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Name:Bodiongan,Glady Mae R.


                          Grade and Section:12 Diamond                                                                                                        Date:03-



                                                                                                                                                                Activity 1. Essay       

Work is important for people lives in another word work is part in peoples daily living without working
people would be struggling to provide their daily needs .In this world were work is really important we
should prepare ourselves and face the challenges we encounter .

As for me I'am ready to face and experience in the world of work .This will train me for the future and
not always be dependent on my parents because the time will come when you will have to live on your
own. I’m ready to use my knowledge and skills to contribute on the work I'm in and show that I have the
good quality as a worker who works accordingly to what is needed to be done and work without being
told in short has initiative also responsible for my doings, hardworking to fulfill my role as a worker, has
loyalty and maintain a good relationship with the people around me ,which is an important aspect to
possess by a good worker and most is to prepare ourselves all the time ,be optimistic person who see
positive side of things no matter what happens and doesn't know the word give up and just keep going.   


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