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Name: FABROS, Frea Maree C.

Date: 11-11-20
Grade and Section: 12F Subject Teacher: Ms. Jessa Aldovino

Asynchronous Activity 2.2

Type of Power Definition Consequences

Police power is the right to protect the 1.Police may abuse the
country and its population from power given to them.
threats to the public health and safety. 2 . Expanded administrative
The inherent authority and responsibilities for municipal
responsibility of a state or sovereign governments licensing
government, generally delegated in private police.
Police Power part to municipalities, to make any 3. Limited constitutional
laws reasonable and necessary to restraints on private security
preserve public safety and protection, employees compared to
morality, health, and property that can public police.
neither be surrendered by the
legislature nor totally transferred from
the state.
"Eminent Domain"-also known as" 1. It is a system that is easily
condemnation"-is the right of local,
abused. Owners will petition
state or federal government entities to
governments for an eminent
seize private land for "public use" as
domain filing so that the fair
long as the government offers "only
market value will be paid to
compensation." Even if the owner does
the lone dissenter and have
Power of Eminent
not want to sell his or her property,
them forced out. Then the
the government may exercise the property gets developed and
power of eminent domain. sold for an even higher price.
2. Fair compensation isn’t
always fair.
3. It creates the foundation
for mass evictions.
The power by which the sovereign, 1.Evaluating business
through its law-making body, raises expenses. Increases the
revenue to defray the necessary expenses that businesses
expenses of the government. It is face, which makes it more
merely a way of apportioning the cost difficult for them to achieve
Power of Taxation of the government among those who in profitability.
some measure are privileged to enjoy 2. Redistribution of Wealth.
its benefits and must bear its burdens. Sometimes referred to as a
"redistribution of wealth"
because different people face
different tax burdens and
some people benefit more
from government programs
than others do
3. Exploring Government
Power. Increases the power
of government, because a
government can support
more programs if it has more
revenue. Opponents of
strong government argue
that the private sector rather
than government agencies
should allocate resources
and provide services.

Bates, N. (1989, August), Special Police Powers: Pros and Cons, Security Management
Volume 33, Issue 8. Retrieved from
California Eminent Domain Law Group. (2020, November 11), Chapter 1: The Power
of Eminent Domain, California Eminent Domain Law Group. Retrieved from
Gaille, B. (2015, June 21), 8 Pros and Cons of Eminent Domain, Brandon-Gaille Small
Business & Marketing Advice. Retrieved from
Hamel, G. (2018, October 19), Disadvantages of Taxes, Pocket Sense. Retrieved from
Soliguen, Z. (2016, October 25), The Basic about Taxation in the Philippines. Retrived
The LSU Medical and Public Health Law Site. (2009, April 19), The Police Power, The
LSU Medical and Public Health Law Site. Retrieved from

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