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1899 Constitution (Malolos Constitution)

• Spanish reign of terror

• Filipino Spanish trace
• Exile of Aguinaldo
• Declaration of PH Independence
• US Spain Secret Agreement
• First PH Republic (Malolos Republic)

Salient Features of 1899 Constitution

• Popular Representative Government

• Unicameral Legislator
• Separation of Church & State
• Bill of Rights
• Compulsory & Basic Education

*Not fully implemented due to eruption of PH-US war

Americans colonized PH

1935 Constitution (Commonwealth Government)

Salient Features of 1935 Constitution

• Bicameral Legislator
• 4-year term for the President and Vice President without re-election
• Right to vote 21+ male citizens extended to women

*The implementation was interrupted fue to Japanese occupation

Japanese invasion- World War II broke out

1943 Constitution (Japanese Government)

Salient Features of 1943 Constitution

• Strong executive powers
• Unicameral National Assembly
• Short lived constitution because Americans came back and gave us
independence on July 4, 1846.

1973 Constitution (Marcos Administration)

• It was in the year 1972 when Marcos declared Martial Law because of the
growing communists but as they said, he did this to influence the ongoing
Constitutional Convention.

Salient Features of 1973 Constitution

• First in the history that PH had a parliamentary government with Prime

Minister and a President.
• Powers of legislative was vested in a unicameral National Assembly. •
All decrees, proclamations, orders of President become legalized

1986 Constitution (Freedom Constitution)

• It was a verbatim copy of the 1973 Constitution but with the reduced
provisions of Batasang Pambansa.
• Aquino vested with both legislative and executive powers.
• Become a transitional constitution

1987 Constitution (Present Constitution)

• Upholds national sovereignty

• Democratic governance and prevention of another dictatorship
• Respect for human rights and civil liberties
• Promotion of social justice

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