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Scene i

(The Bus Stop. A “line” of people wait impatiently)

JOHN walks up to a middle-aged woman who is standing at the back of the line and taps her
on the shoulder.

JOHN: Good evening, Fergie. Need any help with your luggage today?

MRS.FERGUSSON: Yes please, this bag is killing this old girl.

(Mrs. Fergusson hands a heavy looking bag to John)

MRS.FERGUSSION: Well let’s see… The bus is supposed to come at 5:20. But it came at
5:18 yesterday and you know that the bus can’t be early two days in
the same week so I’m guessing that it will come at…

(Mrs. Fergusson checks her watch)

About 6:00.

(John laughs)

JOHN: I just hope we don’t get the same bus driver as yesterday. He drives
sooooo slow ! Every time he sees a good looking woman at the side
of the road he slows down and tries to flirt with her.

MRS. FERGUSSON: She doesn’t even have to be all that good looking.

(John laughs. A strangely dressed woman walks past. John

nudges Mrs. Fergusson and points at the woman)

JOHN: You see what that woman is wearing?

MRS. FERGUSSON: How could I miss it?

JOHN: What kind of friends allow a person to step out the house looking
like that?

MRS.FERGUSSON: Blind ones? I can’t understand…

(The bus approaches)

I guess we were both wrong. Here’s the bus now.

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