Philips Mercury Vapor Lamps Bulletin 2-89

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Mercury Vapor Lamps


VV\;? K=

Definition App licatio ns

lllt ple!iLr -! r'reratLr't'lirlrir'al sarlrtrllI r ir (l.,ir lr i a lrrl)rl rdL slr i L.rlrl n.l
. r|0:ia(i I ir r orl{r l)r l) r,' llr ar .'\' I raj-L i !hc:ilrltLr'arjal nal irrr r.: L r;h. r1

Fo fLlro or oLrldaor ipLr a.r. r)r s 5!crrr'.!,r il I f(l

1o;11.,'r,, L qh. ,rl
L ql 1 s iloal!.tai b,. r'r r rrrlr ar al sirl .:ilrl. ll rir!.1 r l'irrk ril ,,'\ o,r I rllrr f!
I t.l1tI r) \rrrl)( I I (JLrlllo(l llirr'!:rrirt alr !ll lf(l
Tlt-. al rar'12 .r', . rltE atLlri:r r: i: ,i f.r ,rrralri : ,ii fa-rl,Lr ! Lr Lrs
Wa rn ing
"T1es,. .r'f lrs air a!! i-- :i-;r cus :r[ _
l]l] t i:r al ,;,.-. ai rrn
L rlaT enr lleti l'trr I iro;rr :r'rtr .! l) r,:tl rirl la
lr!f, sl rt \i,a,,,-! Lr lraf | !l r:r!l it arf ' ar!ier -r.!e rrLre arl llr-. !n'p
Pto:rphii coal niJ of 1l ! f5 tl,. arl l r| i)ri|r lr r-, l)ftrilrai)s;i :ilritk,. al frLr rlilLIa1i Do fol .ri-. r,'l l:i I lii-rarlt i: ',,.' refir I li,r
!\/a'rrer art oi 1,.ll]lt{r irlr ro irIi ririarar:r aril ilr r_r da ! rrilar li tf ir l|rr lr fLrl{r:r r,f i):is t(l|a]!tli) slra (l rl L)r aLlri-,r
Liirir:1 _iua,rslar'1 r!t t aL-lrode '.'\'lr L l n Lr.irlirfrl on \'1i Ll] tlrr ailiarl,l Ira,i:at]li-rr:r ,: . rsaal cl lrr r r:f1t:: litl \.,r arrloll n: ititl i'
l1 a i -. ealrarile:t, !l 5L]l!! r]r c[ re tl] e il|rl r',1 e\t -ilLr :h !,rh!n llr-. arLrl-!r en,!'e Lrpe !brarkenLi pLrn.l,ledar-.
1t(I lti|{t .;t ,, |'.,|: irlt |"
Lamp Cha ra cte ristics
F lllr I lr llor:i r)ll aaaj
lio!tl ao irr raf(lar riJ
lel ab e a|t!l :e
llaad Lrrrarr 'r;i rTara L_4,

Ba llast
See chi:rr1 for spec'ar ba irsl t\Lre 10r erarlr iirILr \'..,irltalle

Mercury Vapor Lamps
Electrical, Tech nical and Ordering Data
lS Lrb
1 orr
B{rlb Tempersl!re 1lllax muml
Base Temperalr re i[,43x mum)
\r thout nol cc)

400. c
2100 c \
Lilrlp CLrficnl Cresl Factcr
$/arm !p T fre to 909,, Bi qhlfess
R-"s1r ke T nre for Hol r lAppro\ )
2 0 ['lax
2l\4inures o e 0 \-I
a €
B-17 ED-231/z ED 28 ED-37
Operating lnstructions
WARNING: ihc fo lo!,r nlt GOOD LAMP
PRACTICES mLrsl b-. krlowed to redLr.e Ihe L ghi l",lar
poss b itv of arc 1!b-. rLrpt!re NAED Sld Cente ove.a
1. TURN LAMPS OFF AT LEAST ONCE PER Nlrnber O d-. rg Code La.n p Pkg Lengih Leflll h
WEEK FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, N A4 66ll ANS Code 1r) Walts B! b Basc Oiy (lnches) I nch es )

svstems lvh ch arc oiherw se op-.ral fq on : 35661 2 H46DL 40 50,rDX 40/'50 B 17 Med 12 3ti 5ls
conlinuo!s baais 124 hoLrrs'il:ly 7 days,' 25463 1 H46DL 40 50,rN 40/50 B 17 l\4-.d 12 31; 5l;
27526 3 ll43AN /5 l5 B 1l f!4ed 12 3L6 5lr,.
2, RELAMP FIXTURES AT OR BEFORE THE 21524I H43AV 75rDX 75 B 17 fr4ed 12 3lri 6 5 ii.
END OF RATED LIFE. A o,.1,rq sLrch nmps 21525 5 H,13AV 75,rN 75 B 17 [4ed 12
10 opcrale Lrnlr they i;lrl s not ad! sed !nd
36679 9 H38LL 100 100 A 23 [4ed 24 31 51,
ma\, ncreas-. lh-. possrb tv oJ ifner !rc i!br 35658,1 H38N4P 100i DX 100 A 23 Mcd 24 31, 5 r/,6
2545A 1 H38N4P 100,'N 100 A 23 M-.d 21 31" 5 '/,6
3, OPERATE LAMP WITH PROPER 31949 I H38HT 100 100 ED 23% lvlog 24 5 f,i,
CIRCU ITS AND AUXILIARY 24A021 H38JA 100,/DX 100 ED 23v, N/oLt 24 5 f,i,
EOU IPM ENT. 25456 5 l138JA 100,1N 100 ED 231: N4o.l 5u,
CAUTION: 1a amp bu b s!ppori s lsed. lre 26866:1 H,l,lGS l00r[4 ]00 PAF 38 N4ed. Skl 12 5:r,.
sur-. to nSU eie ih-o slrppori c ectncir !so.s io 25163 7 H44GS 100 100 PAR 38 Admed Skr 12
rvo d possib e deconrpos i on 1r] the b{r b !l ass 25209 I H44.ll\4 100 100 PAR 38 Adrfed Skr 12 5 1,6
Do no1 s.ratch ihe oLrler b! b or subtccl rl to 2A4M 4 H38B[4 100 ]00 Fl40 frled 12 l'l'
pressure as th s cou d c!lsc Ihc or l-.r IiL] b 1.r 31947 5 H38BP 100/ DX 100 Fl 40 [4ed 12 l't'
creck or sh:tler l lhc oLrier b! b rs br.:ikeri or 25451 3 F]38BP 1001N 100 F 40 [4ed 12 1,,
punclured, l!rn off al once irrd replace the 31965 7 H39KB 175 115 ED 28 l/log 12 5 8 5/,6
amp to !vo d poss ble rrllLrry ironr hezardo!s 24AAE 4 H39KC l75i DX 1/5 ED 28 Vlog 12 5 85t6
short\^ravc ! lrav olel rad alron 36849 8 H39KC l75i DX 175 ED 28 Vlos 6 5 8 .16
Pftrt-.ct allip bese, sockel and ',!ir n! altn n5l 3l{170 7 H39KC l75rc 175 ED 28 [4og 12
mo slure, cofios ve aLntospheres and cxccss Vc 24049 9 H39KC 1751N 115 ED 28 [4og 12
heai 3?258 6 H39BV1 175 175 F 40 r,/lcd t2 t,it
Take care n handl ng or dLsposllr!t ol th s aorp 30105 I H39BP l75,1DX 175 F 40 [/]ed 12 l,
A parliai vacu!rn n thc oul-.r b! b rfay calrse 25461 5 H39BP 175,'N 175 ll40 [,1ed 12 l,
g ass Io f y ii the enve ope ssirLrLk i the erc 30713 2 H39BS 175 175 R 40 [4og 12 11,
1!bc rs brok-.n, a!,o d sk rr riofLect w ih any ol 30751 2 H39BV l75i DX 175 F 40 t\4og 12 11,
llr...nienls or Ir!.menrs 31985 5 H37KB 250 250 ED 28 Vlog t2 5 8'i !
2481,1 6 H37KC 250i'DX 250 ED 28 tvlog. 12 5 8 7,,
24031 7 H37KC 250i'N 250 ED 28 tvlog. 12 5 81i,
252A8 6 H33CD 400 400 ED 37 lvlog 6 1 111i,
24A121 H33GL 400r'DX '100 ED 37 lvlog 6 1 111,
37718,1 H33CL 400/DXr'BT 400 BT37 lvlr,!,1 6 1 111,
25216 3 H33CL 400,'C 400 ED 37 lvloq 6 1 11,i,
2216A 3 H33GL 400,'N 400 ED 37 tvlog. 6 1 11,i,
25226 2 H33FY 400 400 R 57 t\/log. 6 121,
35660 0 H33DN 400i DX 400 R 57 lvlog 6 1Ti1
25092 8 H33LN ,100 400 R 60 lvloq 6 t01l
35661 8 H33FS 400,'DX 400 R 60 lvlog 6 10 ts
2511,1 0 H35NA 700 700 B I 46 lvlog 6 9'h 141L
35662 6 ll35ND 700,rDX 700 Bl 46 lvlog 6 91i) 1411

35659 2 H34GW 1000/DX 1000 8T56 Mos. 6 9,/, r!,./,

Nole H34 lypesarelsed NDO0FS al 50o Forhgher landouldoorsony nvervmld
c rrares) They are nol e eclT ca V inlerchangeable wilh H36 lafirps
25101 4 H36GV 1000 1000 BT 56 t\.4c)9 6 9r! rb1;
:J9707 5 Fl36(iW 1{ltlUl L)X 1000 8T 56 t\"409 6 9r! r t, t'!

N 1e H36t)pe!dreLrsedboihOUTD00FSandiNDOORS They are riot e eclr ca y

nterchangeab e v! th H34 arnps
25129I H36GW 1000/C 1000 8T56 N4og 91, 151s
25452 4 H36GW 10001N 1000 BT56 t\4og 91" 15%
a-) References
(1) Descr pr ve Symbo s
NoSuiix Cear
tl VV
-- \_r t_l
1C Suiirx Siandard Wh ie
i DX Slrli x De uxe Wh Ic
,'N Suflix Sty e Tone
eilaa BT-56 PAR-38 R 40 R57 R-60 B Back Lght
Lamp Lumen Deprec.
FF Frosied Face
Horizonla Fadors Approx. 9'o oI G Genera L ghting
Verl ca Operaiing Operai ng lnta L qht OLrlput F nsidc rosl
Av-.ra!le KB Klcen Bcarn
Ba as1 n 1ra (,) N'1eaf (,0) n lial Nlean (,0) @ I6000 @24000 Lle 1i,) PF PAB F ood
Type Fefercnccs (,) L!mens LLifilens Lumefs Lumens lHours) lHo!rs) PS PAR Spol
N15tH46 C, \2) 1580 1264 1464 I170 730 640 24000 + PW PAR Wide F ood
H45/H46 G, t2) 1100 830 1A2A lla 650 550 24000 + FF Reflector F ood
H43 G, S, 13) 2800 240u 2tit Ll 2250 13.a 640 24000 + FS Reflector Spot
H43 c, S 2800 2254 2610 2140 13.4 640 24000 + S Slreet L g hling
H43 G 2050 1600 1910 1,190 7t 0 62 t) 24000 + SR Sem Reil-"clor
,1100 VW Very Wide Beem
H3B G, 13) 3450 4000 3360 780 7t 0 2,1000 +
W Wde Beanr
H38 G 4300 3400 4190 3310 120 630 24AAA +
(21 For operal on al 40 walis,
H38 6 3600 2800 3510 2t3A 7t.0 624 24000 +
H38 B, G, S, (3) 4100 3,150 4000 3360 780 125 24000 + use ba asl des gned for H45
H38 G, S 4400 3,100 4294 3324 690 600 24000 +
H38 G, S 3750 2800 3650 2t2A /0 L) 61 0 24000 + (3) Separale f ler is requ red for
H44 B, PS, (3), (4), 15) 2800 1800 2730 1760 425 I6000 + black lghl applcation
H,1,1 B, PS, (3), (4), 15) 2800 1800 2134 1760 425 I6000 + (4) 0paque coalinil on rei ect ng
H,1,1 B, PF, 13), 14), (5) 2800 1800 213A 1760 425 I6000 + scction of bu b
H38 FF, FF, W 2850 22BA 2lla 22AA t3a 6,1 0 24AAA +
l5) The brlb, lhough .nade of
H38 FF, RF, VW 2850 2300 211A 2224 11.4 650 2,1000 + heat res stant qlass, may break i
H38 FF, FF, VW 2.450 1950 2390 I900 700 600 24000+ moistule fa s on it when
H39 I, G, S, 13) 7900 14AA ltaa 1224 88.0 820 2,1000 + rs used n a base down posilron
H39 G, S 8500 7600 a29A l41A 83.0 24000+ (61 For use oLrtdoors or ndoors
H39 c, S 8500 7600 8290 t41A 24000+ w th auxiIary equipment thal
H3S G, S llAD ffi00 7500 6150 24000 + provides approximalely 460 volts,
H39 G 7000 6000 6800 5830 80. Ll 14.O 24000 + open circu it vo taqe.
H39 FF, FF, W 6100 5150 5950 5020 11.4 630 24044 +
{71 For use ndoors w lh aLlx I ary
H39 FF, FF, VW 5750 4800 5610 4320 16.A 14.0 24404 +
H39 FF, BF, VW 4600 3650 ,1.484 3550 68.0 56.0 24000+ -"quipment t hat provrdes approx
male y 220 vo ts, open circLril
H39 FF, FF, W 6100 5150 5950 5020 78.0 71 0 24000+
vo lage, can be Lrsed ouldoors
H39 FF, PF, VW 5750 4800 5610 4680 76.0 700 24000+
rn waTm c imales
H31 B, G, S, 13) 12100 10500 | 600 'r0100 81 .0 150 24000 +
{8} H34 and H36 amp types are
H37 c, S 13000 10700 12500 10300 750 680 24000 +
,oa electrically nlerchangeab e
H31 c 11000 8,100 10600 1914 670 570 24000 +
D fierenl ballasls are required for
H33 B, G, S, (3) 21000 18900 2A2AA 18200 84.0 79.0 24000 + Lhe proper useoi each lype.
ll33 G, S 23000 19100 22144 18300 16.0 70.0 24000 +
(9) Based on pholometry of 100
H33 G, S 23000 19100 22144 18300 16.0 700 24AAA +
hoLr amps al rated watls, using
ll33 G, S 20500 17400 20000 17000 24AAA +
siandard reference ba lasls
H33 c 19500 16000 18700 15300 750 ti8 u 24000 +
P€rformance n seruice may be
H33 B, G, FF, FF, W, 13r 18500 16400 17800 15700 8t 0 740 24000 +
affecled by many iactors,
H33 G, SR 23000 19100 22tAA 18,100 160 700 2,1000 +
inc ud ng character slrcs of
|33 KB, FF, RS, t3) 1120A 15000 16500 14,100 l1 0 680 24000 +
the commercial ballasl used
H33 KB, FF, RF 15500 12444 14900 I 1900 61.5 560 24000 +
(10) Average umens over 16,000
H35 G. S. 13), i6) 41000 35700 40000 3,1800 81 0 14 a 24000 +
operaling hours
H35 G, S, 16) 43000 33600 42000 32laa 11 0 620 24000+
(11) Rated average fe is the fe
H34 G,17), (8) 60000 45000 57900 43400 650 16000+
obta ned, on the averege, Irom
arge representalive groLrps of
arnps n aboralory tesls undea
H36 B, G, S, 13), (6), (8) 57500 4840u 65200 46600 18.O 7t.0 24400 + conlrolled condrtions at l0 or
H36 G, S, (6), (8) 63000 47500 60500 45144 65.0 55.0 24000 + more operaiing hours per slan
t is based on survival ol at
easl 50% of the lamps arld a lows
H36 G, S, (6), 18) 54500 43000 53100 .11900 24000 + for ind v dual amps,orgroupsof
H36 G, 16), 18) 53500 38000 5',1400 36600 580 450 ?4000 + amps, 1.] vary considerab y from
the average
Philips Lighting Company
2O0 Franklin Square Drive. PO 8ox 6800
Somerset. NJ 08875 6aoo
![].!- r.rl Nii'l i r:... Pl l,f i-,r l,,ril i,r'
;r 'r.,1 r_ -:ll ,, .ll

M ercu ry Vapor Lamps

Warm up Characteristics Approximate Survival Curve Approximate Lumen Mainrenance
tiril tNil

9il \"
:l liil

ttil E *:.: 1..



z ll) '{.ry
I' .:lal lil
7 11 1 I l: ir :rl
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il .; '1:
Mi r!t!5 1,'1i. nr U! n_i' lt -c l, 2il '/.,.

Ol,-.irt n!t ll.L ! lhrLr5i:r!,1

Approximate Spectral Distribution
Clear Mercury Vapor LamPs Deluxe Mercu ry Vapor Lamps

Style Tone Mercury VaPor LamPs


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