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Oracle of This qualitative change, particularly in the focus of the problems that once were treated as almost mysterious,

made it possible to overcome some old contradictions concerning the interpretation of things. . The discovery and use of carbon C-14, which is approaching the resolution, with a probability (+)(-) 100 years, was a major upheaval in specifying the phases of time in the field of history. Above all created a new general opinion, of a whole new nature, for human inherited values. Overcome provincial concept emerged many times by historians world caliber. Enough has been discussed about Herodotus nicknamed the "Father of History", which also has made gross inaccuracies call the "father of lies." Eg E. Gibboni while you are preparing the "splendor and fall of the Roman Empire" complaining that "prejudice, ignorance and stupidity of many ancient historians," who was forced to use as a source of information, "without bothering the measure." Let us emphasize here the interpretations of many modern scholars simply chauvinistic interests. But as a significant argument in the court of our history, it is pertinent to mention one of the great German Enlightenment century. XVIII. It was the year 1774, when Johan Tunman Leipzig, published his book "Research in the history of the peoples of Eastern Europe." In the foreword of the book, citing directly Albanians, he emphasized that "no other nation in the world in which we live, is not unknown to Western Europeans with regard to origin, history and language, as the Albanians." E however, they are the leading nations, ancient and important, that any historian would like to know: the history of them would meet the huge gap in the history of old and new Europe. But today ... they do not play any special role. They are subjected, they are unfortunate and often historian is equally unfair, as the common man, he did not consider those who did not likely fate. "(German Studies. Bot. Slip. 1990) These negative phenomena highlighted by a much as scholars, have created contradictions and major cracks on the recognition of our heritage. They have served as a source of misinterpretation and in many cases have led generations of human gene in the opposite direction of what they want to know. Today in this regard is crystallized two major groups, which interpret the same facts with concepts diametrically opposed. The first is conservative, meshon classical methodology, ignores the updates that are detected, or it simply bureaucratic obstacles. While the second group consists of passionate people and not Orthodox. Often they approach without formal education in the area where they militojn, but their methods of research have brought innovation, particularly in the field of world history. Can not let the occasion pass without mentioning Shlimanin Heinrich, who rediscovered Troy in full contradiction with the opinion of academics who claim that the history of Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, were manufacturing baseless folklore and historical. Shlimani considered themselves adventurous, and in fact it was so! He had no connection with the work of archaeologist. But the reality showed that the implicit beliefs that would reveal the story of Homer's Troy, gave him eternal fame. Shlimanit example of today's world is full.From this perspective the study of this discipline has gained a new and interesting. For that matter, especially in terms of past Albanians in particular, are also configured the advantages of money. Losses from the past Most conversations happen in different people ask me now why Albanians are not the most famous of yore, and why not have more influence on the economy and world politics. First, I wish you a highlight of my examiners that times change. This is actually about human phenomenon, but does not depend on his will. In other words, clearly this issue is the will of God! I think that the first tribe of beautiful and Albanians "Creator" does not make any major concessions, since it ruled that Albanians live on earth with others. In the Old Testament mention 12 +1 tribes (tribes) different. So, no matter how bright you have been our past, we have not lived alone in a vacuum, and without the competition of tribes or other groups. This logic makes us think that despite that we are among the first groups of significant contribution to the stabilization of life on earth, yet our fate resembles the same as the fate of every other human being, but at different times and places. To our momit, of explaining these phenomena simply with two words: "The wheels of history!" As we know it and do not ever stop its rotation! We often will look at how the old script, most have been entitled. It is fitting on this occasion to explain the basic arguments initially change things in the universe, under the continued movement "Cosmic Mill." Philosopher Plato (429-347), nearly 2500 years ago, liked to say "How the top down!" In other words brings attention to the Micro-Macro-Cosmos and

Cosmos, two key elements in explaining the Universe. So his philosophy was that terrestrial phenomena are closely and inextricably with those heavenly. So from this perspective, we can say that Dodona has been since the beginning of the process of civilization as we know it today. The priests of Dodona, as we shall see the examples below, were themselves gods on earth. With a symbolic language, called for several thousand years as "The gods of Olympus." As for your curiosity, the names of some of their dominance in the dymijvjeare of Zeus in Olympia were: Zeus, Hera, Athinaja, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Artemisi, Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite Hephaestusi. When Robert Temple published the first of his famous book "The Sirius Mystery" in 1976, with the subtitle "new scientific evidence on contact Aliens nearly 5000 years ago, world opinion was caught by surprise. Self R. Temple for his genius, instead of rewarded, was persecuted for fifteen years uninterrupted! Persekutort of it is interesting to note here, were not ordinary people or ignorant fanatics. They were some individuals from agencies and groups the most powerful secrets of the world ... And in this case the question arises: why did I ...? All of us recognize that things move. Which ones vary endlessly, often outside our will even so we understand. Despite the confidence that we belong, unanimously accepted a thing: the Presence of God! He is the One and Only! Astrology, in ancient times was considered the queen of knowledge, because it taught the logic of how things move over there ...! If we sincerely believe in the phrase "everything decided by the will of Him, let us continue to believe as before. From this belief will gain two things in practice. First, would our forefathers were wise back a debt to delay too long, the necessary respect for what they contributed to us and homeland. And second, the "Cosmic Mill, we are now or were let go after" the long centuries of darkness, spiritual cleansing and our dangerous ignorance "! A Sami Frashri wrong when we taught: "That the light of knowledge will take us forward? I'm sure not! Also, the other brother Naim grvishtte the same wound when he said: Thou, turn away, darkness! Free here, my light! " Obviously, our great Renaissance had understood the language of God. It is clear that here it is about the triumph of light against darkness in a symbolic sense. Prof. Harold Cooke in his study of "Osiris, a Study in Myths, Misteries, and Religion", by Ares Publishing Inc.. London, 1931, reminds us: "The conflict between good and evil is physical and spiritual conflict." Alternatively we can understand this phenomenon as the war of "good against evil." But we obviously do not understand them completely, with delays and embarrassing our zag. It comes to the fate of the Albanians, but also to human destiny in general as being worldly. In dymijvjearin being leave behind, were preaching things, that were spoken! And the sermon was generally known Orakujve mechanism, but also with other forms of still more practical. Emerging from the influence of the sign of Aries, we also left behind its features as well. Let's remember here that under this sign, the man himself actively participated and built large empires. So, unlike the man with his behavior and mentality of the time rrezatoi expansionary trend and were created by the empires one after another because of the Illyrians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, etc.. But getting under the influence of fish, but the man himself became a witness and gravedigger is also in the destruction of these empires, one after another. Milena Gonzalez-Wippler, graduated in Puerto Rico and Columbia University, respectively, in Psychology and Anthropology, and explained the phenomenon in her book "magic formulas and ceremonies" bot. The 1997-s: "The sign of Aquarius, which is now approaching us, embodies friendship, hope and wishes. And before it, the sign of the fish was dymijvjearin who are leaving behind, the beginning of Christianity, and the world was plunged nearly so absolute under the influence of Judeo-Christian theology. " Characteristic of this sign was Jesus Christ, who was detained, imprisoned, tortured and crucified by his enemies and declared undeclared. It was therefore previously predicted by the oracles. It was foretold his birth and crucifixion! He thus became the symbol of Christian sacrifice. It is interesting to remember that in three hundred years before Christianity had its own symbol as two fish, then just sign horoscope. But in 325 AD, Nikeas council decided to unify the church and "Jesus Christ" was accepted was announced God!Here's how we describe this particular moment of history researcher Simon Cox, in his book "Having broken down the Leonardo Da Vinci Code"

bot. the year. 2004, the "Barnes and Noble": "Constantine the Great was emperor Kristjan, who, although still believed in paganism, became responsible for maintaining the empire from destruction. In 325 AD, he organized the first Christian church council at Nicea and unified it. It was Put the holy formula of baptism: "In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!" Later this formula became more important for teaching the Christian faith. "Constantine himself was born in 274 AD where modern territory of modern Albania." Increasingly, the language of astrology, under the sign of the fish, human society was envisaged that it will dive into anarchy and brutal wars. But the most serious consequences will be spiritual darkness. Changing the position of stars, brings so irrefutably physical and psychological changes in human daily life. This is a cycle that repeated from one to another horoscope sign, over the average dymijvjeare. From twelve signs has Horoscope, benefiting a process that lasts approximately 25,975 motion years. So we have in this case a complete rotation in 360 to the axis of the earth. at 180 deviations, crosses the North Pole and South Pole position The South goes into opposition. This conclusion is reached from the observation of slow avoiding it. This kind of movement (derogation) of 1 of axis analog, gets almost 72 and 3 / 4 years. It is this long distance is equal to the life average human on earth. Astronomers call this phenomenon, simply, a cosmic year. So, on average nearly dymijvjeare on earth, we gain only a deviation of 30 terrestrial axis. Let us note that ancient man must have been master of these calculations. I'm trying to mention things in passing, because we need to come to the same level of understanding with those who built Dodonn. This logic will help us easily breaking its importance. The real reason why the Albanians are a people more superstitious than religious, it appears exactly on the basis of this knowledge which they seem to have mastered wonderfully once. Superstition is a belief, and the oldest well known that it is rooted directly related to the power of God. In other words, they (Albanians) carefully avoided the ingenuity of today's often religious fanaticism, which many great tragedy has brought to life. Thus, by analyzing all the elements in the complex, we may be seeing things realistically. And yes indeed we will have the chance to improve them. Two words about the genesis Human history begins at the same time with his brain activity. So researchers have determined the history.Thing that is considered to have begun about 50,000 years ago. At first the most important discoveries were considered music, grammar, rhetoric, justice, prudence, Mathematics and Geometry, which have been linked as we said just above, with the moment of formation of the modern psychology of modern man. They were called at that time "seven free arts" that became the foundation of all knowledge on human society. If you look with this light etymology of the word art, as we know it has a meaning of perfection, then God!Otherwise basic element that makes the presence of Him as something tangible between people. It is pertinent to note here that artists are missionaries who do nothing else but the form of art they make, down to earth messages that irrefutably influence in people's everyday lives. Let it sound like a short memory for a few Albanians again! Artists are not contingent discrimination, and even worse to be killed, as was during the communist regime. They are national assets ...! Continuing on the origin and how civilization started on the ground, so the first period of man as being intelligent, by today's scholars have access to Prudential in deciphering old scripts. In addition, being paid more and more serious multiple traces left by visitors (aliens) coming from cosmic distances, where there is thought that life is more advanced than our planet. Many wills and unmarked inside the walls of the pyramids, are broken down by their contents and remind us so often however. In short, scholars are decipher opinion, communication and vision of the first man, trying to fall under his skin! They also focus on the flow or the subsoil of all civilizations, until now considered totally lost. From these kinds of efforts are being achieved results more relevant! It comes to the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehencet, Atlanta, Limurt, Olmikt, Illyrians, Sumer, Babylonians, yeasts, Actekt, Inkasit and full enigma of yesterday, which are treated as taboo or hermetic mysteries, missing or simply the product of myths and legends. In this context, it is pertinent to note that the history of Albanians occupies a large weight in the history of world civilization. But in my writing, I will focus only on one fact, the mystery of Dodona ... But what hides within the shell of this mystery ...? And is it worth for us to grmojm about this issue? 'dim for Dodonn?

In a broader sense of the word nothing! The reasons are varied, but the most important are historical. In memory of Albanians Dodona came alive and preserved only through the traditions, myths and legends. In fact, these myths and legends often mention Dodona shrine. Interesting also is that the mountain of Tomori still today called "Mountain of God." People of those sides with respect and call him "Baba Tomori"! In "The Iliad", Homer's Achilles mouth says: "O Lord, King Dodonas Pellazgjik, who lives n'ato remote areas of rules over Dodonn dimrkeqe!" From traditions say Tomori mountain of previously called "Mali is the best". Semantics of the word "best" reveals all the special function of this mountain! While Strabo described the situation thus breaking the natural terrain to reach the Tomor: "No matter how tough it is full of big mountains like the other Tomori, Epirus and Illyria issue of brave men wise." So with this logic is to continue, will repeat that 'thon others who are obviously numerous. But in fact, more important for us is the discovery of the true function of Dodona. In the old historians and their historical records Dodona mentioned casually, so pale and just as a general fact. Let's call this thing differently as the first clash with ignorance or limitations which has suffered many times our history. It seems therefore that in our case we have more fog than information. Talk about Dodonn and for a moment forget that we refer to the institutional origins of man on earth. Dodona great fact included the first and oldest in the list of the 8-Orakujve first and foremost, being a part within the territorial network of these Orakujve, pushes us to thinking about ... And the list of eight Orakujve were: 1-Dodona, 2 - Delphi, 3-Delos, 4-Cythera? ..., 5-Omphalos? ..., 6-Akrotin? ..., Paphos? ..., 7 - Tritoni? ..., 8 El-Taking? ..., 9-Bands! The names are known, but some of them were not yet determined location. For some others also did not clarify the background is, so they are questionable in the end. By their function, except Dodona and Delphi that approximate to one another, others are different. Dodona oracle code is: 1. Location - Mount of Tomori, Western Centre, 2. Tree symbol - Oak 3. Planet Saturn badge-4. East Divine - Human Being of the "bone of the Earth"! It is inexcusable that in school curricula or textbooks Dodona Albanian oral nor occupied, even casually. As for the writings of classical authors, the so-called Greco-Roman or Byzantine, terms that are becoming more suspicious now, one can easily mention names, as Homer, Aeschylus, Plato, Hesiod, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarku, Strabo, Pindari, Pliny, Apollodor technician, Polybius, Titus Libius, Stefan Byzantium, Eustathi etc ... Some of these names belong to the second period, it Byzantine. While the constellation of the European Renaissance to the present day, have distinguished names and foreign as Girolamo de Rada, Demetrius Kamarda, Shtjefn Gjeovi, Pericles Peas, Myzafer Korkuti Skender Anamali, Alexander Stipevi, Nermin Vlora (Falaski) Xhensila Kola, Mexhit Kokalari, Rasim Bedon, etc.. By foreign scholars let us mention: JGFon Han, Edwin Jacques, Michael Grand, Nicholas Hammond, Robert Temple, Erik Von Daniken, Robert D'angely, Enzo Gatti, John Wilkes, Edward Gibbon, Agnes Saville, and full of others, who will remember sometimes in this paper. But those who will carry the weight of my arguments on the subject of Dodona, are only a few authors. For coincidence want to mention Pericles Peas, Rasim Bedon, Robert Temple, Raymond Moody, Erik Von Daniken, etc.. Let's see now how we are approaching things. Dodona:from Maksim Zotaj

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