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Rubric A 4 3 2 1

Cinematography Excellent Good Minimally Poor

composition; composition; acceptable composition;
camera camera composition; camera
movement is movement is camera movement is
smooth; use of smooth; use of movement is very erratic;
lighting is lighting is good; erratic; lighting lighting quality
effective; uses a uses some quality is is very
variety of variety of problematic; problematic;
effective shots effective shots uses little weak, repetitive
but lacks variety in shots shots

Storytelling/ Conveys idea(s) Conveys idea(s) Does not Lack of idea(s)

Script Quality or story to the or story to the convey ideas or or story. The
audience in an audience in an story to the purpose of the
effective way. effective way. audience in an film has not
The film is The film effective way. been identified
compelling and accomplishes The purpose of or the video
the purpose of the purpose of the film is does not match
the project is the project. suggested, but the purpose.
clearly it is unclear.
Rubric B 4 3 2 1
Audio Editing The audio is clear The audio is clear, The audio is Audio is cut-off
and effectively but only partially inconsistent in and inconsistent. It
assists in assists in clarity at times interferes with
communicating the communicating the and doesn’t understanding of
main idea. story being told. communicate the the story. The
The audio editing story well. The dialogue is absent
enhances the viewer has to or inaudible.
storytelling and strain to hear the
adds value and dialogue
atmosphere to the

Sound Design The sound design The sound design The sound design The sound design is
stirs a rich stirs an emotional does not stir and distracting,
emotional response response that emotional response. inappropriate, or
that enhances the somewhat enhances It detracts from the completely missing.
storytelling. It adds the storytelling. It storytelling.
excellent value and add good value and
atmosphere to the atmosphere to the
story. story.
Rubric C 4 3 2 1

Film Editing Excellent use of Good use of Poor use of Little to no use
transitions and transitions and transitions and of transitions and
effects; very effects; smooth effects; effects;
smooth blend blend between inappropriate distracting edits
between scenes; scenes; edits are blend between between scenes
invisible edits unobtrusive scenes; edits are

Creativity Film shows Film shows Film shows little Film shows no
evidence of some evidence evidence of evidence of
imagination and of imagination imagination and imagination and
creativity. and creativity. creativity. There creativity.
There is There is is minimal There is no
thoughtfulness thoughtfulness thoughtfulness to thoughtfulness to
to the style and to the style and the style and the style and
mood that suits mood that suits mood that suits mood that suits
the film. the film. the film. the film.

Rubric D 4 3 2 1
Continuity Scenes flow Scenes decently Scenes flow Scenes flow
smoothly from flow from one to poorly from one weakly from
one to the next the next and to the next and one to the next
and match the somewhat match do not really and do not
“mood” of the the “mood” of match the match the
storyline. There the storyline. “mood” of the “mood” of the
are no lapses in There are storyline. storyline at all.
continuity. minor/small There are many The film is
lapses in lapses in disjointed in
continuity. continuity. significant

Originality Film shows Film shows Film shows an Film is a rehash

considerable some originality. attempt at of other people’s
originality. The The content and originality in ideas and/or
content and ideas ideas are part of the images and show
are presented in presented in an presentation. very little attempt
a unique and interesting way. at original
interesting way. thought.

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