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Task Name Execution method Consolidated Works Governorate

Construcation of reproductive health building Three teams for implementation works tow in Hajjah and Hajjah
other one in ALHodeidah Gov
1-Reinforced concrete works Hajjah
1.1Carpenters and steel woorks for coulms Hajjah
1.2-Receive steel works before casting concrete Engineer+Contractor Hajjah
1.3-Casting colums's concrete Pupming Hajjah
1.4-Carpenters and steel and Electricity works Hajjah
for Slab
1.5-Receive steel works before casting concrete Hajjah
1.6-Casting slabs's concrete Pupming Hajjah
2-Building works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
2.1-Supply of matrial and approval of the 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
2.2-Execution of building works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
4-Finshing works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
5-Metal works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
6-Electricity works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah
7-Sanitary works 3-Adjustment works in the first floor Hajjah

1-Preparing the reproductive departement Alhodeidah

1-Construcation works Alhodeidah
2-Finshing works Alhodeidah
3-Metal works Alhodeidah
4-Electricity works 5-Sanitary works Alhodeidah
6-Another works Alhodeidah

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