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Phrasal verbs

1- Carry out – go for it

2- Set up – schedule or adjust

3- Point out – show something

4- Find out – discover

5- Come up – come with something, a phrase; appear

6- Make up – working; tidy; make for woman

7- Take over – reach, have it for somebody, be on control

8- Come out – get out from a place to your direction

9- Go down – descer (fisicamente)

10- Work out – to develop; make effort (gym e.g.)

11- Set out – estabelecer

12- Take up – take up a position (physically), a responsibility e.g.

13- Turn out – finish

14- Take on – assume

15 – Look up – look up; quick search (Google e.g.)

16 - Get up – stand up (e.g.)

17 – Carry on – hold (british); continue

18- Go up – be on a better position; appear in front of someone

19- Take out – take something from someone and leave the place with it

20- Take off – tirar (roupas e.g.)

21- Come down – tell to a person to come down to you

22- Put down – abaixar

23- Put up – posicionar

24- Turn up – appear

25- Get on – ingressar; good relationship

26- Bring up- criar (dar educação)

27- Bring in – fight; introduce

28- Look down – menosprezar

29- Break down – quebrar

30- Take off – retirar; decolar

31- Go off – an explosion; something didn’t work out well

32- Bring about – trazer à tona; turn around

33- Go in – enter

34- Set off – when something doesn’t work well; begin a jouney; cause someone to start doing

35- Put out – apagar o fogo (bombeiro)

36- Look out – be careful

37- Hold up – keep it straight

38- Take back – revenge

39- Get down – focus, take it serious

40- Hold out – be able to hold

41- Put on – wear

42- Bring out – trazer

43- Turn back – return to what you are doing

44- Put back – postpone

45- Go round – go in circles

46- Break up – end a relationship (romantic)

47- Come along – go together with someone

48- Sit up – ajeitar o corpo, a postura

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