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In Behalf of Mr.5XVVHOO:LOVRQ CEDAC-067092-2023-03
) Division 3
AMENDED Order and Judgment

Cause called for bench trial. State appears by Assistant Circuit Attorney Alfredo Higuera
Bernal, new head of Attorney General's Office Specialized in Organized Crime Investigation
(SEIDO), and International Investigator Miguel Alfonso Guillen Lascuráin Sánchez Defendant
appears in representation by . The Court takes judicial notice of it's file and contents as well as
the underlying file and contents. The State offered, without objection,

Exhibit 1- Documents titled “Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melssa Burleson Micol Incident ” (which
is on the flash drive, noted as Exhibit 2);

Exhibit 2- Envelope containing the flash drive and contains, in addition to Exhibit 1:
A folder titled: Witness Photos- Depositions, Summaries of Incident :

-A sub-folder titled documents, which contains documents, summaries, depositionsof

all the case, and proof of bank accounts, which the court notes the State and Defense did use
during the case, but asked the court to review. The court found the documents either relevant or
cumulative and did consider them to open a case.

-B documents titled Mr. Russell Wilson /Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol Incident; give
detail information of thembeing a victim in the events of trying to make a lawful sale of their
time share and recovering of money they lost, which it resulted fraudulent making them the
victim and causing them to loose more money; not to mention a emotional stress and financial

Exhibit 3- Incident Report

Exhibit 4- Investigation of funnel
accounts(fraudulent accounts) in different
branches of Mexican banks such as, Banorte,
Santander, BBVA Bancomer etc.,
The defense offered, without objection,

Exhibit A- The sentence and judgment form in CEDAC-067092-2023-03 , finding Mr. Russell
Wilson /Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol not guilty, after trial, of any criminal activity in relation to
this incident in Mexican Territory, for the findings show that they were the victims of criminals
that they are connected to organized crime.

Exhibit B- The Court has reviewed each and all of the exhibits, and has reviewed the documents
several times.

The State called Alfredo Higuera Bernal, new head of Attorney General's Office
Specialized in Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO), and Attorney and International
Investigator to testify. Mr. Bernal testified that he started an internal investigation against a
office that seem suspicious of money laundering; Mr. Bernal had fundamental evidence against
the leader or owner of the office which he came to learn that he ( owner of office) was
connected with a criminal organization; Mr. Bernal ask for the support and order from Judge
Norma Lucia Piña Hernandez to search the office and have the rights to go inside the premises.
He stated that he found a database from a computer that owner of the office had in their
possession and learned that the database had a list of many people Canadian, United States
Citizens as also people from the Mexican country on August 14, 2020 therefore he contacted
the Office of the International Affairs and Criminal Division and also The Canadian Anti-
Fraud Centre of Canadian Country.

He testified that he received a call from Judge Norma Lucía Piña Hernández from the
Supreme court telling him that Attorney and International Investigator Miguel Alfonso Guillen
Lascuráin Sánchez was handling and investigating a case and had on him a case Mr. Russell
Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol file. The Supreme Court Of Justice Of The Nation of
Mexico wants to share with the Office of Specialized in Organized Crime Investigation
(SEIDO) a summary written by Attorney Teresa Martinez in which we have reviewed and
recorded in the court records. March 03, 2023
Judge Norma Lucia Pina Hernandez
Pino Suarez No. 2, Colonia Centro, Cuauhtemoc
C.P. 06065, Mexico, Cuidad de Mexico



Dear Judge Norma Hernandez -

I am writing you a letter to provide you a summary of the events that took place that had
a large emotional and financial impact on Mr. Russell Wilson /Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol.
CEDAC-067092-2023-03– Events took place in March:

In March 03, 2023 I received a phone call from Attorney and International Pablo Gómez
Álvarez the new representative of the Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) . He ask me to
call Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol because they were possible victims of
fraud and they lost a large amount of money by some criminals that they told Mr. Russell
Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol they where federal agent from the General Prosecutor's
Office (FGR – previously Procuraduría General de la República PGR) and also from Unidad de
Inteligencia Financiera (UIF), I took the information and requested permission from my
supervisor, Alfredo Higuera Bernal, new head of Attorney General's Office Specialized in
Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO) to verify if in fact they were defrauded, before I made
the call I check my files and cases I had pending and I learn that Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs.
Melissa Burleson Micol Incident was one of the files I had to start a investigation so I call Mr.
Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol and it was confirmed that they were in fact a
victim of fraud he mention he lost over $96,000 U.S. dollars, and that different people from law
firms government agencies in Mexico call him telling him they had their money and that they
needed to send a amount of money to receive their money back, which never happened. I ask
Mr. Russell if he had any proofs of the money he sent, he told me yes, he ask for my personal e-
mail, which I provided with my information, I received from Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melisa
Burleson Micol many documents and proof of wire transfers receipts and names and numbers, I
forward all the evidence to the General Prosecutor's Office (FGR – previously Procuraduría
General de la República PGR) and also requested Judge Norma Lucia Piña Hernandez a order to
have The Federal Reserve Bank of Mexico to make an audit to every branch of banks such
Banorte, Santander, BBVA Bancomer etc.. and to have every existing account that seem
suspicious (funnel accounts).

CEDAC-067092-2023-03 Federal Reserve Bank Of Mexico:

I received a phone call from the Wire Order Dept and Manager at Federal Reserve Bank of
Mexico, and they confirm that in fact Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol were a
victim of fraud they found different accounts with a several deposits of money with different
amounts made to those accounts and different banks. The Federal Reserve Bank of Mexico
made a internal investigation where that led to several corrupted executive managers of the
banks who handle the wire instructions and had connections with the perpetrators who
victimize not only Mr.Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol but other U.S. citizens as
well as Canadian citizens, immediately the Federal reserve Bank of Mexico file for a arrest
warrant against those corrupted bank executives to have them questioned and put them on
custody for trial.
The General Prosecutor's Office (FGR – previously Procuraduría General de la República PGR)
Alejandro Gertz Manero (Attorney General of the Republic) communicated that the agency
would never call civilians for money or to recover money; in fact they warned everyone of
fraudulent calls and if they receive a call claiming to be FGR to ignore it and contact the proper
authorities and file a report or if they have a attorney ask him/her to help them; if they have a
investigator ask him to investigate. The job we do is exercise criminal action in appropriate cases
to comply with current legislation on the matter. Intervene in criminal proceedings according to
the scope of its competence and protect the interests of the population of the State, as well as
those to whom the law grants special protection.
A few days later, I was informed by Ricardo Sheffield, at Profeco director that they are not a agency that
charge money to U.S or Canadian citizens for they respect there visit to Mexico and Protect there right
and there only job is to Protect and defend the rights of consumers; Generate a culture of responsible
consumption; Provide timely and objective information for consumer decision making; Implement
methods of prompt and accessible attention to the diversity of consumers, through the use of
information technologies ... I then called Attorney Oscar Rosado Jiménez, President of CONDUSEF. I
communicated what was happening and that people are calling using the agencies name to charge
people money, he sent me a fax stating that the purpose of CONDUSEF is to promote, advise, protect
and defend the rights and interests of users against Financial Institutions, arbitrate their differences
impartially and provide fairness in relations between them, as well as supervise and regulate in
accordance with the provisions of the laws relating to the financial system, to the Financial Institutions,
in order to seek the protection of the interests of the users.

I contact the Head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), Raquel Buenrostro Sánchez, she
specifically stated there is no record that Mr. Russel Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol was not in
there system record nor ever pay any declaration or contribution, they denied ever contacted him. The
job of The Tax Administration Service (SAT) is an institution that is part of the Mexican government.
Its responsibility is to apply the legislation to ensure that individuals and companies contribute to
financing State spending . In simple, the SAT is mainly in charge of the collection of taxes in Mexico,
when receiving and sending money.

In this case, Judge Norma Lucía Piña Hernández reviewed case of Mr. Russel Wilson / Mrs. Melissa
Burleson Micol, and Alfredo Higuera Bernal, new head of Deputy Attorney General's Office Specialized
in Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO) statement, all documents of the incident, and the police
report filed here in Mexico.


The State of Mexico and The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation decided under the law of Mexican
Government that Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol were a victims of fraud, “causing
them serious emotional stress and financially destroyed them. The Court also considered, and request
the Federal Reserve Bank of Mexico the return of the funds to Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa
Burleson Micol , using the legal process that stipulates the federal reserve law says and what the federal
guide lines stipulates.

The Court finds, based on all the credible evidence, relevant case law and statutory authority that Mr.
Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol was a victim of fraud and that the amount $96,000.00
USD he is receiving is from a legal settlement objectively reasonable in light of the totality of the
particular facts and circumstances he allege he found himself involved on the moment he received a
phone call from the perpetrators, Attorney and International Investigator Miguel Alfonso Guillen
Lascuráin Sánchez justified their case in using that Mr. Russell Wilson were destroyed emotionally and
financially. Further more the Mexican government does not interfere in the rules and policies of other
entities of government agencies of the government of the United States, but with this letter we testify on
behalf of Mr.Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melisa Burleson Micol for their case and the events that happen
were true and the government of Mexico swears under oath that the rights of Mr. Russell Wilson / Mrs.
Melissa Burleson Micol are respected and we will make justice under our laws and the laws of our
neighboring country The United States of America, we are willing to help in any clearance for this
matter in behalf of Mr.Russell Wilson / Mrs. Melissa Burleson Micol.
Magistrada de la Suprema Corte
de la Justicia de la Nacion

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