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(4) Aberration of lateral object points with broad pencils.

Antoine, bearing a green branch as sign of peace. He had spoken

valley, pours into the Amazon 500 m. above Para and is about

ed. Leipzig, 1900); B. Meissner, Alexander u. Gilgamos

Salamanca. He followed classical models so closely that he was

with fair continuity for a thousand years, from the Greeks

potash, and sulphuric acid is added. By this treatment a

The name Ambrosia was also applied by Dioscorides and Pliny

is now almost exclusively made in the ammonia-soda process.

their whole extent. The elaborate provision for the conduct

Oax.; TOTONACAN, Mex.; Triquian, S. Mex.; Ulvan, Nic.;

from agreements made with France, Germany and Portugal, and

is a source of twofold confusion. The enforced adoption

founded the nunnery of Wimborne, of which she became abbess.

supposition. The light of Algol remains constant during close

E. Cloister.

``Adam'' (Adam) in this way freely. Gen. ii. 7 suggests

g, A lemniscus.

13 ``Unimproved'' land includes land which has never

one turn in 22 in. for the Martini-Henry). This, in its turn,

temperament. In this, too, he brings to mind Jonathan Edwards,

household, ``of whom came all righteous men.'' It was the

patten-maker, a plane-iron maker or an ironmonger; but

1892 642,146,630 47,121,894

the ``we'' narrative is that of a personal companion of

ACID (from the Lat. root ac-, sharp; acere, to be

Col de la Vanoise (Pralognan to Termignon), bridle path (W). . . . . . . .8,291

(P. Gt.)

Piz Urlaun . . . . . . . . . . 11,060 Crispalt . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,105


but the more important uses of the word are summarized below.

dissolution of the latter involves the extinction of the former.

ALLEN, WILLIAM (1532-1594), English cardinal, born at

for which he felt unfit ---a frequent attitude of more pious

ADRASTUS, in Greek legend, was the son of Talaus, king of

at Gottingen, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, receiving

See J. ter Gouw, Geschiedeniss van Amsterdam (3 vols.,

P. Alphandery, Les idees morales chez les heterodoxes

the opening up of Nyasaland. The Stevenson road forms a link

a grammatical construction in Latin, consists of a noun in

style. The crypt contains frescoes of the 13th century,


whole of formal logic is precisely the analysis of the laws of

Roches, Trente-deux ans a travers l'Islam (1884-1837); Colonel

Company should reach Timbuktu before France could forestall

and Lombards, and was occupied by the Saracens in 731. Aix,

several modern languages. In discovering and collating ancient

lord provost, bailies, treasurer and dean of guild. The

and thus secure his title to the Italian kingdom, kept her

to attend the riding-school, where he acquired that rage

to Wadai; and from Assiut on the Nile through the Great Oasis


2nd ed. (1818); T. E. Bowditch, Account of the Discoveries

were accused of having puffed promotions for the sake of the

him to visit Paris and Rome. In the former city he executed

resemble the aliphatic amines, since they form salts with

of sodium sulphate and hydrochloric acid, is concerned.

objects of ambition to the richer merchants. In practice

complete confidence of the army, and during the siege of Paris

he sought to interpret the past structures by too rigorous

aluminium as does the fused double chloride of aluminium and

des historiens des croisades, tome iv. (Paris, 1841-1887).

Aegina is one of the three principal states trading at the

T. Physic garden. t, t, t. Baths.

leads to effects which are specifically worse than those

(as distinguished from Alpine climbers) began to visit these

protection until April 1886. None of these islands, with the

1890 31 11 28 8 18 7

Ethnol., 1888); also Bulls. 20, 26, 27 and Reports Brit.

The spoil suit at this time (causa spolii) was a civil

law of gravitation, which Airy had almost called in question,

and others, unarmoured as they were, fought the ram at close

author, doubtless hastened his premature end. Acidalius wrote

Alex. Francis Chamberlain and Holmes that they are post-Glacial

prison, and Abd-el-Kader was a captive there from 1848 to

Alaskan Range and the Aleutian Range there are more than a

governor-general of British North America, and in the following

Geschichte der christlichen Kunst (1896). (E. V.)

vulgaris, Cetonis auratus, and in America probably of

variously constituted. The Russian admiralty is a highly

in one hand, and a poppy and ears of corn in the other.

oriental education which his position as the religious leader

proportion varying from about 3 to 8%, and being greatest

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