Vol 02 Issue 02 September - October 2015 September - October 2015

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VOL 02 – ISSUE 02 S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5

S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5



A mantra is a sound or vibration repeated to
produce a certain quality of energy. When
chanted in a specific rhythm or way, mantras The word Mantra has 2 parts,
can produce powerful energies, that can be man, which is the root of the
used for various purposes. Master Choa Kok Sanskrit word for mind; and
Sui has given us much knowledge and actual tra, which is the root of the
recordings of some powerful mantras to help us Sanskrit word for instrument.
on our path: A mantra is therefore an
instrument of the mind, a
OM / AUM / AMEN: powerful sound or vibration.
The mantra OM or AUM has a purifying effect and helps the consciousness shift to a
higher level. This mantra is connected with the sound of creation. It is not only practiced
by Indians, Tibetians and the Chinese, but also by Kabbalists. In the Kabbalah and in the
book Zohar, there are 72 names of God, one of them being “Aleph Vav Mem” or AUM. When Christians want to describe God,
they start with the word OM, like God is omnipotent, omnipresent or omniscient. The word AMEN is a simplified version of the
mantra AUM. It is also connected with creation, but is more of a conclusion. Judaism, Islam and Christian prayers end with
Amen. The inner meaning of Amen is “In the name of God, so be it”.
− The mantra OM can be used to purify an object, a certain place or area. Hence, playing this mantra regularly in our
homes and work spaces purifies the area, flushing out all stressful or psychic energies. One may play it for 30 mins
every morning, or 24 x 7 depending on the level of purification required.
− Many Healers play MCKS OM cd continuously in the room while applying the Pranic Healing treatment. This promotes
calmness, refines and raises the energy level thereby facilitating cleansing and proper assimilation of the projected
pranic energy.
− If a person suffers from psychological pain or hurt, or some other problems, the regular chanting of OM or Amen may
help over a long period of time.
− OM mantra can also be used as a psychic self defence tool, to discourage uninvited invisible guests from entering your
house. It can also be played during the night to avoid bad dreams.
− By regularly chanting this mantra, it is possible to purify the Incarnated Soul, thereby resulting in union with the Higher
Soul. In Meditation on Twin Hearts, the mantra OM or AMEN is used in order to shift the consciousness to a higher
*Available in 3 variations of 108 repetitions: OM- The Sound of Stillness, OM- The Divine Sound and AMEN.

OM SHANTI: Mantra for Peace.

The word Shanti or Shanthi comes from the Sanskrit word san, which means “Be calm”. This
highly energised sacred mantra has been chanted by MCKS in a certain rhythm
producing beautiful energies.
− Listening to this mantra facilitates deeper states of relaxation, creates a sense
of calmness and spiritual well being. Also help in stress reduction.
− One may use this mantra while practicing the technique of Forgiveness
− Om Shanti mantra may also be used to heal relationships. Simply visualise the
person/ persons in front of you. Be aware of your Heart and Crown energy
centres, and silently say “Peace be with you”, while playing the mantra.
− One may encourage their patients to listen to this mantra while applying
Pranic Psychotherapy for stress, anger, violence, depression etc. Listening to
this mantra has a calming effect, thereby facilitating the healing process.

“In the beginning was Brahman, with Whom was the Word, and the Word was truly the supreme Brahman”- Rig Veda
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5

ON MANTRAS Continued…

Lord Mahaguruji Mei Ling has been Master Choa Kok Sui's Sat Guru since very ancient
times, for many incarnations. In his Indian incarnation, he was known as Avatar Rama.
Master Choa chants this mantra in 108 repetitions. (it is highly recommended to attend
Details in WHAT’S AHEAD Section)
−Experience physical and inner healing, and also be energised while chanting this
−One receives the blessings of Lord Rama by chanting this mantra.

The Supreme God has 3 aspects: Will, Love and Intelligence manifesting as the Holy Trinity. In the Indian tradition, God
Shiva is the manifestation of the Will aspect of the Supreme Param Brahma, that we know as Good Will and the Will to do
good. Om Namah Shivaya Om literally translates as “I bow to Shiva” or “I bow to my Inner Self”. Available in 108 repetitions
chanted by MCKS, this mantra has both yin and yang aspects:
− Yang Aspect: Purifying a room of negative energies, Release negative entities so they can merge with the “Light”,
Works as an anti- psychic attack, Can be chanted to disintegrate negative thought and emotions within oneself,
remove inner obstructions or limitations in one's chakra and energy system.
− Yin aspect: Chanting this mantra also intensifies connection with the Higher Soul or the Shiva within, and activates
the Divine Will and Will power of the incarnated Soul.

OM MANI PADME HUM: The mantra of Compassion and Mercy

Om Mani Padme Hum is the mantra of Buddha Quan Yin, the Buddha of compassion and mercy. According to Master Choa,
the repetition of this mantra results in bringing down the blessings and divine energy from Buddha Quan Yin to the person
reciting it. Available in 2 variations by MCKS, It has purifying and healing effects.
− Experience increased calmness, inner peace and soothing healing energies with the chanting of this powerful
− Bless a Place with Peace, Love, Harmony & Prosperity
− Many healers use this mantra while healing Psychological ailments, as it aids in healing.
− Wish fulfilling effect* (It is highly recommended to attend the Course “Om Mani Padme Hum” by MCKS, to learn how
to utilise this mantra to improve your relationship, career and finances. Details of this course in WHAT’S AHEAD

The Gayatri mantra is a mantra in which the practitioner invokes to the Solar God or Lord Savitur, the Supreme Param
Brahma manifesting in our Solar System. This powerful mantra chanted by MCKS in 108 repetitions, has yang and yin
− Yang aspect: It is a great tool for cleansing one's aura and chakras
and increases one's healing power
− Yin aspect: It develops Intuition and Buddhic Intelligence, increases
mental sharpness and emotional strength.


In the Indian tradition, wife of Lord Vishnu is Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of
Wealth and Prosperity. Hence Laxmi Gaytri mantra is the mantra of
prosperity. Chanted by MCKS, it can be used for the following:
− Listening to the mantra heals and saturates your Basic chakra with
prosperity energies.
− Also recharges your Aura and Chakras with prosperity energies.

*Extract from The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga,
Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, The Existence of God is Self
Evident, and Cds by MCKS.

“When a person meditates deeply, the inner OM or AUM can be heard.” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5


During healing of critical cases and during emergencies I use the mantra of Om Mane Padme Hum and have
found drastic results. Although the protocol used remains the same given by GMCKS, I have found chanting this
mantra while healing, leads to miraculous results acting almost like a steroid would, during healing. I have also
been a very short-tempered person by nature. I began chanting Om Namo Ramo Om and have found that it has
calmed me almost instantaneously. Having practiced this on a regular basis has helped me curb my anger and
be a calmer person. I continue to chant it each time I begin to lose my temper. - Deepti Sunkersett

Frequency of chanting the mantra +Intention with which mantras are chanted results in very effective healing.
My personal experiences using mantras for Self-healing and healing a patient has been amazing! When chanting,
I feel a huge difference in the energy radiating out of my inner aura and chakras. When scanned, my aura felt
more subtle and soft and my chakras normalise to a certain extent. When healing a patient, as I play AUM
Mantra, the healing is much faster and more intense. The patient can instantly feel the flow of energy in the body
and they become more attuned with the divine energy. Due to the relaxed state of mind by the sound of the
Mantras, the patient’s heartbeat and blood pressure is reduced. The brain waves and respiration patterns also
normalise. All these factors aid healing in all levels. - Dimple Jain

I chant the "OM" daily 11 times, before starting my day. This has helped me purify my entire system physically,
emotionally, as well as mentally. Moreover, when I chant the OM, I feel it purifies the environment around me and
produces positive vibrations. Chanting this mantra has also helped in the overall development of my body and
mind positively, without having any side effects. I have also found that when I chant the OM regularly, it cleanses
my skin and brings a sunny glow to my face. - Bhavna Arora

There are two mantras that I regularly use while healing patients. The first is the ‘OM, sound of stillness’ which
helps in cleansing and the second, is the mantra of ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’. When I chant these two mantras I
have noticed that the healing is more thorough and the receptivity of the patient improves. Terminal illnesses
become a lot easier to heal, as well. However, it also depends on the entitlement of the patient. From my
experience, I feel that everyone who wants to heal should know the importance and effectiveness of these
mantras. - Ayesha Fernandes

Using the Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum during healing, especially chanted by MCKS has many benefits. Not
only does it fill the room with loving energy, listening to it soothes and calms the patient greatly. Chanting it
during healing rapidly cleanses the patient’s aura of old stubborn energies. It allows the healing energy to be
absorbed by the patient’s aura very easily and brings out very good results in the healing. This Mantra is a must
know-and-have for all Pranic Healers! - Srishti Mehra

“Purification is necessary in achieving oneness and calmness” - GMCKS

S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5
Matthew 9: 17 in the Bible states, “You do not put new wine in an old wine bag”.
The wine corresponds to the descent of the spiritual energy. You must make
your body like a new wine bag to prepare it to receive higher energy. According
to Master Choa, if you want tremendous spiritual energy to pass through your
body, you must purify it. Unless you purify your body, it will get sick.

Physical purifications include proper diet, physical exercises and breathing

Proper diet refers to clean nutritious food. Fresh and raw fruits and vegetables
contain a high amount of fresh prana, compared to preserved food. When you do spiritual practices, it is very
important to avoid pork ,and fish with no scales such as eels and catfish. When seen clairvoyantly, the energy of
these are extremely dirty. The purpose of fasting is to cleanse the body and transform the solar plexus chakra.
Physical exercises removes old used- up energy and allows spiritual energy to flow into the physical body and
energy body with less resistance. This will prepare the body for spiritual illumination or samadhi. Too much
energy and no exercise will result in pranic congestion. Add Hatha Yoga, dancing, sports, jogging, swimming,
hiking or brisk walking with your normal schedule of exercises taught in Pranic Healing.
Breathing exercises physically purify the body and psychologically purifies the Soul. It regulates your emotions
and your thoughts, increases overall energy level, gives you calmness and stillness emotionally and mentally-
effortlessly. With Pranic Breathing, the body becomes highly charged with life energy or prana.
*Breathing exercises taught in Arhatic Yoga are very powerful techniques of purifying your bodies.

Inner purification or Self purification is an absolute necessity. You must purify the incarnated soul of all
unwholesome qualities. How do you do this? Watch what you think, feel and say. You cannot dirty somebody
without dirtying yourself. Is it worth saying or thinking bad things over and over again, and in the process letting
your incarnated soul wallow in mud?
Inner Reflection and Firm Resolution is a very simple yet powerful technique to develop wholesome deeds,
thoughts and actions. Through this technique, repeated wholesome thoughts manifests as wholesome actions,
which will in the long run manifest as a virtue. *Refer to Page 291 of the Basic PH book for the technique.
Blue Triangle in Arhatic Yoga is another powerful technique of purifying oneself, and developing virtues.
Mantras: Chanting certain mantras also purify the incarnated Soul. Please refer to the main article for details.
Forgiveness: Without inner forgiveness, it is impossible to achieve oneness. Your mind will be filled with useless
thoughts and emotions. The act of forgiveness is necessary for good health and spiritual progress.

You, the incarnated soul, are like a balloon. Throw away the weights of impurities and you will be able to fly
upwards. The higher soul is pure, while the incarnated soul has wallowed in mud. As you purify yourself
thoroughly, your incarnated soul will be able to function on a higher level of consciousness until it can unite with
your higher soul.

*Extracts from Achieving Oneness With the Higher Soul, GLS: Experiencing Being and Advanced Pranic Healing

“Before you do meditation, you must do cleansing to minimze psychological catharsis” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5

Ashram Weekend, 24th-26th July
37 arhatic yogis from our Foundation took part in the
PHFSM Ashram Weekend at the GMCKS Arhatic Yoga
Ashram in Pune. They enjoyed a weekend full of fun, frolic
and reflection with fellow friends, colleagues and
practitioners. The group meditated together, took part in
study sessions and participated in learning-based fun
activities. Visiting the ashram during the monsoon season
was an added bonus as the weather was beautiful, as were
the surroundings. Needless to say, the group enjoyed long
walks in the
scenic area.

Guru Purnima, 31st July 2015

Over 125 members from our Foundation came together to pay homage
to our beloved Guru Master Choa Kok Sui, on the special occasion of
Guru Purnima. We began the evening with some fun games and
quizzes on Pranic Healing, after which Raja Meghani conducted a
nurturing session on ‘Devotion to the Guru’. This was followed by a
beautiful twin heart meditation, which left everyone happy, blissed out
and ever more thankful to GMCKS for his priceless teachings and
techniques. Additionally, since it was also the birthday of two of our
trustees - Raja and Hariharan Raman - we organised a cake cutting
ceremony for them.

Founder's Day
Celebration, 15th August.
Independence Day takes on a special significance for us Pranic
Healers. It is the birth anniversary of our Guruji Grand Master Choa
Kok Sui, who gave us these wonderful teachings and techniques to
transform our lives. We celebrated the day by coming together and
doing a powerful Twin Hearts Meditation, after which our Trustee
Mekhla Muttoo gave an insightful and informative talk on the Great
Invocation. She shed light on the meaning of the prayer, and told
us how we can use it for our benefit. Over 50 people attended the
celebration. At the end of the session, everyone was given a
chocolate brownie, and a CD featuring a tribute to GMCKS titled
'Walk with me'. Happy Birthday, and Thank you Master for the
Blessings and Gifts!

Arhatic Marathon- Nurturing Sessions , 19th July & 16th August

We conducted our first Arhatic Marathon Session on the 19th of July, which was attended by over 50 arhatic yogis.
Led by instructor Raja Meghani, the group practiced purifications through the exercising, Arhatic breathing and
the blue triangle techniques, followed by blissful Twin Hearts Meditation.  A study session on the mental body was
then undertaken, after which the group did a powerful Kundalini meditation. On Sunday 16th August, we held
another Arhatic Marathon session which 41 people attended. A similar schedule for the day was followed, but this
time the students went deeper into the study of the mental body during the study session. We hope to organise
such sessions once every month, and look forward to your active participation.

Nurturing Session on Crystal and Psychic Self Defence, 21st June

Following the Crystal and Psychic Self Defence higher class, instructor Kaanan M Shah conducted a nurturing
session at our Foundation to help the attendees review and practice what they had learnt, and clear their doubts.

“For blessings to flow through, you have to be physically and energetically clean.” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5

Hinduism Revealed by Sriram Rajagopal

Why does Lord Ganesha have an elephant head? Was Hanuman really a
monkey? Why are Indian deities shown with blue skin? Find answers to all these
questions and many more, and learn the secrets of key Hindu mantras in this
fascinating class. Be sure not to miss this one!
Date: 13th September, Sunday.
Venue: Hotel Krishna Palace, Grant Road.
Eligibility: Basic Pranic Healing.
Fees: Rs.6500 (till 12th Sept); Reviewers Rs.3500.
Package available: Basic + Hinduism Revealed = Rs.9500 (Save Rs.1000).

Associate Certified Pranic Healer Program by Hemal Shah

This session is a pre-requisite for those who want to become Pranic Healing instructors. Tips and techniques on
how to become a better healer, along with in depth knowledge on getting better, more powerful results through
healing will be taught. The course is also open to those who want to hone their skills in healing.
Date: 17th and 18th October, Saturday and Sunday. *(Please note the change of dates from the previously
mentioned dates.)*
Venue & Fees: To Be Announced.

Om Mane Padme Hum by Acharya Danny

The “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra is one of the most popular mantras in
the world, that has been chanted by Buddhist monks and spiritual
practitioners for centuries. This mantra evokes a powerful vibration that has
healing effects on the physical, etheric, astral, mental and spiritual levels. In
fact, this mantra is often called the "Wish Fulfilling Mantra" as it can be
used to improve your finances, relationships and career. In the class, you
will learn how to utilise this magic mantra for your benefit!
Date: 22nd November, Sunday.
Eligibility: Basic Pranic Healing.
Fees & Venue: To Be Announced.
*Those who would like to register for higher classes can block their seat by
paying Rs.1000.

Full Moon Announcements Nurturing Sessions

The Foundation organises Book Study by Senior Instructor Sriram

free group meditations every Rajagopal
month during Full Moon Date: 12th September, Saturday.
days, for everyone to come Venue & Fees: To Be Announced.
together and benefit from the Time: 3pm to 7pm
powerful energies harnessed Eligibility: Arhatic Yoga Prep II
through a group. The
following are the upcoming
Full Moon meditations:

Date: 28th September, Monday - Venue TBD

Date: 27th October, Tuesday –Venue TBD
Date: 25th November, Wednesday– Venue TBD

“With purification, it is easier to achieve oneness with the Higher Soul.” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5


Cords are "energy links" between two people, that

are generally formed at the Solar Plexus level. Cords
are formed between a healer and a patient during
healing, or between two people interacting with each
other, either verbally or when one thinks of another,
energetically linking them together.
This mean that energy is transferred between the
two people, positive or negative depending on the
nature of interaction.

This is why one often feels drained out after listening

to another's problems, or simply meeting someone who is low on energy. Cords are also the reason why healers
feel depleted when they constantly think or worry about the patients whom they have healed. 

In addition to the front and back Solar Plexus chakras, cords are also sometimes attached to the Spleen, Sex and
Basic chakras.
To avoid feeling exhausted and drained out as a result of the formation of negative cords, it is advisable to cut
them from one’s Chakras in the following manner:
1.     Visualize the Chakra and scan for negative cords coming out of it
2.     Imagine placing a “clip” about 3-4 inches away from your body (on the cord), and then another clip 3-4
inches in front of the first clip (again on the cord).
3.     Then cut the cord between the two clips with a brisk karate chop motion. GMCKS likens this to cutting the
umbilical cord of a baby. 
4. . Attach the other part of the cord to the ajna chakra of the sender or to the nearest place of worship.
5.   Visualise your energy hand going into the root of the chakra and pulling out the cord.
6.   Clean your hand
7.    Energise the affected chakra with Golden prana for about three breathing cycles.

These steps must be undertaken by a healer after he has finished healing his patient. Sometimes cords get
formed between the healer and patient even after the healer cuts his cords post the treatment. It is therefore
imperative for a healer to maintain a detached attitude.
Moreover, cords must also be cut after a negative or
depressing interaction with someone. This will prevent the
depletion and/or contamination of the Aura. When cords are
stubborn and do not come off easily, one must cut them off
using a consecrated knife.
In fact, it is good practice to cut all your negative cords, at
least once every evening. Cutting cords takes only a few
seconds, but provides an immediate sense of relief and
lightness to the person. Additionally, the cleansing aspect of
the Inner Breath meditation of Kundalini Yoga, taught in the
Arhatic Prep class, enables the cutting of cords
Source: GMCKS Golden Lotus Sutra on Possible Miracles;
Ancient Science & Art of Pranic Healing by GMCKS; Your
Hands Can Heal You by Master Stephen Co.

“Dirty food dirties only your body, but dirty words dirty your soul!” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5


Like the mother's arms for the child...

Contact Us connected by the umbilical cord when the child
is in pain or gain laughs or cries.. mother
Yoga Vidya Pranic wherever she may be knows it all…
Healing Foundation of Just like that, GOD sent GURU in my life is just
South Mumbai, a mother to me
Shop No. 7, Ground Floor, PATH.
A.C. Market, Tardeo, Where, when only we surrender, do we feel the
Mumbai -400 034 intensity of the care and grace. Life may treat
Phone Nos. us like the waves hitting the shores again
and again to get stronger, But our Guru's arms
022 3266 8488, are always out stretched to hold us from falling
022 2353 3925 down.
www.pranichealingmumbai.com With the loss of my loved ones, there was a
If you are not receiving vacuum that had developed within me. this
vacuum just got bigger and bigger as I tried
updates but wish to get to portrait myself as a strong person to play
regular updates roles of a daughter wife mother well Didn't know
from the Foundation if wanting a mother's lap was ok to desire for
when I was nurturing my own kids.
regarding sessions and
Guruji entered my life, filled this vacuum with
meditations, his grace.
SMS : START YVPHFSM Just the thought of acceptance and surrender
and send it to 77380 10899. did the magic trick And every cell of the body
has learnt to surrender accept and move on
Then call the Foundation to That's my secret of happiness.
register yourself. Thank you, Guruji
We’d Love to hear back
Humbled Child, Dimple Jain.
from you!
Write to us with your
comments, RE-VISION
feedback and suggestions
at phsmnewsletter@gmail.com “Was Lord Hanuman a monkey?
“The question you should ask is, whether Lord Hanuman was really a
monkey. Do you really believe that a group of monkeys built a bridge? If
not, then the question is why was a monkey used as a symbol? A
monkey has a tremendous capacity to observe and imitate. If a monkey
takes something from you, to get the money to drop what it has taken,
just pick up something and throw it down. When the monkey sees you
throwing something down, it will throw down what it is holding. A monkey
observes and imitates.
“This is what the disciple is supposed to do. A disciple is supposed to
keep looking at the Sat Guru and follow the Sat Guru’s inner qualities,
not the physical qualities. That is what the symbol of a monkey was
used, not because Hanuman was really a monkey.”

Content By Extract taken from Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed by GMCKS, p.27
Manasi Somani &Varsha
Meghani *To learn more about the inner teachings and secrets of Hinduism, enrol for the
Design Co-ordinator INNER TEACHINGS OF HINDUISM REVEALED Course! Details can be found
Omkar Shridhar in the WHAT’S AHEAD section of the Newsletter

“With the right breathing exercise, you may achieve effortless inner calmness!” - GMCKS
S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2 0 1 5

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