Get Involved - A2 Workbook

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INVOLVED. 2: Emma Heyderman Alexandra Paramour Access your digital content ot INvoLveED! o Go to e Register to create your Macmillan Education Everywhere account Log in if you already have an account ‘Scratch off the panel to reveal your access code GI1SW158282050364 The code above gives access tothe digital material for your course, zmee (J ‘Yur subscription wil be valid for mnths from the date you activate your cod, System Requirements Informations coret athe time of prin We recommend that you reve the atest system requirement -ntpe/www ‘The app works online and oftine. Internet connection i required to dowmload content, synchronize data ane forint login, Fall ers and conditions avaiable at: -ntps/ (cs crv predate any Shs ctcrepccasae eae Senator 1 rd er res AB ne corn ru of 468 Ra for opin pore {6h Guana thom wt pan en yur cur) srlcaeooae Foreutamer seven hp th tn equeant sa hap macnn em Get. | INVOLVED. =. Emma Heyderman Alexandra Paramour ‘Serna wonsaaa sage neon nsec eter art ca nt ‘abn amir oj raTaoe ea ee ‘nena oth hen OenposnaPacns hess i i yg rans tyne magna tyr Sixceratanmcrncnes ‘ruta er ta ey mae pe Sy a inane tytn ee coma {oi tay maga se efron vas ota eae ‘SS Cayman timer ' bd Contents E EA school life © Metime 1G Dressing up E3 Extremes Gi musttry GB Animals in danger ED Heroes (©) summer fun 4 12 20 28 36 52 = Social and emotional — competence Exam trainer 84-94 Irregular verbs 95-96 a School life Vocabulary Daily routines 1 sr Complete the activities withthe missing vowels. V hivebr eo st 6 hivel__och 2smsh | 7 ows 3 doh_m__w_tk @ goh_m_ 5 ot_p 10 gowb_d 2% Match the verbs in the boxtoa word to ‘make dally routines. Some verbs go with more foes ye wee wm) | oe a ee ee ee el a — ro 3. Wt Complete the blog with the verbs from exercise 2 Cee ‘My typical day Aaa anim rom Romania. 1_wake wo my hat. After breakfast, do my homewerk because got echo nthe tenn, INave dane sna 20| tobedat 820 pn,19__ i ‘Sleep sraund 1000 pm Complete the times with at, 7 on at T4sam = A theevening 2 ___themoming 5 __1030pm 3 Tuesdays ‘Write complete sentences about the pictures. Use the time phrasesin exercise 4. ‘vets Rewrite the sentences in exercie 5 50 ‘they are true for you 1 vake ap at _ —' = e Present simple: affirmative and negative 11 ¢ Write the verbs in the thied person singular. te sees beh - 2 ploy 5 tidy 3 do 6 have 2 tr Choose the correct option. maginne tight 2@ breads 2 Mybrother_matts at univers a suey bb sucies 3 We_TWbefere inne, 4 dontwatch —B doesnt watch 4 You___verylateon Saturdays soc cesup 5 Thetim__unti@n09m 2 dontsat—b doeiitstat 6 Myfends near me a dortlve —b doesnt he 3 sist Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. tsa aa ive) ore penne {mot go) seco ‘been the nearest ne ie 200 away “Around 120 chron 3 (seuayTatome wth the aloe Springs Senoal of he Ai In tho moming twa (wake up) 529 9m andsneB have) treks. ‘Then, Oivia and har fal 8 rr {do} some work onto at. ALSO, (tsa anh ete? ‘at thor comput fr threes, bat oy (mot spend) mcxo ‘han halve he day te computer, oa 8 (have) 15 sons wook incoding musi, languages, rt ~ (wisi) us once # yea, sve Ova Grammar 4. seirtr Lookat the photos and complete the sentences with the correct verb, Use the affirmative or negative form, 1 Teen__wokes up 1d Be D keracemie 2 asia py ‘eaioor on Std.) er bedbetre she goes toschool (4) inchathome hey ‘ne cath eran) true foryou, ‘bdo go te exa bt dont 2 onsaturys dont ae 3. Aerachool my fiends andthe, = Grammar eferenceand practice > Resouceeente 5 fe Vocabulary School subjects 2 ert Complete the school report withthe school sbjetsn the bo. 1 Lookat the photos and complete the crossword roa Engisitertse georey pses Granton High School Term 1 | Mane: ar Morton oer Ms Kang 1__pfyscs apron lnc sexe. a se wes gud | sage and sais 5a acs ant ‘ Heke alte | natin | . Ris drovings are god bot vey ty | 6 aartsctraretin | tsi, 3 rts Complete the posts with some ofthe school subjectsin exercises 1 and 2 mathe | | [ite sami soto | sbjo6C We aye rent spat a ‘9 col boone we desim ‘ates names and feta ar na iy favoante, Laon ike 4 ‘ating? Oho! Te ies 1 Sl jana mee taser ra | 4 trtvty Complete the sentences 0 they are ‘wus foryou. 1 My fvoure subject 2 Mylestovoue sbjectis_—— 3 woudl to ty. 4 butwe dat do any shod present simple: Yes/No questions 11 4 Complete the questions with door does. 1 De _youdoyour hemewarkonine? 2 ur Hend pay fot ater choo? 3 yourmum goto workby a? 4 ‘weave matt afer tisesson? 3 ts lesson nh at 1 odo? 2, sr Match the questions in exercise 1 with shortanswersa-e. fa Yesitdots Sd Neshedoasrit__ b Nawedork,_——@ Yestheydo.__ 3 sist Order the words tomake questions, ‘Then write short answers. 1 male yourbed /n the marring/ yous 0?) ‘Dayo make our bd in the morning? Yes, 1, 2 ve? you700 /nearyou school ?(4) 3 your brother ev 40 sting Does (+) 4 atachool haven yourteaches/002(-) 5 ike /she/Does ar?) 4 tes Readthe answerand witethe question. 1 __Doyouwatch _TWeveyday? Yes de watch Vevey day afer cine. 2 feobal Nhe doer My dad peers runt 3 alto tme onine? Yes they do. My fends spand about thee hous 2 da nla fe abe wah yourtamiy? Yes Ida We have dimer together every do. 5 ae? No i does My chaol ashes at 280 pn Grammar 5 srirty Write complete questions. Then write true short answers for you. 1 you havens every dy? 2 you ad your rind ike sport? 3 your mum /wake up early? Object pronouns 6 Choosethe correct option. 1 Dayoutkehizoy?) Yes love them 2) Doyeubuy comics! (Ne tneveread them” 3) boyourteachessaive you tof tests) (esi They ove uslyourests every week 4 ba youseeyourmum inthemoring No dont ee hefhim nthe morn, 5 ‘Does anyone in jour famiyhep youth your homework Yes my brotherhalps mit 7 etry Answer the questions for you. 1 Does anyone in our fami ke scence? 2. Dayourfiends help you wih you homework? 23 Doyou see your ends every weekend? Reading An article alte ees yl ae eee or actors go to school? Not always! ‘Young star Jeremy Magute in the comedy seres Modem Family and ne oesn't go school wnen he's at the studio al child actors in Calfornis do about three hours of schoo a ay. A teacher goes to the fm stu and helps ‘hem withthe lessons Zakya ftom Pakistan wants to be a tenis payer. she goes to tennis star Rafa ‘Ned's cademy in Mallorca, Spain. aki plays tems ar goes tothe Intemational choc! atthe academy. Se does all her lessons in tho morning and plays tenis inthe afternoon. Sinteenyearold Lauren zhang plays the vin, but she's the 88 Young Musician of te Year because she can also lay the piano realy well she goes to King Edward viMigh School in Bitmingham, inthe UK rom Monday to Friday. She's interested in history, piyses and biology she also 00s othe Junior Conservatoire, a music school for eight 1018 year ols. typical Saturday at this senao long it Starts at 9:00am and shes at 500 pm. ‘rf Answer the questions. Then read the article again and check. 1 Does etry Magu go 10 shoot everday? ‘No, doesn’ 2. Doe ety Maguire got isteachers house? 3 Does Zaye cometion Marca? Inca and on rivers in Bangles, ys 9010 shoal inthe morning? : Does Lauren ony play the vin? > Subskill: Predicting from the title and araaereraet the pictures {6 Does Lauren study sbjects oer than music? feforeyoustart reading the text ook at al he tier information, or example, look he te ve 4 nd the photos ‘rity Look at your answersin exercise3 ‘again and complete the sentences. 1 & Lookatthe tte ofthe article and the 1 Jeremy Maguire does’ got choo! whan he's photos. Wha’ special about the young he tudo, people? 2 Heteacher ec 4 zakna 4 2 vor ©" Read and listen to the article and fe heck yout ideas in exercise 1 eae ‘Aradio programme 1% Lookat the photo and read the dictionary definition. Then answer the questions. Li MOOC ImutWasveOpor One Sse: ete ce sty ofa Grr mterortos gerber Bieter 1 Doyoudos MOOC witha eacherin a csroom? 2 How much do you pay ora MOO? 3 How many peop ate on exc couse? I> Subskill: Identifying the type of listening First read the exercises and think about an answer The numberof people mentioned and the key words Inthe exercises help you dently hat youre listening to. 2 srs 402 Read the statements in exercise 3 and answer the questions. Listen and check 1 How many people retaking? 2 What ae they aking abou? 3 chsh Usten agp. Are the sentences (ue) OFF (false)? 1 Briony isa stusentandaradiapresentee 2. Angus doesnt goto school He stuces nine. 3 How to leatisa very popular WOOL 4 thonis anew computer game 5 Younced throw about arto the at hory couse 4 setety Whatdo you lean about these MOOCS? Write somenotes. 1 How tolesn: Unversiy of Cobia, ne ilon lsemater Python History antic wa mate acomicbook a 5 Listening and Speaking Working together to check answers 1% Complete the expressions with the words inthebox. [Pee Tor got 1 tow realy aghe Asking about a question What 1 about What hiveyou 9012 Doyous Giving your answer: skies ‘Agreing onthe same answer: umber. ? youre? Dizagrecing youve got different answers) 8 ive got Neus ana ‘Saying you dont know the answer: Tort 0 2. tty Complete the lalogue with an ‘expression in exercise 1. Morethanone answer may be possible. 1 What about umber 12 egettons What about number 2? ace tet Inmumber 3, think itt ames Ive ale gos. Inmumbera thnk 4 ort Late saktheeacer Wrathave you got fr number Thats ait ene 5 te Writing peoples g Spanth,Tudih Medan abbreviations TPE A blog post 1 When do we use a capital letter? Match the reasons 1-8 withthe amples 2h Tatsateta 8 andl pcs 2 days mans) b Mr Sith MSA 3 fort Xe weve got history today. 44 eiegcounien a Monday... J, ates ¢ Baan ying ames Neon Asta 7 8 2 ity Add capitalletterstothetext. era 4 ‘mrs ond in em mesic. whe up cy condi hoe eg rekon tee wala hea. rrondop end wed we've got nga wih Ir sonnay. sh conodin ond shes rest mal Fahl fs el eran fo amever and he lay ellbl wth ny ds ors aldose om ele a ‘3 Wirt Rewrite the textin exercise so itis ‘rue for you. Iesimmportantto think carefully and make logial decisions. Read situations 1-4 and write one ofthe Key phrases in the box. Sometimes thereis more ‘than one correct option. ‘think hats good thing. Yes but dort forget | aly? td preer.... Whatabaut Somdown iketo... Met, 1 Yourparner eso fash too quickly Sl down 2 Youwant to sugges something your paint 3 Youagiee withsometing your partner says, 4 Youd age with something yourpartnerays, Vocabulary review Daily routines 1 choose the activity whichis usly frst 1 2 2 getchanged bwake uD a haveashower b get dressed 2 brush ay hab stat shook 4-8 dohomework b gohome 5 agotobed —b gotasleen 6 a octup b matey bed 7 a tavedioner —b hawelunch 8 a deanmyteeth b goto school School subjects 2 What’ the school subject? 1 2 10 2 Weleam how to playnew sport vert ren eB Na.MatinCasabanc iit the apa af Morea ts Rabat. $sreres Idan he tissubjec becuse cart pay ‘ort ouch ait et water Now wash yourhands There ae 20 peopl atthe party butonly five «cokes How much cake dors everyone eat? We ead lots of great stories and then weak about them together. n Haseveryone gota compute? reat Lets make 9 web ge (aes anda cant do my temework Why is ‘8S soimporant Look tthe les onthe rable and ron apicwre eyes casi We sing cance and. 4 jw co you say brake? F Th uni son he human body » Grammar review Present simple 11 Complete the sentences wth the corect fern ofthe verbs in brackets. Do you think school on Saturday is a good idea? ott woheup (wakeup) nteon saturdays snathenT2 (Gay yom vay muro (ting it fanasc fata but hee (pote) oon, by Pench cousin onsaturdas, but nee hoa on wnesdoy sere (@o)risexae (oot have) ——frerwant 0 Phege no Teachers? werkonSaturdye 2. Complete the questions and short answers withthe correct form of the verbs in the box. “have peck you___pack your own soolbagives!_— do youand your fiends Joubemenciotscool Nowe __ your mum ‘hanged Bterwosk es she you shower on yout ends BeaTate on Fay? Yo, they Object pronouns 3 correct one mistake with the object pronoun. in each sentence. 1 gata chool by ca My mum dives Sara my fend but dar st ith him in cs After chool| meet my fends an pay ootbal ‘at We often ve my grandad and have inch vathus ai ‘We dor undeaand this exec, Ganyourelpyou! Look what you know! Cis Ea ‘Choose the cortectoption. [Da yeu ees eG TF 1630008 you G01 sep nce? Ordos your ‘ter re youre guar bat ‘ronmental huss ee orn tarot 1 DofDnes oar you 2 thou? meh Jey UA srs tnd hem bce lntare Sone tutte UCT dooetdet ue 8 fespen coe mew soe tare sn Siycson Thy 8 witness pao omen 40 Dae our alow outs oy tusal Stat en fot Cm, 4 corttaeear pr ard ey fainter ion 1 arate tr comets SIRS rs i fare rowan Self-evaluation Reade objectives fortis tnitHowweanyourowdo ©) ©) @ tichone? Puta ck) 1 Keantalabout day otis soc schon bj 2 Tenaseand newer questions inte pes le 3 Heanuseobet pronouns 4 anpreefrmation 5 Taney peu. 6 lancheckmyansnesath sonata 7 Kanto pos you chean Qnty acho Grammar rafernce and pace > Resauce cnt Me time Vocabulary Free-time activities 1s Mateh 1-7 with a-gtomake fee-time activites, 1 play & tomsie 2 seep ~b football 3 meet ¢ videogames 4 watch d aT Vsees 5 fsten photos 6 ply fiends 7 take g fertenbousaday ¥ Lookat the pictures and complete the sti th the verbsin the box. Callect draw 98 Pelp 2 5 1 go toadance das ua athone 5 seclmedia 6 things 7 inaberd = & _plewes ‘est Complete the sentences withthe correct {form ofthe verbs in exercises !and2, 1 Masrealymohersmanphoneshe__ uses. ‘scnlmediaforwoor tres hous ad Inthe evening we do ou homework and hen we TV sere, My rar _tothegymevey Friday to doome marca and hep it Dy besten crazy aborts He Tis own videos ry frdsohescheo 5 Ont 4 srivty Complete the posts with fre-time activities, 1go toartclas on Mondays want tobe anariss011 drew cartoons Hove paying the gag 12 i yen We Dracie ov Tuesdays bd hand i My nobby is photography go out on | Wodnesdaysand3— "ike a kinds of games. On Thursday evenings ‘with iy dad He is always Bickandtam whi ke basketball. * ‘Our matches Fridays ‘ake, Asai ON e e ‘inn White sentences about your activites. 1 goto dance cos on Monday oftrngon 2 3 4 5 Adverbs of frequency 1 ¢ Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency in the boxin the correct order. aways hardly ever newer | afer sometines esaay 1 |__newer play ideo games sabre domyhomewer. 2 Myparets have uneh athome. 3 play chess wh iybromes 4 ve make vides in IT. 5S Myitende usualy take photos | when we go ut You. teedon Grammar Likes and dislikes 4% Complete the sentences with the corect {orm oflike love, hateand mind. Monday mornings 2 seir Order the words to make sentences. 1 inthe oting sometimes /1/ mus /to sen ‘sometimes iste to musicin the raring 2 arly ever pays My dad tennis 13 to/unualy/ go Wel ar schoal ance ds «4 ever oracles 7am aT eniee/ iy feds watch al weed 6 907m Tosh oT ar y/o 3 seieve Rewrite the sentencesin exercise 250 they are true for you. 11 Lee etn to mascin the ings, bt Loon latent after shoo. Br log at tne om 2 hymn pocriro te Someones sou ni xnoe nears ro seinem 8 “when welve got PE. @ sips simi a 5 si Look at the table and complete: tevin ca ° be @ | Be en elele me] @ 16) eo 1 taa__ttersaiee ore on os ‘te en 2 heya a 7 ny eo 6 seixty Choose the correct option and complete the sentences so they for you. 1 hardy everoften 2. On Mondays me ard my fends alaysnever 3 lovehate 4 bet Fiend tasdoese ke a 5 Arweckends | sometimesmnever Grammar rleroceand praca >Resurcecente | 13 te Vocabulary Collocations with do, go and play 1% Complete the words with the missing vowels. Thodey 7 v4 ot zy 8 stn 3K OK 4 x bt S_hie wd tb da "9 2% WriteD (do), 6 (g0) oP (play) for each Sport in exercise 1. cera eas Parsee a baie oP 10a 3 Se Lookat the photos and write the sport with do, oF play. cf 1_acling 4. sir Complete the sentences with the correct of do, go ox ply. 1 lofien___go ejecting wth my mur, 2 Wehardy ever etl in 3 Mydad doeset serobies he rele youa, 5 My fends rolerlating, 5 rity Read the description and write the sports collocation, 1 men my om inte sermon along bean, costing 2 ts winter and tm on « mountain wih loko snow. want to go dw fst 3. tove rnning 10 or 200m and rmtast. Pople play his spot onc, but he plying ton grass. You needa sick ‘nd emallbal gi {5 vo animate an boing outors, £0 ths sport spect or me. 6 1 do classes inthe sports contre. We aways do out exis to oud musi 6 srirty Answer the questions fr you. Write full sentences 11 Whats your favour 0? 2 Whatspors do you usualy don PEat schoo? 13 Aether ary sponsthatyoudont ike? Wh- questions 11% Choose the correct option to complete the {questions Then choose the correct sport A-C. 1 How many playerstsfareon cach eam? Five 2 Where do(does you pay? Inthe pons al 4 Where do/does this spor come fom? THeUSA 4 What fare the nme ofthe American gue? Then, 5 Who isfare some ofthe sors hs sort? Ladion lames and Stephen Cty 2 trey Write complete questions, Then look at Bs seserper ate c= a Drmrervcan Oy uy | Favourite sport: ‘asite (on Honan fo Wedneasr Preeti mic rene fd ako poses on Srevesss 1 tbe /hername? Whe’: he ome? e's Bet 2 How many bothers and ters She have gor? 3 Whot/be her favourite pov? 4 When fate ao? 5 hat/she/do ner fee ome? 6 Where/she/ whephotos? Grammar 3 tte Read the answers and write the questions. What have you got on Monday at 9:00 am? Ine got 2 \onen Mybirtdoyson 1h anny Vo iy fends ke Poot, but prefer Kae 4 Hon many ybrothers gt mre than 100 camic books He collects hem. 5 pow een |goskatebonding every dy. © nee Ny cane picturesin our then, 4 soir White three more questions for frend What spot doyou bie? 5 trirty Askyour questions to your friend and ‘write his orher answers. Like paving otal, Grammarrtrnceandpracce > Resucecente 15 eT Naty ‘ona windy da. sme people got the park land the fy ate. Others go suring oF ‘wnasuring But another actif kesuring Todo this sport you reed a smal surtoar, largo te, open water and wie fs the ‘win dnt the water hat helps ou move Some esr love doing jum. thers ‘ike competing n aces we oer ke twavelig log distances. ‘Meet aris teenager Adam Farington At 14 he's the yourgest tesurer to cross the ngs chanel che sea between Ergand and France), That's bout 111 klometes In hours 19 minutes. Not easy ~ the wind strong and {eG te saves are sometimes big The Channels aays Duy rae) ‘nth large sips. And don't forget that staring on 3 beard for hours ard wor for your leg Wat next for Adam He enjoys compettons, ke te rsh Ktesurng Freese Championships and he's one of the best Adam hopes to be par of is couneys tam = sttne Opie Games inthe future. gre rarer 1 2 Lookat the photos and answer the questions. 1 What do youlnow about he spo inthe photos? 2 Where doyou doi? 3. Dojou need spacial hngsto dort 2 srr 0 Read and ston tothe text and check yourideas in exercise 1. D> Subskill: Reading for specific information Tohelp you find informationin the text ist think about the key wordsin the questions. | 8 ‘shy Lookatquestion in exercise and answer the questions. 1 iy sme ote nerdsundene? 22 Whar da you think the answer i? How do youkrow? | Younsed asl sufboad bb The wind maves the teste « Some ktesufes love jumping. ‘Other unuaual avant in Obrmpae history inchide poetry and tong jum for hooss. ‘4. Sesrd? Undertine the key words inthe {questions and try to predic the answers. Then find the answers inthe text. 1 What moves ksi acoesthe wate? 2 What diferent things do tess ke dong? 3 iteasyforabresurertocrosthe fnolh Channa? Why not? “Answer the questions for you. 1 Would you keto wy ktesuring? Why not? 2. Doyou think ts beter to do sports tke testing fof, Fo ener competitions? Listening and Speaking radio programme Asking for information Dye matcntheactivtiesin the box with 1 Match 1-7 with a-gtomake useful phases Tinos for ackng fo information ‘alletoindou 1 2 Have youger 3 Conyoutellme 4 How much 7 ' = aaeaaberd fake photor wie store Whattime does hardy s Gonison B sboutyourcouses lease € upto 4 itor? 6 stocolmeda cone? + _pounioe ‘ 2 {9 about yourvideo making couse please? [> Subskill: Listening forthe general idea 9. ++ Complete the dalogue with some ofthe Before listening, rea the instructions and the aparaa Frere {questions in the exercies Then listen tothe compete recording to get a general dea. 1 it find ot obout your courses please 2 Read the instructions for exercise 3 and answer the questions. Sure What ouae re you intevestedin? 1 hat do youthinkthe Istenng veces about 2 Doyouneedtol Todo errese a ‘es weave. Youleemhow to post 2 boyouneed to undest Deter messager and potas recording odo 3 3 rh 4 Lstento Mel Nickand Jason Match —== aT tech pron oer ociritin exci Eee 4: srs Answer thequestons. Then listen - : again and check your ideas. 1 What sport does Me playon her uncycie? eiaea 2 Whats Unicon? Scundsgood.S v 2 \WiatwouldNiklove todo? es 0 forfour wees, 4 what happens at lick wes ous? ie > How ods the Model Raway Gan London? ‘Ot coust need yournameand {6 How often does lason go tothe raay cl fe: Writing Informal messages 1 Choose the correctoption. 1 ove poying aking o bl pos Butand dont ike watching them on 2 On Saturdays meet ny ends bund we 9 suing, 3 When mymumgoes othe sports centre she es seabis ebut yous. 4 Would you Ike to have lunch and watch 2T¥ 5 loveteam sports butiand | hate lying fetta, 2. wt Complete the message with and oro but Hau! ‘m Chara 1 2nd_tm rom Piss, ay. Ar choo, seme of my rend pay n 3 foot ear, 2 Tproor basketball When | gt home, {have something to et, ike a sancich 3 some Fut | sometine pace ‘he gutar 41 ort pay a bana, Then usualy go tothe Park, meet ry thencs 8 (9 shatabosreing. What do You de aftr schoo? De yeu ayn a spon tear? Wet coon! ‘3 sv Wte your own message. Answer the ‘questionsin exerise2 COLLABORATION Geeks ee) seafiscacocea we organise ou time and plan tasks ‘Match Key phrases 1-5 with the tips ‘avec how to organise things Make lear notes 7 Use time effectively ‘Con you write down ieas? We need to move tothe next question, Lets write the questonsina diferent colour 2 | Wecan dicusfst nc then wit 4 5 Ok. et start. Vocabulary review Free-time activities 1. Match beginnings 1-7 with endings 2-9, (On Saturday morings, everbody helps My randma sometimes uses My bother loves playing dames He lays school wendy ever make When rnin myroom,isen My uncle ves coleting When we goon holiay my dad oes ideo, but we sometines watch he, ‘emusic ond ca ites, tome We dean ar tidy everthing, toycars Hes got about 50 ther, taking photos of eveything he see chessealy wel soci media. but en help her past mess Collocations with do, go and play 2 write the sports nextto the correct verb “waS badminton baseball oylng ‘ance hockey marialans sing” sutfeg swimming tabletenis do: tbs oe ply erste 3 suggesta sportwithdo, go orplay aerobics badminton horeiding | suring vellgeat yone 1 Ima nervous person who doesrit do much ——_Deswge 2 tke dong exercise andlisening to music 3 live nearthesea and live water spans 4 yuncehasgotafamvth somehoses 5 lve tam sportsand ging othe besch. 66 Theweathersbad where my sierand ve, Swe ke voor sports we can pay ogee. Look what you know! Grammar review ‘adverbs of frequency 1 Complete the second sentencesoitmeans the ‘same the frst Use averb and anadverb. Sometimes usvaly cn hardly ever never 62) | 4 that paying bal spars 501 doit lay basketball basket 2 ide my ke afer schoo every doy 1_____ mye ater schoo. 3 lamin cos before he bel everyday. o late for schoo 4 We make vdeosia most of Tessas. We_ videos in oui essns. $5 yma only eats cake cn he bind enscake ym 6 Some days ae hatin May but nota of them. a hatin Likes and dislikes 2 Write sentences using the verbs in brackots, 1 I/play ches te) ike paying ces. 2 We /g2 ae, 7 tess “ canta F (eta tar awch 1 cone tam ra ps 4 {meant ct sie | pases (i) ace lott, | sumthin soe oa tc an a atts (tae a ss ‘iat, ad ae (i) ith ‘um apne ss 8 (eh sna a tes (ot Besine as at Tae yar at te tow im rh nie tal sts toute " (Compt) hence om Mao ‘fry Pepa ineansetsixnacte. To ET atten bale ou ns sep eau Tht v2 ‘es te ed yor ai bl Self-evaluation Read the objectives fr this ‘unit, How wellcan you now do ‘each one? Puttick (7) 1 cantakabout fre-time setier and poets 2 lean takabout th things ke acd don ike doing ‘nd how eften do them. 2 lean askand answer Wh questions inthe present simple 4 Teanidentiy the key wodsin ‘questions before ead 3 text 5 lean undentand the general ides ina ecording 6 \canaskforinformation about dierent atts 7 Ncan mite informs message pe doce ck yur echerbr ex lp eooe “ranma vlerecesnd paca >Reourcecente 19 Vocabulary Clothes and accessories 3 ir Find he wordwhich is ferent. Use the wordsinthe bx say why 13 Find nin items of clothing inthe obit word saute se hop teams enya ae tedosp whens 1 ahat escort Graal) cow You der usualy wea. 2 sands shod traners boots Youhavdly ever buy 3 aswester shorts Tshirt sunglass You den we 4 Jeans alacket_askit tours GEEEEP ere > 4 Seirty Complete the email with the wordsin the box et einen dees sandals boots coat | Look at his photo of ma it's ol and windy again hate woarngat hat but itkogps my head warm: My wine 2 “ng and dont Duta east my fat stay dy {peter summer shoes for PER Li's party tonight ve gota rem Bye or now, Hannah ‘5 trite! What lothes do you usually wear for the situations below? Write sentences fr you. 1 tne usualy wear 2. nau never wear 23 Gaingtoschook fen wey 4 For ately celeton sometimes eat 5 Doing spr, ever wear ——_ 20 Grammar sent continuous 5 irivtr Complete the message withthe brevet cnininustorn othe aah Ye the ves inthe dng frm. rose Be oy omy by sae a ae [tah rover ok mat we 3 ayo a a4 oh oe foie ee aaa ae a. ———— op “time atte Stars Wars celebration, ec, iocenannias 2 és Complete the sentences with the sfirmative or negative present continuous form ofthe verbsin brackets, 1 We aren't cunning un). (-) 2 My bother terion) = therm 3 Mytiendsand a have) tun 41 mate) cae (4) 3 srt Order the words tomake questions. 1 you/ plang ches / Ave? 2 doing is / What ra? 3 pling /is/the guitar Harry? 44 Sngng/ia/ Who? se _ i at oa ee loan ind ak 5 Lisa Mosns /doing/What ave? oe ez) urs rousoe?7 _—_ ir 6 sie% Think about theee fiends or family ‘members. What ae they doing ight now? You ‘can use someoftheideasin the box. dance Wentomuse maewdes Play videogames vstfamiy watchTv 4 eet Lookat the picture in exercise 3 and z write complete answers to the questions. 1 Noting Fm plovingcordewith iy 2 2 4 s rommarrefereceondpracie >Resucecente ZI Vocabulary Describing clothes 1% Complete the adjectives with the missing vowels 1 2 2 4nd 5 6 ton 7 th_ck 2 trtr Write the opposite ofeach adjectivein exercise. 1 lng 5 2 a 7 3 site Complete the fashion tips with someof the adjectives in exercises 1 and 2 Tuk Pe cg ‘uy 1_comfovtale shoes for what you do, Walking in2 bad for your fet. ‘You don't need to buy 3 clothes to look good. At pair of jeans for €15 loo great too! shoes is Buy the right size! 5 Jeans look teribe if they ave very big but 6 jeans do as well, Don't wearjusta7 top when t's cold. 8 Sweaters are warm and they look great 4. tied Complete the posts wth the words in brackets and the clathesin the photos. se a a (tieetrendy (omarvexpensive) 5 irivvy Answer the questions for you. 1 Howeftn da you wear sma ether? 2. Da yu inks mporanrtobe wendy? 3. Doyouever wear incomiorabie shoes or clothes When? present simple and present ‘continuous 1% Choose the correct option. ‘ma not mining, Every year pple & dress up/ fare dressing up amzing costumes for he Canal. The man over there 8 wearais wearing fantastic hat. nat 6 do you dorare you doing? 7 hope/'m hoping you Ghaveree having as mate Time expressions 2 Wire PS (present simple) or PC (present continuous) next tothe time expressions. 1 everyday PS 5 thsweck 2 ghtnow 6 often 3 onfidos 7 otthemement 4 everyatenoon_——& tocay_ 3 ere complete the sentences withthe correct bresensimple or present continuous form of theverbsin rackets 1 Jenusually wears a ynfrmtoschoo! butshe_tarBaeerng ane today becuse Na Untr Dy wear | inte tty ay 3 Weaken Inche brary ter because tecered tw) 4 ees time ancy fend a sack sometimes Tome fu Dut toy et tat home ave) inthe speris bop ght now, bu esa) eventing onine buy) Grammar 4. tetetr Complete the text withthe present simple of present continuous form ofthe verbs inthe box. Ten love male read toke theol te_ wear Look at THis (StAnel (YOU CAM TAKE THREE KE. WHAT PO TA yt Cee eof 2 tro P4otA, + by odie phone. 13 |S” ey end the He pu wiaht aon 4 A) chet SB) a geatbock ts weak + Rcaobook. 16 ewe, cosig.17 fone’ formy fami fai | + Nyame. 18 —— oy | photos eve da 5 trier Complete the sentences so they are true foryou. 1 Oncol days 2 We 3 my ends, thsatenoon 41 rammarrfereceandpracce > Resucecente | 28 ca] Reading A magazine article PERFECT SHIRT | This week our reporter Rob Evans is looking for a perfect shit inthe woré-arous markets, cs ‘A San Teli Fair, Buenos Aires, Argentina ‘ain alin of te, set mca plsing tpl cng ‘hae egy fr 3. end bt chan B Night Bazaar, Chiang Mai, Thailand Daring the dy hang Hn Rts 3 ra suet than ae dow, becomes fora nit thee gt comfoae ani fr Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, Turkey ‘Stee day fom 800 a ep Sando 4 ia) 700 oda ‘Shon prec fr dn ee = nis 2 tse 402 Read and ste tothe text and & Sone, comen irre st cheep ae Some mous one are Feibole Rota s+ ie A (SanTelme Fall 8 Night Siena eo Bazaar or (Grand Baza) Marat n bang {inwich matt ces RO py tele? A 2 Whehmatatopmsintieweneg! > Subshill: Identifying the text type 2 inhi does absense mas Before you str reading text ook ati and 4 iat does 0 20 pt thikabove what kind of wate 5 Wie on Rayos some 12 Before youread, look atthe ttle, photos and paragraphs ofthe text and choose the best answer, 1 Whichofthe thee markets would you mt The 1 Theories rpvisthy? 2 Thetwc isabout dierent banadver ¢ anemall : fs cothes b markets © people 2. Doyourheshepaingin mares? Why not? 2 There te three paragraphs bacauee there ae thee dflrent 2 mites b paces € thngsonsale 3. Whatsyour favour ype ofan? 26 Listening and Speaking ‘Apodcast Shopping for clothes 4% 4 Listen and match the photos of L& Complete dialogues A-D with the words Reseucecente 3 Home| My Story | News Living in extreme places by Mateo Romero Se people vein th wate ples inthe worl, thes nthe doo cldart or windiest. Ibe none Fhe hehe! My ey La Po, othe largest in Bali, bu of 1,540 mates above the sa, sone of he highest cites nthe world, Ou oes cy, Ello, i highec ths takes on hour ‘When my cousins wt, hey on fel ele a ret leet ee ere r tie {eal bt And whan re gh, we a ent [eal fortwo ord ds > Subskill: Understanding the main idea Ficstread the whole text quicly to get an idea of vihat is about. Look atthe general questions nd try to answer them fest 1% Lookat the photos and thetitle. Puta tick 7) next tothe two questions which wil help you gota general idea ofthe text while youre reading 1 Whatsthe name of he ity footbal tam? 2 Why she place extern 4 Hastheciy got 0200? 2% Predict the answers tothe ‘wo questions with atck (/) in exercise 1 before you read thetext. 3 tty 40” Readand listen to Mateos blog, ‘Check yourideas in exercise 2. 2 114.150 mates. The fost way Togo thar sb he i Teeario cable ear ks boat on miles the There are some cher ineesg hinge abou living ina high cy. Vegeables ond ice coak este (her food te cakes and bscus are noth sme hare becouse or oir diferent Thay alee ray we ‘re thinner boca we aren always hungry ke eta ee (Ove wine (May t0 Odom is he dy season Chacala Mountain fr by eran he views tx onazing. November lo March is sume, the Fain season, ond isan oudy Betas the capital of Azan ant iy inthe we 4 trtvty Arethe sentences true cor false? Read the text again and check Then correct the false sentences, LaPazisthe highest cy Bola Ful, Alo higher 2 Thebus quicker than the cable car 23 Serves dont fale when hey ve 4 Gera atfeent bee '5 People nla Pazar ofen ater than peopein ster les becae they et a 6 Roten asin wine '5 tri Arethereany extreme places in your ‘country? Why are they extreme? ‘Apodcast Subskill: Using pictures to help you ‘understand (se pictures to predict what the listening shout and what words you're going to hear 11 # Whatcan you seein each photo? What do youthink thellstening is about? p= ML ee, 4 2 5 Charlotte Morden talking about what to take toa desertisland, Answer the questions. 1 Whar doyouthikshesays about gach ofthe things nese 12 2 hich are the two mont weal thing to take to the lan? seve 40» Listen and check your ideas. 4 sriete Answer the questions. Then listen again and check your answers. 1 Haw many weeks can we ive without food? 2. Howmany days can wee without water? 3 Whee can youtnd the Geanest water? 4 \atsthe empeatre the aright? 5 hac dangerous smal often ive on (6 hats the problem wih seeping near tees? Listening and Speaking Making and responding to suggestions 11 Orderthe words tomake suggestions 1 dari we othe beach/ihy/g0? Wy don nego tothe beach? 2 have /o piic/ Lets! 3 pack/We ou seeping bags /should “about? How ati watching? 5 we/y/a guidebook” dort uy? 2 ety Match answers a-eto suggestions 1-5 in exerdse "> Good idea We onslep coutsdeunde the star. 3. 'b Imnotsue Ihave gota towel « Realy? We an lokiornfomation online —_ <4 0k fine Whatson athe cinema? Real?its fseng outside a -§ Writing Instructions 11 Read the tip for organising your bag. Rewrite the second sentence with toe or aio, 1 Youneed yourbooksand pens Youcan take some fun things 00 Yocom aa tak somethings 2 fsimporantto choose the las Sle you Inmustaiobecomfetate 3 Theman section the bes place fo your Boks Youcan alo ut you pencl casein thee. 4 ngenera the wendlst bogs ate aways the most racial They te more expensive too. 5 isa good dea to eep your kesin a pocket. Youcan put your moneyn there too 2. set Organise the sentences in exercise 1 into paragraphs. Paragraph 1Frdthebestbagioryou 2 ragraph 2 Decide what pack ragraph 3: Ogonisethe bog 3 tht White some instructions on How to ‘organise your backpack fora camping trip. ‘When we communicate, we need tollsten carefully to our classmates. 1 Match 1-3 with a-cto make three communication tips. 1 Dont intrupt, a tocheckthat you understand. 2 Lite when your partners speaking, 3 Repeat ——_€ towhatyourpartner as, 2 choose the conect option 1 What do youreanvexpian about. 2 OK fieset me check understand 3 Sorry can youmeanvsay tat bit again? 4 Canyou explainfunderstand about. 5 Youtaltigo fist. Vocabulary review Seasons and weather 1 complete the table withthe words inthe ‘siewnn cool fog feeang fost hot ice spring summer warm wind winter ‘Compound nouns: things to take on. atrip 2 Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box. Teach owel guidebook eit pheoe wash bog. sutease suncieam waterbate secretin sleep bag 1 es ann outa, thikyou shoud pan aterproofacket 2 | want © 90 sviming Can borow 8 3 Fineyougata___roputmy toothpaste and aathonh in? 4 Tere some sh mountain vate ove thee ould collect sme a dinklte Have you go inyourbackeac? efexe you go 10 Par you st geta good holster! {8 Fyoudecse to go camping | can kd you ifyoute kes ery warm and eon 9 Wee going tothe beach so doit faye yout Youdort wart to get sin 10 We dont speak Spanish, this Wl be user en we a to shops and Comparatives and superlatives 1. Conect one mistake ip each sentence 11 Mount Everest s monehicher than 2, 2. war ciysthe hotest cy the word 3 buitos Peru isin the razon inforest es the ror dificult ey reach nthe wo 4 The yest ty inthe won is Asan Ea 55 The Anactciswince that he Arte. 2 Complete the blog post withthe correct comparative or superative form ofthe adjectives in brackets Irom Ren cow ofthe t_mastomazng erasing) cts wor he capa of lind che second 2 (Gig) sine InturepeItvk Get Bane rae) tn hs one Ray th Area) cptalciy 1 the North Pole so the whens Greate cd The (hort) 3) is ls December day arhors and ett Inge: long ba of cose ue the dere ‘ ong) tant ee my prope ays (gale) (her furan cpt ces ard we i rk she beautify sont ou Modal verbs of obligation, permission and prohibition 3 choose the correct option. 1 Gamustmust bor a pene please? 2 Yoveanfmustimustat pay fottal ee 109 rea the wid but you canfantimust ply ver here in tht park 3. You canveantmust dink ate om he ec | canimustiean' give you my water bole Look what you know! iz a Complete the txt with the correct frm of the words in the box. ‘beleve choose cold come get 190 lean pay vist young very the Polar Aadeny1__chooee ‘oneseconay schol inSetandtwbecome Polat cad Schoo Some papas om that schol? onan aruang p> (renal Th chien oa or anjhingalthe money ‘om Tinesie, Marthe ton each nab oe gous ershed ad seats about ‘is yeasi tb pups om Bathgate Academy West loth Athemoment they 'eadyorthetp One the gies Nalieoahes, tone of? ‘women climb our tert fo baththenorh andthe ouside Theaiours out ca cokd insane ie tempers, Inthe word At fist 1 (oat ae Self-evaluation Read the objectives ors | GnicHowwellanyounowdo © ©) @ echone? utah) 1 em about wee Ra ninieee etre 2 (cot ant ei See aves Aneta ae erofato 8 lon wepctuestohepme cnaersan ere se Vem speed aerate Te eee ence eaten Miser rept Vocabulary Food and drink ‘3 itt Completethe sentences with the words Inthebox [carbohydrates dairy dessert fut meseandtsh vegetabes | 1 sr Lookatthe picture and write the words. OM 0! 1 Chikenandtuna ae othiyes of mest ond ih 2 Myf ischocoate cae wathceceai 3 laayshavesome melanin summer andirapein 4 My best end cart eat cheese yoohur and ‘thes knds of products 5 before along ace une eat alot of Me pasta, ne and noodles. 6 Wesometinespux_the ‘mushrooms and orien on pz, amuse ic elias ETISga || AVHRR Cores tie meet tle br fabric Icecem mon mk | foodand dnl reors_erde lm mer eo] grmmerromamy ms BEST MV 4 . cana + On Fridays, buy chips and put —— Tots of tomato 3 sauce on ther! Yum! 2 + Tlove sweet things so usually have ae same nile? “ + My brother and Tefen make some end of3 p like spaghetti or pasty ‘macaroni ith cheese on top 2 tet Choose the conect opt + Inthe summer ts My 1 Woulou he kote ih ou cote? {athe summer tei 2. ete going tohine ome pt th tomato +My mom makes noodles with meat and Yoshuruseueeio de aussi i 2 hove nace wth vegetable ihe melon/ matel srsooms + ifthe are some 6 inthe 4 Myc sys need ext rere ut so hae fridge, then some grapesonions ity unch 5 Wysisterloves see foodie chipsichocolate 5) hr Write your own answer tothe question in exercise. 6 ds Countable and uncountable nouns 1% Complete the table with the words inthe box. zz cheese egg grape eel fol onion pasta pee sauce ESET CBintabe peo 2. tty Complete the sentences with a,an, some orany. 1 Werhavert got_any_oilsowe cant matechis 2 Iwant___cheese ny sandwich please. 2 ie womoke__pastaforanneroright 4 Hesgot__appleferinch 5 dost wart chocolate sauce thanks & Wenced___knfetoctthecake there isjare 3% Complete the dialogue with the correct form of be. Lets make an apple cake for dese. Wecant There 1__a 1L__anyapples Thee? same bananas What aboutbnana cake? Theres any e09s How about ating sore ee cream? ft thee aye and taker too Tong anya Somechacolateand some yoghurts Theres. theres Grammar 4. soir Complete the text with s,are,a, on 2. an unusual eafe near my house in Betinal Groea, Wo always phone ‘fore we go and ask for3__ table ‘There are interesting rales, like no children under 12 because the several eats in the café to, n 6 Instagram age wlth photos of the cats, 5 tht Find si differences between picture A {and picture. 6 seirtr Complete the sentences so they are ‘trueforyou. 1 Inmyfidge thee soe, butthere arent any 2 For diet tongs ike seme Grammar rlerenceand pace >Resurcecetre (37 fe Vocabulary Places in a town 2% Complete the table withthe words 1s Complete the crossword and find the mystery place ‘st Where would these people ike to 90? Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box. There is one exta word, Dbkesaton boaishop bessep ocelane eparmentstoe fst fod retauant bray | medeacenve museum muscver Sportscene lL need catch bus Felker 99 toaconcert, want borow 2 geod book My frends weuld keto play encmnton, 5 needa leave my bike somentere fe 6 ete hungry and wedort have slotoftime. 7. Mysiter wouldheta seea coca 8 ke stopping none shep wich selb eveything 29 ilooking forsmewhere se 10 "ie mye 10 Wei theo goandloakat some Incerexing things rom the past 4. soorts Complete the sentences so they are true foryou. 11 ay vue poe ay tomis 2 lofen mest my fends atthe an 3 Theeare lo of inmytown, bl thereat any » jsthere ... ? Are there ... ? 11 & Match questions 1-4 with answers ad. } Aethereanyojcle a Nother Lets Tonesnyour ton? ontest. 2 nethereary ‘hate pars nee yourschoo? 3 lthereabusstop cutide yourhouse? 4 there any food bb Yesthereare ten ridecn them € Yestheres cach ‘heschal bus there 4. No.terearent srallove Satta, ‘ete Order the words to make questions. ‘Then write the short answer. 1 pole sation /hee near your house 1264) [store pli tion ner your owe? hari 2 any museums /Ae/ i your town/ tere? (4) 23. here /any/inyour schoo bag food 787) 4 heap vainers/Ae/any/in the deparent there 7) 5 Swimming pool/ there /3/snearyou() How much/many ... ? 3% choose the correct words to complete the ‘questions. Then complete the answers. busand ap 3 Gydelane | Yes ots [res owt sles famous forthe 4 Beaches five 1 low manyrtow much people ve Taina? There ae ore than 450,000 2- How many/How much does pubic vanspor 3 Hove many/How much sce ines ae Talon? thee ae S 4 How manyrHow much beaches we then Talon? Thee ae 4. Setr Write the questions and answers for Mar del Plat, Use the information in exercise 3. 11 How mony peopl nein Mar del “There are ovr 600,000 people 5 sevety Complete the questions. 1 How many shape are thar athe Dubai Mal? “Thre areorer 1200 shops theshepping cet 2 aansor eof course Tax 20 placesto buy fod nd Subskill: Identifying key words First read the questions and undetine the key ‘words. Then look for these wards or words which havea similar meaning inthe text 1B erty Readthe sentences carefully and underline the key words 1 feo yer thee a competion hee 2 lesaf toride your bike together. 13 Ater buying something youcanhavesemeting sect hee, 4 Someone in Aley'amly goes here toa. ‘ty setreon a three-hour i! Tee an Melbourne City Bathe ‘Ths baths Swanton Steet. The bung ove "M8 years ae butthas a mad epee corte te ge aiming pel a the oly conte. yee sis Is aring © sum ther atthe mamere andy nds land ute the basin te gym, Bourke Streot Mall Thar isnt any taffe on th shopping street is er peope ad Yar ony My Trends and ike end shops Musicians usually pay Be see, to. youre hung ya doughnut a Daughtoy. Theyre delccus! Lido Cinema Thre ate cnemseveryuhere and, he summer the Li utdoors seas get ther rm he cyl ane fon Glenferrie oad | usualy have a urger and chi ‘stood restaurant wh my fends belore te fn 5 Tispace is ood you nant sterto music courdoor 6 Tispace sc but when you goin shee ae some ne things 7 ley sometimes casa mea here 8 Thisisa good place to lookat Melbourne theevening, Read the textagain. Which sentencesin cexarcze 3 relate to each place? 8 EuthaStodeck 1 1b Melbourne chy Bars © oute Steet Mal «Lido Gnema 5 irivty Answorthe questions 1 Wat does ly thinker Mebouine? 2 Wouldyou tke ova 13 hich places inthe tex would you eto st? dialogue 4 Lookat the map and Mel's notes in ‘exercise 3.What ate her plans fr today? ‘ety 4000 Listen to Mel and Scott and draw ‘theirroute onthe map. Subskill: Predicting vocabulary Before you listen again, ead the questions Carefully Think bout possible answers andthe Kinds of words youre going to hear 3 At Lookat Mel'snotes. In which gaps) do younced..? Ea snajecive apace 1 2 FE sciecson sarunvay iw BRISTOL WITH SCOTT Set a ion ap af te 2 __ ie Br @ aneun__ Th Stpson Rd pte ity dic om the tha ho ste are amb ae ec ith Sat a7 etn stening and Speaking 3) 4. Setrty Usten again and complete Mel's notes inexercse3, 5 weir Answer the questions for you. 1 Haveyou got any stect atin your town? Where 2 Dayou ie sreetan? Why not Asking for directions 1 sist Complete the dialogues with the words intheboe. A Gase1__me_letheealizary 2 hae? B Ye3 ight ahead slong tists figheathe sate pakanai 5 yout igh. ‘k: Excuse me Gan youtel gatotbesporscorne! ‘Swe Goong hs oad and go 7 the school Tun ° athe bussop ani oppose the pice sation. A Bcuseme.9. ay cheap pices toast Be Ofcourse Theresa great art food restaurantonthe 10. ‘fGeeen Sree and rion Ad. Thetes teoter ene nest 1 a Writing A description of a place 1 Choose the most appropriate word to ‘complete the sentences, 1 Viste toy cour often vist the ionderfligood cy of 2g, 2 Theyoften choose Zagreb because the cexctingagest iy 2 stor can ent bikes and ce around this oodibeautfl iy 4 recommend tht al oust st this exctingfexpensive ce 55 Thiscty has 0: boringinteresting museurs 6 Zejebhas go some largestigrea ice bos nl bakers to eat and dink 2 Set Lookat the sentences in exercise 1. Which question does each one answer? 1 Which iy do people vty 2 Whatcan they do there? Whats 3 Wherecanyouatand ink? 4 Wrardoyouthinkattheoy? 3 seth Answer the question for you. What arethe est places or tursst0 vst in your county? ee 5 oes sdentavin aceon ee rtant to think about what ather people like or need What do you say in these situations? Complete the sentences 1 Yeuagreewith whatsomaone sa. Thatsa_gooddeo 2 Your ends suggest ots for young people but ot for alder people. think we ned 13 Nobody talks about pices forpeople who the stern to lve musi fut tare arent any 4 Ath ideas arforindoor places. Dont forget ‘5 Youvantto ade somewhere teat and drink What about 7 cas | Vocabulary review Food and drink 1 which wordis different? Use the words in boxto say why. ‘aibohyaates day desert frit meatandfisn ‘esi GSD ooo dniremes hee eee 2 ol burter iceceam cheese 3 bee chiclen fh herbrand pices 4 cle ieceam pasa yoghurt 5 posta pes noodles ce Places in a town 2 Read what the people say. Where ae they? 1 fate a reutiketto Manchest, plese What ators trim 2 What tmedoes the cncet sat? 3 Canthavea mango smoothie, plese? 4 cite wo bowon 2 book bout ‘Ancient Eay please 5 fve.gotan appointment th 6 ea toe and chips pease 7 ‘there anaerobes cass ty? 18 Weneed some petil Lats stop here 9 The Aztec exibition son the scone foot 10 Excuseme, she oy secton sllon the 3d oor? sountable and uncountable nouns choose the correct option, 4 the Somlfalanychoosa in my sandwich pease, B Thee afen/sove amazing sate parkhee. 3 We havert got afanylsome hrmeverktonght. 14 Ter are afanlsome umbels ovr her 5 hover gotaranlany pei is/are —] 2 Match sentence beginnings 1-6 with endings af Bi tee: 2 ikon theo 2 These neatan\, b gape eso! FPG teessome Ne nese kon 4 Treitny tne ievegooom ere site eer eeite getothene nn I Theeints felines sol conte me nybke ston Isthere... ?Arethere...? 3 Write questions with is there. or Are there. 1 svimming peek ner yout) there asvimaing pol ner you? No, there isnt 2 cheesein ihe fidget) 3 wate intharbotie? ©) 4 Taro people in yourtown? 5 fotball mach on tig 4 ead the answer and write aquestion with How muich...?0¥ How many... 1. How mony bathers and stars haw you gt? Fhe gt ene bother and ane str 2 ‘Thee ie mikin the ge, a Tread about four books sco every yea Se ee | pend around wa hours ay on my mabe ‘and a,an, some or any. Then write short answers. Look what you know! ‘Complete the text with the correct form ofthe wordsin brackets. New Yk yor NC ste 1 bigest ig) cijimibeUsAandiboe A ‘eel somany igs Toston: Pasay bts 3 (rg ha Monaco Bu when cole iansay wht yo (Thee he) ‘nase erent sme them ae days fe Sndothers ae eon are dys NICS {have got) some othe (good partment stores. Apa fom Hat perhaps ane your rout band 8 (oly ohtrow at neat he ymin msc vens Ad ay, pope fromallovertie world Corina you 0 ‘Wot mas oat toy some othe deca inet od. Self-evaluation teud he objective fo is Inictowwcleanpeunondo @) @) @ tech one Pt ek 1 Kan aka od ates ean arte eee Titel perce ie igi aekcies aise mesa ia (perma rind Grammarrelerencesndpractie > Resoweecnte 8 Vocabulary Describing animals 1% Laokatthephotos nd wrt the anal 2 ter Read thefacts about some ofthe animalsin exercise 1 and write the name, 1 Tis bad nas got colour feathers a beak and wings prot 2 Thisdangerous sh has gota or ofteth, Iesomtimes sims ith efinabove theater 3 Some af hese dangurous eptles ae 4 This mamealhas got fa wo hows anda short 15 Thissuped nsec only makslesthan hl gam efhoney nts ie 6 Somme of hese marine anialshave gsc eke a Animals in danger 3 tr Findnine body parts and seven adjectives in exercise 2 Body parts Gathers Adjective _ 4 tety Complete the descriptions of animals with some ofthe words in exercise 3. 1 yfacurte bids re peacocs becuse thar fata relly fi 2 Some shinocaoses ave gone lage _ ‘onthel head and thershave got. 3 Thee ate more than $00 alent sharsin the ‘woll but only abou 1, hee wit and er shark ae topecpl 4 Asgier cat yout at got ny 5. Atiersgorbickendyetow stiped Dolphins have on onthe buds bu they ser ah heyremne roma 5 sess: Answer the questions for you. Use the ‘wordsin exercise 3. 1 hate your vou bed? ‘My fount birds ae pares becouse they 2 Doyoulke repos! Why not? 1 heyou saved of bees? Whatabow spe? 4 Dojou enjoy watcang TY programmes about rural? Why ne? re ‘were, there was/were “gy Complete the table with was, wasn't, were orwerent. Grammar Questions and short answers 4% Lookatthe pictures and answer the ‘questions using the phrases in the box. Yexshewes Na they were ‘tr Choose the correct option to complete the facts about mythical animals, 1 Thereabjwere an animal cae an Ahi ‘fom Mica wasiwereha dog and hal mmorkey wih ahandon ts ai 2. Spine washwere animals lm Ancient Ea wth the head oa person andthe by of on “They waster very Cove 3 Quron waswere a centaut fom Greece and be wasiweres very good teacher Centaurs ‘waxiwere half mon and tahoe 4A Meogame washwere avery ald tutle fam “pn ttl waswere rade of 9 pnts ‘Seirty Complete the shor stores with the conrect form of be. Tet seine Dad and2___ina forest rei the Pyrenees mountains Thee. Some snon-n the ground, but 4 wo) old Then there theve foi, fom an arial wih fourfet | tink 6 ‘3 moumtaln gost! fax one moming we7__on he beach InFerids,turwes_—_—fpodinthe wate. 9 wihmydadandthee10__ aioe offre oot on the sand They TT (no very, Wer [1 wes 3, ] cae te Shere | 2 wasn [ Yesthee were No.shewast. | = — sae sow [3 atthe | wer | a. coneeraton | they cone | thee [5 ‘lage side Thee |? rmatne animale adenine ruc ge 1 ies Sophie with herdad yen? Yes, she was, 2 Wis Sophie esi? 3 Wire there any feotbalbots inthe so? 44 Were Benand hiemum athe museum? 5 tetr Write complete questions with was 1 you/atschool yesterday? Wore yw a school esterday? oe 2 yourbest end / hace this moming? 23 your finds /at school beere Baldock? 4 where you at 9 ck las night? ‘5 what the weather heat eked? 6 Seivty Write your own answersto the ‘questionsin exercise 5. Grammar reference andoractce > Ressurcecente 5 ts Vocabulary Collocations: taking action 1 or Find eight verbs inthe word square. E a la fe [o 2 rts Complete the sentences with the verbs inexercse 1. 1 often __donate__myol lathes to chat Tres aapeca bm aede the ots conte were you canleave them 2 dem stool we sete: ‘pec sta abot wl 3 laleto socxgnstin Ie the WA Fach 4 Myendsand\sometnes___ mane ratty by making ae hamid thenseing em 5 wecan vie noua by ting our enprbateshome arr otaaReal 2 lohen______soosorwe pas wh ty fi We ove aling poor of anima Terre many endongered specs but think wane thsptier ‘3 Weir Match 1-8toa-hto creat cllocations. 4 rir Complete the dialogue with one verb ineach gap. Howeften doyou 1 vist aif park? Wal efter got my local wife park I decidedto 2 ‘her group fo young peoples eorandnow Ta volunteer We 3 {ren forthe parkanceamonth. Reali? Sounds intresting! know there re ‘many endangered species but do you think wecand ths problem? Yes weal neediodo iti bit moreto he, Do you think evenyeneshuld 5 money for chy? Iinjust money Wecan alo 6 ours ah boas Bnd OS ‘hat oer things cane dove 7 wie Takropecpe, 8 your oan biog 5 tris Undertine the questions inthe Subskill: Understanding the content of paragraphs Inanartcle the frst sentence ofa paragraph ‘an often help you understand the topic ofthe paragraph. 12. f Read the fist sentence ofeach paragraph inthe article Then match paragraphs 1-4 with photos ad. teen 3 wih Om Read andlistento the artcleand check your ideas in exercise 2 | sono Sancuaryonona ‘Wt Matng ane (Cheng Pando Sse, 4 For ant 320 years, his isan sanctuary was farmiand with ow plans or wide, Vlunceos ‘worked hard to make tls home to mee than 1300000 tres and some ofthe works most, {endangered birds ane reptiles, neu te ‘hos lakahe Bol erly for the boat 4 Sety Read the article again. Which animal sanctuary does each sentence refer to? Weite the paragraph number (1-4) A Youcanseebidsuhocantfy bere 4 BB Yournustbe quit when ou'e near the animal (€Thissancuary looks afer animals hat oncened in peoples homes You must ake a boat 0 get thre E Youcanstayatthissanctuany You canwatch he aims geting ha food 5 hry Answer the questions. In questions 5 ‘and 6, you need to give your own opinion. 1 When did the ig Cat Rescue cee fs open? 2. How does Chengdu Panda Base plant the numberof andssin the vl? 3 Dohipposvealover Ghana? 4 Whatman Natangl sand ie before tas asancuary! {5 Whach ofthe anima sancuaries inthe ale ‘woul oul ost Why? 6 hac do you thnkare the main ifeences between animal sanctuaries and 2s? Listening and Speaking podcast Showing interest 1 # Lookatthe photo andesdthe sentences, 1s Dacideifthe sentences are fo asking What do youthink the storys about? questions or responding 4 1 arate? A 2. Thatsamazna/dsgusingherble 3 Realy? _ 4 Thatssofunnyt__ 6 siti Sounds mcediblinerestng/berng!_ 2 tr Complete the short dialogues with some 2 Inthe USA, altof dogs en anmal centres ofthe expressions in exercise 1. school unning eam donated ther tne to a thecente 1 How was our weekend «Theyre the onlyteam inthe USA Who un with ogsin anima cenres Great We went cjingin Sherwood Forest You kn, Rabin Hood ved there 2 sive 40” Ustentothe podcast. Which statementin exercise 1 inot true? 2 Sounds 3 How ting > Subskill: Identifying which statements are true or false Read all the sentences quicly before you listen Iewillhelp you predict what to listen or. ‘fr Listen again. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. | saw programme on Vlas ight More 1 uistscoba works at an anima centre and mare anima ae naw in danger [aschoo) 2 The running team go fora dalyweeky rn. 3. Te team wend go long way on thei fistun ° 4 Fred issnttone othe biggest dogsin the 5 Thousands of people wet to watch them/ watched video of them. 6 Fed asiving tthe anal cente now : ss Did youhave agaod weekend? Na ote: mar cld and verso syed ‘rt answer the questions. 1 Howrmany dogs ate therein anima cents aciss the usa 2 inen the worker suggested unning dogs what dd Luts Escobar? 235 View the dae sarc when the running eam 4 \whathappened to Fed atthe end othe run? ‘An email 11% where do we normally se these words ina paragraph? Write B at the beginning), Min the mide or E(t the en. Airey aR Troy 2 afermat 5 Net 23 Fastotal 2 ir Putthe steps abouta trip to.a Wetland Centre in the corect order. 1» Levecente and go home Meee guide at the mainenance, Lunchtime -eat sandwiches earth ke 4. Len about the Wetland Centre and snatch fminthe suc cee ‘alk keto see what we ert, Seo waterbirds and take photos, 3. fev White paragraph about the trip tothe ‘Wetland Centre inthe past simple. Lest week we went on otto 0 Wetland Cente. Fis ofall, x COLLABORATION % torespond to other people's ideas. Decide which option (aorb)isbetter to respond to sentences 1-3 1 Wich anima do we want to include? 18 Why dont we choose penguins? 'b Weuse penguins. 2 Shallwe choose a reptile, an insect and bird? 2 Yesitsyourtum. Yes thatsounds good, 3 think we have to incl a dolphin, 1 Why dont we choose the dolphin? 'b Why doyou think that? Vocabulary review Describing animals 1. complete the table withthe words and inthe box. [ esloutulteaies dangerous teh fav ong al 2)_mainereptle Shortfur_ spotted shell stiped body two oins wings 2) Peacock | Turtle | Bee | wings Collocations: taking action 2 complete the questions with a suitable 1 What does your cour to pratt wi 2 Whenldyoulasty_awiaife park? 3 Doyouand your famiyd___ money 04 4 Doesyourfaily usualy a payor yur thay? 5 Howcanwer__awarenessabeut impo things he endangeed annals? {6 Wouldyoubketo]___an onion wi helps anial 7 Hyoucarts__aprbiem asco, who youasktor hep 8 WoudyouRke tos your oun business 3. Complete the poster with some ofthe ve exercise 2. ? We are taking ACTION! Curclass wert to the widifeparklast wrek and wosinerele. Taye dong tomuch tohelp and pratt Srimals Wy don you gp and : the pt for youl? waaea a ‘one ‘money fr themn andre are tome things wremantyouta do om your od othes and baka so at we can sl then +s. ‘your oun blog and witeaboaourpet + Weplanio6 sports ‘event plese come and ake pat Grammar review were, there was/were, questions find short answers 1. Complete the dialogue withthe correct form ofbe. Jade: How 1_wt_yourwedkend Ran? Rani: Nottod Thewesther2___very goa, rowed __athomefermostofit Jade: 4__youbores? Rani: Notrcly There S_somne good frogemmes on TN Lagenigh there 6__anamtng ial programme Jade: Wai? about? Rani: sboutbtsand't®_boting atall DByou know that they < ‘200mosqutoes in an hou? Jade: Sours cisqustng! 10__ you fghtened other? Rani: No,111_Ithinktheyrecue Past simple: regular and irregular verbs I epic og po wiki pat Be rte ttaratve root form ofthe verbs in brackets ae ee) SUCCESS at our animal day! eturs ae (organise) sn snl swaronase day Tae 2 (be) re than 369 poopie! ‘Avtan Jelock, we 8 (ot win) tho atenoon, onset) some vtutaars ftom an animal eave wo 7 (tal aout tar werk We 8 (Gee) somo photos of thor animale ote Thon the day 9 (nie) vats (not get) home unl ste On te day, wo a (raise) aout £750, Many hanks agin! Look what you know! &: Choose the corect option to complete the article. Who 1 is/are that dog's best friend? Yeu prot dota 2 manic who eters ne Wel Hey hog io te cr tha deeetinaeyn Seanin cet we gegen no | thee depth age nba en gos | perio wtsioeretieso shared £ Tagoateny sweater pect nye § Seamnbing sl Af otha £ Gmhudetdedto eta Te wee eee Oe Ieee dnt gh Ten 5 Shes onde boos meetin } Hewpheloedhi oars. } forvans He ohmctoesseyiger OQ: remeron nme i j dndteny nd bac ether Faaceeeee TY walss waking in themountins oon flow thee adverures online! Self-evaluation Read the objectives for this UntHowwelanyeunowde @ © @ each one? Put atck V7). 1 ean describe animals 2 Lean wseverb noun callocation for taking ston. 23 Tean talkabout thingsin the ast using be, regular nd Some irregular verbs. 4 ean tend anartle and ‘understand te main des 5 Teanstentoa podeast and prehit whattosten for 6 lean show interestwhen a fends tng to me 7 Leanwrite an ema frend you chose Q)wyoitecertor ont rammareference and practice? Resource centre 8}

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