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Investment Archetypes

Article  in  Journal of Behavioral Finance · January 2013

DOI: 10.1080/15427560.2013.761631

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Jason Voss
CFA Institute


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Journal of Behavioral Finance

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Investment Archetypes
Jason A. Voss
CFA Institute Content Director of Behavioral Finance and Asoapovo Productions, Inc.

To cite this article: Jason A. Voss (2013): Investment Archetypes, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 14:1, 79-81

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ISSN: 1542-7560 / 1542-7579 online
DOI: 10.1080/15427560.2013.761631


Investment Archetypes
Jason A. Voss
CFA Institute Content Director of Behavioral Finance and Asoapovo Productions, Inc.

Priming is a well-researched phenomenon in behavioral finance. A form of priming is the

susceptibility of the mind to archetypes, or generalizations of businesses and individuals.
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Investment archetypes can lead to faulty financial decision making.

Keywords: Archetypes, Priming, Behavioral finance, Investment archetypes

Archetypes are generic, idealized models of persons or of Most people identify with an archetype and modify their
concepts. They are patterns of behavior and appearance that behavior and appearance to conform to one. Someone might
serve as molds for personalities and for understanding. choose to be the guy who buys a Harley Davidson motorcycle
Let us discuss an example of an archetype. In most action in his late 30s or early 40s and now goes riding on the week-
films, who is the protagonist? It is the loner hero who is an ex- ends. Or someone might be the suburban yogini who rarely
special forces soldier who is treated badly by his government, misses a chance to roll out the yoga mat. Someone might
but nonetheless remains a patriot and is reliably called upon now be the straight gal and guy who never do the things that
to do the right thing in a time of crisis. This is a classic got them into trouble as a sorority sister/fraternity brother.
archetype and we all recognize him. There are many other Whatever archetype is chosen, most people adopt the per-
archetypes. missible behaviors and appearance of their chosen archetype
The benefit of archetypes in life is that they aid in com- fully.
municating much information quickly about a subject with- Trusting in archetypes is not usually costly when you
out having to do much analysis. The brain seems hard-wired choose how you present yourself to the world, or assess a
when meeting new people to quickly assess the person and to new acquaintance or watch a movie. But in investing trust-
determine with which archetype the new acquaintance most ing archetypes is deadly to your investment returns. It is
resonates. For example, when talking about a friend, you essential to conduct analysis of reality not psychological
might say, “I have a friend Bob who is a perpetual bachelor phantoms. Here are the main investment archetypes to steer
. . .” As soon as your listener hears you say “perpetual bach- clear of:
elor,” he or she pretty much knows Bob. One probably does
not need to hear any more stories about Bob to determine how
• The Rocket Ship
he will react in certain situations either. So archetypes aid in
• The Immortal One
the speedy conveyance of information and sometimes they
• Old Ironsides
aid in understanding. But the problem is that archetypes are
• The Plague Company
generalities and obscure as much as they reveal. Archetypes
• A Stranger Comes to Town
are not a substitute for real analysis. For example, what if
• The Boy Genius
Bob is not a perpetual bachelor but is instead impotent? In
this situation the assessment of Bob is obviously incorrect.
You probably recognize some of these archetypes from the
colorful names I gave them, but let us explore them in depth.
Address correspondence to Jason A. Voss, CFA, Content Director, CFA
Pay close attention to whether or not you personally identify
Institute–Product Solutions, 477 Madison Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, with one of the archetypal businesses and have invested in
NY 10022. E-mail: one.

THE ROCKET SHIP an investment has earned your respect after much thorough
The Rocket Ship is the hot growth company that has a new The Immortal One is potentially dangerous for investors
product that serves a new and quickly growing market. It is because the company that “never fails to deliver” eventually
primarily characterized by the word EXCITEMENT. These does just that. Because of the unexpected nature of the failure,
businesses receive lots of attention from investors in the it usually leads to huge declines in the company’s stock.
form of an ever-increasing stock price. Price fluctuations are The Immortal One is also dangerous because most investors
extremely sensitive to news—any news—as well as attention secretly harbor desires of finding the next Immortal One
in the form of gossip. You know these companies well, don’t before anyone else. That “find” is the investor’s ticket to
you? If there is positive news, then there is liftoff in the share fame and fortune. I myself have fallen prey to this sort of
prices. If there is negative news, then there is meltdown in thinking in my career several times, including my thinking
the share prices. about International Rectifier.
Often Rocket Ship businesses occupy a disproportionate It is possible that the company in question truly is ex-
share of the evening business shows’ news flow. You hear the traordinary, so you must be careful to avoid dismissing every
names of these companies and of their executives, as well company just because it neatly fits the archetype of the Im-
as the companies’ stories talked-up in coffee houses, in taxi mortal One.
cabs, and by your friends and relatives. For a business to be
widely gossiped about, it is a good sign that the business is a
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There is a mythic quality to the story of the Rocket Ship
that is similar to the fascination people have with this season’s Occupying the space directly opposite the Rocket Ship is
“great sports team” or this season’s “hot celebrity.” Old Ironsides. This is the boring old battleship company that
The problem is that rocket ships almost always disinte- refuses to die, yet steadily and reliably executes its missions
grate in the atmosphere on their ascent to the heavens or fall despite competition and disdain from most investors. These
back to earth. The excitement surrounding the Rocket Ships businesses are those founded several generations ago and
causes investors to ignore obvious and pertinent data about have names that are known by multiple generations of folks
the business that otherwise would cause them to not invest. who either use or know about their products. Old Ironsides
For example, the “hot market” whose product the Rocket companies cannot move very fast, are not sexy, and the per-
Ship manufactures for is not really growing as fast as peo- ception is that they are to be retired soon along with the other
ple anticipated. Or the “hot market” has many new Rockets relics of a bygone era. The share prices of these companies
launching simultaneously. Or the astronaut-executives do not are typically more stable and often they pay (gasp!) a div-
know how to stabilize the flight of the Rocket company and idend. That is how unsexy they are—they actually provide
they themselves prepare to abandon the ship and its passen- their investors with a cash return.
gers. Or the Rocket company is not built that well and the The danger is that investors might never see the vast po-
higher it flies the more strain is put on it. tential for return that Old Ironsides can provide because their
The company you are examining may fit the archetype of eyes are firmly fixed on the sky looking for Rocket Ships.
the Rocket Ship well, but like most generalities, the com- Often the real opportunity of Old Ironsides takes the form
pany fails at the margins. That is, archetypes fail to describe of its dividends or the financial assets of the company (i.e.,
issues unique to a business, ones that determine whether the stock) being purchased inexpensively so that capital gains
business turns out to be a good investment or not. are a real possibility. The other danger for investors is trust-
ing Old Ironsides’ archetypal story to such a degree that they
miss that Old Ironsides is, in fact, rusty and about to capsize
THE IMMORTAL ONE under its own behemoth weight. Again, you must evaluate
and evaluate more, and never rely upon an archetype to do
A close corollary to the Rocket Ship business is the Immortal your thinking for you.
One (also known as the Perfect One). This is the company
that walks on water and can do no wrong. It is the company
with which most others, typically the Rocket Ship compa- THE PLAGUE COMPANY
nies, are compared. The Immortal One’s earnings are said
to be “predictable,” or that “they always make their earnings Just as the Rocket Ship has its extreme version, as the Immor-
estimates,” or “they always exceed their earnings estimate by tal One, there is also an extreme case for Old Ironsides, as the
at least $0.02.” It is usually the case that extreme adjectives Plague Company. This company is diseased and about to die.
are used to describe the Immortal One, such as phenomenal, Investors avert their eyes from the Plague Company because
spectacular, incredible, once-in-a-lifetime, and so forth. But it is painful to look at and they do not want to “get any of it
adjectives are to be handed out like war medals only after on ‘em” lest their investment portfolios implode. The Plague

Company can do no right and is the butt of investors’ jokes with the corpses of Strangers who have taken the job of
and the target of ridicule from most of the investment com- sheriff in the new town and that are killed by the same
munity, including professional investors, investment news circumstances as the old sheriff. Again, the Stranger might
providers, and academics. The academics might talk of us- be what the company needs to right itself, but then again,
ing the Plague Company as a case study for business school archetypes are no substitute for analysis.
students of how not to run a business.
The danger is the Plague Company may not be terminally
ill but rather just going through a period of severe illness. THE BOY GENIUS
There are whole and famous investment careers founded on
the identification and pursuit of Plague Companies. You can The Boy Genius is the human equivalent of the Immortal One.
bet that if the news about a company includes a discussion of This is the portfolio manager, investment adviser, business
“emergency financing,” a “white knight,” or the firm being news pundit, or investment newsletter writer who walks on
on its “last legs,” it must be a Plague Company. Like the Im- water. The story begins when the boy genius was a young man
mortal Ones, you are careful with the Plague Company. This and he worked very hard selling lemonade or newspapers.
is because price declines can be sharp, sudden, and frequent He then parlayed this quaint occupation into his first virginal
until the Plague Company stabilizes its health. Scrutinize, investment, which of course made him an instant millionaire.
and do not stereotype. Now when the Boy Genius is not living the life of luxury he
pontificates about currencies or commodities or stocks that
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are just as sexy as his lifestyle is sexy. The story of the

A STRANGER COMES TO TOWN Boy Genius only includes the misfortunes of his mother and
father’s economic means, but never the misfortunes of his
A Stranger-Comes-to-Town company is one whose manage- investment choices. A skewing toward perfection in the story
ment fails to satisfy either their customers or their capital of an investor is a sure sign of the Boy Genius archetype
owners, so they get on horses and leave town in a real big attempting to work you over.
hurry. Then a stranger comes to town and saves the company Your familiarity with these archetypes allows you to see
from the evils that hound it. New management is of course through the obscuring smoke of news around most busi-
the Stranger. Frequently they are heroes from a similar nesses. This is because most investment news is of the same
company, heroes from another and sexier industry, or heroes character, retelling the same old investment myths involving
from another business era. The Strangers are brought in to the same old investment archetypes. Always remember that
resuscitate the business and to save the day. The thinking every investment situation is unique and requires real analy-
usually goes something like, “Well Bobby saved the XYZ sis to be understood well. Once you start paying attention to
Company and that was a tougher situation than this one; archetypes you will likely be amazed at just how pervasive
therefore, Company ABC is going to be turned around and they are and just how strongly they affect the perception of a
be just as successful.” The investment battlefield is littered business. Beware and be aware. Take no shortcuts!

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