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- For Chapter I, add more discussions pertaining to problems with illegal drugs and how it
affects the community in general. (DONE)
- Include government efforts to eradicate drug problems. (DONE)
- Improve rationale by discussing the purpose of the study to the researchers as future
criminologists and future law enforcers. (DONE)
- Discuss in your introduction the characteristics of the three chosen barangays. Look for news
articles. (DONE)
- For the SOP, edit the barangay of residence and Item No. 4. (DONE)
- For the Scope part, include the focus of the study and the variables, and for the delimitation,
discuss variables not included. For the limitations, discuss the challenges encountered by the
respondents. (DONE)
- For the significance of the study, remove the word “will” and replace it with “may.” (DONE)
- For the definitions of terms, include important terms to be defined. (DONE)
- Look for the article that will further discuss the characteristics of the 3 barangays when it
comes to the proliferation of drugs. (DONE)

- For Chapter II, add more discussions - 5 pages per major topic. (DONE)
- For research literature, arrange the presentation of your discussions. Refer to the
comments/suggestions of Mam Dess. The synthesis shall follow the changes made in the
research literature. (DONE with the help of Sir Alday’s arrangement)
- For the presentation of variables in the Input Box, put bullet only - conceptual

- For Chapter III, improve the discussions of the characteristics of the respondents. (DONE)
- Research Environment, remove article/interview of Dasugo, add latest article (DONE)
- Data gathering instrument, result of the dry run must be included (DONE)
- Systematic random sampling is the used sampling technique (DONE)
- Improve discussions in Chapter III, the discussions shall be from the personal experiences of
the respondents. (DONE)
- discuss in the data gathering instrument part how this is applied. (DONE)

- edited abstract as per Sir Alday’s comments (almost DONE)

- conceptualized the study as per Sir Alday’s comment (DONE)
- arranged Appendices (DONE)


- For Chapter IV, refer to the comments/suggestions of the panelists for their minor comments
and suggestions to the discussions contained therein.
- Provide interpretation and justifications for the results in the Significance difference part.
Highlight where significant differences existed.
- The panelists suggested that the activity proposed in the extension service activity shall be
based on results of the study. Add more discussions.
- For the recommendation part, provide more appropriate recommendations for the study.

- Proposed activity table not aligned

- check pages if aligned with the table of contents, as well as the Table pages
- links to be added on Bibliography
- check Appendices format

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