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 FA22-BCS-014


Class: BCS-1B Subject: Introduction to ICT
Instructor: Faiza Bibi Deadline: 10th October, 2022

Q.1 (a): Classify the Computer according to their size and computation power.
A Computer is an electronic Machine/Device which accepts data from the user stored in Memory
perform Mathematical as well as logical operation and gives the required results or information,
is called a computer.
A computer is a very smart device that runs on electricity.

A computer is a programmable machine that works on the instruction given by the user.

The computer runs only by the combination of hardware and software.

Classification of Computer On the Basis of Size

S.No Type Specifications

1 PC (Personal Computer) It is a single user computer system having a moderately powerful

or Micro-Computers microprocessor. It is termed as a computer that is equipped
microprocessor as its CPU.

2 Super-Computer It is an extremely fast computer, which can execute hundreds of

millions of instructions per second.

3 Mini-Computer It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds

of users simultaneously.

4 Main Frame It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds

of users simultaneously. Software technology is different from


Most popular general purpose computers which are mostly used on day to day work are
microcomputers. These are popular as Home PC or Personal Computer (PC) because these
are single user computers and mostly used for personal use and application. These support
much higher level application cost and easy in operation.

IBM PCs, Apple Mac, IBM PS/2, all computers available with Pentium Models etc.

Figure 1: Micro Computers

Super computer is the fastest, most expensive, big in size, and most powerful computer
that can perform multiple tasks within no second. It has multi-user, multiprocessing, very
high efficiency and large amount of storage capacity. It is called super computer because
it can solve difficult and complex problem within a nano second.

 Used to forecast the weather and global climates.
 Used in military research and defense systems.
 In automobile, aircraft, and space craft designing.
 Used in seismography, plasma and nuclear research.
 Study of genetic engineering.
 Digital film recording.

C-DAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computer) of India has developed PARAM
series of Super Computer. ANURAG is also Indian Super Computer. Other Super Computers are
CRAY XMP/14, CDC-205 etc. Mr. Seymour Cray was a pioneer person in the field of
supercomputer production. He had developed the first super computer Cray-1 in 1976.

Figure 2: Super Computer


Mini Computers are medium sized computer. So, these are popular as middle ranged
computer. It is also multiple user computers and supports more than dozen of people at a
time. It is costlier than microcomputer.

It is also used in university, middle range business organizations to process complex data.
It is also used in scientific research, instrumentation system, engineering analysis, and
industrial process monitoring and control etc.

Languages, multimedia, graphics, 3D graphics and games. These are popular among
students, professionals and home users due to small size, low price and low
PDP-11, VAX etc.
Figure 3: Micro-Computer

Mainframe Computer is the large sized computer that covers about 1000 sq feet. It is general
purpose computer that is designed to process large amount of data with very high speed. It
accepts large amount of data from different terminals and multiple users and process them at
same time. More than 100 users are allowed to work in this system. It is applicable for large
organization with multi-users for example: large business organization, Department of
examinations, Industries and defense to process data of complex nature. It uses several CPU for
data processing.

Application Areas

 Government and civilian.

 Credit card processing.
 Back Account management.
 Marketing.
 Business data processing in large organization.
 Air traffic control system.
 Industrial design.


IBM S/390, IBM S/709, ICL 39, CDC 6600

Figure 4: Mainframe Computer

Q.1 (b): Describe computer generation elaborating the technology used in each

Classification of generations of computers:

The evolution of computer technology is often divided into five generations.

Five Generations of Computers

GENERATIONS OF Generations timeline Evolving hardware


FIRST GENERATION 1940s-1950s Vacuum tube based

SECOND GENERATION 1950s-1960s Transistor based

THIRD GENERATION 1950s-1960s Integrated circuit based

FOURTH GENERATION Microprocessor based

FIFTH GENERATION Artificial intelligence

The present and the future

1) First Generation – Vacuum Tubes (1940 – 1956):

The main characteristics of first generation of computers (1940s-1950s)

 Main electronic component – vacuum tube

 Main memory – magnetic drums and magnetic tapes
 Programming language – machine language
 Power – consume a lot of electricity and generate a lot of heat.
 Speed and size – very slow and very large in size (often taking up entire room).
 Input/output devices – punched cards and paper tape.
 Examples – ENIAC, UNIVAC1, IBM 650, IBM 701, etc.
 Quantity – there were about 100 different vacuum tube computers produced between
1942 and1963.

Figure 5: 1ST Generation of computer (vacuum tubes)

2) Second Generation – Transistors (1956 – 1963)

The main characteristics of second generation of computers (1950s-1960s)

 Main electronic component – transistor

 Memory – magnetic core and magnetic tape / disk
 Programming language – assembly language
 Power and size – low power consumption, generated less heat, and smaller in size (in
comparison with the first generation computers).
 Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the first generation
 Input/output devices – punched cards and magnetic tape.
 Examples – IBM 1401, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, etc.

Figure 6: 2 NDGeneration of computer (transistors)

3) Third Generation – Integrated Circuits (1964 – 1971)

The main characteristics of third generation of computers (1960s-1970s)

 Main electronic component – integrated circuits (ICs)

 Memory – large magnetic core, magnetic tape / disk
 Programming language – high level language (FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, C,
 Size – smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than second generation computers (they were
called minicomputers).
 Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the second generation
 Input / output devices – magnetic tape, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.
 Examples – IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, UNIVAC 1108, etc.

Figure 7: 3 RDGeneration of computer (integrated circuits (ICs))

4) Fourth Generation – Microprocessors (1972 – 2010)

The main characteristics of fourth generation of computers (1970s-present)

 Main electronic component – very large-scale integration (VLSI) and microprocessor.

 VLSI– thousands of transistors on a single microchip.
 Memory – semiconductor memory (such as RAM, ROM, etc.)
o RAM (random-access memory) – a type of data storage (memory element) used
in computers those temporary stores of programs and data (volatile: its contents
are lost when the computer is turned off).
o ROM (read-only memory) – a type of data storage used in computers that
permanently stores data and programs (non-volatile: its contents are retained even
when the computer is turned off).
 Programming language – high level language (Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, Rust, Kotlin,
o A mix of both third- and fourth-generation languages
 Size – smaller, cheaper and more efficient than third generation computers.
 Speed – improvement of speed, accuracy, and reliability (in comparison with the third
generation computers).

Figure 8: 4 thGeneration of computer (Microprocessors)

5) Fifth Generation – Artificial Intelligence (2011 – Present)

The main characteristics of fifth generation of computers (the present and the

 Main electronic component: based on artificial intelligence, uses the Ultra Large-Scale
Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel processing method.
o ULSI – millions of transistors on a single microchip
o Parallel processing method – use two or more microprocessors to run tasks
 Language – understand natural language (human language).
 Power – consume less power and generate less heat.
 Speed – remarkable improvement of speed, accuracy and reliability (in comparison with
the fourth generation computers).
 Size – portable and small in size, and have a huge storage capacity.
 Input / output device – keyboard, monitor, mouse, track pad (or touchpad), touch screen,
pen, speech input (recognize voice / speech), light scanner, printer, etc.
 Example – desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc.

Figure 9: 5th Generation of computer (artificial intelligence)


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