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RTT265 Research in Practice

Scholarly Project
Part 1- Rationale and Research Question
Course Requirement: 10%

Contents of Paper
Score Comments
(need not be specific headings)
(Points are a guide and not an
exhaustive evaluation list)
-more support regarding the problem- how many neonates born
Explanation of the problem 19/25
per year in Ontario; how is an RT involved with this population
-RT involvement if oxygenation/ventilation concerns
Rationale 23/30 -what is it about respiratory infections that is concerning (one
-supported, why the problem is time exposure vs recurrent/frequent)
important to SRT, RT, population -what does the group know about respiratory infections to
prepare for the research process

Question development -Neonates – how is this defined; Asthma defined, and how is it
19/25 diagnosed
-emerges from explanation and -reading the rationale should build up elements of the question so
rationale, PICO explained/identified; that the reader can anticipate what the final question will be
-used terms “and/or” in question for a component (done in the
3.75/5 The initial reaction to the question and the specific descriptors
Research Question “bacterial colonization” felt like a research article had influence
on the development of the question (Childhood Asthma After
-focused, from PICO, relevance Bacterial Colonization of the Airway in Neonates)
-the components are there for a relevant foreground question that
is simplified
Perhaps: Do bacterial respiratory infections or viral respiratory
infections in neonates lead to a future diagnosis of Asthma? –
answers to secondary questions may come out in the research
(the recurrent use of antibiotics or steroids as the underlying
- Uses basic but appropriate language, with a basic sense of
Overall quality of written work 11.5/15 voice, some awareness of audience and purpose and some
attempt to vary sentence structure
-spelling/grammar, APA, -Demonstrate partial control of the conventions, exhibiting
language/coherence, support occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension.
-more support in some areas
Total grade 76/100
Contribution to Final Grade 7.6/10

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