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INDU 6411 Human Factors Engineering

Assignment 1, due 2:30 p.m., February 1, 2023

(to be submitted online on Moodle)
Also, the following statement must be written on each assignment that you submit:
“I certify that this submission is my original work and meets the Gina Cody School's Expectations
of Originality”, with your name, signature, I.D. #, and the date.

1 The anatomical position is when a person is standing straight, feet pointing forward, the arms
hanging down besides the body and the palms of the hands facing forward. One can describe the
relationship / orientation of one body part with respect to another using anatomical directions.
These can always be described in pairs. As a non-anatomical example, Montreal is north and west
of Boston, and Boston is south and east of Montreal. Give the pairs of descriptions relating the
following anatomical structures:

A I once had a colleague who had lost his right arm in a war. To greet him, I stuck out my left
hand to shake his left hand. When you are about to shake someone’s left hand: Base of the
thumb and tip of the ring finger of your left hand.

B When you are lying in bed on your left side, with your knees pulled up: Heart and rib cage

C When you are sitting on the floor with straight legs on the floor: Little toe of your right foot and
inside of your right ankle

D For the position mentioned in A above: left elbow and left wrist

E When you are standing straight with your head turned looking to your left: Right eye and C7

2 Many anthropometric dimensions can be represented by a normal distribution.

A If the 50th %ile Sitting height is 932 mm and the standard deviation is 37 mm, calculate the 7th
%ile and 89th %ile Sitting height values

B If the mean Standing elbow height is 1000 mm and the 8th %ile Standing elbow height is 927
mm, calculate the Standard deviation and 84th %ile Standing elbow height values

C If the 4th %ile Forward reach is 753 mm and the standard deviation 38 mm, calculate the mean
and 79th %ile Forward reach values

D If the 11th %ile Standing eye height is 1438 mm and the 82nd %ile Standing eye height is 1576
mm, calculate the 98th %ile and 3rd %ile Standing eye height values

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