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RFP In-Game Animations

For Arena Fighter

SUMMARY: motion set

We need help with the planning and creation of several animations to be used in a arena fighter video game.

There are 12 champions.

Each champion can wield 2 weapons, that means 24 Movesets sets in total.

● States:
○ Idle
○ Hurt Light
○ Hurt Heavy
○ Dash x 4 (walk forward, backwards, strafe left, strafe right)
○ Walk x 4: (walk forward, backwards, strafe left, strafe right)
○ Death

● Combat:
○ Hit Light [L]
○ Hit Heavy [H]
○ Basic Combo 1
○ Basic Combo 2
○ Basic Combo 3
○ Advanced Combo 1
○ Advanced Combo 2
○ Advanced Combo 3

● Special Family Move

Every Champion Family+ Weapon combination has a
simple basic Moveset.

The Moveset is mainly a sequence of two attacks:

light and Hard. This creates easy to execute combos.

Arcane Keymaster with 1h Sword/Shield

Slice of Truth H H
Shared by all
Destiny L L H Keymasters with

Epiphany L H

Timelapse H+L* Shared by all Arcane


*H+R is a command shared across all Champions that executes their family move.
The Moveset is then expanded by the Champion’s Parts. Each Part
adds a predefined move. The Essence of the part changes the
The quality of the part changes the value.
Arcane Wings Slice of Truth H H
Death Horns
Life Claws Shared by all
Death Tattoo Destiny L L H Keymasters with

Epiphany L H

Timelapse H+L Shared by all Arcane


Shared by all
Flight of Justice L H H Keymasters with
Sword/Shield and

Keymonster H L H Shared by all

Keymasters with
Sword/Shield and

Truth and Scratch H H L Shared by all

Keymasters with
Sword/Shield and
Shared by all
Passive: Rigor Mortis Champions with
Death tattoos.
The Rig
Due to our production pipeline we require each of these characters to be skinned and rigged using
BIPED. So the final deliverables need to be in 3ds Max format 2022!

Example of the biped

Design and Animation Scope for the Movesets:


- 12 Families, each family can wield 2 weapons.

- An average of 3 basic combos for the Moveset. (12*2*3)+(7*12) = 156 Animations.
- 7 Essences.
- 5 functional parts, each belonging to 7 possible Essences.
(12*2*5) = 120 Animations.
- Tattoos will grant passive abilities.

TOTAL: 276 Combat animations

States* (movement, idle, etc)

- 12 Families, each family can wield 2 weapons.

- Idle x 1
- Hurt Light x 1
- Hurt Heavy x 1 (12*2*12) = 288 Animations.
- Dash x 4
- Walk x 4: TOTAL: *288 Combat animations
- Death x 1

*We expect these to be easier since changing the weapon will not affect the whole animation and can be recycled somewhat.
GRAND TOTAL: 276 Combat animations + 288 Combat animations = 564 animations
Combat Animation Planning
As mentioned before we need help with
the planing (design) of ONLY the combat
What we require for approval before the
animation can be done is a simple
drawing that clearly show the main
silhouette at the moment the character
hits the enemy, and how the combos can
flow together.
Here are some examples:
The champion families
1. Whisperer (Male)
2. Daruk (Female)
3. Fenrir (Male)
4. Karkadon (Male)
5. Keymaster (Female)
6. Gatekeeper (Female)
7. Grendel (Male)
8. Il’gra (Male)
9. Vitra (Female)
10.Seris (Male)
11.Saadari (Female)
12.Aos (Female)
The 12 families

Il’gra Grondal Aos Sadaari

Note: characters with wings, will have the wings closed/folded during combat.
The 12 families

Karkadon Seris Vitra Keymaster

Note: characters with wings, will have the wings closed/folded during combat.
The 12 families

Gatekeeper Fenrir Darulk Whisperer

Note: characters with wings, will have the wings closed/folded during combat.
Animation Brief
The animations will be scripted, here’s an example:

- Whisperer - Weapon Dual Wield Axes

- light Attack:
- light Attack Animation: 36 Frames - (7 Windup, 14 Active, 15 Recovery)
- Attack Area (length x width) : 1.4x2,

- Heavy Attack:
- Heavy Attack Animation: 54 Frames - (10 Windup, 20 Active, 24 Recovery)
- Attack Area (length x width) : 1.4x2,

- light Hurt Animation: 30 Frames

- Heavy Hurt Animation: 45 Frames
- Defense Animation: 10 Frames
- Dash Animation: 6 Frames
Animation brief
Characters can perform the following actions:

Move (walk forward, backwards, strafe left, strafe right)
Light Attack [L]
Heavy Attack [H]
Dash (forward, forward left, forward right, backwards, backwards left, backwards right, left, right)
Combos (by pressing the [H] and [L] in specific combinations)
Animation brief


- Idle is the default position of any Character. In the absence of player input, the Character will
always revert to his idle animation.
- The idle animation should be a loop of around 30 frames.
- It should also allow for easy transition into the other animations for the Character.

Good idle animation tension Not so good idle animation tension

Animation brief

All attack animations are split into 3 stages: Windup, Active, Recovery. Each stage takes a
number of frames within the animation.
This will be key to manage interactions between attacks and defenses.

Assuming 30 frames per second,

Windup Active Recovery each frame represents 0.0333s.

Thus, 0.1s is equivalent to 3 frames.

Animation brief
During the Active Phase, attacks will have a defined 2D damage area (hitbox). All enemies caught within the
area are considered hit by the attack on the first frame of the Active Phase. If no enemies are in the area, no
one receives damage.
2D Damage Area is determined by a mix of the Weapon + Attack Type + Champion.

Windup Active Recovery

l Top View
Animation brief
- When pressing the attack button (A), the Character will perform a light attack.
- Usable during: Idle, Defense, recovery phase of an attack.
- Champions will be able to perform two attack types: light and Heavy.
- light Attacks are faster and deal less damage, while Heavy attacks deal more, but are slower.

Dashing (Y) allows the Champions to quickly move in the desired direction. This will allow
players to dodge attacks by moving outside of the hitbox or close in on an opponent.

- Dashing will move the Champions a distance of two meters.

- This action has a 6 second cooldown.
- Usable during: Idle, Defense, recovery phase of an attack.

- Usable during: Idle, Windup of an attack.

- Trying to Defend during any other state will result in the input being ignored.
- Pressing and holding Defense (X) will put the player in a Defense position, reducing all incoming
damage as the Defense animation holds.
- Although Defense has a short animation to get in position, the Defense effect is applied instantly.
- The Defense itself is a looped animation that lasts for as long as the player presses Defense.
- Defense is the only animation that does not require to begin and end in the idle position, the
transition is very fast and will done in the game engine.

Effective Defense area

Top View
Animation brief
Hurt (light and heavy)

- When Champions receive damage they will enter a hurt animation.

- There can be more than 1 hurt animation per Champion.
- The type of hurt animation a Champion enters is defined by the mix of the attack type +
weapon being used by the enemy. This means different attack + weapon mixes will trigger
different hurt animations.
- As expected, Champions will have different durations for the hurt animations themselves.
Bigger Champions usually bounce back faster from attacks.
- Most actions cannot be performed while the Champion is performing their hurt animation.
Animation brief

- While an attack is taking place and before that attack’s recovery stage, players can press any
attack button. If the button pressed follows a Combo in the Champion’s Moveset, the attack
animation belonging to that step in the Combo will be executed next.
- This causes the recovery animation of the current attack to be cancelled and begins a new
attack animation, starting from the windup animation.
- These combo attack animations are unique for each branch of the Champion’s
Moveset. For example a Combo that goes (R, H) will use a different animation for the
second attack (RH) than the usual Heavy attack animation. Another Combo for that
character that goes (R, H, R) will use the same second attack animation from the
simpler combo (RH), and will use a different third attack animation than the light
attack animation (RHR).
- If the attack button pressed does not follow a Combo in the Champion’s Moveset, the
input is ignored.
- If several buttons are pressed in succession, the last button pressed before the recovery
animation of the current attack is the one that will register.
Animation brief - preliminar footage
Here you can see a reference of characters and the type of motion and movement of the camera.
Actuality we would like our combat to be a bit slower and we want our animations to read much much
better than this.
What do we need now?
- Quote for the planning of 24 animation sets of combat (276 animations) in USD
- Quote for all 24 animation sets (564 animations) in USD
- Production timeline, how long will it take to deliver the animations. We could break
it up per character or per set.

Any question or doubts can be addressed to my email.

Thank you.

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