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Republic of the Philippines

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.

Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

Submitted by: Lyka A. Salon

Submitted to: Johnmark E. Leosala

Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

• First Computer
- Charles Babbage
- 1990’s
• What is Computer?
- An electronic device that can manipulate data according to a sequence of instruction.
• 5 Major Parts of a Computer
1. Monitor – Screen display
2. Keyboard – primary input
3. Mouse – clickable or pointing device
4. AVR – Advance Vulture Regulator
5. System Unit – box like case that consist of integrated circuits.
• Environment of a Computer
1. Peopleware – users
2. Software – icons
3. Hardware – ex. keyboard
• Devices
1. Input device – ex. Monitor
2. Output device – ex. Headphone
3. Processing device
4. Storage device
• 5 Major Keys
1. Function keys
2. Alphanumeric keys
3. Special keys
4. Cursor/Arrow keys
5. Numeric keypad
• Alphanumeric Characters:
1. Letters
2. Numbers
3. Symbols
4. Punctuations
5. Special keys
• Special keys:
1. Print sheet
2. Scroll lock
3. Pause/break
Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

4. Insert
5. Delete
6. Home
7. End
8. Page set – up
9. Page down
• Introduction to MS Excel
• What is Spreadsheet?
- A program that display data (text and numbers) in a text called a worksheet.
• Uses of a Spreadsheet
- Prepare budget
- Financial statement
- Inventory management
- Create charts
• What is Worksheet?
- A grid with columns and rows: the term worksheet is used interchangeably with
• What is Cell?
- The intersection of columns and rows.
• 3 Things that you can type into a Cell
1. Label – words or letters
2. Value – numbers
3. Formula – statement that perform a calculation
• What is a Cell range?
- A group of cells that are closely together.
• What are Columns?
- Vertically arrange of cell identified by letters.
• What are Rows?
- Horizontally arrange of cell identified by numbers.
• What is Worksheet tab?
- A tab that identifies each open worksheet in a spreadsheet program located in the lower
part corners of the screen.
• What is Cell address?
- is a column letters and row numbers combination such as A1, and B2.
Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

• What is a Name box?

- displays the name of the active cell or range.
• What is a Formula bar?
- displays the data or formula stored in the active cell.
• Active cell
- In which you are currently working on (surrounded by a block border)
• What is Function?
- A built-in formula that is a short cut for common calculations such as addition and average.
• What is Operation used?
1. Addition (+)
2. Subtraction (-)
3. Multiplication (*)
4. Division (/)

1. Monitor
2. Keyboard
3. Mouse
4. System Unit
5. Speaker
6. Microphone
7. Scanner
8. Printer
9. Hard drive
10. Floppy drive
• 5 Major Keys
1. Numeric Keypad – numbers only
2. Alphanumeric Keys – letters, numbers, symbols
3. Arrow/Cursor – arrows left, right and up and down
4. Function Keys – F1 to F12
5. Special Keys – Print screen, delete, insert, page up, page down and end
• Intangible – software
• Tangible – hardware
• Classification Devices
- Input – device that sends information to the computer
- Output – device that provide a hard copy coming from input device
- Processing – data being processed
- Storage – data being stored
Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

• Input to process to output

1. Tittle Bar – file name
2. Menu Bar – file insert
3. Toolbox - Tool Bar
4. Column – letters
5. Rows – numbers
• What are operation symbols?
- Instruct the computer as to what mathematical operation to perform.
• How do you key a formula?
- You combine numbers cell addresses (references), operation symbols and/or functions.
Ex. 4 + 5 = B1*B2

• Order of Operations
- Completes formulas in this order:
1. Parenthesis
2. Exponents
3. Multiplication
4. Division
5. Addition
6. Subtraction
Ex. Formula: 5+7*7 Result: 19
Formula: (5+2)*7 Result:49
• Advantage and disadvantage of DBMS
- Advantage: controls redundancy.
- Disadvantage: complexity
• Functions of DBMS
- data storage and retrieval



ID No.

Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

• DBMS - Data Base Management

- Entity

- Relationship

- Attributes

- Strong Entity (needs a primary key)

- Weak Entity (no need of a primary key)

- Associative Entity (contains attributes specific to the

relationship between those entities instances)

- Relationship (associations between or among entities)

- Weak Relationship (connection between a weak entity and its owner)

- Attributes (many-to- many, one-to-one)

- Multivalued Attributes (more than value)

- Derived Attributes (can be calculated from related attributes)

Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur


Student name Reg. form

Reg. ID No.

Reg. name
Student ID
Birth Cert.

has SCHOOL Create

School ID School name School address

• Database Security
- deals with the ways and means of protecting a database from illegitimate and malicious
• Aspects and Components of Database
1. Data Storage
2. Database Server
3. Operations
4. Policies
• Basic Database Security Operations
1. Confidentiality – prevents improper disclosure
2. Integrity – prevents improper modification
3. Availability – prevents improper denial access to service
• Activities in Database Security
1. Control in accessing the database
2. Monitoring database performance
3. Back up and restored database
4. Database mapping for proper determination
Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

• Mechanism of providing data security

1. Data Encryption
2. User Identification
3. Authentication
4. Authorization
5. Auditing
6. Back-up solution
• Log in or Log on
- is a mechanism to access a computer system that is secured.
- is used in conjunction with a password.
• Password
- is a unique code which is entered and only known by authorized user.
• Steps on how to create the server log in
1. Launch your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Select Security, right click on Log in and select New log.
• 6 Option in Selecting Data-base users
1. Windows User
2. SQL User with password
3. SQL with log-in
4. SQL without log-in
5. User Mapped Certificate
6. User Mapped Asymmetric key
• Guidelines in Setting-up Password
- Does not contain the account name of the user
- At least 8 characters long
- Contains from 4 categories
a. Latin uppercase (A to Z)
b. Latin lowercase (a to z)
c. Base to digit (0 to 9)
d. Non-alphanumeric (signs)
• Creating Database User
1. Expand your database
2. Right click the Security, select New, click on User.
3. The data-base user – ‘New dialog’ box will appear, type “USER1”
4. To add a log in, click the ellipsis of the ‘log in name’ text box.
5. The ‘Select log in’ dialog box will appear. Click on browse.
6. The ‘browse for objects’ dialog box will appear. Select the name you created.
Republic of the Philippines
Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Inc.
Mangagoy, Bislig City Surigao Del Sur

7. Click ‘OK’ until you reach the ‘Database User-New’ dialog box again.
8. In the ‘Database User-New’ dialog box, click the ellipsis of the ‘Default Schema’ data
• Schema – is a collection of database associated with one particular database username.
• Query
- request from a data results from your data base
- calculation, add, update, delete, changes the table of data information from a database.
• 2 Types of Query
1. Select – see information of data from a database
2. Action – calculate, add, delete, update, change
• Action Query – perform a task related to a data.
• 4 Common Types of Action Query
1. Delete Query
2. Make Table Query
3. Update Query
4. Append Query
• 7 Common Types of SQL Language
1. Delete
2. Update
3. Select
4. Insert
5. Create table
6. After table
7. Drop table

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