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Professor (a):
OZIEL R. LEITE Disciplina:
ENGLISH Bimestre:

Aluno (a): Série/turma:

7º Valor:
/ /2017 Nota:

 Leia atentamente cada questão da avaliação antes de respondê-la;
 Letra legível é imprescindível, bem como a revisão sua avaliação antes de entregá-la;
 Durante a prova o aluno não deverá comunicar-se com outros alunos e nem fazer o empréstimo de materiais.
 Será atribuída nota zero ao aluno que for surpreendido colando, dando cola ou usando de meios não permitidos.
 Vale ressaltar que conforme a lei nº 16.993/2010 do Estado de Goiás é proibido o manuseio de celular em sala de aula. Se o professor
verificar que o aluno está portando/manuseando celular durante a avaliação, a mesma será anulada.

QUESTÃO 01 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: identificar informação específica em textos em Língua Inglesa.
Leia o texto. (Read the text.).

Football is a very popular sport. Every day, somewhere in the world children are playing football together.

Children play football on the beach, in the city, in the park and at school. During the summer, kids like to play football on
the beach.

Lots of children want to be professional football players. In some countries there are professional football teams for

The World Cup competition happensevery four years. Football fans all over the world watch the World Cup on TV.

Lots of fans are football crazy. They want everyone to know which team they support. They wave flags and football
scarves. They wear wigs and they paint their faces. They play music and they sing football songs.

Sometimes fans are happy and sometimes they’re very sad. Everyone wants their team to win!

CANT, Amanda. Football crazy.Macmillan children’s readers.Adapted.

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According to the text, what kids like to do during summer?

a) They like to watch the World Cup on TV.

b) They like to play music and sing football songs.
c) They like to support their team.
d) They like to play football on the beach.

QUESTÃO 02 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada do simple past em Língua Inglesa.
Read the sentence.
Football is a very popular sport.
Assinale a opção cuja frase em destaque acima é representada no simple past.
a) Football were a very popular sport.
b) Football are a very popular sport.
c) Football was a very popular sport.
d) Football isn’t a very popular sport.

QUESTÃO 03 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada das preposições de tempo em Língua Inglesa.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.
The match Brazil × Chile starts ____ 9:30 p.m.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) of

QUESTÃO 04 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: Relacionar vocabulário a sua respectiva representação imagética.

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What is the weather like in the forest?
a) It’s foggy and cold.
b) It’s windy and hot.
c) It’s rainy and freezing.
d) It’s sunny and hot.

QUESTÃO 05 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: Relacionar vocabulário a sua respectiva representação imagética.
Leia o seguinte dialogo e responda.

a) com quem Leo passou o fim de semana?


b) Nos balões dois e três Leo conta para Allan como foi seu fim de semana. Leia novamente o dialogo e responda em português;
como estava o tempo e sobre qual dia da semana ele está falando?

QUESTÃO 06 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada do simple past em Língua Inglesa.
Change the sentences into simple past.
a) I am Toby’s classmate. I was toby´s classmate_______________________________________________
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b) It´s a nice day. __________________________________________________________________________
c) They are at a birthday party. ________________________________________________________________
d) Kitty is a student in our school. ______________________________________________________________
e) Jim is a good student. _____________________________________________________________

QUESTÃO 07 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada do simple past em Língua Inglesa.
Complete com o verbo to be no simple past: was / were (not).

QUESTÃO 08 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada das preposições de tempo em Língua Inglesa.
Complete with IN, ON or AT

Texto para as questões 09 e 10.

Powerful waterspouts leave 38 injured and damage dozens of homes as freak storms hit Cuba
Dramatic moments were lived by residents in Cuba after a freak storm that hit a beach, creating powerful waterspouts that
knocked over homes and injured residents. According to reports, several waterspouts formed on Saturday night (July 2, 2016) at
Playa Caimito in Cuba’s south amidst a severe 17 7o Avaliação Integrada de Aprendizagem ano | Caderno 5 storm. A resident
said: “It was impressive how the water was coming out and you see how the water was rising and the dark clouds. A waterspout is
a column of cloud-filled wind rotating over a body of water. The water inside a waterspout is formed by condensation in the cloud
and require high levels of humidity and warm water temperature. They are most common in tropical and sub-tropical waters.
Available at: . July 1st, 2016. Adapted.

Storm – tempestade
To hit – atingir
Waterspout – tromba-d'água

QUESTÃO 09 (Valor: 06)

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Indicador: aplicar a forma adequada do simple past em Língua Inglesa.
According to the text, which sentence below is using the correct form of the verb to be in the Simple Past?
a) A severe storm is the reason for destruction at Playa Caimito in Cuba on Sunday.
b) A severe storm was the reason for destruction at Playa Caimito in Cuba on Saturday.
c) A severe storm were the reason for destruction at Playa Caimito in Cuba on Saturday.
d) A severe storm weren’t the reason for destruction at Playa Caimito in Cuba on July 2, 2016.

QUESTÃO 10 (Valor: 06)

Indicador: identificar informação específica em textos em Língua Inglesa.
According to the text, what was the weather like in Cuba on Saturday night?
a) It was foggy and cold.
b) It was hot and snowy.
c) It was warm and sunny.
d) It was windy and cloudy.

Have a nice job!

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