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Date 3/3/22 AIM Global History I:

The Rise of the Church during the Middle Ages

The Church’s power and impact during the

Middle Ages:

1. List two reasons why the Church was so

important during the Middle Ages.
they were able to perform "sacraments"or rituals to its
which allowed Christians to go to heaven .

2. Who is the head of the Church? Why did he

have so much power?
The pope is the head of the catholic church and he had to
abilities to kick people out of the church and use a practice
called interdirect.

3. Define the terms excommunication and

They mean if you get kicked out "Interdirect " which is similar
to "Exocommunicate"any they both lead to someone spending
their life in hell.
4. Define the terms canon laws and secular
Secular law was were the opposite of canon laws , because
canon laws are religious.

5. What was the difference between a bishop

and a priest?
Priest came from humble backgrounds and had very few
education while Bishops came from noble families and were

6. What were some of the duties that a priest

was responsible for?
They were able to read so they were sought out by many people
and made them pay a price which is how the pope priest's and
bishops were paid.

7. Define the term tithe.

The term tithe means to pay

8. What eventually happened due to abuses

within the Catholic Church?
What ended up happening was that they would lead to
reforms within the church and one of the most important one
was led by President Martin Luther in the 16th Century

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