Língua Inglesa Simulado 3º Bimestre

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Read the text.

“It is finished”, he said, “and I’m brilliant. Brilliant and clever. And he is beautiful!”
Doctor Frankenstein looked at his work. On the table was a man. He was very big, over two and
a half metres tall and he wasn’t beautiful at all. In fact he was
extremely ugly.
“My friends made fun of me when I said I could invente a man”, said Frankenstein, “but I was
right! I was right!”
The man’s body was big and his legs were fat. His arms were too long, they touched his knees.
He had two left feet. They were enormous. The head was huge with a small mouth and short black hair.
His face was yellow. His skin was like leather and his ears, one big and one small, were purple. His eyes
were closed.
“What a lot of work”, thought Frankenstein. “A year’s work, but I’m satisfied. A year of experiments and
sleepless nights. But now, I’m ready for the final test!
Everyday I went to the hospitals to buy bodies. When there weren’t any, I went to the cemeteries.
I went to every town in the district. But it was very difficult. Some people are short and some are tall. Some
are fat, others are thin. Why can’t people be the same size?”[...]
“Now, all I need is a storm. A storm that will produce enough electricity to put life into my
creature. Then my experiment will be complete. He will be good, kind and very intelligent, like me! I will be
famous! I’ll be in all the newspapers! I will probably get the Nobel Prize!” SHELLEY, M. Frankenstein. Richmond
readers, 2005. p. 2-8. Adapted.

Clever: inteligente; esperto.
Over: mais de.
To make fun of: rir de; fazer piada de.
To invent: inventar; criar.
Knee: joelho.
Left: esquerdo.
Huge: enorme; muito grande.
Leather: couro.
Experiment: teste; experimento.
Sleepless: insone; que não consegue dormir.
Town: cidade.
Size: tamanho.
Storm: tempestade; temporal.
Enough: suficiente; bastante.

He was big, fat, long, enormous, huge, small mouth, short black hair...etc.

According to the text, how long did Dr. Frankenstein take to complete his work?

31 What did Doctor Frankenstein do?

a) He helped a sick man.
b) He produced electricity.
c) He won the Nobel Prize.
d) He created a man.

32 Complete the sentence.

He went to the cemeteries two weeks _______.
Mark the correct option.
a) for
b) since
c) ago
d) already

33 Read the sentence.

Doctors will study Frankenstein’s creature.
Change the sentence into the passive voice. Mark the correct option.
a) D octors will be studied by Frankenstein’s creature.
b) Frankenstein’s creature will be studied by doctors.
c) Frankenstein’s creature will study by doctors.
d) Frankenstein’s creature will studied by doctors.

Read the text.

When Carrie entered the room, her sister Debra showed her a list of names.
“Here’s the list you asked for: some friends to invite to your birthday party”.
Carrie took the paper and read the list. “You forgot Paul’s name,” she said.
“Are you going to invite Paul to your party?” Debra asked, surprised.
“Of course I am. What’s the problem?”
“Nobody invites Paul to parties. He’s strange.”
“What do you mean, strange?” Carrie cried. “He’s my friend. We always walk home
from school together, and we talk a lot. He’s a little shy, I guess. But shyness doesn’t
make anyone strange.”
Debra stood up.
“Well, it’s your birthday party. You may invite anyone you want, even the Big Bad
Wolf. But Paul… parties aren’t his kind of thing. He won’t come.”
“We’ll see about that,” Carrie said.
“Yes, we’ll see.”
Carrie stayed in the room after Debra left. She didn’t like her sister’s attitude. It wasn’t
fair! A lot of people at school avoided Paul because of his quiet ways. But she liked his
company. What if he was kind of scatterbrained? Nobody was perfect.
“Paul will come on Saturday, I’m sure. Debra will see. They all will see! He’s not
However, it was only Tuesday, and there were some really strange things coming her
way before Saturday...
[...] RIOS, R. Time travel. São Paulo: Moderna, 1997. p. 3-5.

Shy: tímido.
To guess: achar; supor.
Shyness: timidez.
To stand up: ficar em pé.
Even: até mesmo.
Kind: tipo.
To leave: sair; partir.
Fair: justo.
To avoid: evitar.
Way: jeito; modo.
Scatterbrained: distraído.
However: contudo; todavia.

34 According to the text, mark the correct option.

a) Carrie will invite Paul to her birthday party.
b) Paul has many friends at school.
c) Debra and Carrie think that Paul is a strange boy.
d) Paul is preparing his birthday party.
35 Complete the sentence with the verb in the Present Perfect.
Carrie and Paul ____________ friends for two years. (to be)
Mark the correct option.
a) has been
b) have being
c) has be
d) have been


Read the text.

Your leg bones are the longest and strongest bones in your body. When you
stand or walk, all the weight of your upper body rests on them. Each leg is made up of
four bones. The three long bones are your femur, your tibia and your fibula. The fourth
bone is your small patella, which is better known as the kneecap.
Your femur, or thighbone, is the largest bone in your body. The head of your
femur fits into your hip and the bottom end connects to your knee.
Available at: <www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/ body/factfiles/leg/leg_and_foot.shtml>. May 6 th, 2017.

Weight – peso.
Upper – superior.
To be made up – ser constituído; formado.
To fit – encaixar.

31 According to the text, what are the bones that form each leg?
a) Femur, thighbone, tibia and fibula.
b) Femur, tibia and fibula.
c) Femur, tibia, fibula, small patella and kneecap.
d) Thighbone, tibia, fibula and kneecap.

32 According to the text, which is the largest bone in the human body?
a) The tibia.
b) The kneecap.
c) The thighbone.
d) The fibula.

33 What is the position of the femur?

a) In the upper body.
b) Between the hip and the knee.
c) Between the knee and the ankle.
d) Near the intestines.

Read the text.

Some curious facts about human body
The lightest organ in the human body is the lung. Adult lungs have a surface area of
around 70
square meters!
The smallest bone found in the human body is located in the middle ear. The stapes (or
stirrup) bone
is only 2.8 millimeters long.
The jaw is the strongest muscle in the human body in terms of exerting force.
Some curious facts about human body. Available at: <http://biotechnologyclass.blogspot.com.br /
2012/01/some-curious-facts-about-human-body.html>. May 7th, 2017.

Lung – pulmão.
Square meters – metros quadrados.
Ear – ouvido.
Stapes / stirrup – estribo.
Jaw – mandíbula.
Exerting – exercido, aplicado.
34 What alternative represents the best question to the answer below?
Q: _____________________?
A: The lung.
Mark the correct alternative.
a) Q: What is the smallest organ in the human body?
b) Q: What is the least heavy organ in the human body?
c) Q: What is the most important organ in the human body?
d) Q: What is the strongest muscle organ in the human body?

35 Read the sentence.

The jaw is the strongest muscle in the human body.
What option is correctly written and closest in meaning to the sentence?
a) The jaw is the most powerful muscle in the human body.
b) The jaw is the most strong muscle in the human body.
c) The jaw is stronger than a muscle in the human body.
d) The jaw is the highest muscle in the human body.

Read the text.

Scorpions at Charles de Gaulle Airport
Customs officers at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris seized 115 live
The scorpions were travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA. There,
people were going to sell them on the Internet.
The scorpions are from a protected species. Luckily for the customs officers,
this species is not dangerous to humans.
This incident is not the first one. In 2014, French customs seized almost 14,000
live animals.
Available at: <www.newsinlevels.com/products/scorpions-at-charles-de-gaulle-airport-level-2/>. March 8 th, 2016.

Custom officer – funcionário da alfândega.
To seize – tomar; confiscar.
Specie – espécie animal.
Luckily – por sorte.

According to the text, what is the incident?

a) Scorpions attacked people at Charles de Gaulle airport.
b) Customs officers found scorpions at Charles de Gaulle airport.
c) People sold scorpions at Charles de Gaulle airport.
d) A new species of scorpion were discovered in Cameroon, Africa.

Read the text.

People run from a plane
There was an accident at an airport in Montreal. A fire started on a belt which
moves passengers’ luggage.
Smoke filled the plane with about 250 passengers inside. Most of them used the
emergency slide to get out.
Five people were injured while they were on the slide. They were taken to the
Available at: <www.newsinlevels.com/products/people-run-from-a-plane-level-2/>. March 8 th, 2016.

Belt – cinto; correia.
Smoke – fumaça.
To fill – encher.
Emergency slide – escorregador de emergência.
Injured – ferido; machucado.

According to the text, what caused the accident?

a) A fire started on a belt which moves passengers’ luggage.
b) The airplane crashed another plane.
c) O ne passenger was smoking on the plane.
d) O ne part of the airplane exploded.
“We’ve got a really good program and it’s just for your machine”, he said. “It’s nearly
finished and we’d like to come and show it to you.”
“Fine,” said Ed Roberts. “I’ll meet you at the airport.”
However, Bill and Paul had a big problem. They had not actually written the program
that they had promised. So they sat down and worked as hard as they could. After
several days and nights at their desks, they had nearly finished a program that would
allow the BASIC computer language to be used on the Altair computer.

Mark the correct option according to the text.

a) Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Ed Roberts created the Altair computer.
b) Bill Gates and Paul Allen worked in a company in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
c) Bill Gates and Paul Allen didn’t finish their work in time.
d) Bill Gates and Paul Allen created a computer program.


Read the text.
At first, computers were very large.
Over time, people made them smaller and smaller.
The internet first began in 1969. It became very popular in the early 1990s.
Computers are important for many reasons. One reason is the internet. The
internet is a group of many computers. The computers share information with each
other. You can find a lot of information on the internet.
The boy Hideki looks on the internet. He wants information about his home
country, Japan. Hideki goes online. He does a search for Japan. Then he clicks on a
KAUFFMAN, Dorothy. The computer age. Oxford University Press, 2005. p. 2-8. Adapted.

Over time: com o passar do tempo.
To begin: começar; iniciar.
To become: tornar-se.
Reason: razão.
To share: compartilhar.
Home country: terra natal.

31 According to the text, the internet is

a) a very large computer.
b) not very popular.
c) the name of a famous website.
d) a group of many computers.

32 Read the sentence.

Hideki is going to search about Japan.
Change the sentence into the negative form. Mark the correct option.
a) Hideki is going not to search about Japan.
b) Hideki is going to not search about Japan.
c) Hideki is not going to search about Japan.
d) Hideki is no going to search about Japan.

33 Look at the picture.

According to the picture, mark the correct option.

a) The computer is in the table.
b) The sofa is behind the man and the boy.
c) The mouse is in the table.
d) The window is beside the curtains.

The mouse is on the table.

The man is in the computer.
The mouse is on the sofá.
The boy is under the table.

Read the text.

Cliff: Stop that, Tod. Your parents may arrive.
Tod: Relax, Cliff. My parents are travelling. Don’t worry. I think we are close to it now.
The two boys looked at the computer. Many sentences appeared on the screen showing
that the computer was processing their last command. Suddenly, a message flashed:
Cliff: Oh, no! Not that again! Let’s give up, Tod. Let’s forget about traveling around
the world. Turn that machine off and let’s go to the movies.
Tod: Cool it, Cliff! What’s the matter with you? There’s no danger. Imagine if we enter
the system of National Airways! We can have all airplane tickets we want.
Cliff: Yes, but we don’t know the password. And they are going to find us out before we
can reach the system! We are going to get in trouble with the police, Tod.
Tod: Just cool it, Cliff. I am going to tell the computer to discover the password.
Cliff: Oh, yeah? And how are you going to do that? It’s impossible.
Tod: No, it isn’t. Look here. I asked what the structure of the password was and the
system is telling me that it is seven characters: three letters and four numbers. I am
giving an instruction to the computer to try all combinations of three letters and four
Cliff: But that is going to take ages!
Tod: No, it is not. Three hours at the most. See? It started. Let’s go downstairs and eat
AMOS, E.; PASQUALIN, E.; MARTINS, E. P. Data Danger. São Paulo: Moderna, 1990. Adapted.
To arrive: chegar.
Close: perto.
To process: processar.
Command: comando.
Suddenly: de repente.
Password: senha.
Further: adiante; mais além.
To give up: desistir.
Matter: problema.
To reach: alcançar; atingir.
At the most: no máximo.

34 How is Tod going to discover the password?

a) He is going to give an instruction to the computer to try all possible combinations.
b) He is going to ask for National Airways to give the password.
c) He is going to ask the password for his parents.
d) He is going to try all the passwords that he knows.
35 Read the sentence.
They are going to get in trouble with the police.
Change the sentence into the interrogative form. Mark the correct option.
a) They are going to get in trouble with the police?
b) A re going to get in trouble with the police?
c) A re they go to get in trouble with the police?
d) A re they going to get in trouble with the police?


Read the text.
The three little pigs are brothers. They are going into the forest. They want to build
three houses.
“Let’s build our houses here,” says the first little pig, Percy.
“Yes,” says the second little pig, Peter.
“That’s a good idea,” says the third little pig, Patrick.
The first little pig, Percy, gets some straw and he starts to build a house of straw.
The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood and he starts to build a house of wood.
The third little pig, Patrick, is very clever. He gets some bricks and he starts to build a
house of bricks.
Now all the houses are ready. The three little pigs make a fence and they paint it red.
But a big bad wolf lives in the forest. Every day the wolf watches the pigs.
He is hungry and he wants to eat them. He looks at the house of straw and he says, “I
can smell a
little pig. I want to eat him for my dinner”.
The three little pigs. Cengage Learning, 2004. Adapted by Joanne Swan.
To build: construir.
To get: pegar.
Straw: palha.
Wood: madeira.
Clever: esperto; inteligente.
Brick: tijolo.
Ready: pronto; preparado.
Fence: cerca.
To smell: cheirar; sentir cheiro.
31 According to the text, mark the correct option.
a) The wolf is a good friend of the pigs.
b) The three houses are made of wood.
c) The three pigs live together in the same house.
d) The pigs Percy, Peter and Patrick are brothers.
32 Look at the picture.
According to the picture, mark the correct option.
a) There is three pigs in the yard.
b) There are two pigs in the yard.
c) There are three pigs in the yard.
d) There is no pig in the yard.

33 Read the sentences.

I. The three little pigs are brothers.
II. But a big bad wolf lives in the forest.
Mark the option that brings the opposite adjectives of the highlighted words.
a) (I) thin; (II) tall, ugly.
b) (I) big; (II) small, good.
c) (I) old; (II) fat, short.
d) (I) long; (II) new, beautiful.

Read the text and answer the questions 34 and 35.

There are many species of animals and plants in danger.
The Indian rhinoceros is endangered specie.
The scientific name of this mammal is Rhinoceros unicornis.
The Indian rhinoceros is dark brown. Its skin is very hard.
The rhinoceros is not an aggressive animal. It is herbivorous and very heavy – about 2,500 kilos.
Average size: 1.68 meters tall.
The habitat of this mammal is the grasslands, swamps, and forests in Nepal and northern India.
Today there are about 2,500 Indian rhinoceros alive.
AMOS, E.; PASQUALIN, E.; MARTINS, E. P. Endangered Species. São Paulo: Moderna, 1993. Adapted.

Danger: perigo.
Endangered: ameaçado; em extinção.
Mammal: mamífero.
Skin: pele.
Heavy: pesado.
Average: médio.
Size: tamanho.
Grassland: savana.
Swamp: pântano.
About: aproximadamente; em torno de; cerca de.
Alive: vivo.
34 According to the text, the Indian rhinoceros is
a) herbivorous and very heavy.
b) an aggressive animal.
c) a farm animal.
d) a calm pet.

35 How many Indian rhinoceros are alive today?

a) Today there are about 2,500 kilos.
b) Today there are about 1,68 Indian rhinoceros alive.
c) Today there are about 1,500 Indian rhinoceros alive.
d) Today there are about 2,500 Indian rhinoceros alive.

The box of biscuits is:


Look at the picture.

Mark the correct sentence.

a) I have sandwiches.
b) You has sandwiches.
c) It has sandwiches.
d) They have sandwiches.

Look at the picture.

It’s cold. It’s snowing. In_________________ , kids like to play in the snow.
Mark the option that correctly fills in the blank.
a) summer
b) spring
c) fall
d) winter

Look at the picture.

What number do the candles show?
a) fifteen-five
b) five-five
c) fifty-five
d) five-fifty

a) This
b) These
c) That
d) Those


What time is it?

A) It´s thirty past

These are Paul and Daisy. What is his job?

This is Michael. He is a policeman.

This is Daisy and she is a baker.

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