Corporate SOP

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KFin Technologies Pvt.

Ltd– Central Recordkeeping Agency



Version 1.1
Corporate User Activation Process

1. Corporate will receive the below activation link

Dear User ,

Please Click here to activate your account. Use 096528 as your code to activate your UserId. .

This is system generated email.Please do not reply to this email. For any further queries or assistance, please
contact our customer care at 1800 208 1516 or visit Now you can
also download the NPS mobile app from Google Play Store for android ( and Apple Play Store
for iOS by searching "NPS by KFintech CRA".


Central Recordkeeping Agency (NPS)

KFin Technologies Private Limited

# IVR facility is available 24 x 7. Call Centre is available from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday and 8:00 am to
2:00 pm on Saturday (Excluding holidays). CRA system access is available 24 x 7.

Figure 1

2.User will click on the ‘Click here’

Dear User ,

Please Click here to activate your account. Use 096528 as your code to activate your UserId. .

This is system generated email.Please do not reply to this email. For any further queries or assistance, please
contact our customer care at 1800 208 1516 or visit Now you can
also download the NPS mobile app from Google Play Store for android ( and Apple Play Store
for iOS by searching "NPS by KFintech CRA".


Central Recordkeeping Agency (NPS)

KFin Technologies Private Limited

# IVR facility is available 24 x 7. Call Centre is available from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday and 8:00 am to
2:00 pm on Saturday (Excluding holidays). CRA system access is available 24 x 7.

Figure 2
3. User Activation page will be opened

Figure 3

4. User use activation code as received in mail

Dear User ,

Please Click here to activate your account. Use 096528 as your code to activate your UserId. .

This is system generated email. Please do not reply to this email. For any further queries or assistance, please
contact our customer care at 1800 208 1516 or visit Now you can
also download the NPS mobile app from Google Play Store for android ( and Apple Play Store
for iOS by searching "NPS by KFintech CRA".


Central Recordkeeping Agency (NPS)

KFin Technologies Private Limited

# IVR facility is available 24 x 7. Call Centre is available from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday and 8:00 am to
2:00 pm on Saturday (Excluding holidays). CRA system access is available 24 x 7.

Figure 4
5. User enter activation code in‘Activation code’ box


6. And then user enter ‘Submit’ button

7. New password create page will be opened


8. User enter ‘New password’and select one Hint Question

9. And Click on the ‘Submit button’


10. After submission ‘User created successfully’ and the page Re-directed to


 CBO Online and Offline codes also need to be activated in this way.
Process Flow for Creation of Additional User ID

User need to type URL: and will select below details forlogin intoCRA

User Type: Corporate

User id: Corporate No with 01i.e. 100019901


Captcha Code

And click on login

User id need to click on Access Control

User need to click in user registration

User after clicking user registration below page will open and user need to fill the detail

User need togive corporate domain email id

User needs to select Role description as Corporate Head Office option/ Role Type-Operative/Task
Rate-100 and clickon submit button.

Corporate Head

After clicking on the submit button, activation link will be sentto registered email ID. Corporate has
to activate the code and reset the password of his own choice ex. (Bharat@321) password should be
of minimum eight digits (special character,numerical, small alphabet and one Capital alphabet letter)

Further, Corporate can create as many as user id with corporate domain email id.

Bulk Employee verification
Step 1 – Visit CRA Portal and enter user id and password to log in and view
dashboard as below.
Step 2- Click on KYC Verification menu and submenu as “Bulk Employee Verification”

Step 3- After clicking, below page will appear. Firstly, user has to download the employee verification
pending list as on date or date wise

Step 4- Then, user will click on below section tab Employee Verification Pending List Upload to verify the
bulk PRANs by uploading the file into the system. Sample template is available as below.
Step 5 - Once the file the uploaded successfully with appropriate status PRANs’ employee verification is

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