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Internet App / Distributed Sys

Lab 3

As a student of the University of Windsor, we confirm that we will keep the content of this
assignment confidential. We confirm that we have not received any unauthorized assistance
in preparing for or writing this assignment. We acknowledge that a mark of 0 may be
assigned for copied work.
Submitted to Prof. Usama Mir
Group 06

Dhruvil Niraj Shah (110089102)

Lizaben Viradiya (110089041)
Nizamudin Diwan (110087994)
Parth Vakil (110090559)

PART 1: Run Django from PyCharm

1. Start a new project in PyCharm as shown in the dialogue box below.
a. Open PyCharm and click on File à New Project

b. In left pane select “Django”

c. In dialog box enter path and project name (grocsite)

d. Enter the path to Python as the Base interpreter.

e. Click “More Settings” and enter Application name (myapp1)

f. Click Create
1. Once the project “grocsite” is created, click on Tools  Run After this, you
will see a console as follows:

In the console shown at the bottom of the above figure, do the following:
a) Create the project database

 Type the command migrate

 Verify that the database is created by checking the migration folder

b) Create admin user

 Type createsuperuser in console

 Enter username, email, and password as prompted

c) Start the server

 Click Run à Run ‘grocsite’.

 d) Go to where you should see this
PART 2: Edit to create the necessary models for grocery website. We will build
this grocery website step by step throughout the labs.
Write meaningful
comments using the # sign wherever necessary
from django.db import models
import datetime
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils import timezone
1) Add the following models
 Type with fields below:
class Type(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
a. Item with fields below:
class Item(models.Model):
type = models.ForeignKey(Type, related_name='items',
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
stock = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=100)
available = models.BooleanField(default=True)
b. Client with fields below:
class Client(User):
('WD', 'Windsor'),
('TO', 'Toronto'),
('CH', 'Chatham'),
('WL', 'WATERLOO'),]
fullname = models.CharField(max_length=50)
shipping_address = models.CharField(max_length=300, null=True,
city=models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=CITY_CHOICES,
interested_in = models.ManyToManyField(Type)

2. Create db tables (make sure myapp1 is included under INSTALLED_APPS in See what happens after each step.
a. Tools → Run
b. In the console, type makemigrations myapp1. Then, type sqlmigrate
myapp1 0001 #Check latest files in migrations dir. Finally, type migrate
c. Check the migrations folder and notice the changes stored in “0001_initial”
Table ‘Type’
 Primary key: id
Table ‘Item’
 Primary key: id
 Foreign key: type (Table ‘Type’ id)
Table ‘Client’
 Primary key: user_ptr
 Foreign key: interested_in (Table ‘Type’ id)

PART 3: Repeating the above process with the choice of your website.
 Go to the following link
 Choose any application you like from the 10 applications mentioned on the link
 Repeat all the steps described in PART 2 for your selected application such as:
o Creating at least 3 classes in (like you created type, item, and
o One of the above classes should be the user or the client
o Each class should have variety of fields (Ex. Boolean, decimal, choice).
At least 4 fields in two classes
o Usage of foreignkey, default, null, and blank for the fields
 Upload your file on Brightspace
Answer: Among the ten projects, we have chosen Pinterest and have added four classes to User, Board, Pin, and Image. CharField, BooleanField, URLField, as well as
foreign key, default null, and blank fields, are included in the class. The class we developed,
which mentions the field, is seen below.

class Pin:

 pin_id
 image
 description
 source_url
 created_at
 full_name
 user
 like_count
class Board
 board_id
 Name
 description
 created_at
 pin
 Url
class image
 image_id
 description
 pin
 url
 uploaded_at

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