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I. Information gap: Work with a partner to complete the information that is missing from your text. Ask each other questions
as the examples shows.

Interesting Facts about the African Lion

- (1) When does the lion’s mane begin to grow?

 My Mane Man! – African lions’ famous mane begins to grow when (1) ……………………………………………… The color and
size of the mane can vary greatly depending on the genetics, and environment, of the lion. Generally speaking, a
darker, fuller mane indicates (3) ..………………………………………………………………………

 Maneless Males – In West Africa’s Pendjari National Park, nearly all male lions have little to no mane. Other
maneless lions have been sighted in Tsavo East National Park in Kenya, Dinder National Park in Sudan, and in

 Family Matters – A group of lions is known as a “pride.” Lion prides consist of (5)………………………………………………………
All the female lions in a pride are related. The females will stay with the pride their entire lives, while the males
search for a pride of their own when they reach sexual maturity.

 Teamwork Will Get You Dinner – Lions hunt (7) …………………., and these groups are almost exclusively composed of
lionesses, rather than male lions. Male lions can hunt, but do not typically participate in (9) ………………….. Lionesses
can capture prey that is much larger and faster than a single lioness could catch on her own because they work

- (2) What do the color and size of the mane depend on?

 My Mane Man! – African lions’ famous mane begins to grow when the male lion reaches one year of age. The color
and size of the mane can vary greatly depending on (2)……………………………………………... Generally speaking, a darker,
fuller mane indicates a healthier animal with prominent testosterone production.

 Maneless Males – In West Africa’s Pendjari National Park, nearly all male lions have little to no mane. Other
maneless lions have been sighted in (4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 Family Matters – A group of lions is known as a “pride.” Lion prides consist of a few male lions, approximately a
dozen lionesses, and their cubs. All the female lions in a pride are related. The females will stay with the pride their
entire lives, while the males search for a pride of their own when (6)……………………………………………………

 Teamwork Will Get You Dinner – Lions hunt in groups, and these groups are almost exclusively composed of
(8)……………………………………………….. Male lions can hunt, but do not typically participate in group hunts. Lionesses can
capture prey that is much larger and faster than a single lioness could catch on her own because

II. Do the activity with a different classmate, this time changing text (from A to B and vice versa)

III. Follow-up discussion

 Which of these facts was the most interesting? Why? Explain your reasons.
 Can you think of other interesting facts to add?

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