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Mercury Vapor Lamps

Long life high intensity discharge mercury

lamps- white light sources for outdoor and
indoor general lighting applications.

24,000+ Hour Life

Reduced cost of lamp
replacement maintenance

Wide Range of
Lamp Types
The wide range of choices in
'1r-" the offering of general use
mercury vapor lamps allows
greater versatility in the
selection of types and
luminaires for many and
varied indoor and outdoor

& lighting applications

ldeal for ...
. Sign Lighting
. Security Lighting
. Roadway Lighting

Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data
(Subject to change without notice)
Operating Posidon.... ............ . . .Any
Bulb Temperature (Maximum) 400' c
Base Temperature (Maximum).................................2 I 0' C
Lamp Currenc Crest Factor 2.0 Max.
Warm-up Time to 90% Brightness.....................2 Minutes
Restrike Time for Hot Lamp (Approx.) ......3- l0 l'4inutes
Operating lnstructions
must be followed to reduce the possibility of arc
tube rupture. ED-I7 ED-23 % ED-28 ED.37
MINUTES. in systems which are ocher-wise Product Std. Center
operating on a continuous basis (24 hours/day Number Ordering Code Nominal PkC. Length
- 7 days/week). 046677- ANSI Code (') Bulb Base Qty, (lnches)
2. RELAMP FIXTURES AT OR BEFORE 35664-1 H46DL-40-50/DX 40/50 ED-I7 lYed. t2 3k
THE END OF RATED LIFE. Allowing such
lamps ro operate until they fail is not advised
27524-8 H43AV-75/DX 75 ED-I7 l"1ed. t2 3U,

and may increase the possibility of inner arc

rs6s8-4 H38MP- 100/DX r00 A-23 l'1ed. 74 3B

tube rupture. 337t2-t H38HT- 100 t00 ED.13A l'4o9. t2 5

3, OPERATE LAMP WITH PROPER 337 r3-9 H38JA- roo/DX* t00 ED-23h 1"1o8. t7 5

CIRCUITS AND AUXILIARY 26A66-4 H44GS-t00/r"1 r00 PAR-38 Med. Skt. t2

EQUIPMENT. 25t63-7 H44GS,r00 t00 PAR-38 Admed. Skt. t2

CAUTION: lf a lamp bulb support is used, be

3t947-5 H38BP-t00/DX t00 R-40 l'4ed. t7

sure to insulate the support electrically so as to

3t965-7 H39KB- t75 t75 ED-28 l'1o8. t2 5

avoid possible decomposition to rhe bulb 8lass. 2480s-4 H39KC-175/DX* t75 ED-28 l"1og. t2 5

Do not scratch the outer bulb or subjecr ir to 36849-8 H39KC-175/DX t75 ED"28 l',1og 6 5

pressure as this could cause the outer bulb to 122s8,6 H39Br4- r75 t75 R-40 l"1ed. t2
crack or shatter. lf the outer bulb is broken or 30 r05- r H39BP- 175/DX t75 R-40 lYed. t)
punctured, turn off a! once and replace the lamp 3t985-5 H37KB-250 250 ED-28 l',1o9. t7 5
to avoid possible injury from hazardous 748\4-6 H37KC-2so/DXx 250 ED-28 l"1og. t2 5
shoftwave ultraviolet radiation. 7\20s-6 H33CD-400 400 ED.37 M08 6 7

Protecr lamp base. socl ec ard w nnS againsr 74842-7 H33GL-400/DX* 400 ED-37 lYog 6 7
moislure. conosive atmospheres and 377t8-4 HI3GL-400/DXBT 400 Br -37 l"1og. 6 7
heat. 3s660-0 H33DN-400/DX 400 R-57 Mo8 6
Take care in handling or disposing of this lamp. 3566 t-8 H33FS-400/DX 400 R"60 Mog 6
A panial vacuum in the outer bulb may cause 35662-6 HI5ND-700/DX 700 Br -46 l"'log. 6 9'A
glass to fly if the envelope is struck. lf the arc 35659-2 H34GW-1000/DX t000 BT-56 Mog. 6 9't
tube is broken, avoid skin contact with any of
the contents or fragments. Note H34 types are used INDOORS at 50' F or hiSher (and outdoors only in very rnild
climates). They are not electrically interchangeable with H36 lamPs.
Also available in Safety Lifeguard Design
25t07-4 H36GV-|000 1000 BT-56 lYog 9k
Safety Lifeguard lamps are designed to reduce 39707-5 H36GW- 1000/Dx',i 1000 BT-56 lYog 9't
the danger of possible injury from shortwave
JlLravioleL "adrat'on. These amps will sel'- Note-H36 types are used both OUTDOORS and INDOORS. They are not electrically
exlinguish automatically within l5 minutes after interchangeable with H34 lamps.

the outer envelope is broken by any means, * Also available in Safety Lifeguard DesiSn
accidental or intentional.

These lamps are particularly suired for use in R \ y'arning: These lamps can cause serious skin burn and eye inflammation from
open lLrminaires where the outer envelope is shonwave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope of the lamP is broken or punctured.
vulnerable to breakage, and the risk of exposure Do not use where people will rernain for more than a few minutes unless adequate
to ultraviolet radiation is present. However, the shielding or other safety precautions are used. Lamps that will automatically extinguish
lamps ability to self-extinguish does not protect when the outer envelope is broken or punctured are commercially available. These
against the danger of breakage itsell lamps comply with FDA radiation performance standard 2l CFR subchaPter J.

(l) Des.-pLve Symbo s

No Suflrr Clear

o ,'DX SuIfir De ure Wh te

FF Frosted l-ace
G Genera Lght ng
KB K e.-n Beam
PF PAR F ood
P5 PAR Spot
(\ PW PAR W de Flood
/-\ RF

RefleCro- F ood
() S St-eet L ght ng

V BT-46 BT.56

n-io R-50
SR Senr Rellector
VW Verl WLde Beam
W Wde Beam
(2) Fo-operatron at 10 r'att!. use b,liasi
desrgned fo- l'15 rne rLr ) anrps.

(3) Sepa atc f tcr s lequ red for black

Max, Rated
lght app cat on.
Overall Average
Length Ballast lnitial(') 1.)
Mean Life( ') ccT (4) Opaque coat ng on refle.t ng
(lnches) Typ. References Lumens Lumens (Hours) (r;r 'r sect on of bu b

5k H45tH46 G, (2) t580 260 24000+ 3200 (5) The bu b tholgh made of
5'/," H43 G,S 2800 2250 24000+ 3200 heat r€s siant g ass may brea< I
4300 3400 24000+ 3700
mo stLrc fa s on t when Jamp s used
5'/,, H38 G
n a base down positon.
7N Hl8 B.G,S 400 3450 24000+ 7000
7't H38 G,S 4400 1400 24000+ 3700 (6) For use ouldoors or ndoo-s wth
H44 B, Ps, (3), (4), (s) 2800 1800 16000+ 7000 )
aLrxi a equ pment t rat p.ov dcs
apprr:xrmate y'160 vots. open c rrr t
51, H44 B, Ps, (3), (4), (s) 2800 t800 t6000+ 7000
vo Lage
7't H3B FF, RF, WV 2850 2300 24000+ 3700
(7) For use ndoors wth aLrx ary
87, H39 B,G,S 7900 7400 24000+ 6800
equ pment thdt prov des
81, H39 G,S 8500 7600 24000+ 3700
apprlx mate y 220 vo ts open c|-.u t
ar" H39 G,S 8500 7600 24000+ 3700
votage; can be Lrsed outdoors n
7k H39 FF, RF, W 6 t00 5 t50 24000+ 6800
war'm cl mates
H39 FF. RF, \'W 5750 4800 24000+ 3000
(8) 134 and ll6 amp type5 are
av, H37 G.S r2 r00 t0500 24000+ 6700
rot eclr aa I nterrhangeab e
87, H37 G,S t3000 t0700 24000+ 3700
D lfercnt ba asts are reqLr red for tre
Ik H33 G,S 2 t000 t8900 24000+ 5500 propcr use ofeach tvpe
I'A H33 G,S 23000 t9 t00 24000+ 3700
(9) Based on photometry of 00
tlt H33 G,S 23000 t9 t00 24000+ 1700
hours lamp5 a1 r'ated watt5 uslng
t2t H33 G, SR 23000 t9 t00 24000+ 3700 standard _cfcrence ba asts wth amps
ta% H33 KB, FF, RF ts500 t2400 24000+ 3700 operated Verl caly
t 4't H35 G, s, (6) 43000 33600 24000+ 3700
Pedorrrance Ln ser.; ce may be
t5% H34 G, (7), (B) 60000 45000 t6000+ 3700 affected by many n. Lrding
character st cs of the comrnerr al
ba ast used
(10) Aveagc Lrmens @'+09; oi
ts% H36 G. s, (5), (8) 57500 48400 24000+ 6300
ated I fe.
t5% H36 G. s, (6), (8) 63000 47500 24000+ 3700
(ll) Raied aveEge ife s Lhe fe
obta ned. on the avetge, from large
representatve grolrps of anrps in
abo _atory tests Lr/rde_ contro led
aondft ons at 0 ol. more operat ng
houfl per slarl. ll rs based on suf,/ va
ofat east 50% ofthe amps and
a ows for ndiv dua amps. or groups
of amps to vary consldcab y f-om
the average
(12) Corre ated color Lemperatu-e n
Kcv ns.
Philips Lighting Company Philips Lighting
200 Franklin Square Drive r P.O. Box 5800 501 Milner Avenue
Somerset, N, 08875-6800 Sca.borough, Ontario M lB lM8
t-800-555-0050 A Div slon of Philps E ecronics L mked g/
p D,".s o 1 o_ Dn ps t ecrrol c \o 5 ATe' na CorDottror

Mercury Vapor Lamps

Warm-up Characteristics Approximate Survival Curve Approximate Lumen Maintenance

t00 t00

t40 90
r20 80 80

t00 70

60 E
E 50
50 .;
z \
'! ro 40
i * 0
530 0 4 I t2 16
operating Hou6 (Thousands)
ob r s-----i2--
Operating Houre (Thousandt

Approximate Spectral Distribution

Clear Mercury Vapor Lamps Deluxe Mercury Vapor Lamps


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