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What Is Organizational (1) Behavior? G a eo CCN) Te Iv a > 5 a C ° z z = Py Eee vSession host's screen Define organizational behavior (OB). Describe what managers do. Explain the value of the systematic study of 0B. List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts. Identify the contributions made by major behavioral science disciplines to OB. 42 &% =) Dee ran (earice ees ‘Companies with reputations as @ good place to work have a Dig advantagewhen attracting high performing emplovess. ‘Arrecent national study found that: ‘Wages and fringe benefits are not the reason people like thelr jobs or stay with an employer “More important to workers is the job quality and the suppostivencss of the work environments. [Managers’ good interpersonal skills ate likely to make the workplace more pleasant, which in turn makes it easier to hire and retain high performing employees. new Serene” 64 wx managers Rew eaten Individuals who achieve goals through other people. TU Cty Sea SNe CSE Se RS Pectin qa): 11 Compe Mode Me Peneot se ee See wx ENT organization A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common geal or set of goals ~Eachorgenization has a dlstinct| rrpose. BE Ab ee CORI) a “Each orgntation compote of pepe See ICICI os) “All organizations develop some! eliberate structure so that thelr members ‘ean dothelr work. Eee vSession host's screen wae): (Compt Mess - Mine PnP Sc (at (pene et aja Inthe ealy par ofthe twentieth century, Henri Fayol proposed that all managers ‘perova five management functions Planning: Organizing: ‘Commundlng: Coordinating: Contoting. ‘Today, we have condensed these o FOUR; Planning: Organizing: Leading and Controting So, using the functional approach, the answer to the question “What do Managers ‘Do? Is thatthey Pan, Organize, Lead and Control. a EES eek) bree wx . a eter leading A function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts. Every organization includes people, and management's job is to work with and through people to accomplish organizational goals. This is the leading function. a) Er) Bic) Ce RSS per) Sey wl jeez a\So eos Soe “ AT LOG Sete i. looms |( 2 ide © HE AeA OEP eo nen — ere EC FT 77 pe Defininggoalt, Determining Directingand Monitoring cstblishing Whatncedstomotivatingall astvtiesto strategy. and bedone.howit involved ensurethat:hey developing _willbedane, partiesand are Achieving the sub-plans to andwhoisto resolving accomplished | organization's coordinate doit conflits auplamned | Stated purpose axtivities Ce Sec per kd i Sum - ANN\ooo-. @ Ae ad bee a a ALLL ts Eurema - SEZ. clone les aantie “sks Interpersonal Symbolichesd:requtedtoperforma Greeting visitor; signing ‘number ofroutine duties ofslegalor legal documents social nate Responsibleforthemotivatonand Performing virtually all direction of employees activities thatinvolve subordinates Maintain anctworkofoutsidecontacts Acknowledging mai: ‘whoprovide ivorsandinformation doing extemal board w performing other activities Ahatiavolve outsiders \aa=o): HE (Conpeity Nese - Mon Pane a ee Siem: ms er x (wae . J] sore at Fan é ie” ake = pe Receives wide variety of information: Reading periodicals and scrverasnervecentreofinteral and reports aitaining extemal information ofthe personal contacts organization ‘Transits informationreceived from Holding informational be outsidersorfrom otheremployeesto meetings: making phone Fil ‘members fhe organization callstotanemit oa ‘information 7 Transits informationto outsiders on Holding board mectings, ve crganization’s plans policies actions giving information tothe pal andres, ee media a) Ey Bic) ‘AUREAR ASTM PROPESOR PT OFT MTAGONS VEE Ce ESS ere) qq) ass): HE (Conpeity Nese - Mon Pane S| soe |_ Mua Tanaoaartw A ran new ate arr @ < Seteamee eek Desisional Searches ngaizaton ands eavtommen for Organising uategy andreview crparanécsm inti Ipotonentpreecs’ setonte deve Respoasblefor conceive action hes ‘Oxganiing ategyandeviow cxpanizationacesimportant,mexpeced sens that invlve Ea wee Responsible forthealocstionoforgaizatinsl Scheduling equeing resourcesofallkinds—mulnger appovingall authodzain pesforuing any ‘Salient organizational decsions ‘cry that vover budge and theprogamming of ‘becdiates wok Negotiator espouse forsepeseatng the oranization st Paspuingin unio conuact, rsernepoitons sessions bE ESS rere nd aa): OF eve Seca wx Denne technical skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge ot expertise. human skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. conceptual skills The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, new Eten” ‘Mile Management Lowered Management HB Tever of iaportance ‘TECHNICAL still are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directiy with employees doing the organization's work HUMAN sas are equally important at all levels of management. CONCEPTUAL skills are ‘most important at the top management levels. e@ ae EES OMS ere kd i Sum Pres See a Eten” ‘Do managers who move up the quickest in an organization do the same activities and with the same emphasis as managers who do the best job? Luthans and hi What they found was th This findings challenges the historical assumption that promotions are based on performance and tt illustrates the importance of networking and political skills in getting ahead in organization... OR Reece + Decision making, planning, and controlling Per + Exchanging routine information and processing pci Renu Cc + Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, err) Caan) See LO Ru eer ee ed | wame | Menu invert Design Animations SideShow Review View kei (a rodiene moragenent | \Communiation Human resource monogemest | Networking BdREN vSession host's screen = Suma = =Seser = » Ame seer al ed ALLO é Eterna” ES Sonne |B eee @antd oases ‘Assume you signed up (o lake an introductory college course in calculus. On the first day, you were asked: "Why is the sign of the second derivative ‘negative when the fest derivative is ext equal to zero, if the function is concave from below?” You reply, “How am I supposed to know? That's why Va taking this course.” ‘Now, you are in an introductory course in organizational behavior. Your’ instructor asks you: “Why aren't employees as motivated at work today as they ‘were 30 years ago?” Reluctantly, you would begin writing, You would have no problem coming up with an explanation tothis motivation question. ‘That's one of the main challenges of teaching, or taking, a course in OB. You enter an OB course with many preconceived notions that you accept as facts ‘You think you already know 3 Jot about human behavior. That's not typically true in finance, accounting or even marketing. OB not only introduces you to 2 comprehensive set of concepts and theories, but it also has to deal with many commonly accepted “facts” about human behavior and organizations that you have acquired overthe years. Smt r ; res Dee aot = =] Serene” Enter ( TTBS Ngo ‘Organizational Behavior & concerned with the actions] ofpeople at work. Because employees in an organization are both Individuals and members of groups, we need them at two levels ~() Individual behavior () Gros behav ‘The behavior of a group of employees can’t be understood be merely summing up the actions of individualsin the group. For example, a street gang harasses innocent people. ‘The gang members, acting individually might never ‘ngage in such behavior Like an ICEBERG, OB has a small visible dimension and much larger hidden portion. Sums: = rr a\Sco0 ae sen ATLDS Srna SF. ower |[B 2 wks wae AA Gantrae “tes organizational behavior intuition (0B) A feeling not necessarily A field of study that supported by research, investigates the impact thae |_| —————_—_————— individuals, groups, and systematic study structure have on behavior Looking at relationships within organizations, for the attempring to artribuce purpose of applying such causes and effects, and knowledge coward improving drawing conclusions based an organization's effectiveness. on scientific evidence. 1 camal or commonsense approach to reading otbers can often ed fo eroneons predictions. Yu can improve yeur predictive ability by replacing sour intuitive opinions with 2 more systematic approach et The cysematic approach used inthis boc will uncover important fact and reaionsips and willprovidea base from which more accurate predictions of behavior can be made a eS per) qq) aos): CF ne | TA TO = Sane wx psychology The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and ‘other animals. Paychelogy F race Rew eaten Pychology focuses ‘on the Individual Behavior Learning Motvckon Persona Emctons Fetception Troi Isodarshipefactvaness Job satiation individ decision making Ferformonce approisl fol moon Wek Secon Work sess G) 4? S| ene |_ sa Bano ar tnow Ra Ww (asst BdREN vSession host's screen axl eon sociology The study of people in relation to their fellow human beings. Group dynamics ‘Work teams ‘Communication Power Conflict Intergroup behavior DTCs) Sociologists have contributed (008 through their study of ‘group Behavior in sxganizations, |_~ Group Srenisoedicvcegy |___ geizton janization chat Orgonizatonl care Rew eterna Q,) 4° ul ‘CHET [Competibity Mode] - Microsc PowerPoint © Responding to Globalization > Managing Workforce diversity > Improving quality and productivity > Improving people skills » Stimulating Innovation and Change > Empowering People > Stability and flexibility > Improving ethical behavior Rew eaten gaa: Coy MPa meal URE wl Ee ms fern Opportunity for OB (cont'd) ‘Stimulating Innovation and Change (cont’a) Boeing, the world’s largest commercial aircraft maker and one of the largest ‘exporters in the United States. Its key products include the 737, the 747, the "787, the 767, the 77 and the new 787. ‘oclug delivered its first 737 fn 1967. the plane, which was especally well-

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