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3 Ly porente apiad | | Ap mpatadorar Es del tipo de computadars po | \ Enorme en un momento Jade, | Esti, magsings san 1s nds coras ge\ mundo astan adas | te @normes canndades en poco tiempo, son B09 trea ( ; Re ee | : FX \ \ ae RCM. «leprssen los 30. mille: 1 de bemne er Algunas de Dusqueda de Busqueds 4c Soicaciss para rediccior Sma Rw ee eect Ca Rec aerate SesuncoWincsresLongia erates @———— —* 5. Adjectives to describe trips: scary, scenic, comfortable, boring, bumpy. (Adjotivos para describir viaje: aterrader,pintoresco, cémodo, aburido, leno Ge baches. Let's read the definitions and translate the santences as the first example. (Leamos las definicionesy tracuzcamos las ‘oraciones como el primer ejemplo} nernoa.tereeo, — Sonetwenutcanes ——_MYvitohauntd Mine asa Eo 9 Saas sar oc otrdee Pewee anes abonntlawesl tap otacacawae coma, = The Tce ate ‘cata. foe covfonaipae ovat Let's read and complete the naxt activity (Leamos y completers a siguiente actividad) Hilda and ner Friends went to La Paz city. The hotel was clean, and the bed was sft, during the 62y they had to walk going up an down in the market. The city was beautiful, there are many things to da, it was not boring at all. They ate "Pato Pacefo", “auchas” and “Marraqueta” with cheese and coffee, but they also ate Asian food, that is not Common to eat where they iv. Finally when they were going back othe hotel, they got lest, fortunately they found the hotel, they were scared because I was ite ote tourney ety or country Meo foe Let's make 2 list of touristic places to viet in Bolivia and mention if you visited those places, when, with who?. (Hagamos una lista de lugares turfsticos para vsitaren Bolivia y menciona si visaste esos lugares, cusndo?, écon ‘quién?) Let's read this paragraph and then the instruction. (Leamos este pérrafo y luego la inst-uecin} My lat vacation was interesting, | went to Tarata in Cochabamba. The places around were so green and the people a ‘were so friendly. | visited many places like, the main square, Melgarejo's house and a small museum. | stayed there {or one day. The weather wes really nice and it was great for camping. So we went Camping on the mountains and. made a small re for 80. 0 taesccnsecrdais Camuniara Pecsce Ul Oo < ——e saxcacensecuraata Camuntara recusn seuro30 TRAITS a TENT, ASAD0 | BARTINO. BLOW (Sop oa Lown BECOME vewsraser | eecave | eecome RAW (ga EW ‘DRAWN exvert 5) Favela FEW Flow COME) cae coe ‘ston (cece cntvan) | oxew ‘GROWN UN [cone] RAN AN HOW Saber, ceracer) — [KNEW WNOWN TEAR were ToRE TOR ow asses casey Tanewao 7) SWNT WEAR er pueda) | WORE WORN Sion ossien eie soweD (ver san Sem Taw far eran | Tan THROW ‘0 Waco) a. one 0) wen CONE ters write the Past Simple form ofthe following verbs. (Escribamos el Pasado Simple de os siguientes verbos) find__fourg_ ie wear, teach do tel DID [Nes/No questions). Pasado ausiliar: DID (preguntas de s/nc) yous the aur ic usedinnepane ang Youre the an ee a ‘sentence, the verb must einpreset tense. Lets answer there questione with short answers in our notebook. (Raspondamos estas pregunta con rspuestarcortae ‘en nuestro cuaderne) Dish ejoy he na? aa Drsyeu cometh dot cumncareastemoa | vey eames vdd-sebecker | Na cables lot etude cutereann teen, | Conarst tampa tad: cone Ni bamcina aah —* 1.4. Question Words: wnat aid you do an your last vacation? Palabras interrogatvas:20ué hiite en tus itis vacaciones? Where? édénde? —— Asking information about a place or postion, Who? équién? — —— Asking information about a person or people. When? geuindo? = —— Asking information about time. a &__t What? que? —— ‘Asking information about quantity or quality Why? epor qué? — ‘Asking fora reason. Lets answer these questions in our notebook (Respondemas estas preguntas en nuestro cuaderno) 42] Where did you goon your last vacation? b) When dd you go on vacation? {0} What did you do on your last vacation Pee LT Ul Oo < Question Avior i Sw mes 6G

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