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on sample Counseling Session

In the late 1800s, school counseling was once known as the guidance profession; it is now an

important area of specialization within the larger counseling profession (Gladding, 2009;

Granello & Young, 2012; Nystul, 2011: Schimidt, 2008). The shool is the second home of

every student, where they can feel safe and warmth. Some students seek assistance and have

personal concerns that usually revolves with their relationship with others or with

themselves. Professional counselors support clients with their growth, offer advice on how to

avoid future issues, and provide therapy to address any issues they already have. In the

twenty-first century, counselors actively combat societal injustices. ( Granello & Young, 2012

). In this critique paper, I will highlight the important insights and realizations from the

sample counseling session to which I carefully listened.

The grade school counseling staff exhibits an overall good attitude throughout the whole

session after viewing and listening to the sample counseling session. She introduced herself at

the beginning of the session and make the client feel welcome and comfortable. Giving the

client advice to relax and not worry throughout the session and that it is strictly private and

confidential. The staff then asked the client his name and personal background, right after that

the staff asked what is his concern at the moment then the client began talking about his

concern and struggles. The staff listened intently to what the client is talking about and did not

interrupt him while he was focused on sharing his struggles and when the client paused
talking the staff directly ask what triggers him to feel the way he does and the client

comfortably answered the staff and went on with his sharing. I admire the consistency of the

grade school counseling staff in terms of listening and being attentive to the client. There was

a part where the client said something to himself if there will ever be a point in the future

where all will be well and the staff gladly and positively said that it will come someday at the

right time giving high hopes and comfort to the struggling client. It was also good that the

staff asked the client his coping abilities with his situation and that the counseling staff also

made sure to remind and commend the client for his awareness and realization in the positive

side of the coin. Nearing to the last part of the video, I noticed that the staff after hearing all

the concerns of the client she did not forget to ask the client if ever he has some goals in mind

in order to achieve his desired outcome for his situation that is I think one of the important

stage in counseling.

In addition to the critique mentioned, there is only one thing I noticed. The place is not really

comforting because of the background sound coming from the electric fan that was beside the

client. I believe that it is important for a counseling room to have a well lit and cozy ambiance

that in any way the client won’t feel disturbed throughout the entirety of the session.

Gladding, S. T. (2008). The impact of creativity in counseling. Journal of creativity in mental

health, 3(2), 97-104.
Granello, D. H., & Young, M. E. (2012). Counseling today. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Nystul, M. S. (2015). Introduction to counseling: An art and science perspective. Sage
Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive institutionalism: The explanatory power of ideas and discourse.

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