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Request n. 2552355 Receipt n.

Relazioni_int_iscr_stu_stra_v2_2023_3850 (completed on 30-03-2023 20:34)


I, the undersigned, declare *  

that all the data and declarations cointained in the application
are true in compliance with art. 46 and 47 of the Decree of the
President of the Republic n. 445/2000, aware of the fact that
false declarations are punished by the Penal Code and
relevant laws of the Italian law system

Surname (as in your ID) * popal    

Name (as in your ID) * ahmad eqbal


Gender *  

Date of birth * 09-08-1997


Place of birth * KANDAHAR


Citizenship * AFGHAN

Current address * SHAHR NOW


House number * 2    

ZIP code * 111111


City * KABUL


Email (please, use this address


for future communications with


Telephone * 000000000

ID type * Passport

ID document number * p03442113   

ID document expiry date * 26-10-2025


English level *  

Italian level *  


I would like to enroll in a: Second cycle (Master's) Degree 2 yrs


University education

Have you already obtained your

in both cases, you can submit
your application*  

University degree in * pharmacy


Issued by University * kabul university


City/town * kabul

Country * kabul

Request n. 2552355 Receipt n. Relazioni_int_iscr_stu_stra_v2_2023_3850 (completed on 30-03-2023 20:34)

Date of graduation 15-08-2017


Final score /or average grade 63.4    

Mandatory field if you have obtained your degree


out of (Max score /grade) 100    

Please upload your Degree PHOTO-2023-03-14-14-41-29.jpg (45 KB)




I, the undersigned, request the BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (in English /IM13) - Location:
pre-evaluation of qualifications ANCONA  

for admission to the following:  


Course Selected

Curriculum vitae  
CV - Ahmad Eqbal Popal (2).pdf (323 KB)

CV - Ahmad Eqbal Popal (2).pdf


Motivation letter  
Word.pdf (93 KB)


English language certificate  

PHOTO-2023-03-14-14-39-20.jpg (48 KB)


Mandatory field if you selected an English taught course.


ID document *  
PHOTO-2023-03-14-14-41-28.jpg (117 KB)


Reference letter  

Request n. 2552355 Receipt n. Relazioni_int_iscr_stu_stra_v2_2023_3850 (completed on 30-03-2023 20:34)

PHOTO-2023-03-14-14-39-21.jpg (54 KB)


Other useful references 1 PHOTO-2023-03-14-14-39-21-2.jpg (62 KB)

(Publications, miscellanea,
Diplomas etc.)  


Other useful references 2 CamScanner 03-30-2023 14.30.pdf (729 KB)

(Publications, miscellanea,
Diplomas etc.)  

CamScanner 03-30-2023 14.30.pdf


CamScanner 03-30-2023 14.30.pdf (729 KB)

CamScanner 03-30-2023 14.30.pdf



Privacy consent

I, the undersigned *  
declare to have read the disclosure pursuant the D.Lgs. n^
196 of 30.06.2003 and the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) of
27.04.2016 in the University site (see link above) at the link "Disclosure made for
the processing of personal data of the students enrolled in
the courses at Università Politecnica delle Marche"

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