Passive Voice dạng đặc biệt

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19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj Ong | Passive Voice: Tt cd eu ire va ec dang 9c biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh A Trang chi MUTHCS MLTHPT INawphap Tibng Anh MIRYOU chu bailigc MW Chia $6 B6 sch IELTS tr VND + | Search ‘#¥Trong chi » Not phap » Cau bj dOng | Passive Voice: TAt cf cfu ire wi c&e dang de biét Cau bj déng | Passive Voice: Tat ca cu triic va cdc dang dac biét MiyeIye tin by Hom nay, Kienthuctienganh xin phép éur gi thigu dé cc ben mgt aiém ngl nap ove ky quan ‘tong trang chang tinh hoe phS théng cing nh céc ki hi tuyén sinh, da hoe va dc bgt hong >uyén aut hin trong cde Kt kibm va IELTS hay TOEIC, 66 chin la CAu b| dong. Vay cau bi dng 1a 91? Ching ta cing nhau gai dp toa bo Wj thuyét,céing thie kém theo phn bai tp thye han ‘wong bai vidt nay nh, |. Binh Nghia 1. Cu chi dng (Cu chi dng la cu dpe sir dung kh ch th& thye hign hanh dng te dng vao ngudi hay vet wae. Bx: Lam making a cake. (Tai dang lam Banh.) Chi thé & aay 1" va chi thé nay dang ty thye hign mot han dng la "make a cake’ ‘Cbng thie cauna: S4V40 Trong a6 Si chi ngtr Ve dong ti 0: in nat 2. Cau bi dong (Cu bj dong a cau ma trong 46 chi thé khdng thy hin han dong ma nguge lib tbe ng Han bat mt ybu t Khe. Ex: The room was cleaned. (Cn phéng d8 duuge don sach,) CChi thé & ay 1a "the room” khéng thé wr don dep Gurye ma phdl la due ai dé don dep. ‘Cong thie chung: BE + Vaied rong 46 Be: duge chia theo cc thi khée nna I Cch chuyén cau chii déng sang cau bi déng stv+o0 + be+ Viled + by O hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! am 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj Ong | Passive Voice: Tt cd eu ire va ec dang 9c biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh = NaH Chia $6 b§ séch IELTS 3tr VNB Chi nga (S}: They ‘B6ng te (¥): soll ‘Tan not (0): brea Bude 1: Tan ng@ cila céu cht déng lam cht ngt trong cau bi dong ‘They sell bread here = Bread is sald here “Tan ng eda cau cha dng la ‘bread’ bay gia da tr than chi ng trong Bu bi dong, Bue 2: Chia ang tir cho Au bj déng theo cae thi khéc nhau [tense crn Aetive (chi ang) [Passive (81 dena) ] “Thi hig tai dom (Simple Present) Thi hign tal tgp din (Present Continuous) “Thi ign tat hoa tinh (Present Portecd ‘Thi hig tai hoan than tiép didn (Present Perfect, Continaous} “Thi qua khi7 dom (Simple Past) Thi qua kh tp din (Past Continous) “Thi qua khir hoan thanh (Past Perfect) “Thi qua khiy hoa thanh tgp didn (Past Perfect Continuous) Thi tong lai dom (Simple Future) Thi twong alt din (Future Continaous) “Thi tueng lal hoan than (Future Perfect) ‘Th tong lai hoa thanh tiép didn (Future Perfect Continuous) Thi twong al gin (Near Future) ‘bg tr khiém knuyét (Mode Wig) wn knovik Have tol Has to 8 4V{sles) +0 Ex: They soll bread here. S+amlisiare + V_ing +0 Ex: Thoy ae seliig bread here, 8+ hasihave + Vaied + 0 Ex: They have sald bread here, ‘8 + haverhas + been + V_ing + ° Be They have boen soln broad hoe ° ‘8 +VZied +0 Ex: They sald broad here. 8 + wasiwore + V_ing +0 Ex. They wore seling broad here, S+had+ Valed +0 Ex: They had sold bread here, 8 +had + been + V_ing +0 Ex: They had been Seling bread nore, 8+ willshall + V_inf +0 Ex: They wl sell S+will+ be +V_Ing +0 Ex: Thoy wil be Soling hero. ‘8 +willshall + have + VSied + ° Ex: They will have sold bread here, 'S + will + have boon + V_ing + ° Ex: They will have been seling bread here. 'S + amiisiare + going to+V + 8 going Ex: They are going to sell bread here. '§ + must! should! eani may + Vintro. Ex They should sell bread here, ‘8 + havel has to +V_inf+0 Ex: They have to sell read here, 3+ amiisare + Viled + (by + °°) 2x Breads sold here (oy thom. S + amiisiare + being + Valed siby= 9) Ex Broad is boing sold her (by em) S + hasihave + been + Valed + by 0). 2” Broad has been sold here (by hom. S + havel has + been + being #Valed w(by #0}, Ex: Brand nas boon boing sold hore (oy them. + wasiwore + VSled + (by + 3) Ek Bread was sold here (by trem). + wasiwere + being + Valed + (ey* 0) Ex broad was being sald here (by thom) S++ had + been + Valed + (by £9) Ex bread nad been sold ere {by ne. S* had + Valed'* by") Ea Breall Yo Boon being sol here (y ther). + will+ be + VSlod + (by + 8) Ed eread wil be sold re (by fronh + wl be + boing + Viled + tyro) PS wtb bing st nore (3) em) 5+ wil have + been + VSled Sys Eh ty bem wil have s boon + boing Siatea ys 9} Ber Oto) yen ong Sisters oy tom + amislare + ging to +be SValed = (by +8) Ex Bread © fog obo sod yom 5+ mus shout can! may + Seed Estos shal be oat here yom Shave! has to + be Ved Sty) EL Bread nas to be sod (oy em n+ being + 8) il have been sole Bude 3: Chuyén chi ngi trong cau chi ééng thanh “by + tan ngU trong bj déng hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! am 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj Ong | Passive Voice: Tt cd eu ire va ec dang 9c biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh = NaH Chia $6 b§ sich IELTS 3tr VNB 4 Ribng céc alt, you, he..thl tay theo cA, néu thdy khOng cn hit thi 6 thé bo, Ex: They mended this street. » This street was mended Bude 4: Vj tri cla trang ngtr trong cau bi dong © Néu c6 you th tha glan thi a8 n6 sau "by" © Néu 66 yu t8 noi chém th a8 n6 ruse "oy" Noi chén + BY + Thai gian Ex: Mr Xuan built this house in Ga Mau in 2000, =: This house was buil in Ca Mau by Mr Xuan in 2000, © Néu 66 trang tr chi th cach th a8 n6 ang gia BE va VSted, Ex: Scientists have studied the problem carefully + The problem has carefully boen studied by scientists ‘Bude 5: Néu c6 "No" du cAu th! im nhur inh thuémg, xong 48i sang phi dink x: Nobody visited Lan, » Lan wasnt visited Il Cach chuyén bj déng dang cau héi 41, Cau hai YESINO © Bude 4 Chuydn to cu no sang c&u khdng din, Ex: Does she prepare a big meal? (C6 phai cd &y chun bj mét bir an thinh soan?) + She propares a big meal. (C6 y chun bj mgt ban thinh soan.) (© Bwie.2: Chuyén edu knng dinh sang eu bi déng, Ex: big meal is prepared by her (Ba dn thinh soan duge chun bj bd eb Ay) © Buse: Chuyén c€u bi dong trén v8 dang cdu hai Ex: le a big mesl prepared by her? (Cé phil bifa in thinh saan éuvge chun bj 8 &y?) 2. Cau hal WH © Bubs 1: Chuydn tau hai sang cu khdng din, Exc What lide take? (Anh ta 6 dy cd gl vy?) ~ He took what (Anh ta Iby 4% gi) © Bue: Chuydn edu krdng éinh sang bj dong, Ex: What was taken by him. (Cai gl éi9¢ ly béi anh ta) (© Buse 3: Chuyén cau bi dng vb dang cau hdl Ex: What was taken by him? (Cai gi dag léy bg anh ta?) 3, Dang cdu hdi WH- Ia tan ngt, 66 dng tir dae bist (© Buse 4: Chuyén tau nd sang edu king ain, Ex: Who can you meet? ("Can’ la tir dc bis) (Gan 26 th8 gap ain) + You can meet wh. (© B02: Chuyén edu kning dinh sang bi dong, Ex: Who can be mot by you. (Ai c6 thé duge gBp bai ban.) (© Buse 3: Chuyén cfu bj ding vB dang eu hd Ex: Who can be met by you? (Alc thé duoc e8p bai ban?) 4, Dang cau héi WH 1a cha ng (© Buse 1: Chuydn to edu hi sang eu khdng din, Ex: Who found the key? hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cu bj dong | Passive Voice: Tt cd cu ire v8 ec dang 9c biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh = NaH Chia $6 b9 séch IELTS 3tr VNB (© Buse: Chuyén edu bj dng vb dang cau hdl Exc Who was the key found by? IV. Cac dang dac biét clia cau bj dong 1. Bj dong kép (Double passive) © B| dong kép nam trong cing mot men a8, Ex:- They ordered the man to be shot The man was orderes to be shot They opened the doar and stole some pictures The door was opened and some pictures were stolen, © Bj dong kép xudt ign & cae ménn a trong cd. x: can assure you that | wil arrange everything in ime, —+ Yeu can be assured that everything will be arranged in tim. 2. Cau bi dong véi cc dong ter chi quan aiém, y kién Ce dng tte chi quan adm, y kién la: say/ think! believed report/ consider. i Chu dong Peopiel they * sayfthinbelieve... (that) +S +V 7 : ‘Gch 1 Hiswas said... that +S +V ! i 5m toV+O(cing thi) + | Sleirs—caena: 8+ emtnerawasnere seit shave avaedr | Bx: People said that he was rice to his friends. ‘Géch 4: twas said that he was nice ta his fends. (Céch 2: Vi 2 ménh dB "People sal” va “he was nie to his friends” cing thi qua kh? nén ta 8 6 ap ant: ->He was saie tobe nlee to his trends, People said that he had been nice to his tends. Cc 4: It was said that he had been nice to hs ends. |@éch 2: VI ménh d "He had been nice to his friends” tnrGc th mn dé “he was nice to his frends" (sale la thi qua Khir €on nhurng had been qua kh hod thanh)nén ta S& c6 dp nl: ->He was saié to have been nice to his frends 3. Cau bi dong v6 cae dong ti tr giac Cec ang itr chi ti gidc WB: $00, hear, notice, feel (© rong cau chi dbng, theo sau cc dng ti nay dng ty nguyén mBu V_Inf th rong c&ubi dng 88 chuyBn thanh To_inf Ex: We heard him go out las night. + He was heard to go out lastnight {© Trong eu chi ddng, theo sau cA dng tr nay V_Ing th trong c@u bj dng s8 gltrnguyén Ving. Ex: | saw him playing football + He was seen playing football. 4, Cu bi déng véi dong ti *Let” ‘© Dbng tr "Let (let somebody do something) trong cA cha dng thu’ng durge chuyén thanh "BE. ALLOWED TO_V" trong cau bi dng. Ex: The teacher lt Bil go home early + Bll was allowed to go home early, (© Ki dng te nguyén mu sau "LET" 6 thérm met tn ng va cng abi yng vbi chi ng nh phan “CHU NGU'+ LET" vin git nguyen, cl chuyén di phan sau. Ex:- He lether cheat him. + He let himself be cheates, hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj dng | Passive Voice: Tt cd cu ire va ec dang ic biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh ngch MTHCS MATHPT GHNai phap Tiéng Anh wYEu.chu bai hoc ME Chia $6 b6 sch IELTS 3tr VNB Phi doh: Let + 0 + not + be + VSled Vi dur - Wits your name here. + Let your name be writen her, ~ Don't insult the weak, + Let the weak not be insulted 5. Cau bi dong o6 2 tan nga: Tan nat tryc tiép - chi vat, tan ngir gid tiép - chi ngui (06) v6 cau bj dng 662 tan ng chang ta SB 662 ch lam. Ngoal rata cdn tém cde gilt tot hod “for” tude tan ng ki chuyén sang cfu bi dng Vi dy 1: My mother gives mo a cake. Trong a6: ‘Tan ngi 1 ame! Tn ngd2 a a cake! + Lam given a cake by my mother, + Acake is given to me by my mother. ‘Vi ey 2: My mother makes me a cake, + Lam made a cake by my mother. + A cake is made for me by my mother 6. Cu bi dng voi edu tric: $ + V+ 0+ V_ing “Trong a6, dng tr chinh(V) hung i: Keep, remember, find, see. Vidy: += She kept me waiting +1 was kept wating They saw the thief ellmbing over the wall +The thief was seen climbing over the wal 7 Cu bj dong véi [thé nhé bao] havelget SThave +85 Vial ath 1 cau ena ong i i ng S+get+ sb + to_V+ sth } cau bi abr S +havelget + sth + Valed + (by + sb) View: Hhave the mechanic fic my car + Lave my car fixed by the mechanic = My mother gots me to wash the dishes. + I get the dishes washed by my mother 8. Cu bi dong véi cu tric ‘would ke" Would lke! woul love + To_inf + 0 Would lke! would love + eb + Teint +0 View -Iwould ke to give Mary a nice present + | would Ike Mary to be given a present, = would love someone to take me out to dinner, + | would lave lo be taken out to dianer 9. Cu bi dng vei NEED! WANT Something + need! want + V_ing/ to be V3ied : mang nghia bj déng hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepicau-bidong! 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj dng | Passive Voice: Tt cd cu ire va ec dang ic biét-Kién Thi Tidng Anh = NaH Chia $6 b§ séch IELTS 3tr VNB (anh van en éuixe tam 8) 10, Cau bj dong voi Gerund (V_ing) Cc gerund theo sau m@t s6 6Ong tr nhur advise, suggest, recommend... dye thay bing “should be V3led trong cau bi dong. Vie: ‘They advised employing par time workers They advised that par time workers should be employed 11. Cu bj dong véi cu tc: Its one's duty to V_inf r ‘Cau chi dong Its one's duty to_V (08 18 nhiam wu cia ai dé lim gi) Its your duty to do this work + You are supposed todo this work 12, Cau bi dong voi cdu tre: It's impossible + to do sth r ‘Cau chi dong its impossible + fo do sth (khéng thé lam gi) Itis impossible to repair that machine. + That machine cant be repaired 19. Cau bi dong véi cae dong ti: Crowd, fil, cover (06) v6i ode déng ti exowd ll, cover thi ta ding “with” thay cho "by" View: Clouds cover the sky. + The sky is covered with clouds, 14, Mét s6 ndi dong tir vBn c6 hinh thitc bi déng. Trong trvéng hop nay dong tir phai di kom voi gigi tir View: = The Queen slop inthis bed. + This bed was slept in by the Queen = Someone wil cae for her children while she is away. + Her children will be cared for while sh is away. 15, Cau bj dong voi MAKE “Trong cu chi: d6ng, theo sou dng ti MAKE la dng tr nguyén mBu V_if thi wong cu bi dng s& ‘chuyén than To_f, View “They made me go. + | was made to go. V. Bai tap xascise 1: Choose the best answer: 1. We can't go along here because the road A.isrepairing B.'s repaired Cis being repaired. repairs 2. The story Ive just rea. ‘Agatha Christo. ‘A.was writen B.waswriten by C. was written fom. wrote by 3.1'm going fo go out and. A.have cut my hair Bhavemyhaireut —C. cut myhair _D. my hair be cut 4, Something funny in class yesterday. hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Clu bj Ong | Passive Voice Tt cd cu ire va dc dang 9c biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh NaH Chia $6 b§ séch IELTS 3tr VNB . will have = A.find B.fourd —.be finding 0. be found 7. We. by aloud nolse during the night. ‘A.woke up B.arewoken up. were woken up. were waking up 18. Some fim stars ditfcut 10 work with, Aare saidbe B.aresaidtobe Cay lobe —_D. said tobe 9, Why cid Tom keep making jokes about me? ~ I dont enjoy. at ‘A.belaughed —B.tobe laughed —C. laughing _D. being laughed 410. Today, many serious childhood diseases, by early immunization ‘A.ore preventing B.canprevent C. prevent OD. can be prevented 11.Do you get your heating very year? ‘A.checking B.check C. bechecked__D. checked 12. Bicycles in the driveway. ‘A mustnotleave B.mustrot be leaving C. must not be eft. must not have left 13, Besthaven's Fith Symphony. next weekend ‘A.isgoing tobe performed B. has been performed C. willbe performing perform 14. Al bottles betore transportation. A.trozen B.were froze C. were frazen—_D. are froze 46. yet? ‘A.Have the letters been typed _B. Have beenthe letters typed C. Have the letters typed . Had the letters typed 416. English has become a second language in counties lke india, Nigeria or Singapore where. {or administration, broadcasting and education Ajgused B.ilisused —C.used —_D. being used 417. The telephones. by Alexander Graham Bell A.isivented — inventing C. invented. was invented 18. Lots of houses. by the earthquake, A.aredesitoying —B, destroyed C. were destroyed. is destroyed 19. Gala, in Calforniain the 19th century. A.was discovered 8. hasbeen discovered. was discover _D. they discover 20. The preparation. by the time the quest, ‘A.had been finshed: arrived, have fished- arrived. nad fnished-were arving 0. have been finished: were arrived 2A. The Boy. sonny the teacher yesterday, ‘A punish B. punished. punishing. was punished 22."Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon'_ “They've already. your desk A.typed B. been being typed C. boing yped —_D. been typed 28. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It ‘of eatton A.bomads B,aremade Cis made, made 24. Thay had a boy thal yesterday. Adore B.todo C.dd 0.60. 25. We got our mail yesterday. A.been delivered —B. delivered C. dalvering_D. to dalver 26. James....he news as Soon as possible, A.should ell should betold C. should told. should be teled 27. My wadding ring yellow and white gold A.ismade B.ismaking C. made. make 28. Me Wilson i a8 Wile to his rien. A.known — B.knew —C.isknown —D. know 28. References in the examination room. A.notare used B.isnotused C. didn't used Dare not used 30. Laura In Boston. ‘A.are born B,worebom —C, was bom 0. bom 31. His car needs A.befixed —B.fking C.tobe fixing _D. hed hitps:kienthuctiengan.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! si They're on mm 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Cau bj dng | Passive Voice: Tt cd cu ire va ec dang ic biét-Kién Thi Tiéng Anh = NaH Chia $6 b9 sdch IELTS 3tr VNB 34. There's somebody behind us. | think we are A.being followed —B.arefolowed —C. follow. fallowing 35. Have you bya dog? A.bite B.bit —C.everbeen bitlen _D. ever been bit 36, The room s being atthe moment. ‘A.was-cleaned —B, cleaned C, cleaning _D, clean ar thatthe strike will end soon, A lsexpoctod —B. expected. are expected _D. was expected 38. tis that many people are homeless ater the floods. ‘A.was reported B.reports C.reported _D. reporting 39, He was said this bulloing ‘A.cesigning B.tohavedesigned C. todesign _D. designed 40.Ted by a bee while he was siting in the garden. A.goisting —B.gotstung get stung _D. gets stung Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences, 1. Amerea, By Columbus in 1482, A.are discovered B, were discovering Cis ciscovered__D, was discovered 2. Parrots and crows ‘he mostinteligent birds. ‘A.wore considering B. are considered. Considered. was considered 3. [stil cant believe! My bicycle, lastnight ‘A.wassiolen B.wassteaing C.werestolon stole 4. Mary tafe accidents by dangerous driving A.cause caused Care caused D, which are caused, 5. Many US automobiles In Dott, Michigan. ‘A.manulacture —B. are manufactured C. have manufactures. are manufacturing 6.Grass by fat cows on the green meadow. ‘A.arecaten B.was boing eaten C. wore boing eat. was been eaten 7. So much progress that tere may be space-frights to Mars. A.isbeingmade B.arebeingmade C.wilbemade _D. willeing made ‘8. Many people beiove wo can lock forward to the day when evan our household jobs ike cleaning ‘and decorating, by computer-control robots. A.willbe doing B.arebeing done. would be done. willbe done. 98. English since 2002. ‘A.have been learned —B.has beenleamt —C.hastolearm _D. have to learn 10. Your bil shouts before you leave the hotel Abepaid B.ispad —C.arepald was paid Exorcie 3: Change these sentences into Passive voice 1. My father walers this fower every morning 2, John invited Fiona to his birthday party last right. 3. Her mother s preparing the dinner in the kitchen. 4, Wa should clean our teeth twice a day 5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. 6. Some drunk crivers caused the accident inthis city. 7. Tom will sit his parents next month {The manager didn't phone the secretary this marin, 9. Did Mary this beautiful dress? 410.1 won't hang these old pictures inthe living room. ‘1, The German didn't build this factory during the Second World War. 12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day. 418. Ann had fed the cats before she went tothe cinoma, 14. The students have discussed the polation problems since last week. 15, Have the thioves stolan the most valuable painting inthe national museum? 416. Some people wil interview the new president on TV. 17. How many languages do they speak in Canada? 18. Are you going to ropair those shoos? hitps:kienthuctienganh.comingu:-phepieau-bidong! 19:30, 23/04/2002 ‘Clu bj dng | Passive Voice Tt cd cu ire v8 ec dang ic biét-Kién Thi Tidng Anh A Trang chi MUTHCS MLTHPT INawphap Tiéng Anh MIRYEu chu bailigc MW Chia 86 BO sch IELTS 3tr VND The water brings me this dish (Our fiends send these postcards to us. Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week. Tim ordered ths ain ticket fr his mother. 2 3 4 5. You didn't show me the special cameras. 6, She showed her ticket tothe airline agent 7. He lends his tend his new shoes. 4, She left her relatives five milion pounds, 98. The shop assistant handed these boxes tothe customer. 410. The board awarded the fst prize tothe reporter. ‘1. Have you sent the Christmas eards to you family? 412, The committee appointed Alice secretary forthe meeting, 19. He hides the broken cup in the drawer. 14. They keep this room tidy all the time 15, They all voted the party 8 great success, 16. We gave Ann some bananas and some flowers. 17. They moved the fridge into the living room 418, She bought some cups of teato the vistors inthe next room, 18, Thoy find the now project worth. 20. The secrotary dan’ take tre note to the manager. _Exarciae 5: Change these sentences into Passive voice ‘They wil finish thelr wark next week Tho fre has caused considerable damage The police ware following the suspects We're going to give David a pig surprise | think Alfred Nobel invented dynamite Your hairis long, you ought to get it cut Koop silont pen your book ‘They made him work all day 10. Police advise divers to use an alternative route VI. Bap an Exarcia 1: Choose the best answer Nhap password dé xem tiép bai viét ‘ui ong nhap mat khdu xe the nguwd ding vao 6 bén de dé xem tip bal vit Password 46)5(71 42.comments Sortby ole SH sca. common ae {NIHITD, QKHTTD, TLTD kong eo cag bang ne the Rep 3 [1] 20: aun oa Iips:kenthuctonganh.comingu-phapiesu-bidong!

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