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ECL Practice Test – Version 4

Listen. Then select the best answer.

A. No, it’s additional.
B. No, it’s used.
C. No, it’s occupied.

A. The pictures are not clear.
B. The pictures are too vague.
C. The pictures are too compact.

A. They are staying up late to read the newspaper.
B. They are turning in their assignments.
C. They are rushing to get home before the snow storm.

A. I was a training instructor.
B. I was in the Marine Corps.
C. I was a career counselor.

A. After they were supplied with clothing, they were put in a restricted area.
B. After they paid for their special clothing, they lined up for inspection.
C. After they were forced to wear special clothing, they griped about it.

A. That short structure on the beach is still being used.
B. The building hidden in the mountains is empty.
C. The tall structure at the edge of that huge rock is no longer used.

A. It wasn’t serviced properly.
B. It wasn’t circulated properly.
C. It wasn’t combined properly.

A. His father can cut with it.
B. His father can adjust speeds.
C. His father can only use one speed.

A. Although we didn’t follow the map, we were late.
B. Even though we followed the map, we got lost.
C. We lost the map and couldn’t trace the location.
A. It will be difficult to take them on.
B. It will be difficult to fight them off.
C. It will be difficult to pull them apart.

A. Because her performance was good.
B. Because everyone respected her wishes.
C. Because she broke several regulations.

A. Let’s try to cheer him up.
B. Let’s tell him he deserved what he got.
C. Let’s give him another task to do.

A. I think scientists do.
B. I think police do.
C. I think parents do.

A. He wants to be able to hear others.
B. He wants to be heard more easily.
C. He is keeping an eye on the enemy.

A. A new pattern was designed to enhance color.
B. A new fabric was developed to resist dyes.
C. A new cleaning product was created to remove spots.

A. Although General Lyons opposed it, the plan was accepted.
B. General Lyon’s opinion was accepted and the plan was called off.
C. The plan was rejected due to General Lyon’s opposition.

A. Don’t mention it.
B. Thanks, just the same.
C. Thanks for your condolences.

A. Yes, the case seemed abnormal.
B. Yes, the judgment sounded fair.
C. Yes, the conclusion was artificial.
A. a nozzle
B. rags
C. a band

A. He’s a candidate for senator.
B. He’s ready to welcome the senator.
C. He’s sticking by the senator.

A. No, you have to stop.
B. No, you have to drive.
C. No, you have to turn.

A. They are closely watching and monitoring the suspects.
B. They are charging the suspects with a crime.
C. They are releasing the suspects.

A. I can go over whenever I want.
B. I can go wherever I want.
C. I can go over when he tells me to.

A. Lights came on.
B. Water flowed out.
C. Electricity was cut off.

A. I felt frightened.
B. I was frightening.
C. The storm was frightened.

A. Do you mean you want all the shares?
B. Do you mean you want all the details?
C. Do you mean you want all the consideration?

A. in the basement
B. in the attic
C. in a very small building

A. Because it had a label.
B. Because it had a surface.
C. Because it had a defect.
A. You could buy a generator.
B. You could add insulation.
C. You could make a circuit.

A. They ate outdoors.
B. They ate in the dining room.
C. They ate in the mess hall.

A. They were complimented for a birthday party.
B. They were sent for a birthday party.
C. They were invited over for a birthday party.

A. The air feels dry.
B. The air is wet.
C. The air is dehydrated.

A. There’s a hole on the ground.
B. The street is covered with ice and snow.
C. There is a traffic jam.

A. He has had lots of practice.
B. He has had little practice.
C. He hasn’t had any practice.

A. She would like potatoes, not rice.
B. She wants rice, not potatoes.
C. She wants both rice and potatoes.

A. Certainly, I can lend a hand.
B. Certainly, I can take advantage of it.
C. Certainly, I can take a chance.

A. They aren’t mine.
B. I own some of them.
C. I bought them at a garage sale.
A. He can’t lift it on his own.
B. He is able to lift it.
C. He is unable to lift it.

A. cotton and wool
B. bracelets and earrings
C. nickel and dime

A. Yes, it’s about two kilometers long.
B. Yes, it’s about 120 feet deep.
C. Yes, it’s about 300 feet wide.

A. It’s a good deal.
B. The prices are too high.
C. The merchandise is too expensive.

A. He made a good impression and was hired.
B. He didn’t communicate well; therefore, he didn’t get the job.
C. He was very lenient; as a result, he got the job.

A. They cross each other.
B. They run parallel.
C. They are imaginary lines.

A. polyester and rubber
B. plastic and glass
C. silk and wool

A. Yes, I don’t want them anymore.
B. Yes, I need to store them.
C. Yes, I want to keep them.

A. Yes, I can lend you some money.
B. Yes, what do I owe you?
C. Yes, you borrowed some money.
A. Yes, he feels tired.
B. Yes, he feels sorry.
C. Yes, he feels excited.

A. I’m sure you’ll do better.
B. I doubt you’ll do better.
C. It’s doubtful you’ll do better.

A. eat less
B. eat more
C. exercise less

A. He will play in the games.
B. He won’t participate in the game.
C. He’ll collect baseball cards.

A. This is his length.
B. This is his width.
C. This is his height.

A. He is retired.
B. He cleans the building.
C. He helps with sports.

A. I don’t like that color very much.
B. It’s one of my favorite colors.
C. I dislike that color.

A. Yes, there were a few good patterns given.
B. Yes, there were plenty of souvenirs given.
C. Yes, there were several good speeches given.

A. cotton
B. glass
C. copper
A. It’s 12 feet long.
B. It’s an extra large size.
C. It’s $36.50 with tax.

A. He accepted the job.
B. He didn’t take the job.
C. He was hired for the job.

A. He’s checking for insects.
B. He’s checking the weight.
C. He’s checking the length and width.

A. He’s very tall.
B. He’s quite sick.
C. He’s very handsome.

A. He works near the plant.
B. He works at the plant.
C. He works far from the plant.

A. She serves delicious meals.
B. She makes clothes for the family.
C. She keeps the family house clean.

A. He expects to leave the military in the near future.
B. He expects to be deployed for 15 months.
C. He expects to become a recruiter.

A. He must be a rancher.
B. He should be a teacher.
C. He might be a Soldier.

A. He’s doing really well.
B. He’s having some problems.
C. He’s enjoying his class.
A. He’s going to start planting apples.
B. He will buy fresh apples at the local market.
C. He will collect them from the trees.

A. Jane thanked her employer.
B. Jane enjoys working long hours.
C. Jane wasn’t happy about the extra work.

Read. Then select the best answer.

67. Jack works 10 hours a day, six days a week. He often doesn’t have time to eat.
His job is______.
A. hardworking
B. reliable
C. dependable
D. demanding

68. Elizabeth: “What time does your plane arrive?”

Abel: “It arrives at 10:30.”
What did she ask him? She asked him ________.
A. if his plane arrived at 10:30.
B. what time his plane arrived.
C. what time arrived his plane.
D. what time did his plane arrive.

69. There was a sale at the PX yesterday. Some things were offered at a 50% ____.
A. reducing
B. reduces
C. reduced
D. reduction

70. Beth dyed her hair. What did she do?

A. She changed the color.
B. She left it long.
C. She cut it short.
D. She shaved it off.

71. A dictionary can _________ you in completing this assignment.

A. determine
B. aid
C. interpret
D. represent
72. You have to return the book to the library by July 31. It’s ________ on July 31.
A. due
B. do
C. done
D. taken

73. Do you know ________? Yes, it’s 10:00.

A. what time it is
B. what it is time
C. what time is it
D. what is it time

74. Jean: What kind of car would you like to have?

John: ______________ a sports car.
A. I’d wished
B. I have wished
C. I wish I had
D. I wish that

75. You must wear your hat when you are outside. Hats ____________outside.
A. must be wear
B. must be worn
C. must worn
D. must be wearing

76. Terry ___________ the steering wheel tightly with both hands.
A. gripped
B. joined
C. drilled
D. enabled

77. _____ he works out at the gym every day, he still can’t lift more than 20 pounds.
A. Despite
B. Even
C. However
D. Although

78. Dario’s car stopped ________ when he ran out of gas.

A. running
B. repairing
C. using
D. run

79. His knife didn’t cut very well until he _________ it.
A. hardened
B. deepened
C. widened
D. sharpened
80. Ms. Stuart wrote this review, ________ she?
A. doesn’t
B. did
C. didn’t
D. won’t

81. We haven’t seen the Wilsons for quite a while. Let’s ___________ this evening.
A. drop in on them
B. drop in them on
C. drop them in on
D. drop on them in

82. They __________ the building in order to build a new parking lot.
A. rebuilt
B. regulated
C. lubricated
D. tore down

83. Peter speaks Russian, and Robert does too.

A. Not only Peter but also Robert speaks Russian.
B. Neither Peter nor Robert speaks Russian.
C. Peter speaks Russian but Robert doesn’t.
D. Peter doesn’t speak Russian and neither does Robert.

84. My ____________ is that we must support the military.

A. heart
B. discipline
C. position
D. occasion

85. Sam would go fishing with us if he ____ the time.

A. had
B. have
C. has
D. having

86. The candidate wishes he _____ the election.

A. is won
B. can win
C. have won
D. could win

87. Lee is used to ______ bacon and eggs for breakfast.

A. eat
B. eating
C. eats
D. eaten
88. The policeman advised us not _____ around the barricades.
A. going
B. to going
C. went
D. to go

89. The sky is clear and the wind is calm. Conditions are _____ for flying today.
A. favorable
B. unfavorable
C. favorably
D. unfavorably

90. The supervisor doesn’t allow us _________ early on Fridays.

A. leaving
B. leave
C. to leave
D. leaves

91. Several people were fatally injured in the accident. What happened to them?
A. They survived despite their injuries.
B. They died because of their injuries.
C. They escaped unharmed.
D. They suffered minor injuries.

92. If you don’t ___________ your work, you’ll never finish.

A. stick to
B. stick out
C. imitate
D. simulate

93. I couldn’t have gone to the wrong terminal. I checked the number twice.
A. It’s likely I made a mistake.
B. I am sure I made a mistake.
C. It’s impossible I made a mistake.
D. It’s very possible I made a mistake.

94. The baby needs ________ right now. He’s crying.

A. feed
B. to feed
C. to be fed
D. be fed

95. He can’t hear you. He’s __________________.

A. conscious
B. alert
C. firm
D. unconscious
96. The teacher won’t put up with that kind of behavior.
A. She thinks it is acceptable.
B. She allows it in her class.
C. She won’t tolerate it.
D. She encourages it.

97. We will have to ________ our differences if we’re going to work together.
A. overcome
B. income
C. activate
D. actuate

98. The teacher was angry because the students acted _____________.
A. late
B. too much noise
C. talking too much
D. badly

Skim the outline to answer questions 99-100 below.

Leadership Styles

A. Directing

Provides specific instructions to subordinates

Closely supervises assignments

B. Coaching

Continues to direct and supervise assignments

Also explains decisions
Asks for suggestions
Supports progress

C. Supporting

Makes job easy for subordinates

Shares decision-making with subordinates

D. Delegating

Gives subordinates decision-making responsibilities

Doesn’t supervise assignments
99. What is the outline about?
A. sports activities
B. ways of leading
C. studying a lesson
D. bad leadership styles

100. What type of leader works with those under him/her to make the job
A. coaching
B. supporting
C. directing
D. delegating
ECL Practice Test – Listening Script – Version 4

1. Is Jerry’s car new?

2. I don’t think the camera was focused properly since the pictures are quite blurry.

3. Why is everyone leaving work early?

4. Which branch of the military did you serve in?

5. After the prisoners were issued clothing, they were confined to an enclosed area.

6. That old tower at the top of the cliff is no longer occupied.

7. Why did Ruth’s motorcycle stop running?

8. Ron gave his father a variable speed drill.

9. We went by the map that you gave us, but we couldn’t find our way.

10. Those two boards are nailed together.

11. Why was the employee discharged without warning?

12. Bob is disappointed with his test results. Let’s do something to boost his morale.

13. Who enforces the laws created by the government?

14. Why is LT Simms using a microphone?

15. A special cleaner was formulated to remove stains.

16. Contrary to General Lyon’s opinion, the contingency plan was adopted.

17. Respond to the following statement. “I really appreciate all your help. Everything
is back in working order.”

18. Do you believe that justice was served by the judge’s decision?

19. What did Adam use to wax his car?

20. Mr. Logan is running for senator.

21. Is the hotel close to the airport?

22. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is keeping an eye on the suspects.

23. Larry told me to come over any time I wanted.

24. What happened when Mrs. Tyler opened the valve?

25. The heavy rain and strong winds were frightening.

26. I need to know everything that happened.

27. Fred keeps his tools in the shed.

28. Why did you return that chair to the store?

29. The power has gone out a lot this week. What should I do?

30. The soldiers had their meals in the open. Where did they eat?

31. Julie and Joe are going to a birthday party tonight.

32. The humidity is high this afternoon.

33. Be careful! The street is slippery.

34. Gary has had plenty of practice with a pistol.

35. Paula wants potatoes instead of rice.

36. Can you please help me carry these boxes?

37. None of these items belong to me.

38. Joe has the strength to lift that box.

39. Which of these are examples of jewelry?

40. Do you know the depth of this lake?

41. At these prices you are getting a bargain.

42. If John had communicated better, he might have gotten the job.

43. These roads intersect. What do they do?

44. Which of these are natural materials?

45. Do you want to throw out these clothes?

46. Could you pay me back tonight?

47. Does Mike feel guilty about what he did?

48. I'm certain you'll do better next time.

49. He's trying to lose weight. What does he need to do?

50. He is joining the baseball team. What will he do?

51. He is five feet eleven inches tall.

52. My father is a high school coach. What does he do?

53. I'm very fond of that color.

54. Were the speakers at the meeting interesting?

55. Which of these is an example of a fabric?

56. What is the total amount?

57. Henry turned down the job offer. What did he do?

58. Bob is measuring the room. What is he doing?

59. John has a high temperature.

60. He works in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant.

61. My mother sews for her family.

62. Col. Adams plans to retire soon.

63. Joe has a lot of cattle and sheep on his land.

64. Sam's having a rough time in class.

65. Chuck will harvest the apples next week.

66. Jane didn’t appreciate having to work long hours.

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