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Assume that you are eating your food in three times a day, what are the probability that
one of the people are eating the same kind of food you consume? It’s pretty low I guest. Afterall
everyone has very different kind of tastebuds. It is the same with medical healthcare of our body,
the odds are even lower because as we grow our body have different needs and immunity.
Moreover, doctors, scientist and other medical health professionals are looking ways to provide a
cure from diseases and one of this is STUDYING/RESEARCHING THE STEM CELLS. STEM
CELLS. Stem Cells are cells that are found throughout the human body. It is the body’s raw
materials with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a
laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells. These daughter cells either
become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more
specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell
in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types.
Did you know that stem cells are UNIQUE?
It is one of the cutting edges of medicine because of all their uses and the qualities that make
them so unique from any other cell in the body. Stem cells have the power to make so many
breakthroughs in the medical world. Medical researchers have already found so many ways that
stem cells can be used in to increase understanding of how diseases occur, generate healthy cells
to replaced diseased cells and to test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. Stem cells
themselves do not serve any single purpose but are important for several reasons.


First, with the right stimulation of function of stem cells. This potential could save lives or repair
wounds and tissue damage in people after an illness or injury. Scientists see many possible uses
for stem cells.
Tissue regeneration is probably the most important use of stem cells. As an example, doctors
have already used stem cells from just beneath the skin’s surface to make new skin tissue. They
can then repair a severe burn or another injury by grafting this tissue onto the damaged skin, and
new skin will grow back.

Scientist are finding ways that someday stem cell can be used to create a medicine in
which we could replace your own body parts with your own body arts. They are finding ways in
which they can use stem cells to create new tissue to replace the parts of organ that are damaged
by accidents or disease or called Regenerative medicine. Until now, a person who needed a new
kidney, for example, had to wait for a donor and then undergo a transplant.
There is a shortage of donor organs but, by instructing stem cells to differentiate in a certain way,
scientists could use them to grow a specific tissue type or organ.

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