PurComm Debate

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Resolved: That establishment of big business kills small enterprises around it

Constructive Speech: (affirmative side)

: In a business world, entrepreneurs should consider the impact of the business they would put up whether it is
large or small business that will surely contributes to the growth of the economy. Brian Tracy once said "Dream
big! There are no limits to how good you can become or how high you can rise except the limits you put on
yourself." And I totally agree with this, why don't you step out of your comfort zone and build a large business
rather than a small one when you vision your business to run into a massive event in the succeeding years and
thousands of people in audience doing a fun conference? Isn't it inspiring yet challenging at the same time that the
entrepreneurial spirit within you makes you strive towards excellence that leads you to achieve the ultimate
success for your business?

Having an established big business overpowers small enterprises because of the means of sufficient and greater
access of resources and more established reputation and name recognition which make it easier to gain the trust
of the customers and skilled workers employed in the business which small enterprises are lacking of with. From
the book "What it takes" from Stephen A. Schwarzman, he says that it takes just as much energy and effort to run
a small business and make it successful as it is to scale and build a large business and he argues that if it's the same
effort and same work, why not go after the big business? Why not go after it when the earning potential is way
bigger? Based on the research, a firm's efficiency is affected by its size. It is believed that large firms are more
efficient than small ones because they have gaining advantages from economies of scale and how it expands its
scale of operations, the more it would be move into its long run that sometimes small businesses failed to achieve.


: I want to raise a statement about what you said earlier. “Why not go over big businesses” and why not
go after it when the earning is way bigger?”

Answer to the interpellation:: We all know that a large business has a financial resource to invest in foreign
markets. This means that they can expand their market share without having to rely on the domestic market to
drive their growth prospects. Research says that larger firms generally have better access to external financing,
and monopolistic firms, which tend to be larger, have better access to internal financing because of their generally
higher profitability.

Constructive speech: (negative side)

: "A good big man will always beat an equally good small man"

Just like in business, a small enterprise can be better than a big enterprise because of agility and
adaptability due to their size and scale, big businesses are usually distant from their customers, and the
feedback travels further to reach decision-makers.

Smaller firms, on the other hand, have more personal interactions and communication with their clients.
This means they can provide greater customer service, implement immediate product/service
enhancements, and adjust to industry changes more quickly than larger competitors. Aside from that,
smaller firms are considerably better at identifying limited areas that are underserved or disregarded by
large corporations due to the small market size.

In order to reach a decreasing number of customers, large corporations frequently expand features and
capabilities. This means that their service is frequently overly costly or overdesigned for many people.
What I am pointing out is that, a small firms can create a basic alternative for the same demand and
better serve the market's bottom. They can still gradually advance under the "protection" of the large


: You said that, small business can implement immediate product/service enhancements? Are you sure with this,
do you have a basis for this argument?

Answer to the interpellation:

: Yes. Because whether it is in big or small businesses, consistent improvement is critical for its success.
Just like in big corporation, small firms have also goals to ensure that they continue to move forward
and improve. The basis of this is that, imagine a ship without its shipbuilders. For it to sail there are
hardworking workers inside that make it glides and move with a smooth continuous motion. So, just like
in business. Small firms can implement immediate product and provide service enhancement to
promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth for it to build a resilient economic development.

Rebuttal: (affirmative side)

: I disagree that small businesses provide greater customer service. I would like to reiterate what I have said earlier
that big business has more established reputation and the way they achieve that, is because of they also value
their stakeholders and other factors both internal and external. They take things a step further to exceed rather
than just meet expectations.

-I doubt that small business implements immediate product/service enhancements where in fact, they have to use
additional resources with that and it takes time to equip such resources.

Rebuttal: (negative side)

: Although it may appear that large corporations hold power, small firms are essential to their success.
Why? Because there areas wherein small business represents opportunities than large corporation.
First, the vendors. Small enterprises may be able to meet specialized demands or address edge
circumstances that larger providers may not. Second, our dearest customers. With over million small
businesses globally, it's no surprise that small businesses provide for a considerable portion of many
large enterprises' entire addressable market or significant growth potential. Third, the competitors,
small firms can alert large corporations to new trends and needs. And last, our partners/shareholders.
By merging their separate offers and giving unique value to clients, small firms can offer synergy to
major organizations. So, large corporations would not be able to prosper in the same way if small firms
did not exist. Small enterprises offer numerous important prospects that should not be disregarded.

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