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MAKE IN INDIA Expetiment_ve 12 ae chepbey Ut feic brass Gad He A sod Flues crs One cind’ dice. Gt Qchs h uberted bo axial pull ot _2okw if the modulus of the eclavtichhy of te materia of the vod jy cubleted tp 2 x 108 Minn Deteinine _Dchvess 2) utvein endl Delegation oF rhe [aod . L= (e0 aon d= %em F2ope C= 20 len = 20x10" EF = 2x18 Ment (ae ou? ated \ PAGE NO. DATE The bas houn in fig - is vubjected to a tensile lead ck eo ew Hf the shoes in the ciddle postion iy limited te Ivo. Niet Determine the _clianebey of the _ niclaie postion Eind the —_leggth of ‘the idle [potion iF the total elongation of the ba big to be 2mm. Yours mockluy gwen G 2 xo! Minn? Peie0 lat =e Seo @Nlact $LEO2 pr E26 x 18d Mann? a? Bet, ce Gs 4 zg "Ngo = Igoxis . goa ad = 160 xox o 4 BH xhso (Cd =26.26 E =G" om €= gb t C= $b & Sp. 2. 2 xo" [se2ro mn | IG Detewinine the valve of agit Modulus ane Colseon's setio of a metalic bar of length Becn breadth Ucn and degls Ucn whe. the bay ie joc te an _axic) Conpuccdve ade ee ew decseafe _I9 | ii given af 0.0728 Cand —Inewease | ja bead. i 0.008 cm Pace jew = Yyooxio® WV b= cm = Yorn : __ depth 2 Yen SL = 0.075 = Yoe w104 Yoxuo C2260 Viner MAKE IN INDIA PAGE NO. DATE / A bet gf Bong diameter x ublecta| te ¢__pull £ bo ten. The meqnwed _exbendion on gauge — Leagth - of evr ig _©.|ney and __chenge in laneter jg 904 An Caleulete, DD ouae’t modus 2) pois) j I Modul @ = Gol. Eo x jo” L=2e0mm_ d =30 om $l =o.) on 60 = 0.004 nm = =? Ma? MAKE IN INDIA li log is & ® | = 199 x10" cxio [4 = 0.26 ] @Bulik Modul E =3ke Ci -240)0 ko = _ £ 2 1.97 x08 3G ~ 200.26) [eS eo Ven Ss MAKE IN INDIA PAGE NO. DATE Calculate the modus of _igidit, Cn __ bull modulus of Cylinder ber of dicneter Go end cf length Se if the _longibidinal Csi faa bay luring a tensile shee. is four’ tines the letend | steain . Find He change in Volune when Ure bey js subjected te hydwoutatle poser of loo Vian? _. Taleo | Ee etx po Mlnnt “| d =80 mm L =)$e0 mm Eauicw iva? © = 109 Whe E21 xo Mhn? ke =? G =? = c= P @ A S109. _ 7 BZ x20% e =e wee EmsiGes E & = oly Ixjo% £s1u xis ® Now Sd = ).0¢ xo Change ign Volume by 2g Codsdt td* su) E Crxtox e6xis x woo + 9s? xLocxi4) 4 = Tl (o.aus +4 x1?) — u = (oe. dsunc) uy [ov = open | MAKE IN INDIA PAGE NO. pate ff Bullc Modula E sok O -24) ke EF SC -2-4) = 1x10 — 2C\ -2.@.2) — = a Le 26.66 104 Vion? | Modules of sigiclity, Ec 2+) E =26(C +4) Gs [Gq suxiot ee] MAKE IN INDIA Chapter | 2 i Moment. of Tnevtla of Planner __ vous _dection Eind the contey of _aqrovity of I -Section : 250 3e i @ — ry . - 28,(@le 39° ] 7 ee eel : t 4 1 so Ai |= kro xoh L ia 1 26 = $700 Az |= oo. 25 Y [ge Xa {lee = oo A = Wo x2? _ | ¥3 1367 [xo _J2o_ = Soo a 4,+Ar +A = SEZ (3S. tom | MAKEIN INDIA PAGE NO.: DATER ae Y= Ay +Ary, +Acy A, +4 +A3 =(GJoo x 9) + (hoo x 1 ¢”) + (Coo xa) 7 S799 + 200 +dK00 = 216.20 mm ] 2|Deteemine the monent of _Inestlg of the Section abot he _hexizentul aia estical axes possi ZT theouy the __ceatxe of goat! f the _cectizn Also Lind the _Polaw _ moment. of inertia f the given J - vectlon aa Zee | a - U T 7 [3 1c ® en| 7 2 z A ot A: A. U2xs 16S | Bl6 SEZ = 26 2h4 6 2 252 244 ley Ax =U6e Shy hG2 MAKE IN INDIA = FAs ie £A = leg = 28 = 6 cm = =| Find Tower 4 lt yvikwwlan [to 98 [Bx =Tg +4.4% — 6 | i6.$| Wise | assis fe E 2 7€2 4 iz =22 me ee Pe es 1a = 6g6 SE Tee = S02.6S fee hor. emf ye 467 mt | MAKE IN INDIA PAGE DATE 3 Find the moment ___ of __inevtlq of the _section Jhon iq ex I about: the _cerbwidg| cacis - Pespendiculer to the eb hee SE _= 126 Om and Vis 216.29 mo 259 = 38 t j 5 oO rs | bs i: I 28 (so Elnd Toca . — 4A peQy-3)] Gh? qe PP [rey =e tah? 1fS700 | 1G | ~149.274/-22)¢ 6306.4 [IN G16 6.66 | -~2207 |G694.7 _ | —_ _ 2\ woo |\¥@ [-2629_|+6002430.26| S6260009 | 6o 247 564.25 _ )_—— alageo |2357| 140.7) eaten leksaco 1€87792 69, Doc = 18906962. 6S MAKE IN INDIA PAGE NO. Choptas 12 Flowival trecses \E _ Li Caleulerbe the maximum tree itduced ina cast ison pipe ectesnal _clianetes 40. &_intesoal diameter 20 mm __ at length Yio when pips iS Wappested aif s__ nck _caacl cestiel point __load ot go ait ex _coabee D2 4o mo d= 20 mm ) [L= Yono P= ow PpeVxe 4 =1Ox1000 u = lo" Wms Section 10 duly, zs a(p'-d") —_ gzD _ = HC" 207) BZX4O = 6990.4 an? for herding Moreat is 2 Trax 2 Grae = M = Jo [= Le” fulses =) 2 Seo MAKE IN INDIA A wectaggules beam Boome, _cley hs _iroply uppabed aves oun of tt metering the _uaifesm! diskwibuted lod por _mekee Which the beam Casey it the I ending ctre. Uhouwd Act exceed) 120 irr? Tale = Tee YxIo° en! hb = Boo mm L= Yonge am T= lto Meg Ix = oS mm" swt & =Wwxuoeoe _8 sex tw Mimo Ag it 1 wedangulax _sectisa __ 7 = Co)mex =Qdmax = 1£onm by, fesmula y Yereaye Sw = I20 Bxio& Igo (3 23.2 Nom MAKE PAGE Ni DATE BIA water mala of voome _intesnall Zo am digmetey aad thick ly zuaniag Sui the water main pee Gacy ee ivont | Gage, Supported Gt tuo Polat bn apat . Find the maximum cheers ig the poctal_ . th cat _iven ond Later Leigh “72.000 Min and _be00 Vin? rapectives d=soo pm D =s40 hm 6 L = Jo000 mm Mamax = wet % £2000 X%10000~ | g = .02s x1o'* Vian = Section moduli SANE Zee Cpa ect Re gwd _ ee) 32D cen a = Lors x10! 4.09 x10 © T=2rse x10 Whom ) Tasection —_disder having dimensions _ loo x )oo x20 mo, cakulebe the moment: Inestig of th ctleg about —_hesizontal aad Vertical ax’, Ing thuoxgh the centre of pravits ection. Al determine the _ polar moment __of Zocde and ection — medulae ot the TececHen Sager 1So- oo oo Lo. | | al Pome A x Be Pay looeco _||¥ooCO joox20} © |I0 =2000 __| Yo | Foooo | C4000 _ 2 2ox fo | So 21600 — 23600 Az =| ¥oo2e FE Ay = 2000 ame Vie chy £A éA = SOomm = 67.77 40 Find Tou. A hely-Dl ah? re= Toe = Tq teh* 2000 |e | 22.23 lagvaus.@ | toc x20% | jasso12.46 12 = 66666.66 (600| Uo |-27.79 [1233676 64] 20 x60? | = 3¢eS43.3) (2 = BS 3.3 Ix = 6744 69.1S [sx = 6.74 x Io oot] Find Ty: A [x [beG-so[ ah Tas | ty 2 a reh® 900 | fo o o Zo X100) iz 1666666 66 =(666666.66 levo lso | © 2 | go ¥207 _ = i 63323 &Dy = 1714999 993 EE Polar _croment of nestle = Toc +7) = 6.x 1S +1.91x10& {_ = 2.99x0* ne” | Chapter _: UU Toxsion A solid civculear _chaft and g_hollow _Ciwculew” sthafr whee inside diameter ig Yu__of __ the artiide diancter are of the came _macitoviei! | & equal lengths cad ave weaguised to tetas) a given besque Compare the eights f thee tro chefs fo the maximus heer | Coreg cleveloped Inthe tye uhafle ie egal Dianeter of hollow choft , Di 22 Dia. ot outsid G =2 Do =0.75Do G Texue teuasmittedt by a vgolid theft is given Tea x txp’ : o l6 Tesque — bamsmitte) b a holly _vhatt Tet xt x] Do" p= 16 Do | 2D x tx [Do'- (ud) Ie | Do =o x Tx Do’ (1 - 0.294] l6 Do IN Page. dete 0) =Lxtxde «(i -osicy! 16 Dx Tx D8 x 0.6826 ( @ 16 ue sbeancryitbed e Glid whaeft = Gat _& A torque sbsensmitted & holla, shaft Hence _G@peting @y 1 etd 2 | Le get T xtxDP aH x Tx de 0.6836 [6 \é 2 Dis o¢sce ae 2D =(0.6836) 8 x Do < D=0. 609 Do e @ Low Lwejght f colicd hat Ne ian =L%4 > WD? xt) a) cy IN XX Weta of Kalin ithe ly = § KI x Volume =oxg x (LO? -d«c] Lu a = oxa x ot {De - (0.75 Dey] XL uy =fxq x TCD? - 0.6625 Dr Pxl Uy EP xgxd x D&C ~0.6625) xb Yy ES xe JL xD. xo.vsasxl - uy Dividing eg u__by Sy 6 \ = fxg x ee De & Wh Ps a SG = (0.2909 Do) = onme Dos 0.4975 Do* O.427S Dor Jus = 1.9797 [wn ee A A hollow _Civeulaw haf 20 am tide beansmi Goo lay _pover Aidt! Joos wom Detoenife tac extesmal _cligmebey of the hot if Ye sthecs__Sbsain due to tsxtion ju not +o exceed __O.000%6 . Take nods of wididity 2 O81 Ming? + Tetomm P2300 KW =300,000 LW N= 200 som @ = 0900 #6 C 20-8 x08 Wan bet Do = Externa) diamebey AP Dj = Jatesna| diemeter Thea Do =D; +2t = Dj +2 x20 Dj =Do —Yo @D C= 20vT 7 bo Gooooo = oo XT 7 60 e TT _= _goooce xo = dL 200 = 14823.9 Ve LIL Page. ete. = 14323 xX1loog Mam Alo We lenow C= shes _Wtseu Shear Gbeuin 2% X1o° = Shes chews 0.000 6 L cheaw stress 0.8 x10" ¥5.00086 a iil 62.8 Mler™ Ne 7 os OW _ Using. gation, Te Ht x rx (p,"-d") 16 Do W372 gdoo= TL x 6b. x CDo7~ di") lé Do |u22aSeo SSE a 60d746 Da = Det 274 = (pee p2)Cde? -D;*) IN @z==0 Suloctituiog the value of 0, from quation [Q lato the _abae _ uatio We get 1060324.6 Do= [Deo + (Do~ vor (De - Qe — ua] =[ 02 +02 +hoo ~godsJCD.* -D,2 ~ 1 600 + edz] = (200 +1600 - foDe)C¥oDe ~I6oa) =2CD" + Yoo ~4¥oDs) £o(Do -20) =l60 (De* -YoDe + Ko )C De ~20) Jo6030U.6Do = (Do = UeDe + 00) CDe =2¢) lé0 6022 Da = De ~ 20D? -Yop.? +¥ooDe + fooDe~ 6000 2 he Sep 4ico3. ~ eas Deo~6oDp* +leooDs ~ 6627D. —l6000 =o De? - bods -6o27De -)kooo =O. - fo) The CacrHon Q_i doled by teil sad exsev methed let Doe =lbonn Sbebitubing ma the Lu. dt aystin 2 ue get L.y. = loo*~fe x joo (027 _ x50 —Iéo00 =loee000 — 00000 _— §o2702 —} 6000 =]o000eo ~ i118 Jeo = =|19700 Dlet De slo oo Substituting this Value inthe LC of equativs Q we get Lv Zio” $e xe -dov7 x) — [600 =)22]050 ~ 726000 - (6 AIO —|be00 = 182lse0_ = | 24470 = B6e20 eo De =Ilomm the [Hs of _eggatlon @ is nebative but when be sllomm , the |-HS Positive .Henc the value of De Nar between loo aad _jiomm . the valee ef D IS move neasey Ho" eos c6ezce kee llecs thas )) F700 Dict Do =)of mo Gadibing Chie yale to the 1.4.5 of gruatio’ - Lit6 = ok? 6 x10" - $22 10k - )6000 eau | Te vate of Do wi be Slightly les an loene, which me be tain __ os lo7.s foe | us A cid haft oF diamebex loo mam to sheansmit Goo ety at 24e wpm TF the leagth ck the shaft ie ym incl ecu of OO vigidity for the “heft is sha _. Find tro gle £ dwict D S100 oy r Rs goo Jew = Qooxle? wW 7 ee L LsUa = Yooo mm C226 Gla = 2sc00 (Vim? C= 2ant 60 Boo xis? = 2IVZu0 x T 65 ~T =1930 Ve 2 T=1ae x tof Mt Paw fos checulee _Ghaft pole monent of inastig oF ls ako aD" oe Zi = 0" oz A =Stloo’ Sr é =9.8) xo nn fosiion egueition “T= G& os L a é =1199 x 1o* x4epo 9-81 x10% x 2So00 =0.065 wadian = 0.068 x | YO Expesiment No: - 3 CPeet-c) Tt js -seqursed bo devign a cotter joint 4 Connect two heel wake of cyual — tencher Each vod is Subjected to cin ser! ae Lome f So jew 1 Dedgn the Joint _ anc : specif its mata dineasons. | Ps So xo? WV : Gectisa of —_ mcihoviey| | The socks cose wbjeck to easile Lose ane scosength | the cltesien for the Select ot the wed magtesial Hh cottey ly sublect to dint shee’ tse wad ogy (owes Theo fase sbeength je ako e Cxitevion of eatesial Selection fi e cott on the Bade. 3 ut sctsecath eC matevgt $ the tre xsl ead the Cottey is Selected ae plain cevstoon chee ct Gnade Gace Coyt Stoo W lew?) Selection of factor ot cafe, Th__brags analysis of the cotter Joint the follauing facke< crse neglected : Page. Date. )ipitle! Virsa cle ta Lightening of the cotted and i) cbse. concentration che to vist in he docket andthe cpigot __enal TS atront for theve factor. high fety is Wed In the _preseat datign the factor of afer, far the Bock | sp gat. etd ‘ac focket end i asdared a Get Ghiless 6 the cotter it Is taken a YW These ore tg red Kone fee assuming ag lower Fach ot vofet tov the otter The cree: _ Gs Follows: i) These’ 18 nas Sbress Con cortvatien inz_the cothes" - The: coct: of _ Mhe _ cotter =-hs ml Compared with. ithe socket: eod 20% _piget: end. it Should occas ica the Gbtor -wather thay lq __the __pigok__o¢ _Sseket ofl _. This ic enssed by Sasitgnactt gs facter of _. cifeti foe the pigst__Gnd Socket ends. Compersed) Lo the cotter Tb ls asured het tHe ees \ibreagth la CompsesSlon ke tivice the jelol chstagth, ta__tencioa QZ=0 _ 7 Bll cerlculaton cf posmictible —_ sheecuent The __pexmiible _seeesies fos vod, upigot eel | and Socket. end we ag follow’ Gy adyt = Yoo = 66.67 Men? 9 6 Ge = Syb = 266 = 20400) 5100.00 When? fs Fs é Te Wy = OSNb = O16 (400) £6 £s 6 ee = G2 Mearn® Pocobsdibl. Ster6ca¢ fos the obbey cre Follous! Ce 2b = Yoo = loo Mon _ ™ Poge bote Calculation of dineasdony Dianeter _of oe d = Jue LOE = | uso Jo%) Lee .67) = 20.90 os G2 1m Thickness of catbay tzsorzd = 0.91032) =492 oF lone Diameter G2) pigot. ez foxde Ta wl u fox? = Fd? — dp God 66. Z J os _d.* - (2.8de - 964.4% so GE Calving the aheve —_guacrartle _ e, uation - dy = 12.70 + Vio. - 4a, 2) 2 “do. =9791 os Yo mm Outer diameby Cd.) of vockets Pa Ca? -d,*) - Ga, oot) Gt oxi = (a Cd? = ust) - Gy - bo 18) ] 6.67) [Lu S or _d* ~ 12.400, = 2ous. 6d =o Lolulag ‘the Ubowe gugbbecitic. eyuatisn J) = 12.79 + Vi2.797 = 4S. 9) Digmetess ot _pigot. colle Gs) nd Cocleot_ collaxy __ Cu) £< G2) = Ge ul da = hse dy = 24d = 2.4(22) = 78 oF fon Dimensions a and C Gec =onrd =075Ca2) =240N b=? = fxs’ = fo mm QD Tt so) (10) Se een(de sens x10) (uo + So-be | ty gorties) [4 6 J & = So pm Check — fow _ creing hing ond hex cbeekies in Spigat. ad Gis P= go «lo? = 125) Men? tor Clo) Cus) Ts P= oxo? = 26.04 Mirnt 2ade 229s) 1.66 << 133.82 Whom and TT < 23.32 Man? chece fos _cruchigg tino) hoary _vtracies in oc ket. Cael Gee e 2 a Se C¥o - 46) (Jo) = 126 WVleneg* T= eC 2Cdu -dayc = Foxjo? Co ~45\C24) = 26.08 WMirnr {Oe € 183.93 Vor and 7 < 3.99 rand The beete¢ induced _in _the gi “piget and the foclest§ nds cre in ett Thickness of vpigot —_collaw’ L=Ousd = 0.45 (32) =)4.u SIS mo the bapee ee cotter | in _3d A PLZ yw v GE==0 keoudlele Joint ri 1G sequinsed bo clasign qG knudele ein to _Connett __ two stulow ~sods Subjected to Go axial tenvile __fesce of ko _teiV__ he ods er6e co-axial and gg enq lf orqunt £ Gayulers movement: bebeen the’ axed is peinlaible. Deign the jelat__andl spect the dimeadons of itd Conponents _. elect _~Litable materials fox the _pavin take fyb = 40 Mh P sso xd V Selectioa of matesla) the wed, ase wubjerted to tendie force Thesetere jeld sCoeeng th is the Cviteslon fes__ the Selection fF egherial far the ~sods . The pin _id cubjecked to sheer kbsegs cand bending SS brent rk ake the citron matesia) ele Elon fos the pin on agth bass the natedal Sot bo sede pin i elated ov plea e6bOn (heel of Grade Bote Cuyt = boo) met) oh jg frst acuumed that the yield esepgth jo conpression Jv _ ua) to viele charenaph lo tension. En paactice _, the compressive Sssenath in bendian Tn __pwcrctice S the compaisive stbseagth of chee! ie tach highee than ts Beale hsength celectio te eee eee La wbsess Goal Che t Eouckle Jeiat th ok fk tres Concenteertlon es neg locked! TH accont fox thy offeet. a highoe Factor wofets, sf So Qelumect la the _ prevent deco. BL Calculatlon cf pormiksible deregias Qe eb = Yoo = FO Ment fe J Ge = Sve = bo = Yo = Fo What ts t6 iS S Calculation fF dimencion | Diameter of ~sodks D=/ue V Sit = [atce x1o>) SLCgo) S22 = 20 mn Enkeged dlmetos ft sods CD) re =11 G2) =o SPE 94 Bl Dirrenstons ar and QsoWD = OI) =22s of = 2500 1.2.6 @s) SQV of S bo om bet: 2.oD Digmetc & pio ee e Yaz 2 [26.177 SL (Cuc> ee 2) ES kO fa Also 1 ad =3f a2 xe [bh +4) Rikon 2 Yu 3 =a O2 = fe mcd{ go A Yawn 2 [4 3] = Qe. Tt *,d = Yo ps GI Dimeacian’ do ad om do =2d-€ 2a) = Foun A=). = 1.6 Che) = & ney G==0 check fav oe 65O, in eye im Ge P be -d) = 2153) bo (go -to) S2L2s Mero? LG < GO Nene Ges bd = (so x19") “4 Cue) = 2.2 Mert OF < go Meret e BE. ” ble ao cas) xs?) Us (¥e-us) = 22S Mind Zt < be Mam Chek foe thesetes inert Ce = e 2a Cdo -d) = Go x10") 2AKN Fo -4s) = 26 Nan LG < Yo Meant Ges P 24d = Cbo x10") 2028) Cus) = 26 Mimo® 1.02 < £o Men t= -f a@Cde -d) =_(& x0") 202% —40) = 2S Whom 2 Page. bate O) ST < Yo Vhan? rt is hewved that EsOG5CS cre Cithin Lis “t BP) Keuckte Joint A_levet =Joaded safety valve A__lacd - loaded cofeby vale ik mounted on He bes to blow off gta pease of 1s 0s gpuge . The effective dlamete of the | opening, ot th Ndlves = SiG lo prin Tha felxcban between the fulcsum and the lead eight 20 the levex Joos nm . The distance bebveen the fulesyun and the pin Connecting the lve Spinclic to the _laey iv _loomm The lever and the pin ase made of lala coxbon ites) _B0C? CSyt_ =4oo Mere) and the factor of safety is .G . The _ pexmiwcible heeding, pealuse et the jac in the _ lever is Ime. the a ee wsetacoqular C~ohs - Section and ae ae ee thiclenass ig” Design Gg urtable lover fog the eK valve = Yoo Nan® So mn 21000 nm = 25 Mm S LS Pa At u = oe mn bie d L e c e L foll bs Calalatlon of Petoisible bree fos lvoe and. Pia | Gt = Sys boo = YO Man? fi ss Suly = OS Sb = 0.5 (uso) = Yo Met + 4 Ss @ Caleweblan of faeces _ackiog on lever “Re ave is held tight. nthe value Keqh agalact the _upyaxd cbeam force F by the dead WCightss PC attrched gt the el oF the lover The __dickance __L, and the _dlead welghtze Perse ad jusbed io uch gq ua thet: when the tears Pu _iavide the ® baile’ weather the ning lee the ronment CE xt.) owcrcome the Fonent CR xi) As q__ au the veles peas 0d team blows oul, wobip the pre cure folie te the replend [ehing ale and then the value bo cutonctically Closed The maximum cbecrs loud Ft which th Value lowe of f ly wen by Fou de 4 e M1 TL (so)* CS) F fp Mt Aas.24 (VV @ t Taking moment of veces FE oand about the — fulesuc Fly = Ox oe 2045.24 xXlos =Px)000 “0 2704.62 WV Q) The fexces __ oct) se ewe Shon tn 2) Considesing cpu bash of vertleay forces E-are Rze-P S224 = 294.62 = 26o. 72 WV €O Page. =?) Diameter ane Length of pia Fron Ca) (by) ond Ce) the pia at the point of application + the Lvco E 1g Gubjectecl to maxieun force and gg uch (emma eco be d ignec) fon __beasing Consideration suppose L dé ond ome $66 eres andl the _ length & the plo at Fad Ga lure. L, =d, From iE Ko g i E=e(d. x1) 2940.24 226d, xd) di =1o.% Jd) SF 12 mm Gy ed) = 12mm D her cbsess . Tho ee ie Which’ I, given by, T = F = 26.24 = 13.02 wlmoe. dj?) 2f me Car pS ) (4 Te bo Man® The force on the flown __pin (2) _iss compactly lage than the Foxce acting on the .gpincie | pio CF). therefre the dimension dy ancl _L oa te pio at the fale wily be Sig htt. legs Hovevey , we will —Gqawune both plas T of th ame diamebesg and length to Lacittabe _inteechangeabitlty f ned Variety weduction Width and thickness ot lovey A cunmebal bach of 2 -om thickness is _ pres fitted at both pio holes to weckico Friction Thenefosce the laside _ digmetos’ f te bus Ui be Cd, 4202) oe C12 +22) or 16 nm she outside _liamreter of the hos 1 gt tuico of be _jaside —digmetey , io . G2nw The bending oils maximus at -the alve -—GPinclle Cus TH is Given 1b =P (joce ~ 190) = 7294 62 Clooe — 100) =U6o6g M-mm Fox a _leves d =3b Gp = Mb ae Bo = C2606 970 7 [1 b CF] : Liz wi _b =19.02 oe |S om - - d=3b a = Ws ne H The _leuex__ becomes weak due to the _ighole ct the halve __ spindle cue cod ie 7 Nake (sas to check bending __cbresses ot this. celtical fection che ceass Sectlon of _ the 7 levers ab the Valve (pindle axis is gwen a Rin ks _Incweased Foon 12 nm to 2o ma to get __ pactical psopestions pC ae DCm aie boulue ae athe mes Ceass section =A26S068 Vin 222.8 na a HH Mh 1 [isGasy +52" -2006% ] 2 uy iit 129732.42 mom Page ote. Thexfose Op = Mp T = (266062) G2.5) (20792.42) = A Yo A/mm Siace Gh < Go Man the _dedan ot Wer We safely valve ee jt steam force y weights | Expeviment__/vo 04 CPavt -3) A__trgle jack ic to be claggn or _1;Cbi a load of U kw. Lhe the Jace ke in the stop __paiistion the _dlstance _hebseen the ete Vines of nutes ke fone aod in the bstton position this dickanee is Jo na - The eight Lok of the jade Grey mmetvical__efte!_io fm log . The ine ping inthe bage _crve cot mm pent. Tho inks crew Gnd plas se __ made Learn lid __ tee] fer which the psxmissible oresses are Joo Aan? jn tention Gad. Co Wlem? jo sheer. The beeing prxo\wee on the plas we Lmatheal to 2° Ahem The coefficient “of frickin for +h weads ce O.20 | Wwe YU KW =Yooo VV p= loo Mert O, = 20 Aime L =ho mm TE = 59 Wim M=tan G = 92.20 Maxinun Tensile force in Ncwew 1. “he lia! awe tinder _Compwrestion Gnd the uosey jn tension. The load shall be maxinou when the Jack ke ig the _ lovet povition. | Cob® = los - 16 Ilo =o¢! © = 36.09" Reloling __ the components _in__veetlea | Oivectbho Ww=Z2xF xtane Uooo = 2xF ¥ tan GE. 09" _F =2%6.00> since the __Sirijaw pull fosc@o acts on the f othes Nut. go teta) tensile force \max 32% F =2 *2946.097 =LOIB.SU WV UIGn of Sg uthee theeaded Ses Mex. locd 90 the osew adi 2 lo me wading Standard size Cove diameter Cai) = l4 nw Dales diarete Cde) = 20 mn Cikch of Hreade (O = 6 on Now, che ldlag pxlociple trae fer sore, ats 3 tant = P Dd = 6 TLXID = O.N2ZS3 Tatal bosque ~weguilwed fo wotate the veo and nut T= Wten Cr+). do ia aw tone rtard |. dev | = banck stangl 2 [0.123 +020 \ i) | - (0.1122 ¥9.20 / 2 =hcye, Aeon Tensile Stee inthe (ase Gy = SE xa j* = £643 .S4 FE ue = 36,09 Mer Maximus _psigcipal _vbwask Cifmed = | (or slat +ur | zL =| (ze04 +N C6 oat +4. } 2! | = 62.64 Airy? SIU Vier Since thele maximus ress crse a less than Allovable Vtee ces thesefore —_ esjgn ok cose le safe. QE=0 Datign af Act: Fisct of all__Caleulating —_ pumsber Af trseads Oy Sore Cn). Conidesing _beasing —_ prosume at —_ nifsymh, dicts! brbed load over the nat. Pr = = Le. £ [ao —GdF-n Hons a 7 & Ude)*— Gi)? x Pe 1 = $693.54 £ Coast — Guy2]20 S17 APS! Ol Bend i Fes good stelstiiby Te lelng n=Y4 Helght of nut Ch) = n xe =4UxXé eee rei Width sf nut Cb) = 1.6 do =1.6 QD = 30 MS le. Thlekene tees (te PR = 6 = 30m : iz fe Now checking the sosew and out Comidesin Shecs cteea6 gy Given below T (rere) = W CL XN Xi Xx + = S6A3,.S4 xu xiy x? = 10.99 Mean® Tout) = WJ HL xn xdo vt = SEA SU JLxu x20 x? = 2S Vat Thebe Gosesiag core within ajlovable Vadit thesefose datign fos nut ig Sete Deviaa ct pinc it the _ nut - Ree pi oer ake . her =e, ToL alivlees en each tide fixed te goer : Page. J @z=0 < God lewer pestloo of teggle jack E22x 0 x(Cd)*xt 4 . 2846.7 =72 x H xd,” x5 : 4 - ds 2¢bé.m <4 L 2x xo . di? = 26.25 : _d, 26.02 dy Sa am - The diametos of On head ly taken as 7 NSd) 2 mm gad Hhicknecs 4 om = Gl Design of oda! - The links ma be heclee, : ling . They _ nq budele jo 4 Place containing the _ AxeS of plas. - The oe Mey budele ja followiag two _planey ak the wight to each other due te load. Each Unie i ubjected tog Comparexccive i ee =F =22846.59 2 2 =1423.38 (VV Dan plane of the link the linkke ewe @ || conidesed ae hinged ab both ends A ccasding to Rankiners — Foxrula Pe = FG xA [+a/L\ Ce \hore G_ = Rankine Cones = | Soo Leho nam @ je 2 Radke of gyeatiaawei | + A Dz Moment: Trerbia = | xt, xo ¥ va = xb x@by 12 CAwuriing width of link jy thsee Lime thicleness £ Itale’) Gz=0 A =cp0é5 Sectlon _crseq gf lade = by xb St) Xt, * S3t) ic = fe = [22 = ogee td YA 3G Pe = Oucleliag loud Ascumiag F.0.$ Gagiadt _bucklag Failuse cng SG Sa sep eS 1422.52 =7n6.9 F169 = 109 x34) 2 20 Bit pet fren \* P4215 Foo [0.9664 | Ene u SMG sele Ma pee + gee Zils xe 22392 Cr+ €2) =)" 1 t" £23 2+2 —-Sizo 2 (ep = 29.92 + VC23.92)° + 4 xo) ge Gb) 226.9 ft) =6.060 £ Emm by soty = 12 my iT plane peeperelicus 2 plene dint: petdicules bo the ase eed a the end, Accoding to Ranieinely —-fenuler Pe = Ge xA pea/t ye 7 Ce hese 4 = Ranches Contant = | Deo ead ase coniidesod gy fixed. Th _thkc plane fo equivalant, Leagth L= yo = 6S rn z ee Kk = Radiye “of gyecitio fe A ee = moment of Trertla = | xb *b,3 pa =_Lxl¢ xp” I2 =324 hot A scsoss ectlona) _aeeq_ of fine by xt) =I1E x6 S102 mm ie (ts VA = lg 4 \ 108 = 1.73 95 i Pe = \o xXl08 pei Sir? 2g00 U9, = regs: 1 foie? Sievea 4 Glace thks: buclellag load ig hese han line hs aFe fae buleliag WN6.Goo So iq thie plan es S ty as =21@ mn *®) Teale Jacke j Mates | 4 af f ES La Uses f bE C A plate mede of __ vtec) _2ocg CSut_=440 Who Expesiment_wo G6 Cart -£) in het wolled and nesmag lived —_cond''telon I Chowan eR (eect nh eee te a | Completely severed axial loud of zo lef. the notch Sensitivity foc gq can __be aleen og and the expected seliabillty is Fo +. @ Gs The ee = cefet, ke » Detesmi tA plabe _ickness fos icfintte like Lis Tye = > So = ) — : A = = b _ Pose. J Ce <> Enclusince limit Ghrrears tor __plabe Te 2260, es ka =0.69 keh = 0.88 Eos dot. yellabi) ity ke =0.945 d =lo =02 Ww So Exon fig lee = 2S) US Je = + Gilet =) Teo Sse) 2.208 « iv Ig = J = | = 53-5 lef ie Ge Be. lec le Ge! E 0.67 Co. 99). 299) ©. 4629)C220) = $0.9 Mtan® e a Fes axial load Gea = 0.8 Ge = 40.72 What = 0.9 (io 9) a Pore scible bse, _anplitwie Ce = Gea fs = bo, 92 2 =20.26 Mma - Ca) Plate thlclenads Ga = ?P Curd + = Goo") Wlean® ® Cge-10)6 Fsoum q b 29.26 = Ge) (ic?) (So -10) { b= 26.29 pm | [ GE=0 S 2A ~woterbiog bew Trade of Chub = 630 Mae") Gubjeced to «Completely xsevessed bending Mores) . The Corvected encdwance Nit ae ye cree Cem Se a Celculete the fatigue _ strength of the | bey for a Jife of e,o00 Cy cleg vtec] sce Sut = 620 plan M_=92Q00 cycles de =2s Vom Gone len = tote GW adiwas 0.9 Sut =0.9 G30) = S67 Wim log Co.asut) = leg, C86) = 2,78 log Che) = Urs = 2.4992 log (e000) = UATCY We Aue leu Hs3) 33. end hai Go)f' = 6 Ore To i] logio Sp) 2-936 loge SE C2.S872) we2 t =o Fabigue Sisseqgth fos _Fooos _Cyclas leglo (Se) =2.7S2¢ — (2.2936 — 2.40 g3) GD Cusg42 ~32) = 2.S¥7 [se = 326.68 Mamet A 7 wn oh

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