe case! an accident that would trigger the rear bet tensioners, accident both tencionere will deploy, regardlaes of whethor the roar seats aro occupied, or not. This a normal condition as the rear belt buckles adj tone WARNING — 1+ Alnays replace deployed airbag components and confirm MAS: ‘operational status using BMW scan tool i 21 010 Product Familiarization GENERAL. Propuct OVERVIEW. Technical data. BMW 6 Series specications (2004 Sedan) MODEL YEAR HIGHLIGHTS Model year 2004 Model year 2005 Model year 2008 . . ‘Model year 2007 ‘Model year 2008 Model year 2009... Model year 2010 ENGINES. M4 engine (2004 - 2005) . N52 engine (2006 - 2007) N52K engine (2008 - 2010) N54 engine (2008 - 2010)... . Valvetronic V8 engines (2004 - 2010). 010-4 010-4 010-3 010-3 010-5 010-5, 010-6 010-7 010-8 010-8 010.9 010-10 010-10 010-10 10-11 010-13, 10-14 010-16 TRANSMISSIONS .... ‘Manual transmissions ‘Sequential Manual Gearbox (SMG) ‘Automatic transmissions . . BMW xDrive ‘SUSPENSION, STEERING AND BRAKES Front suspension. Rear suspension Dynamic rive (active stabilzers) Steering. Brakes Dynamic stability contra (SC) Booy. Sports Wagon (E61) Interior Airbag systems . ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Power management and voltage supply Dashboard and controls overview. . ..- GENERAL ‘The information in this Seciion is based on introductory material for 2004 through 2010 BMW 5 Series vehicles soid in the USA and Cenada, The reference material provided is intended to sorve as a product familarzation guide and is subject to change, WARNING — + Check BMW factory repair information t www 0 the publisher's website at www. 5m for information that may supersede informaton in tis Section. PRODUCT OVERVIEW The th generation 5 Soriae (E60) was introducod in tho US in mode! year 2004 as a replacement for the 1897 - 2003 5 Series (E39) and was produced through model year 2010. The rear-wheel chive Sedan was introduced first. Sports Wagon (E81) and all whee! xDnive (Sedan ang Spons Wagon) versions were introduced in 2008, 010-2 Product Familiarization ___—— Se £60 4-docr Sede '5301 (2251p, 6 cylinder) | 545i (325 hp V8) | The E€0'5 Series a larger car than the corresponding E39 chassis it replaced, adding both interior passenger room and wheelbase length. Body dimensions were increased to improve roominess in the rear ‘compartment (additional 1.97 in knee rocm) and to inereave the luggage compartment capacity (at 520 L the largest capacity of all the BMW vehicles, including the E65), Compared to the outgoing model, more generous exterior dimensions censure even greater spaciousness and comfor for llpassengers. At 178.0 inches, the lengih increased by 2.5 inches. The wiath a 72.7 inches inereased by 1.8. Vehicle height is 57 Binches, an increase of 1.3iinches. The wheelbase is 23 inches longer at 113.7 inches. 5 Series sedan with xDrive BentleyPublishers Product Familiarization 010-3 Technical data Technical data BMW 5 Series specifications (2004 Sedan) 5251 530i 5451 Exterior Doors 4 a 7 Height (A) BB0in (473 mm) 58.01" (1473 mm) $8010 (1473 mm) Front rack (B) 1.3 1 (1558 mm) 815 in (1558 mm) 1.319 (1850 mm) Rear tack (©) 62.319 (1882 mm) 62.3 in (1582 rm) G23in (1882 mm) Wai (Dy Ta (1846 mm) 72.7 in (1880 rm) 727 in (1846 mm) Wheelbase 1187 in (2888 mim) 1187 in (2888 m7) 118.7 (2368 ram) Length (F) 790.6 in (4841 Fm) 190.6 in 4844 rom) 190.5 i (4841 mm) interior Ta eaeon Born 003 mm) 30.4 in (003 mm) 3011 (093 mm) Rear headroom ‘38.1 in (087 mn) 38.1 in (967 mm) 38.1 in (967 mm) Front legroom ‘44.5 in (1054 mm) “41.5 in (1054 mm) 41.5 in (1054 mm) Rerean 26.0 4 (918 mm) 29.1 in (093 mm) 360in OTS mm) EPA passenger compariment | 60.1 euft (2806 tore) 38.1 In (067 me) 901 eu W 2808 Hers) vol ‘Gargo (trunk) capacity i 14.0 cu ft (296 liters) 41.5 in (1054 mm) 14.0 ou ft (396 liters) Engine Engine configuration, ~ cylinders /valves per cyl. 2liter inline 6/4 3.titer inne 6/4 4.4 Iter VO/4 ‘Displacement "2494 Ge (12 cu in) 2979 (102) 4398 (25) ‘StoKe /bore (mm) 640/750 88.0/85.0 92.0/82.7 Fated power 184 @ 0000;m 255 @ 6600 rpm 325 @ 6100 Max torque (bf) 175 @ 9500 pm 220 @ 2750rpm 330 @ 3600 ‘Compression T0511 qos T05:t Fuel requiement | Premium unleaded Premium urleaded Promium unloaded 3.15: 1 (MT); 3.73: 1 (AT) 2.93 1 (MT); 3.46 :1 (AT) 2.93 1 (MT); 3.38 :1 (AT) Fuel tank capacity 785 US oal 185 US cal 18.5 US gal Uniaden weight manual) | 94261 w7215 3803 ‘Gross vehicle weight (GWA) | 45301 45751 4905 © ‘Coefficient of drag (C%) 0.29 029 029 ‘Max. roof oad Toos. 100 bs. T00Tbs. ‘Acceleration (0-60 mph) _| 7.8880 (esi 66sec(es0) ‘37 865 (est) 010-4 Product Familiarization BMV/5 Series specifications (2004 Sedan) Vehicle dimensions \s | ‘ft wh & ——~> [amerton ESN |BentleyPubl Product Familiarization 010-5 ‘Model year 2004 MobeL YEAR HIGHLIGHTS. Below are the 5 Series year-to-year highlights through mode! year 2010. Major changes are dtailad later in ths repair group. corer) display Model year 2004 The E60 sedan was introduced with many new features (some ‘optional, Most notable were the following * Innovative lightweight constructionwith an aluminum frontend anc anall-aluminum display that projects important information in image directly into the driver's field cf vision + Directionat headlights thatadapt continuously othe steeringange to lluminate around the bend in the road iia ee 010-6 Product Familiarization ‘Model year 2005 a €-speed Steptronic transmission rer Seer) Beir ered ZT) Additional features for 2004: + Choice of a 2.5-and3.0-iter inline 6-cylinder engines ora 44-lter Valvetronic V8 engine, + Choice of 6-speed transmissions: manual, STEPTRONIC ‘automatic and Sequential Manual Gearbox (SMG + Revised chassis features (suspension, steering, brakes) + Automatic headlight contol and rain-sensing windshield wipers standard on al models. + iDrive control system for many features and functions + Active cruise contol (ACC). * Voice command sysiem (included with optional navigation systern) + Fla! tice monitor (FTM) monitors tre pressures while vehicle is riven, + Run-tat tres with all eport packages. + Adaptive brake lights, enlarged brake light area under heavy braking, + Sport package with acive iront steering, active ral stabilization {and run-on lat performance ties (standard on 645i 6-cpocd ‘manual, ctherwise optional) + Gorman built; procuetion of 830i bogan July 1, 2003, other medels September 1, 2003, Model year 2005 New for 2006 was the launch of the 4th generation E60 M5. The 5.0 Iter 500 horsepower V10 engine was mated 10a seven speed SMG transmsssion. With this new powertrain. the MB offered the best power-to-weight ratio ints class. In the tradition of BMW M, the chassis was engineered to keep up with the power while the axterior treatment was distinctively subtle 5 (S65) engine specifi |Conriguaion | 80° V10 wit hi ble VANOS, stepeessly vanabe| valve timing, 1Oindividual, electronicaly contoled trottes| [___ Aleminum block and heads] 49997305.) BROT] 300/878 @ 7750 rpm) 520/383 @ 6100] Gonairacton [Displacement (ier/cid) ‘Bore x stroke (mm) | [Power ouput onp/w) @ wm] “Torque (N/R) Grom axa ongine speed 3250) [Compression rao | 12071 valves Toy i S| 465 Engine management —_—_—_—| (0- 80 mph Product Familiarization 010-7 “Model year 2006 Model year 2006 2006 was a signifcant update year for he 5 Series: Valvetronic 6-cylinder engines, a more powerful 4.8 iter VB engine, the introduction of all wheel dive, and a Sports Wagon bed) style are the most notable updates. “< S-cyindr all.wheal dive models with new badge designations 525ni and 530%. < 6-cyinder models wore poweredby BMW's advanced NS2engines, + New generation 6-cylindar engines, called N52, both with 3 Oster displacement: = 525: 215 hp @ 6250 rpm, 185 lo-t torque @ 2750 rpm, single- stage induction system. 890%: 255 hp @ 6800 rpm, 200 lb-ft, torque @ 2750 rpm, 9-stage Induction system, ~ Magnesium-aluminum composite construction, Valvetronic variabio valvo lift, cloctic coolant pump and many other “The new Sports Wagon, an appeatng concept combining 5 Series sophistication with enhanced load-carrying versatility, was introduced as an all-whee! drive model for 2006. *< 550i model with 4.8 iter Valvetronie V8 engine, 260 hp, 360 tb. torque, a.35 hp increase over ihe previous 5451 010-8 Product Familiarization Model year2007 _ = = een Additional features for 2006 < start siop button repiac contol former key switch; + Comon access system (can be ordered as an option as of September 2005 production) featuring keyless access. + Numerically higher final drive ratios for # e G-cylinder models. + Xenon adaptive headlights standard on 530’ and 830xi models, + All models fited with crrome vertical grile sais (previcusly 545 only) Model year 2007 ~< Night vison became an avatable an option. The system uses a thermal-imaging camera that canstanlly monitors the 1oad ahead and dieplays images according to their temperature on the iDrive + Tire pressure moniter, replacing previous flat ire monitor, constantly monitors tre pressures and displays a warring on the iDrive sornen when it detects a significant change in tire pre * High detintion (HD) radio availabe as an option; ofers CD qu FM and raises AM reception to the same level as analog FM * Real time tratic information for navigation system, for up- minute reperts on focal tratfic condition + Auxiliary input fr IPod or MP3 player is now standard: located between the two power sockets at rear of center console + Revised sport package with 20-way muiti-contour seats. Seals include articulated upper backrost, agjustablo-width backrest, the: adjustaole thigh suppor and 4-way lumbar support, Sport package also added 3-spoke steering wheel, Model year 2008 19 for 2008 (2s of 03/2007 production) was called Life Cycle Impulse (LC!) by BMW. LLCt exterior updates includes < Recontigures optical headlight lenses emphasized with chromed lubes. + New front ai dam with reshaped ogening and up tu + Relocated amber DOT lenses; headlight area is complately white

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