8.3 Topic Checklist

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Religious Education

8.3 Did Jesus save the world?

Rate your knowledge and understanding of the following topics at the beginning of your revision and
then part way through.

Red = I am not confident on this topic; I need to revise it thoroughly.

Amber = I am confident that I could answer questions on this topic; but I could benefit from further
Green = I am confident that I could answer questions on this topic; I can prioritise other topic of revision

# Core Core End of Revision

Question Knowledge lesson


1 What is sin? - Sin

- The Fall
- Salvation

2& Is Jesus the Messiah/Christ? - Prophecy/Jesus’ birth

3 - Incarnation
- Christmas

4& What is the Crucifixion? - Jesus’ crucifixion

5 - Sacrifice and atonement

6 What is the Resurrection? - Jesus’ resurrection

- Easter

7 How does art communicate - Christian symbolism of the birth,

key Christian teachings? death and resurrection

How to revise: Use different strategies to help you recall the information. Practice with a blank piece of
paper – how much can you remember? Do this a number of times to practice this strategy! Techniques like
revision flash cards and quizzes will help you. Mind maps are also a really helpful way to display the
information that you need to learn.

Search: ‘How to study flashcards using the Leitner system’ for a YouTube revision tutorial.

“Nobody stands nowhere; where do you stand?”

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