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Ingles A2 (Task 2: English is easy and fun. Writing Task).

Presentado a: Alexander Cubillos- tutor

Entregado por:

Dania Sofia Hoyos Miranda Código: 1067097289

Juan Pablo Zarante Truaquero Código: 1068137032

Luz Piedad Canchila Montes Código: 1104436309

Mara Rivero Fuentes Código: 1003262558

Yarleidis Rodríguez Código: 1069462519

Grupo: 44

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocios,


Contaduría pública

Marzo, 2023

Step 1: During this term it is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a

great compliment for this course and will help you to exercise your


skills. The E-Book is in the learning environment.The specific modules for this

task are:

Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 After you study the suggested modules, select

and complete three (3) exercises.


Dania Hoyos

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Yarleidys


Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Juan


Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Luz


Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3


Mara Rivero

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module

Step 2: Participation in the Students’ Talking Time (STT).Each student must

participate in at least three (3) STT (Tuesdays and Saturdays),take a screenshot of your

participation and fill the chart as evidence (debe verse su nombre):

Student 1- Name:Dania Hoyos.

Date: 04/ Marzo/ Tutor in the Topic and What did I

2023 workshop: Ruby Alejandra learn? Steps to write in

Cuellar. English

Es importante para

poder aprender a escribir en

ingles crear una rutina, usar

el diccionario.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did

25/febrero/2023 workshop: Francisco Javier I learn?

Barcos. Why is important to

learn second languaje.

La fluidez en un segundo

idioma tiene muchas ventajas.

Entre ellos, la capacidad de hablar

y comunicarse con personas en

otro idioma promueve la

independencia y aumenta las

oportunidades laborales. Pero

también es una gran oportunidad

para interactuar, aprender y

explorar otras culturas.

Student 2- Name: Yarleidys Rodríguez.

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What

21/ 02 / 2023 workshop: did I learn?

Anguie lorena


tips to learn another

language, why is it important to

learn another language?

throughout our

professional career to hold

better positions it is important to

know another language

Date: Tutor in the workshop: Topic and

Replica Francisco javier barcos What did I learn?

25 february
Why is it

important to know another


learning another

language gives us many

opportunities to get a good

job or advance in a career,

it also allows us to get to

know other people and

their cultures.

Date: Tutor in the workshop: Topic and

Leidys diana sanchez What did I learn?

4 March

I learned to
sreps to write in
use expressions and

it is

important to make

use of the

connectors so that

the sentences are not

seen as a simple list

Student 3- Name: Juan zaronte.

Date: 21/02/2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I

workshop: Angie Lorena learn?

Ramírez The topic was why it

is important to learn a

second language and I

learned that a second

language is important as it

helps us communicate

assertively with people and

opens up many opportunities

for us.

Date: 04/03/2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I

workshop: Ruby Cuellar learn?

difficulties that arise

when learning English.

I learned the difficulties

that we face when learning

English, such as the lack of

vocabulary, the lack of ideas... but

if we follow the recommendations

we will learn this language.

Date: 4/03/2023 Tutor in the Topic and What did I

workshop: Leidy Diana learn?

The topic was steps

to write in English and I

learned how we can create

sentences using the present


Student 4- Name: Luz Canchila.

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

25 de workshop: Why is it important to learn a

febrero 2023 Francisco Javier second language

Barcos Romaña I could learn a little more about the

importance of learning english and how it

can give us the oppoortunity to have a job

in companies that do international

business which generate better pay

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04 de marzo workshop: Steps to write in englis

2023 Leidy Diana I learned about the difficulties that

Sánchez García  we normally have wehen writing, and

: they gave us several tools that i know will

be too important to keep improving every


Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

07 de marzo workshop: Paraphrasing and types of

2023 Alcides Javier sentences

Hoyos I was able to understand the topic

: of Paraphrasing more thoroughly it have

many meanings, we must always keep

the original meaning.

Student 5- Name: Mara Rivero.

Date: 11/03/23 Tutor in Top

the ic and

workshop:Serg What did I

io Mendez learn?

Step 3: Frequency Adverbs and Routines. Watch the video: https://ejoy- then select and

answer 2 questions using the frequency adverbs:

Selected Question Student’s name

What time do you get up in the Dania Hoyos.


A/:I usually get up at 5:30 am in the


How often do you make the bed in Dania Hoyos.

the morning?

A/: I always make the bed in the


How often do you go for a run in Luz Canchila.



A/: I always go for a run in the


How often do you take a shower in

the morning? Luz Canchila.

A/: I generally take a showering the


How often do you brush your teeth Juan Zarante

in the morning?

A/: I always brush my teeth in the


How often do you make coffee in Juan Zarante

the morning? A/: I never make coffee in the


How often do you read the Yarleidis Rodríguez

newspaper in the morning?

A/: I rarely read the newspaper in the


How often do you check your email Mara Rivero

in the morning?

A/: sometimes in the morning

What time do you leave for work in Mara Rivero

the morning?

A/: usually at 8 am

How often do you practice a Yarleidis Rodríguez


A/: I usually practice a hobby


b. Watch the video above and each student will write 2 sentences with frequency

adverbs. Underline the frequency adverb:

1. I always make the ben in the morning. (Dania Hoyos).

2. I sometimes go for a run in the morning. (Dania Hoyos).

3. I always make coffee un the morning. (Yarleidis Rodríguez).

4. I usually get up at 6: 30 in the morning. (Yarleidis Rodríguez).

5. I always do brush your teeth in the morning. (Luz Canchila).

6. I often leave for work in the morning. (Luz Canchila)

7. I always take a shower in the morning. (Juan Zarante).

8. I always read the newspaper in the morning. (Juan Zarante).

9. I always check my email in the morning (Mara Rivero).

10. I always leave for work at around 8:30 in the morning. (Mara Rivero).

c. Each student selects a frequency adverb and writes a sentence, remember the

correct verb use for the third person:

Never (Dania Hoyos).

It is never good to go out alone late at night, danger, evil go hand in hand at that


Usually (Juan Zarante).

She usually plays the piano on Mondays and Fridays.

Sometimes (Yarleidis Rodríguez).

Maria sometimes read the newspaper in the morning.

Often (Luz Canchila).

I often have spaghetti for dinner, they are my favorite.

Hardly eve (Mara Rivero)

My mom hardly ever gets up late rice.

Step 4: Countable and uncountable nouns Each student writes 5 countable and 5

uncountable nouns (25 in total of each), check before writing your nouns, you cannot

repeat them.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Student’s name

Car Water Dania Hoyos

currency Rice Dania Hoyos

Home Sugar Dania Hoyos

Apple Time Dania Hoyos

Shoe Money Dania Hoyos

Boxes Oxygen Juan Zarante

Bottles Gasoline Juan Zarante

Knives Oil Juan Zarante

Dishes Justice Juan Zarante

Dogs Air Juan Zarante

Chairs Sawdust Luz Canchila

Buildings Oatmeal Luz Canchila

Offices Wool Luz Canchila

Student Blood Luz Canchila

Women Thirst Luz Canchila

Watermelon Love Yarleidis Rodríguez

eyes Loneliness Yarleidis Rodríguez

Planets Intelligence Yarleidis Rodríguez

Photographs salt Yarleidis Rodríguez

Painting Rage Yarleidis Rodríguez

Pen Food Mara Rivero

cup Rain Mara Rivero

book Snow Mara Rivero

Desk Sand Mara Rivero

Museum Salt Mara Rivero

Step 5: Write a Story in simple past and past progressive.

You will find a story about a frightened day, and each student has to continue




• Each student must write at least 5 lines of the story.

• In each paragraph, the student must write sentences in past progressive and

past simple.

• Has to be coherence among the paragraphs.

The most frightened day…

Last year my friend Melissa was planning her vacations, she was really happy

because she was planning to go with her fiancé, she was planning to have a great

time there, she bought the airplane tickets, did the reservation in a very nice


and everything was set. (JUAN ZARANTE) The day they arrived at the

location, Melissa and her fiancé were enjoying the warm weather and beautiful views

that surrounded the location. As they walked down the path near her cabin, Melissa

noticed that something strange was going on. He stopped and realized that the sky was
rapidly darkening, what appeared to be a thunderstorm approaching. (DANIA HOYOS)

After approximately two minutes, what was expected happened, an electrical storm with

terrifying noises could be heard, everything was very dark and the noises were getting

more and more chilling, everything seemed to be a horror movie where as time passed

the thunder, howls of the wolves and other strange noises and very difficult to explain

did not disappear, the night became eternal and the fear was stronger every time.

(YARLEIDIS RODRIGUEZ) Melissa and her fiancé, seeing the situation in which they

were in, they decided to go back to the cabin, they were getting more and scared, they

ran no-stop to the place, everything was totally dark, the thunders were getting louder

when they were in the, Melissa panicked and started crying, her fiancé Carlos decided

sing to her and that calms her down

bit. (LUZ CANCHILA) After he was singing and comforting her, Carlos told

Melissa about how his mother, when he was a little boy, used to tell him stories of how

storms were made and how after they end, peace and tranquility come, and how

important storms are for the earth to mitigate the drought and at the same time to clean

rivers and streams, thus completely calming his fiancée until the storm was over.

(MARA RIVERO) While Carlos telling the story about the storms, suddenly the fear

disappeared and Melissa started to feel calm and she fall asleep. She slept for some

hours and when she woke up she realized that she was in a different place, she was in

her house and sleeping in her bed. She didn't understand what was happening and why

she was in another place So, she realized that everything had been a nightmare. She

called to Carlos and told him everything about the nightmare.

Step 6: Reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde usted

como estudiante debe realizar una autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a

las preguntas que se encuentran en el siguiente link:

Como evidencia de haber dado respuesta, usted va a poner un pantallazo de

su presentación, agregándole una marca de agua con su nombre:

Name: Dania Hoyos.

Name: Juan Zaronte

Name: Yarleidis Rodríguez

Name: Luz Canchila.

Name: Mara Rivero.

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