Epp Dhea

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Blood type check procedure

• Medical devices and materials:

1. Alcohol swab
2. Pen lancet
3. Lancet
4. Anti-A sherum
5. Anti-B sherum
6. Anti-rhesus serum
7. Toothpick
8. Blood group test card

• pre-intreraction:
1. Say basmallah
2. Read the patient’s nursing notes and medical records
3. Wash hands before and after the examination
4. Prepare equipment

1. Greetings to patient/family
2. ask the patient's full name while looking at the patient's wristband
3. explain the purpose and implementation procedures
4. ask for patient consent or preparation
5. say basmallah

•work stage/ The steps:

1. Take the lancet pen that has been filled with a sterille needle
2. Set the spring pressure at 5
3. Take an alcohol swab, than clean the patient’s middle finger to take the blood
4. Drops of blood on the test card
5. Drops on each point with a drop of blood anti-a serum, anti-b serum and anti-rhesus
6. Stir with a different toothpick
7. If it clots, then the blood group AB, rhesus +

1. clean up and return the tool to its original place
2. wash hands properly
3. evaluate recent actions
4. say goodbye to patient
5. documetation

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