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Book II lessons 1-10

B 2 R 1 - 10 P a g e 1/5
review worksheet
I. Complete the following sentences
1. Betty was cooking chicken when her father arrived .

2. The people was running in the building when the fire extinguished .

3. Waldo was playing in the park when my his mother talked with her friend

4. My sister was taking a shower when her boyfriend watched TV .

5. I was watching TV when my friend my cell phone.

6. The girl was walking in the street when the accident happened .

7. My mom was having the dinner when my dad came from work.

8. Carlos was sorting the cards when his girlfriend sang .

9. When the letter was delivering , John the car.

10. When the ambulance was arriving , the patient was better.

II. Correct any mistakes.

1. I love to eating tacos at the corner stand.
I love to eat tacos at the corner stand

2. She really likes play basketball.

She likes to play basketball. / She enjoyed playing basketball

3. They enjoy to watch TV at night.

They enjoyed watching TV at night

4. Tom prefers to studying at night.

Tom prefers to study at night

5. The girl practices to tennis.

The girl practices tennis

6. He like to sleep at 10 o´clock at night.

He likes to sleep at 10 o'clock at night
B 2 R 1 - 10 P a g e 2/5
III. Use “may” or “can” for the answers
1. May I go to the restroom?
Yes, you may.
2. May I come in?
Of course.
3. May I use your notebook?
4. Can I help you?
Yes, thank you.
5. Can I eat other piece of cake?
Yes, you can.
6. Can you go out?
I’m sorry. I can’t now.
7. Can you carry me at home?
I´m busy.

IV. Match the opposites with the column on the right.

1. Forward backward a) sour 11. Future b) thin
2. Pull push c) lose 12. Boring interesting d) push
3. Eastern western e) full 13. Awake asleep f) interesting
4. Smart dumb g) aslee 14. Fast slow h) western
5. Guilty inocent i) backward 15. Sweet sour j) tight
6. Hungry full k) far 16. Present absent l) coward
7. Near far m) inocent 17. Light dark n) remember
8. Clean dirty q) dirty 18. Brave coward p) slow
9. Forget remember s) dumb 19. Find lose r) absent
10. Loose tigth o) dark 20. Thick thin t) past
V. Write a sentence with the following words
1. Forward She pushed the throttle forward
2. Awake I was awake all night
3. Guilty He is guilty in this case
4. Tight Her jeans is tight
5. Sweet This ice-cream is so sweet
6. Dirty His room is dirty
B 2 R 1- 10 P a g e 3/5

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition through about
1. The train went through the dark tunnel.
at from
2. The new bank is next to my house.
about in front of among
3. I really don´t want to talk the problem
4. I want my baked potato with butter. with along
5. The horse was among the cows. during by
6. During the rain, I read a magazine. near down
7. She was running along the river.
next to on
8. The camping area is in front of the river.
9. Central Park is near Wall Street.
10. Our boss will be back on November 3rd.
11. Little by little, you will learn English.
12. I received a letter from my friend in Canada.
13. Just go down three blocks, and you´ll see the store.
14. Don´t look at me that way, I didn´t do it.

VII. Answer the questions.

1. Did you eat dinner last night?
No, I didn't eat dinner last night

2. What did you do last Saturday evening?

I watched TV with my sister

3. Where did you grow up?

I grew up here, in Villhermosa

4. Did you read a book this morning?

No, I didn't read a book this morning

5. When did you start studying English?

When I was 23 years old

6. Did you sleep well last night?

No, I didn't sleep well last night

7. Did you speak English as a child?

No, I didn't speak English as a child, I'm worse
B 2 R 1- 10 P a g e 4/5
VIII. Make questions for the following sentences
1. Did you go to the church the last weekend? ?
No, I didn´t. I went to the disco last weekend.
2. What did you eat for the dinner last night? ?
I ate a hamburger for dinner last night.
3. Where did you see your friend? ?
I saw my friend at the store last Sunday.
4. Did you speak with Lara? ?
Yes, I did. I spoke to her on the phone yesterday.
5. How did she pay the groceries? ?
She paid the groceries with a check.
6. Did you visit your grandmother last night? ?
No, I didn´t. I visited my friend Carlos last night.
7. What did you take to school this morning? ?
I took my little sister to school this morning.
8. Did Martha fly from Dallas to Chicago? ?
Yes, she did. Martha flew from Dallas to Chicago.
9. Did Andy go out the restaurant? ?
No, he didn´t. He paid all the bills first.
10. Did you do the homework together? ?
Yes, we did. We did the homework together.

IX. Connect the sentences using either… or, neither… nor.

1. I don´t like football. I don´t like baseball.
I like neither football nor baseball
2. We were at the park. We were at the movies.
We were either at the park or at the movies
3. She will play football. She will study English.
She will play either football or study English
4. He didn’t eat pizza. He didn’t eat hotdogs.
He ate neither pizza nor hotdogs
5. She doesn’t run. She doesn’t jump.
She neither runs nor jumps
6. We would like to have a car. We would like to have a truck.
We would like to have either a car or a truck
7. They are happy. They are sad.
They're either happy or sad
B 2 R 1 - 10 P a g e 5/5
X. Complete the sentences using too or either
did too
1. Susie did the homework and Peter _______________________________________________
won't either
2. They won´t go to Miami and you ________________________________________________
does too
3. We like vegetables and he_____________________________________________________
did too
4. Steve put the soda in the fridge and he___________________________________________
can too
5. I can dance samba and you___________________________________________________

XI. Answer the questions.

1. What will you do next weekend?
I will go to the job
2. Are you going to study French next year?
No, I am not going to study french next year
3. Where will you eat dinner tonight?
I will eat torta
4. Who are you going to meet on Saturday?
I'm going to meet new costumers on Saturday
5. Will you watch a movie tomorrow?
Maybe I will watch a movie tomorrow

XII. Write the corresponding noun or adjective and make a sentence.

1. Superiority Superior. The definition is in the corner superior.
2. Generous Generosity. Her generosity saved the children

3. Happiness Happy. She's happy because passed the test

Brave. He is so brave
4. Bravery
5. Inferior Inferiority. She's criticized for her inferiority

6. Boring Boredom. The studentss' boredom is such that they went to home

7. Necessity Necessary. Their job is necessary because for their economic situation

8. Surprising Surprise. All that you see is a surprise for her

Stupid. Are you stupid?
9. Stupidity
10. Free Freedom. She enjoys her freedom

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