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1. The purpose of the text : to retell past event.

2. The Structure of the text :
a. Orientation : tell to the reader who was involved, what happened, where
this event took place and when it happened.
b. Event [ 1, 2, 3, etc ] : tell the sequence of events [ writer] .
c. Reorientation : tell the summarizes the event.
3. Language Feature :
a. Focus on individual people [ I or we }
b. Use action word [ helped, cooked / verb 2 }
c. Use past tense / waktu lampau.


One morning I got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky one
for me. How right it was ! I found that it was already 06.15 a.m.
I rushed into the bathroom. I didn’t see a piece of soap lying on the floor. I stepped
on it and slipped, almost breaking my back in process.
Then I went into the dining room for my breakfast. I gulped down the tea with out
realizing that it was very hot. It burnt my togue. I spat it out and cloud not eat anything
because my tongue hurt. I got dressed and rushed to the bus stop.
Unfortunately , I just missed the bus. My heart sank and I knew that I would be late
for school.
When I reached school, my name was taken down by the teacher . The teacher
scolded me for being late. To my humiliation. I was made to stand outside the class. I was so
upset by the incidents that I could not study properly. But worse was to come.
After school, I was on my way home when something hard hit me on the head.
Someone had thrown a bag of fish bones out of the window and it landed on me !. I was
boiling with rage but could do nothing. However, luckily for me, this only raised a small lump
on my head.
I managed to reach home safe and sound, and did not dare to go out again for the
rest of the day.

Answer this question !

1. What is the purpose of the text ?
2. What tense is used in the text ?
3. Who do you think wrote the text ?
4. Is the text easy to follow ?
5. What happened in the bath room ?
6. What happened in the dinning room?
7. Was the writer late to school ? Why ?
8. How did the teacher punish the writer ?
9. What happened to writer on his way home ?
10.What does the orientation contain ?

One afternoon, Daud and his sister were playing in park near the seaside. Suddenly,
Daud heard a voice shouting. “Help, Help!” He looked out to the sea. He saw a boy about four
Years old struggling in the water. The boy grew weaker and slowly sank into the water.
Unfortunately, there was no lifeguard around and no body did anything.
Daud quickly took off his shirt and threw it to his sister. His sister tried to pull him back, but
He shook off her hand. He ran towards the spot where the boy had vanished. He slowly swam
Toward the boy, put his arm around his neck and dragged him back to the share. Soon, they were
Both safe on dry ground.

Answer this question !

1. Who were in the text ?

2. What did Daud see when he and his sister were playing ?
3. Why do the boy sank into the water ?
4. Daud quickly took off his shirt …. . The antonym of “ took off “ is ….
5. What is the social function of the text ?
6. Could Daud save the boy ?
7. Find the word in the text with their definition or synonym
A. a place by the sea ;
B. Free himself from somebody :
C. Remove :
D. Pull something big or heavy ;

Good luck

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