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Based from what I read, Organizations based on sets, sequence, symmetries, patterns, and
measurement are a result of the development of mathematics. Math has proven valuable in businesses
and in society at large. It enhances our capacity for reasoning, encourages analytical thought, honed our
minds, develops realism, and also has applications that may be applied in daily life. Mathematical
theory, computational techniques, algorithms, and cutting-edge computer technology are used to
address problems in economics, science, engineering, physics, and business. Mathematics helps to
manage patterns and regularities in the world by teaching people how to be well-organized when it
comes to carrying out various jobs. In a manner similar to how one solves a mathematical issue, many
individuals learnt how to be well-organized and responsible enough to carry through and make their
judgments. Therefore, a lot of what is going on around us requires the use of mathematical tools in
order for us to correctly assess events and make better decisions.


According to the textbook, predictions are based on a rigorous examination of patterns, which are
basically repeated events. Mathematical models may produce analysis and interpretation based on
current data to create predictions like predicting and warn us of weather disturbances that can affect
our activities for weeks or months. Predictions are improved with the use of mathematical analysis. All
decision-making starts with a prediction, and engineering, and particularly engineering design, is no
exception. But the arithmetic involved in making predictions is neither simple nor apparent. No forecast
is accurate and certain at the same time; thus, it is important to consider how to combine information
and opinions from many sources to create a prediction that is in line with these inputs. In order to think
logically—that is, in a way that is wholly consistent—about the future, one can use the mathematics for
prediction. As a result, this mathematical formula offers a framework for making the most of the
available evidence.


After reading the module, I was astounded to see that although mathematics is a human creation, it
seems to pervade the natural rules that keep the cosmos in place. Man is also able to exercise control
over himself and the impacts of nature via the application of mathematics. Global warming and climate
change have generated a lot of discussion throughout the years. If human behavior doesn't change,
patterns suggest that sea level might rise dramatically when the polar ice caps melt as a result of rising
global temperatures. The behavior of natural phenomena and objects follows the underlying
mathematical structure. Mathematical equations are the finest way to explain how things work in
nature. In my opinion, mathematics not only allows us predict or foresee what will happen with the
future, but it also aids in situational control. With the appropriate application of mathematics, we are
able to regulate challenging circumstances with ease.

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