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Q no: 1 Attempt any 5 answer of the following questions:-

i. Which are common means of irrigation in Pakistan?

ii. Why barrages and had works are constructed on the river of South Asia?
iii. Where are we trying tea plantation in Pakistan?
iv. What do you think are the causes of the downfall of the Mughal Empire?
v. What did Mehmood Ghaznavi invade the continent seventeen times?
vi. What main event happened in 1857 A.D?
Q no: 2 Fill in the Blanks:
i. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi was the sun of ____________.
ii. The slave dynasty rule lasted till _____________.
iii. The founder of Sikh religion is ____________.
iv. The are two crops seasons in Pakistan and India ___________ and __________.
v. Wheat and rice are two main crops are the ____________ food of most South Asian peoples.
Q no: 3 True and False:-
i. In “Barani areas” crops grow only if it rain sufficiently at proper time. ()
ii. The greater part of South Asia has poorly developed irrigation system. ()
iii. Mangla Dam is constructed over River Indus and produce hydro electricity. ()
iv. In South Asia livestock and poultry rearing is an agricultural activity. ()
v. The cultivation of sugarcane required high temperature and plenty if rainfall or water. ()
Q no: 4 Attempt any 10 meaning of the following words:-
i. Digging ii. Utilization iii. Irrigation iv. Fertile v. Scorching vi. System
vii. Cardamom viii. Clorets xi. Pistachio x. Walnuts xi. Almonds xii. Paid
Q no: 5 Attempt any 2 definition on the following topics:-
i. Karaizes ii. Canals iii. Tub well

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