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Mock Quiz for PharmAdMgt1 MIDTERMS


1. It is an important element in every organization. It coordinates current organizational activities and plans for the

 Management

2. It adapts the organization to its environment and shapes the organization to make it more suitable

 Management

3. He said that management is the “art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and
cheapest way”

 F.W. Taylor

4. He said that management is “consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to determine
and accomplish the objective by the use of people and resources”

 George R. Terry

5. It means to plan in advance

 Planning

6. It means coordination between human resources and material resources

 Organizing

7. It means motivation and giving directions to subordinates

 Actuating

8. It means to ensure about the implementation of the plan without deviation

 Controlling

9. It is the act of achieving the organization’s objectives

 Management

10. According to Newman and Summer, what are functions or processes of management

 Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling (POLCon)

11. Who were the proponents that said the functions or Processes of Management are: Planning, Organizing,
Commanding, Coordinating, Controlling

 Henri Fayol

12. According to Luther Gulick, what are functions or processes of management

 Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting (POSDCoRB)

13. According to Warren Haynes and Joseph Massie, what are functions or processes of management

 DmOSPlaCommConDi Decision Making, Organizing, Staffing, Planning, Controlling, Communicating, Directing

14. According to Koontz O’Donnell what are functions or processes of management

 Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling (POSDCon)

15. According to Allen, this concept refers to “the structure which results from identifying and grouping the work,
defining the and delegating the responsibility and authority and establishing relationships”

 Organizing

16. The process of deciding the business objectives and charting out the plan

 Planning

17. This involves communication, leadership and motivation

 Directing

18. The process of passing information and understanding it from person to person

 Communication

19. The function whereby the person or manager influences and guides the work of his subordinates

 Leadership

20. To motivate the employee to give their best to the organization

 Motivation

21. This involves establishing standards, measuring performance, and providing corrective measure

 Controlling

22. This means creating new ideas

 Innovation

23. This is showcased when the manager represents the company he works for

 Representation

24. What are the 6 functions of management

 PODCIR: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling, Innovation, Representation

25. What are the 3 Levels of Management

 Top Management, Middle Management, Lower Level

26. The Skills required by lower level managers

 Technical skills

27. The skills required by middle management

 human relation skill

28. The skill required by top management

 Conceptual skills

29. Gives examples of managers at lower level management

 Foremen and White-collar supervisor

30. Give examples of managers at Middle management

 Sales manager, Personnel Managers, other department heads

31. Gives examples of managers at top management

 Company Presidents, Executives, Vice-presidents

32. The need to study management arose with a what revolution that occurred in Europe

 Industrial revolution

33. The management theory proposed by F.W. Taylor that used Differential rate System

 Scientific Management Theory

34. The management theory proposed by Henri Fayol

 Classical Organization Theory

35. This theory puts more emphasis on the individual’s attitudes and behaviors. The human factor is the central focus

 Behavioral Management Theory (Neo-classical theory)

36. The two approaches used to study behavioral management theory

 Human relation movement  Behavioral Science approach

37. AKA Management Science approach, focused on providing quantitative tools and techniques for making objectively
rational decisions

 Quantitative Approach

38. When did Quantitative approach gain popularity

 During WW2

39. This approach is aimed at identifying the nature of the relationship among various components of the organization
which is considered as larger system

 System approach

40. The four interdependent parts of a system

 Task, Structure, People, Technology

41. This means that no part of the system can be accurately analyzed and understood apart from the system

 Holism

42. This means that as separate deps. within an organization cooperate and interact to be more productive

 Synergy

43. A system that interacts with its environment

 Open system

44. In this approach, the manager’s task is to identify which technique will work in a particular situation, circumstance,
and time

 Contingency Theory
45. The ability to develop a vision that motivates others to move with a passion toward a common goal.

 Leadership

46. A process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that
makes it more cohesive and coherent

 Leadership

47. Who said that leadership is the “process of social influence which one person can enlist the aid and support of others
in the accomplishment of a common task”

 M. Chemers

48. He said that “leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something

 Alan Keith

49. What doe leadership simply refer to?

 Leading, Influencing, Commanding, Guiding (LICG)

50. What are the 7 characteristics of leadership?

 Must have followers  it is a power relationship  It’s a working relationship between leader and follower  a
continuous process  exercised at a given situation  Followers follow willingly, not by use of force  purpose is to
achieve a common goal

51. Defined as integrated patterns of personal characteristics that reflect a range of individual differences and foster
consistent leader effectiveness

 Leadership trait or Trait leadership

52. What are the big five traits of a leader?

 (SCAAI) Surgency (Extroversion, energy levels, Need for power/assertive) EEN

Conscientiousness (Dependability, Personal-integrity, Need for achievement) DPN

Agreeableness (Cheerful and optimistic, Nurturing, Need for Affiliation) CNN

Adjustment (Emotional Stability, Self-esteem, Self-control) ESS

Intellectance (Curious and Inquisitive, open-minded, learning oriented) COL

53. What are the four factors of leadership?

 (LICS) Leader, Follower, Communication, Situation

54. Someone who convinces their followers that they are worthy of being followed

 Leader

55. Someone who must have a good fundamental understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions and

 Follower

56. What is the non-verbal communication that must be observed in workplace

 Leading (by setting examples)

57. What are the three leadership styles?

 (ADD) Authoritarian/Autocratic, Democratic/Participative, Delegative/Free Reign/Laissez-faire

58. Leadership style where the leader makes decisions without consulting anyone

 Authoritarian/Autocratic

59. Leadership style that encourages making decisions from different perspectives

 democratic/participative

60. The two types of democratic leadership

 Persuasive  Consultative

61. Let it be type of leadership

 delegative/free-reign/laissez-faire

62. What are the four theories of leadership

 Trait theory, behavioral theory, Contingency theory, Situational theory

63. The four traits that were thought to be inherent in leaders

 (AHIA) Age, Height, Intelligence, Academic-achievements

64. He proposed the 5 traits that differentiated leaders from non-leaders

 Stogdill

65. What are those 5 traits?

 (CARPS) Capacity, Achievements, Responsibility, participation and involvement, Socio-economic status

66. Focused on task and social behaviors of leaders, it has two dimensions

 behavioral theory

67. What are the two dimensions of behavioral theory

 Initiating structure and Consideration

68. What are the two behavioral theories?

 role theory and managerial grid

69. What are the two dimensions of leadership under managerial grid?

 Concern for People, Concern for production

70. Theory that explains why some leaders are effective in one situation and ineffective in another

 Contingency theory

71. What are the four sets/theories/models of contingency theory?

 Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model  Fiedler’s Contingency Model  Path Goal Theory  Hersey and Blanchard
Situational Leadership

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