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Learners with Hearing Impairment.

These learners have different levels of hearing loss and their risedual hearing can be intensified by
modern technology as listed below.

 Hearing aids this device developed to improved hearing of those people with difficulty hearing.
Its volume and tone could be adjusted to fit in the needs of its user and can be worn one or both
 Assistive Listening Systems ALS works as amplifiers directly connected through a radio link
from the teacher to the learners. It the unecessarry noise or backgrond sound for the learners
to stay focused only to the speaker.
 Cochlear Implants this is an electronic medical device surgically implanted to provide a sense of
sound to learners with severe to profound hearing loss. It however does not restore a create
normal hearingbut can only give useful auditory. Understanding of the environment that can
help a person learn speech.

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